Americans, Isnt it Time to Bury the Hatchet and Come Together Again?

OK, it has been demonstrated that the GOP can play hard ball too and push things through despite 100% Democrat opposition and some very questionable tactics.

Lets move on and come back together as Americans, can we?

I am suggesting several things need to happen:

1. lets end the gladiatorial polarizing news/'debate' formats ans try to seriously represent the issues with fair minded adults, not bomb throwing partisan ideologues.

2. Trump has his conservative majority on the court that will probably last decades, how about an olive branch to the Democrats and propose nominating Merick Garland if Bader Ruth Ginsburg retires? It still moves the SCOTUS toward a more conservative composition, but also removes a bone of contention, being the ignored Garland nomination?

3. Trump should announce he will give a pardon to everyone who has been prosecuted or might be prosecuted for any crimes during the 2016 election or related to investigations thereof. This might restore some bipartisan spirit of compromise and congeniality and remove the specter of being prosecuted simply because the other side controls the DOJ and executive branch.

I know alot of Democrats and they are patriots too, just poorly led, and much of that shortfall in their leadership is due to the heightened polarization that has been occurring for the last four decades.

Lets bury the hatchet and return to supporting each other for the common national good shall we?

The GOP has tried that for years. McCain was famous for crossing the isle. Trump proposed it in his SOTU address. Democrats wouldn't even applaud the good things. Obama famously stuck it to the Republicans every chance he had. Even leaving land mines behind him to trip up Trump after he was gone. Its the Democrats who are sworn to radical, idealistic, extreme, isolationist intolerance. The GOP talk about the need to unite all the time. The Dems NEVER do. They are the divide, overcome and conquer party. The Dems had the nerve to show up at McCain's funeral touting what a great man he was and almost a day later were right back at their usual MO.

They created Trump. They've made a mortal enemy of him. Now they made an enemy of Kavanaugh. That's 66% of the government. The Democrats are less than half of the other 33% Now they better not whine when it all comes back to bite them in the ass. Win or lose this fall, the Dems have a big surprise coming their way. Sucks to be them.

Huge winning post here. What we saw happen when Republicans tried to compromise in the past is why we elected Trump. We have learned our lesson. No stopping until they are beaten into the ground.

Look at what happened years ago when Bush 41 took them at their word and compromised on no new taxes. Like a snake, they screwed him over and it came back to bite him in the ass and ultimately cost him a second term. Gave us the Clintons. We've paid the price ever since. When you're dealing with a scorpion or a viper, expect to be bitten. Best to crush the poor creature out of its misery. Actions have consequences, and the Democrats have built the sledgehammer, raised it up and cocked it, now they've pulled the trigger. Too bad they are the ones standing under where it shall fall.
THe war isn't over yet. The demonrats still have to attack some more until Nov. when relection comes in what thirty some days or so. They've got more people to try and smear, drag through the mud etc. They just might do something super drastic like try and take someone out ........... Like Trump. They are desperate to take the house back.

They've destroyed anybody with a brain wantingg anything to do wtih them, even on civilian levels. Most awakened ppl can't even stand a freaking Trump hater, Anti American pricks. They're freaking morons beyond repair.

Even some Demorats are turning on their little Demotards partners in crime.

They also know via Kavanaugh, if they can do that to him who the hell else will they try to smear be it Rep. or Demo.
OK, it has been demonstrated that the GOP can play hard ball too and push things through despite 100% Democrat opposition and some very questionable tactics.

Lets move on and come back together as Americans, can we?

I am suggesting several things need to happen:

1. lets end the gladiatorial polarizing news/'debate' formats ans try to seriously represent the issues with fair minded adults, not bomb throwing partisan ideologues.

2. Trump has his conservative majority on the court that will probably last decades, how about an olive branch to the Democrats and propose nominating Merick Garland if Bader Ruth Ginsburg retires? It still moves the SCOTUS toward a more conservative composition, but also removes a bone of contention, being the ignored Garland nomination?

3. Trump should announce he will give a pardon to everyone who has been prosecuted or might be prosecuted for any crimes during the 2016 election or related to investigations thereof. This might restore some bipartisan spirit of compromise and congeniality and remove the specter of being prosecuted simply because the other side controls the DOJ and executive branch.

I know alot of Democrats and they are patriots too, just poorly led, and much of that shortfall in their leadership is due to the heightened polarization that has been occurring for the last four decades.

Lets bury the hatchet and return to supporting each other for the common national good shall we?
This is not going to happen as long as Soros control the Democratic party and the 527s are still breaking the law. Here are three examples:
Alliance for Justice: Best known for its activism vis a vis the appointment of federal judges, this group consistently depicts Republican judicial nominees as "extremists."
America Coming Together: Soros played a major role in creating this group, whose purpose was to coordinate and organize pro-Democrat voter-mobilization programs.
America Votes: Soros also played a major role in creating this group, whose get-out-the-vote campaigns targeted likely Democratic voters.
OK, it has been demonstrated that the GOP can play hard ball too and push things through despite 100% Democrat opposition and some very questionable tactics.

Lets move on and come back together as Americans, can we?

I am suggesting several things need to happen:

1. lets end the gladiatorial polarizing news/'debate' formats ans try to seriously represent the issues with fair minded adults, not bomb throwing partisan ideologues.

2. Trump has his conservative majority on the court that will probably last decades, how about an olive branch to the Democrats and propose nominating Merick Garland if Bader Ruth Ginsburg retires? It still moves the SCOTUS toward a more conservative composition, but also removes a bone of contention, being the ignored Garland nomination?

3. Trump should announce he will give a pardon to everyone who has been prosecuted or might be prosecuted for any crimes during the 2016 election or related to investigations thereof. This might restore some bipartisan spirit of compromise and congeniality and remove the specter of being prosecuted simply because the other side controls the DOJ and executive branch.

I know alot of Democrats and they are patriots too, just poorly led, and much of that shortfall in their leadership is due to the heightened polarization that has been occurring for the last four decades.

Lets bury the hatchet and return to supporting each other for the common national good shall we?
Why not? It just might work. Listen to each other as people, not pat labels. Accept, well, the deep dark politics as this country has become about...MONEY. $ Lawyers. I hate to be a wet blanket cynic, but America has lost it's basic principles. Bye bye. Liberals aren't my brand of liberal, and Conservatives are just shills. It's time for a another REVOLUTION, since our politicians don't reflect US or our wants.
Nope. For the past several years leftists have called me a racist, a Nazi, and a woman hater. I've been told that I haven't succeeded on my own merits but that I stole everything I've earned. I've been demonized for the color of my skin and vilified for daring to put America first.

I want nothing to do with these people. Not now, not ever. I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire, and they have nobody to blame but themselves.
Nope. For the past several years leftists have called me a racist, a Nazi, and a woman hater. I've been told that I haven't succeeded on my own merits but that I stole everything I've earned. I've been demonized for the color of my skin and vilified for daring to put America first.

I want nothing to do with these people. Not now, not ever. I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire, and they have nobody to blame but themselves.

I agree with you

Why do you even listen to the scum?

C'Mon now......spit on the leftist scum....

or just ignore them

GOD why even pay attention to the scum on the Left???????
OK, it has been demonstrated that the GOP can play hard ball too and push things through despite 100% Democrat opposition and some very questionable tactics.

Lets move on and come back together as Americans, can we?

I am suggesting several things need to happen:

1. lets end the gladiatorial polarizing news/'debate' formats ans try to seriously represent the issues with fair minded adults, not bomb throwing partisan ideologues.

2. Trump has his conservative majority on the court that will probably last decades, how about an olive branch to the Democrats and propose nominating Merick Garland if Bader Ruth Ginsburg retires? It still moves the SCOTUS toward a more conservative composition, but also removes a bone of contention, being the ignored Garland nomination?

3. Trump should announce he will give a pardon to everyone who has been prosecuted or might be prosecuted for any crimes during the 2016 election or related to investigations thereof. This might restore some bipartisan spirit of compromise and congeniality and remove the specter of being prosecuted simply because the other side controls the DOJ and executive branch.

I know alot of Democrats and they are patriots too, just poorly led, and much of that shortfall in their leadership is due to the heightened polarization that has been occurring for the last four decades.

Lets bury the hatchet and return to supporting each other for the common national good shall we?
So we do have this template for our Nation as set forth by our founding fathers in document form. I'll just touch on a few of the tenets that come to mind at the moment.

- sovereignty via borders & control from foreign governance,
- armed citizenry primarily to squelch encroachment of Gov. upon its citizenry,
- capitalism and free markets without over burdensome taxation without representation & meddling oversight

Now there is a markedly different landscape today with the abolition of slavery and every man and women possessing 1 full vote lets not get bogged down by the obvious transgressions. The primary tenets remain and I subscribe to these tenets. It so happens that liberal Progressives are just about diametrically opposed to each and every one of the tenets our forefathers put forth and that I hold dear. There is no compromising with the likes of the Democratic party as it exists today! There is no common ground, of any significance, other than some universal truisms pertaining to human or inalienable rights.

The Democratic party seeks to destroy my value system and upturn my way of life, freedoms that I cherish, stifle the economic growth of my hard acquired wealth, flood my Nation with illegals crossing irrelevant borders. NO, I don't want to meet the Dems 1/2 way & quite frankly I seek, through the ballot box, to destroy the opposition's ideology that is seeking to destroy mine~!
OK, it has been demonstrated that the GOP can play hard ball too and push things through despite 100% Democrat opposition and some very questionable tactics.

Lets move on and come back together as Americans, can we?

I am suggesting several things need to happen:

1. lets end the gladiatorial polarizing news/'debate' formats ans try to seriously represent the issues with fair minded adults, not bomb throwing partisan ideologues.

2. Trump has his conservative majority on the court that will probably last decades, how about an olive branch to the Democrats and propose nominating Merick Garland if Bader Ruth Ginsburg retires? It still moves the SCOTUS toward a more conservative composition, but also removes a bone of contention, being the ignored Garland nomination?

3. Trump should announce he will give a pardon to everyone who has been prosecuted or might be prosecuted for any crimes during the 2016 election or related to investigations thereof. This might restore some bipartisan spirit of compromise and congeniality and remove the specter of being prosecuted simply because the other side controls the DOJ and executive branch.

I know alot of Democrats and they are patriots too, just poorly led, and much of that shortfall in their leadership is due to the heightened polarization that has been occurring for the last four decades.

Lets bury the hatchet and return to supporting each other for the common national good shall we?

If you want the US to get back together, you're going to need to get rid of partisan politics, which means changing the system to Proportional Representation.

Anything else just won't work.
I have no issue with Democrats. I have an issue with Leftists. Just as bad as the Alt Right. Until the media comes clean and admits it, there can be no peace.
You could cram the entire alt-right into a single county and there probably wouldn't be enough of them to elect a dog catcher....OTOH, the moonbat left has become the mainstream democrat voter.
I am certain that the far left is NOT the mainstream Democrat voter, promise.
Not the worst idea I've heard. can start by admitting collusion was all a show of good faith.

We'll see what the investigation turns up. You are interested in the truth right? Oh wait...of course you aren't.

Well, so much for burying the hatchet. Leftist don't want peace...they want a reprieve, they want us to let up the pressure. Fuck that.
I can tell everyone right now that there was no collusion and further investigation is just a platform for further smears of Trump and his allies.
Not the worst idea I've heard. can start by admitting collusion was all a show of good faith.

We'll see what the investigation turns up. You are interested in the truth right? Oh wait...of course you aren't.

Well, so much for burying the hatchet. Leftist don't want peace...they want a reprieve, they want us to let up the pressure. Fuck that.

My point proven.
Not the worst idea I've heard. can start by admitting collusion was all a show of good faith.

We'll see what the investigation turns up. You are interested in the truth right? Oh wait...of course you aren't.

Well, so much for burying the hatchet. Leftist don't want peace...they want a reprieve, they want us to let up the pressure. Fuck that.
I can tell everyone right now that there was no collusion and further investigation is just a platform for further smears of Trump and his allies.

Not the worst idea I've heard. can start by admitting collusion was all a show of good faith.

We'll see what the investigation turns up. You are interested in the truth right? Oh wait...of course you aren't.

Well, so much for burying the hatchet. Leftist don't want peace...they want a reprieve, they want us to let up the pressure. Fuck that.
I can tell everyone right now that there was no collusion and further investigation is just a platform for further smears of Trump and his allies.
Candycorn knows it. She won't admit it...but she knows it as well as you and I do. But she'll never admit it.
I almost dared to post this before, but reneged. Who, WHO is WE, THE PEOPLE? In Denver, "WE" moved the airport 20 miles a way instead of expanding on to the Rocky Mountain arsenal land. IT made perfect fiduciary and basic common sense, just expand, nothing else .

But, it was too "polluted". So "they" said. But, WE were going to build runways over polluted land , not bloody eat crops and live on IT for Christ sake , WE said. But "they" moved it anyway. I think it came down to lawyers and contractors, builders and land speculators. That seems to be who "WE" the people are then , or now. $. That's all. We didn't want the airport moved. NO, WE didn't. That is when I got my fist inkling something was wrong in America.

Flash onward NOW, Colorado,the front range. Now the self same speculators that wanted to prevent building on polluted arsenal land, NOW want to build on land polluted by plutonium on rocky flats. Plutonium has a half life of 24 thousand years. We can't build runways on the surface land contaminated with nerve agent residue long since degraded, but we CAN build houses on land that will be contaminated for many millennia?

Something isn't adding up here, What is democracy? Who is "we" in We, the people? Rich speculators, contractors and their lackeys? The games they play? I see all these poor displaced jobless Americans begging in the streets, and they give illegal aliens "sanctuary"? Something is broken here.
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