Americans, Isnt it Time to Bury the Hatchet and Come Together Again?

Not the worst idea I've heard. can start by admitting collusion was all a show of good faith.

We'll see what the investigation turns up. You are interested in the truth right? Oh wait...of course you aren't.

Well, so much for burying the hatchet. Leftist don't want peace...they want a reprieve, they want us to let up the pressure. Fuck that.
I can tell everyone right now that there was no collusion and further investigation is just a platform for further smears of Trump and his allies.
Candycorn knows it. She won't admit it...but she knows it as well as you and I do. But she'll never admit it.

The investigation into the multiple scandals continues.
Americans, Isnt it Time to Bury the Hatchet and Come Together Again?

Hmmmm... OK.

Look at what happened years ago when Bush 41 took them at their word and compromised on no new taxes. Like a snake, they screwed him over and it came back to bite him in the ass and ultimately cost him a second term. Gave us the Clintons. We've paid the price ever since. When you're dealing with a scorpion or a viper, expect to be bitten. Best to crush the poor creature out of its misery. Actions have consequences, and the Democrats have built the sledgehammer, raised it up and cocked it, now they've pulled the trigger. Too bad they are the ones standing under where it shall fall.

Worse than that they attacked him for agreeing with them. And this is a moment in history all decent Americans should learn from. After the Democrat controlled Congress beat Bush into signing the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 they
(1) immediately reneged on the reduced spending parts (anybody remember "
Paygo"? Yep that was part of the promise..and there is a reason you dont remember it). And then...
(2) began to attack Bush for raising taxes. Yeah. The taxes they demanded. Democrats have no soul and they know their followers dont either.

Bush agreed to a budget compromise with Congress which raised taxes. Clinton was able to condemn the tax increase effectively on both its own merits and as a reflection of Bush's dishonesty. Effective Democratic TV ads were aired showing a clip of Bush's infamous 1988 campaign speech in which he promised "Read my new taxes" LINK

"Bush's eventual opponent Bill Clinton used the broken pledge to great effect late in the campaign. In October 1992 a television commercial, designed by campaign strategist James Carville, had Bush repeating the phrase to illustrate Bush's perfidious nature. It was regarded as one of the most effective of all of Clinton's campaign ads..." LINK

And now watch them here snicker, after stymieing the wall, that Trump lied and didn't build the wall. Snakes and scorpions as you say. This is what they do. It's their nature.

Never ever compromise with them.
OK, it has been demonstrated that the GOP can play hard ball too and push things through despite 100% Democrat opposition and some very questionable tactics.

Lets move on and come back together as Americans, can we?

I am suggesting several things need to happen:

1. lets end the gladiatorial polarizing news/'debate' formats ans try to seriously represent the issues with fair minded adults, not bomb throwing partisan ideologues.

2. Trump has his conservative majority on the court that will probably last decades, how about an olive branch to the Democrats and propose nominating Merick Garland if Bader Ruth Ginsburg retires? It still moves the SCOTUS toward a more conservative composition, but also removes a bone of contention, being the ignored Garland nomination?

3. Trump should announce he will give a pardon to everyone who has been prosecuted or might be prosecuted for any crimes during the 2016 election or related to investigations thereof. This might restore some bipartisan spirit of compromise and congeniality and remove the specter of being prosecuted simply because the other side controls the DOJ and executive branch.

I know alot of Democrats and they are patriots too, just poorly led, and much of that shortfall in their leadership is due to the heightened polarization that has been occurring for the last four decades.

Lets bury the hatchet and return to supporting each other for the common national good shall we?


You have protesters showing up at Kavanaugh's hearing, even before the revelations about DOCTOR Ford, as they are screaming obscenities in front of his young daughters and you want to throw people like this an olive branch?

These people don't need to be pacified, which will never happen, they need to be defeated.

Thanks in advance Mr. Chamberlin.


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Come together with bigots, Nazi sympathizers and rapist sympathizers? No thanks.

And you people think Democrats are radicals? Lol! Democrats are hardly radicals and they are aren’t aggressive progressives.
OK, it has been demonstrated that the GOP can play hard ball too and push things through despite 100% Democrat opposition and some very questionable tactics.

Lets move on and come back together as Americans, can we?

I am suggesting several things need to happen:

1. lets end the gladiatorial polarizing news/'debate' formats ans try to seriously represent the issues with fair minded adults, not bomb throwing partisan ideologues.

2. Trump has his conservative majority on the court that will probably last decades, how about an olive branch to the Democrats and propose nominating Merick Garland if Bader Ruth Ginsburg retires? It still moves the SCOTUS toward a more conservative composition, but also removes a bone of contention, being the ignored Garland nomination?

3. Trump should announce he will give a pardon to everyone who has been prosecuted or might be prosecuted for any crimes during the 2016 election or related to investigations thereof. This might restore some bipartisan spirit of compromise and congeniality and remove the specter of being prosecuted simply because the other side controls the DOJ and executive branch.

I know alot of Democrats and they are patriots too, just poorly led, and much of that shortfall in their leadership is due to the heightened polarization that has been occurring for the last four decades.

Lets bury the hatchet and return to supporting each other for the common national good shall we?
Sorry, but they have proven themselves untrustworthy of such an olive branch.

They would not offer to do the same should the circumstance be reversed.

If the Republicans -- this is a big if -- actually believe in their principles and are following them, then it would be a betrayal to compromise these values for the sake of feeling sorry for their plight.
I am certain that the far left is NOT the mainstream Democrat voter, promise
All that you've seen and you don't see that this IS the mainstream Demonrat Party? And Islam is a religion of peace.

Here is the disconnect.

People like Jim have liberal friends that are nice people. What he does not realize is, the Left has taken over the democrat party. These people are not liberals. They don't believe in free speech, they don't even believe in civility. No, these are brown shirts.

However, liberals still don't understand what has taken over their party, much like they insist that Islam is a religion of peace.
Come together with bigots, Nazi sympathizers and rapist sympathizers? No thanks.

And you people think Democrats are radicals? Lol! Democrats are hardly radicals and they are aren’t aggressive progressives.
Democrats ARE radical AND radicalized.
Come together with bigots, Nazi sympathizers and rapist sympathizers? No thanks.

And you people think Democrats are radicals? Lol! Democrats are hardly radicals and they are aren’t aggressive progressives.

The bloody deranged left: A woman resists Capitol security attempts to remove her from the Kavanaugh committee hearing even as she apparently menstruates all over her clothing and chair.

As long as corporate donations buy off members of both parties, the stranglehold of special interests continues, a lack of term limits to keep an elite political class from holding office for decades, the continued growth of debt burden created by both parties, the erosion of civil liberties by said political class of both parties...

I will always see this as over bloated Government vs. The People.

On that there can be no compromise.
As long as corporate donations buy off members of both parties, the stranglehold of special interests continues, a lack of term limits to keep an elite political class from holding office for decades, the continued growth of debt burden created by both parties, the erosion of civil liberties by said political class of both parties...

I will always see this as over bloated Government vs. The People.

On that there can be no compromise.

Well then, look into the Article V movement.

They want to have the states amend the Constitution to reign in the federal government. It has never been used before, but it was put there by the Founding Fathers for a time such as this.

The Federal government will never impose term limits on itself, nor will it put a curb on it's own spending.
Come together with bigots, Nazi sympathizers and rapist sympathizers? No thanks.

And you people think Democrats are radicals? Lol! Democrats are hardly radicals and they are aren’t aggressive progressives.
Democrats ARE radical AND radicalized.

I wish Democrats were radicals. They would have energized the base. Democrats have been acting like a bunch of pussies and they need to get more radical with the rethuglicans.
Come together with bigots, Nazi sympathizers and rapist sympathizers? No thanks.

And you people think Democrats are radicals? Lol! Democrats are hardly radicals and they are aren’t aggressive progressives.
Democrats ARE radical AND radicalized.

I wish Democrats were radicals. They would have energized the base. Democrats have been acting like a bunch of pussies and they need to get more radical with the rethuglicans.
Oh, they're radicals alright.
Come together with bigots, Nazi sympathizers and rapist sympathizers? No thanks.

And you people think Democrats are radicals? Lol! Democrats are hardly radicals and they are aren’t aggressive progressives.
Democrats ARE radical AND radicalized.

I wish Democrats were radicals. They would have energized the base. Democrats have been acting like a bunch of pussies and they need to get more radical with the rethuglicans.
OK, it has been demonstrated that the GOP can play hard ball too and push things through despite 100% Democrat opposition and some very questionable tactics.

Lets move on and come back together as Americans, can we?

I am suggesting several things need to happen:

1. lets end the gladiatorial polarizing news/'debate' formats ans try to seriously represent the issues with fair minded adults, not bomb throwing partisan ideologues.

2. Trump has his conservative majority on the court that will probably last decades, how about an olive branch to the Democrats and propose nominating Merick Garland if Bader Ruth Ginsburg retires? It still moves the SCOTUS toward a more conservative composition, but also removes a bone of contention, being the ignored Garland nomination?

3. Trump should announce he will give a pardon to everyone who has been prosecuted or might be prosecuted for any crimes during the 2016 election or related to investigations thereof. This might restore some bipartisan spirit of compromise and congeniality and remove the specter of being prosecuted simply because the other side controls the DOJ and executive branch.

I know alot of Democrats and they are patriots too, just poorly led, and much of that shortfall in their leadership is due to the heightened polarization that has been occurring for the last four decades.

Lets bury the hatchet and return to supporting each other for the common national good shall we? isn't the GOP who is creating the problem...... Sotomayor, and Kagan sailed through their confirmations...... you don't see republicans attacking people in Restaurants

The idea that it is both sides and that peace can be achieved if both sides "come together" is foolish. The democrats are hard core leftists now and will do absolutely anything to gain power....they are the problem....tell them to stop being asshats...
OK, it has been demonstrated that the GOP can play hard ball too and push things through despite 100% Democrat opposition and some very questionable tactics.

Lets move on and come back together as Americans, can we?

I am suggesting several things need to happen:

1. lets end the gladiatorial polarizing news/'debate' formats ans try to seriously represent the issues with fair minded adults, not bomb throwing partisan ideologues.

2. Trump has his conservative majority on the court that will probably last decades, how about an olive branch to the Democrats and propose nominating Merick Garland if Bader Ruth Ginsburg retires? It still moves the SCOTUS toward a more conservative composition, but also removes a bone of contention, being the ignored Garland nomination?

3. Trump should announce he will give a pardon to everyone who has been prosecuted or might be prosecuted for any crimes during the 2016 election or related to investigations thereof. This might restore some bipartisan spirit of compromise and congeniality and remove the specter of being prosecuted simply because the other side controls the DOJ and executive branch.

I know alot of Democrats and they are patriots too, just poorly led, and much of that shortfall in their leadership is due to the heightened polarization that has been occurring for the last four decades.

Lets bury the hatchet and return to supporting each other for the common national good shall we?
lets end the gladiatorial polarizing news/'debate' formats ans try to seriously represent the issues with fair minded adults, not bomb throwing partisan ideologues.
There's a new guy on here you should talk to if you mean that--his name is "well named."

how about an olive branch to the Democrats and propose nominating Merick Garland if Bader Ruth Ginsburg retires?
Awesome idea.

#3 -- LOL
OK, it has been demonstrated that the GOP can play hard ball too and push things through despite 100% Democrat opposition and some very questionable tactics.

Lets move on and come back together as Americans, can we?

I am suggesting several things need to happen:

1. lets end the gladiatorial polarizing news/'debate' formats ans try to seriously represent the issues with fair minded adults, not bomb throwing partisan ideologues.

2. Trump has his conservative majority on the court that will probably last decades, how about an olive branch to the Democrats and propose nominating Merick Garland if Bader Ruth Ginsburg retires? It still moves the SCOTUS toward a more conservative composition, but also removes a bone of contention, being the ignored Garland nomination?

3. Trump should announce he will give a pardon to everyone who has been prosecuted or might be prosecuted for any crimes during the 2016 election or related to investigations thereof. This might restore some bipartisan spirit of compromise and congeniality and remove the specter of being prosecuted simply because the other side controls the DOJ and executive branch.

I know alot of Democrats and they are patriots too, just poorly led, and much of that shortfall in their leadership is due to the heightened polarization that has been occurring for the last four decades.

Lets bury the hatchet and return to supporting each other for the common national good shall we?

2. Trump has his conservative majority on the court that will probably last decades, how about an olive branch to the Democrats and propose nominating Merick Garland if Bader Ruth Ginsburg retires? It still moves the SCOTUS toward a more conservative composition, but also removes a bone of contention, being the ignored Garland nomination?

No. When Ginsburg leaves the court, Trump should put Amy Coney Barret up for her spot...then you will see how "coming together" the democrats think they are unhinged now, they will be insane, violent and out of control.

Garland had his chance and unlucky for him the Republicans held the Senate...why on earth should the Republicans give up a seat on the Court when they control the Senate....

Do you realize that the democrats would never give up a seat on the court to "get along" with republicans?

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