Americans, Isnt it Time to Bury the Hatchet and Come Together Again?

OK, it has been demonstrated that the GOP can play hard ball too and push things through despite 100% Democrat opposition and some very questionable tactics.

Lets move on and come back together as Americans, can we?

I am suggesting several things need to happen:

1. lets end the gladiatorial polarizing news/'debate' formats ans try to seriously represent the issues with fair minded adults, not bomb throwing partisan ideologues.

2. Trump has his conservative majority on the court that will probably last decades, how about an olive branch to the Democrats and propose nominating Merick Garland if Bader Ruth Ginsburg retires? It still moves the SCOTUS toward a more conservative composition, but also removes a bone of contention, being the ignored Garland nomination?

3. Trump should announce he will give a pardon to everyone who has been prosecuted or might be prosecuted for any crimes during the 2016 election or related to investigations thereof. This might restore some bipartisan spirit of compromise and congeniality and remove the specter of being prosecuted simply because the other side controls the DOJ and executive branch.

I know alot of Democrats and they are patriots too, just poorly led, and much of that shortfall in their leadership is due to the heightened polarization that has been occurring for the last four decades.

Lets bury the hatchet and return to supporting each other for the common national good shall we?

So you'd like to play nice after the Dims have lost the White House, the Congress, and the Supreme Court? generous of you. :D
People like Jim have liberal friends that are nice people. What he does not realize is, the Left has taken over the democrat party. These people are not liberals. They don't believe in free speech, they don't even believe in civility. No, these are brown shirts.

However, liberals still don't understand what has taken over their party, much like they insist that Islam is a religion of peace.
But the open partisanship and control of both sides by polar opposite idelogues are the underlying problem.

The continued partisan warfare is what is helping to keep these extremists in control of their respective parties.

We have Ted Cruzes and 'Stolen Valor' Blumenthal because of the extreme polarization that currently dominates.

And here is the thing; eventually the GOP will stumble and the Democrats will take power again. In a two party system like ours it is bound to happen.

If we dont move back towards the middle, the Dems will be hard core leftists controlled.

That will truly be a disaster.

We simply must restore the middle of our national political debate. Our nations survival depends on it.
I agree, Jim. Too many folks like Votto are being gulled into believing stereotypical claptrap about the other side. Just like some Democratic nutcases are painting all conservatives as misogynist, racist white nationalists, some Republican nutcases see all liberals as fascist (ironic in the extreme) communist liars working for Satan.

There were a couple hundred protesters outside the Supreme Court last evening while Kavanaugh was being sworn in. CNN and Fox both turned it into a big deal. Fox said it was a mob, CNN saw it as good soldiers storming the battlements.
It was just a couple hundred people. It happens in front of the Supreme Court all the time.

There are two powers feeding this, and they both turn on the same motivator: money.
The political parties milk the conflict for donations -- like the 3 mil collected to support whoever runs against Susan Collins in 2020 -- and the media wants and needs those clicks and viewers and readers. Both need $$ to survive. We can't disassociate ourselves from the media and still know what is happening in the world, and a lot of folks wouldn't abandon their party, but at least we should be aware of what is happening and take the hyperbole with a grain of salt.
If Collins did not vote for him she would be gone
OK, it has been demonstrated that the GOP can play hard ball too and push things through despite 100% Democrat opposition and some very questionable tactics.

Lets move on and come back together as Americans, can we?

I am suggesting several things need to happen:

1. lets end the gladiatorial polarizing news/'debate' formats ans try to seriously represent the issues with fair minded adults, not bomb throwing partisan ideologues.

2. Trump has his conservative majority on the court that will probably last decades, how about an olive branch to the Democrats and propose nominating Merick Garland if Bader Ruth Ginsburg retires? It still moves the SCOTUS toward a more conservative composition, but also removes a bone of contention, being the ignored Garland nomination?

3. Trump should announce he will give a pardon to everyone who has been prosecuted or might be prosecuted for any crimes during the 2016 election or related to investigations thereof. This might restore some bipartisan spirit of compromise and congeniality and remove the specter of being prosecuted simply because the other side controls the DOJ and executive branch.

I know alot of Democrats and they are patriots too, just poorly led, and much of that shortfall in their leadership is due to the heightened polarization that has been occurring for the last four decades.

Lets bury the hatchet and return to supporting each other for the common national good shall we?

Here you go...4 points to your 3...

Kavanaugh: What Have We Learned?

2. The Democrats have no ideas, no principles, just tactics.

If you were under the misapprehension that the Dems were acting on principle, they were more than happy to shatter that illusion. Over and over, at every turn, they insisted that their treatment of Brett Kavanaugh was no different than what those evil Republicans did to Merrick Garland.

Even if you agree with that — and in order to make the comparison, you would have to quote a single Republican who ever accused Garland of organizing gang rapes — it's pretty stupid to admit that you're trying to destroy an innocent man's life for nothing more than revenge. The Dems wanted payback, and they didn't care how they got it. They didn't stop for one second to consider the ramifications of what they were doing. They were unmoored by principle and heedless of scruple. Attack, attack, attack.

3. Dems are angry, vindictive, and violent.

Republicans are getting death threats, and now they're even getting ricin in the mail. They're being doxed. Dems are screaming at them in elevators and hounding them whenever they go out in public.

All these intimidation tactics are happening barely a year after a Bernie Bro tried to assassinate Republicans at baseball practice and almost murdered Steve Scalise.

The Democrats cheer on this behavior, and the media makes excuses for it. Brett Kavanaugh's anger at being falsely accused is bad, and his opponents' anger at their inability to prove the accusations is good. It's as simple at that, in their minds.
You should open your ears, 2AGuy. It's really sad that even in a thread which is dedicated to "burying the hatchet" you are still swinging it directly at the left.
C'mon. How do we reach you?

Your are foolish person. The GOP is not to blame....the democrats turned the corner when ted kennedy, the man who left a woman to die in a car he drove off a bridge, decided to destroy Judge Bork, and they never looked back.....the violence and hate is coming from the democrats, not republicans....if you want peace, tell the democrats to stop acting like violent asshats when they lose an election.
Okay, if you're going to be that way about it, then

Sounds good

But the 24/7 media cycle would never let it happen

You mean AM vomit radio, and Fox News would never let it happen.

Which is kind of ironic considering the fact that for the last 30 years it is them who have made a cottage industry out of dividing the country.

ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN NPR, PBS, the New York Times, the Washington Post, Hollywood........yeah, blame Fox news for the moron.....and AM radio is AM have to actively seek it out....while the leftists in the news and hollywood fill every single broadcast and show with left wing propaganda....

^^^^ This asshole being the prime example. ^^^^
I tell you what, the people that are against the founding principles of America are going to have to be beaten until they learn where they are wrong and correct it. I personally don't see it happening, so they will get voted into irrelevancy.

I hope my predictions don't go the way of Statistikhenfucker's. They surely haven't been, never get too comfortable, though.
Republicans are reasonable people but democrats torch cars and break windows, chase cabinet members out of restaurants, shoot at republican baseball teams and threaten the President with everything from arson to assault and murder to kidnapping. Which party needs to "bury the hatchet"? I'm afraid the hatched would be buried in the President if democrats had their chance.
Republicans are reasonable people but democrats torch cars and break windows, chase cabinet members out of restaurants, shoot at republican baseball teams and threaten the President with everything from arson to assault and murder to kidnapping. Which party needs to "bury the hatchet"? I'm afraid the hatched would be buried in the President if democrats had their chance.
"""Punch him in the face I'll pay his bail"""
Sounds good

But the 24/7 media cycle would never let it happen

You Nazis will be slaughtered in the mid-terms. You bet the farm of the fringe Hollywood left. But even with a billion dollars, Hollywood Carpetbaggers can't even force dedicated Stalinist Beto O'Rourke on Texas. As much as it angers you, outside of California the voters still have the ultimate power. You shit all over your own middle base in your zeal to promote a fringe left agenda.

The strategy of you Nazis has long been to control the court and use the SCOTUS to end the Constitution. Elena Kagan openly said she would end freedom of speech, that "hate speech" is not protected. Another like minded Marxist with a deep hatred of America appointed by Hillary Clinton would have ended this nation and ushered in the brutal Stalinist dictatorship you and Chuck Schumer advocate. But then Trump was elected and it all fell apart.

Your panic over the loss of a generation long plot to destroy America caused you to lash out over the last few weeks and show America that you really are Nazis, that you really do hate America and have malevolent goals. The radical fringe runs your Nazi party and is violent.

You've driven decent people who for whatever reason might have voted democrat away. The 25% of America that is radical left will vote for you in places like Queens. California has openly rigged elections and democrats win through fraud. But in the rest of the nation you Nazis have fucked yourselves. You revealed what you are without the power to impose your will on the nation.

Reconcile? Not a chance. you filthy fucks must be utterly destroyed. You are a clear and present danger to this nation and future generations.
Sounds good

But the 24/7 media cycle would never let it happen

You Nazis will be slaughtered in the mid-terms. You bet the farm of the fringe Hollywood left. But even with a billion dollars, Hollywood Carpetbaggers can't even force dedicated Stalinist Beto O'Rourke on Texas. As much as it angers you, outside of California the voters still have the ultimate power. You shit all over your own middle base in your zeal to promote a fringe left agenda.

The strategy of you Nazis has long been to control the court and use the SCOTUS to end the Constitution. Elena Kagan openly said she would end freedom of speech, that "hate speech" is not protected. Another like minded Marxist with a deep hatred of America appointed by Hillary Clinton would have ended this nation and ushered in the brutal Stalinist dictatorship you and Chuck Schumer advocate. But then Trump was elected and it all fell apart.

Your panic over the loss of a generation long plot to destroy America caused you to lash out over the last few weeks and show America that you really are Nazis, that you really do hate America and have malevolent goals. The radical fringe runs your Nazi party and is violent.

You've driven decent people who for whatever reason might have voted democrat away. The 25% of America that is radical left will vote for you in places like Queens. California has openly rigged elections and democrats win through fraud. But in the rest of the nation you Nazis have fucked yourselves. You revealed what you are without the power to impose your will on the nation.

Reconcile? Not a chance. you filthy fucks must be utterly destroyed. You are a clear and present danger to this nation and future generations.
All you lying fuks who say they respect the constitution have no knowledge of checks and balances? a great thought by the authors of the constitution NOW thanks to the repub scum they are flushed down the toilet Bury the hatchet???? When pigs fly
Sounds good

But the 24/7 media cycle would never let it happen

You Nazis will be slaughtered in the mid-terms. You bet the farm of the fringe Hollywood left. But even with a billion dollars, Hollywood Carpetbaggers can't even force dedicated Stalinist Beto O'Rourke on Texas. As much as it angers you, outside of California the voters still have the ultimate power. You shit all over your own middle base in your zeal to promote a fringe left agenda.

The strategy of you Nazis has long been to control the court and use the SCOTUS to end the Constitution. Elena Kagan openly said she would end freedom of speech, that "hate speech" is not protected. Another like minded Marxist with a deep hatred of America appointed by Hillary Clinton would have ended this nation and ushered in the brutal Stalinist dictatorship you and Chuck Schumer advocate. But then Trump was elected and it all fell apart.

Your panic over the loss of a generation long plot to destroy America caused you to lash out over the last few weeks and show America that you really are Nazis, that you really do hate America and have malevolent goals. The radical fringe runs your Nazi party and is violent.

You've driven decent people who for whatever reason might have voted democrat away. The 25% of America that is radical left will vote for you in places like Queens. California has openly rigged elections and democrats win through fraud. But in the rest of the nation you Nazis have fucked yourselves. You revealed what you are without the power to impose your will on the nation.

Reconcile? Not a chance. you filthy fucks must be utterly destroyed. You are a clear and present danger to this nation and future generations.
All you lying fuks who say they respect the constitution have no knowledge of checks and balances? a great thought by the authors of the constitution NOW thanks to the repub scum they are flushed down the toilet Bury the hatchet???? When pigs fly

Fuck off Nazi, you are irrelevant to a free nation.
Sounds good

But the 24/7 media cycle would never let it happen

You Nazis will be slaughtered in the mid-terms. You bet the farm of the fringe Hollywood left. But even with a billion dollars, Hollywood Carpetbaggers can't even force dedicated Stalinist Beto O'Rourke on Texas. As much as it angers you, outside of California the voters still have the ultimate power. You shit all over your own middle base in your zeal to promote a fringe left agenda.

The strategy of you Nazis has long been to control the court and use the SCOTUS to end the Constitution. Elena Kagan openly said she would end freedom of speech, that "hate speech" is not protected. Another like minded Marxist with a deep hatred of America appointed by Hillary Clinton would have ended this nation and ushered in the brutal Stalinist dictatorship you and Chuck Schumer advocate. But then Trump was elected and it all fell apart.

Your panic over the loss of a generation long plot to destroy America caused you to lash out over the last few weeks and show America that you really are Nazis, that you really do hate America and have malevolent goals. The radical fringe runs your Nazi party and is violent.

You've driven decent people who for whatever reason might have voted democrat away. The 25% of America that is radical left will vote for you in places like Queens. California has openly rigged elections and democrats win through fraud. But in the rest of the nation you Nazis have fucked yourselves. You revealed what you are without the power to impose your will on the nation.

Reconcile? Not a chance. you filthy fucks must be utterly destroyed. You are a clear and present danger to this nation and future generations.
All you lying fuks who say they respect the constitution have no knowledge of checks and balances? a great thought by the authors of the constitution NOW thanks to the repub scum they are flushed down the toilet Bury the hatchet???? When pigs fly

Fuck off Nazi, you are irrelevant to a free nation.
Someone should bury the hatchet in your racist nazi face
Republicans are reasonable people but democrats torch cars and break windows, chase cabinet members out of restaurants, shoot at republican baseball teams and threaten the President with everything from arson to assault and murder to kidnapping. Which party needs to "bury the hatchet"? I'm afraid the hatched would be buried in the President if democrats had their chance.
"""Punch him in the face I'll pay his bail"""
I rest my case.
Sounds good

But the 24/7 media cycle would never let it happen

You Nazis will be slaughtered in the mid-terms. You bet the farm of the fringe Hollywood left. But even with a billion dollars, Hollywood Carpetbaggers can't even force dedicated Stalinist Beto O'Rourke on Texas. As much as it angers you, outside of California the voters still have the ultimate power. You shit all over your own middle base in your zeal to promote a fringe left agenda.

The strategy of you Nazis has long been to control the court and use the SCOTUS to end the Constitution. Elena Kagan openly said she would end freedom of speech, that "hate speech" is not protected. Another like minded Marxist with a deep hatred of America appointed by Hillary Clinton would have ended this nation and ushered in the brutal Stalinist dictatorship you and Chuck Schumer advocate. But then Trump was elected and it all fell apart.

Your panic over the loss of a generation long plot to destroy America caused you to lash out over the last few weeks and show America that you really are Nazis, that you really do hate America and have malevolent goals. The radical fringe runs your Nazi party and is violent.

You've driven decent people who for whatever reason might have voted democrat away. The 25% of America that is radical left will vote for you in places like Queens. California has openly rigged elections and democrats win through fraud. But in the rest of the nation you Nazis have fucked yourselves. You revealed what you are without the power to impose your will on the nation.

Reconcile? Not a chance. you filthy fucks must be utterly destroyed. You are a clear and present danger to this nation and future generations.
All you lying fuks who say they respect the constitution have no knowledge of checks and balances? a great thought by the authors of the constitution NOW thanks to the repub scum they are flushed down the toilet Bury the hatchet???? When pigs fly

Fuck off Nazi, you are irrelevant to a free nation.
Someone should bury the hatchet in your racist nazi face

Other than the hatred you are conditioned to have toward white people, what racism are you bleating about, nazi fuck?
Republicans are reasonable people but democrats torch cars and break windows, chase cabinet members out of restaurants, shoot at republican baseball teams and threaten the President with everything from arson to assault and murder to kidnapping. Which party needs to "bury the hatchet"? I'm afraid the hatched would be buried in the President if democrats had their chance.
"""Punch him in the face I'll pay his bail"""
I rest my case.

The Nazis are violent.

I expect extreme violence from them over the next weeks.
Republicans are reasonable people but democrats torch cars and break windows, chase cabinet members out of restaurants, shoot at republican baseball teams and threaten the President with everything from arson to assault and murder to kidnapping. Which party needs to "bury the hatchet"? I'm afraid the hatched would be buried in the President if democrats had their chance.
"""Punch him in the face I'll pay his bail"""
I rest my case.
That of course was TRUMP now lets hear the rest of your case
Republicans are reasonable people but democrats torch cars and break windows, chase cabinet members out of restaurants, shoot at republican baseball teams and threaten the President with everything from arson to assault and murder to kidnapping. Which party needs to "bury the hatchet"? I'm afraid the hatched would be buried in the President if democrats had their chance.
"""Punch him in the face I'll pay his bail"""
I rest my case.

The Nazis are violent.

I expect extreme violence from them over the next weeks.
Yes but as Trump himself stated Nazis and KKKers , some are nice people
Sure...what's the deal? Lefties will only murder half as many babies? They'll only loot, burn, and riot half as much as they do now? They'll send Pelosi, Maxine, Schumer, Booker, and DiFi to the crazy house where they belong? They'll bring charges of spousal abuse against Ellison?

Where is your middle ground?
You should open your ears, 2AGuy. It's really sad that even in a thread which is dedicated to "burying the hatchet" you are still swinging it directly at the left.
C'mon. How do we reach you?
By not rioting, lying and behaving like civilized adults when your policies are rejected.

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