“Americans Must Stand Up to the Fraud. Kari Lake Did that. Thank God for Kari Lake!”

By "mentor," you mean laugh at.

Well, yeah.
But my poor avatar does strive (with mixed results) to be diplomatic.

But your point is well made.
A judge cannot make that determination without an investigation. Again the Ninth Circuit took care of that. Their decision is now history and there will be a trial.

How'd it go?

How'd it go?
The judges are complicit. We have known that since 2020. It does not mean there was no fraud it just means they refuse to do anything about it. That you want criminals running things shows you have no interest in justice and have 0 character. Something we already knew, Next.
The judges are complicit. We have known that since 2020. It does not mean there was no fraud it just means they refuse to do anything about it. That you want criminals running things shows you have no interest in justice and have 0 character. Something we already knew, Next.

Lake is unhinged and anyone who pays attention to her is an idiot

It sounds to me like Kari Lake is kind of hoping that what happened on January 6th in Washington D.C. happens in her home state of Arizona. It sounds like someone who was unhinged, detached from reality and looking to use outward lies and conspiracy theories to incite and mobilize her lunatic followers to take action."
Here are a few facts:
Lake was favored in every poll. In some over 10%.
Hobbs wouldn't debate. She ran the other way.
The only ad Hobbs ran wasn't about any issue. Only accusing Lake of being Satan and evil.
Hobbs has experience in cheating the vote.
Most people in Arizona know Hobbs is a loser.
Hobbs didn't campaign having to know something the rest of us didn't.
It took Maricopa County longer to count the vote longer than all countries do.
Hobbs is a democRat
Hobbs ran our 2020 election. Only half the number of polling places were open as 2016. The ones that were open only a couple of booth were set up, most stacked in a corner. Many didn't get to vote. But you wouldn't think that with all the votes without custody that showed up in the middle of the night.
Hobbs didn't recluse herself from running the 2022 election.

The last couple of elections have been nothing but fraud because I refuse to believe there are that many people in America or Arizona that fuckin stupid.
Another whiny-bitch MAGA snowflake that simply cannot accept that more people voted against her than for her... :auiqs.jpg:

Real men - and women - running for office in this country have the common decency and love of the Republic and our Constitution to concede gracefully.

Now... some of these MAGA pu$$ie$... from the top on-down... lack such commonplace courage, dignity, grace, and love of country and its traditions and laws.

Such whiny-bitch losers are scum and should be treated as such.

Phukk 'em.
Like Hitlery Clinton and the rest of the filthy Democrats did in 2016?
They did not summon a mob and then incite and unleash that mob in an assault on the United States Congress on January 6, 2021.
No. They summoned 574 Mobs to tear down our monuments ,burn down our cities ,murder Cops ,and impeach a sitting President for a fuckin' Phone call. BTW--That Jan 6th thing was started by Ray Epps. An FBI plant. Fuck Jan 6th.
"...elections have been nothing but fraud because I refuse to believe there are that many people in America or Arizona that fuckin stupid."
Well, there's the bingo!!
After all these months of posters requesting, begging, demanding that proof of impactful fraud in any election be presented, be proven, well, along comes 'bob' and give us the deadsolidperfect evidence of fraud. He nails it.

To wit:

".... because I refuse to believe there are that many people in America or Arizona that fuckin stupid."

Bob's 'refusal-to-believe' is the 'mic drop' irrefutable proof of a fraudulent election.

Who knew? And why did he wait so long to 'refuse to believe'?

I love this bar!
No. They summoned 574 Mobs to tear down our monuments
Nope. The race-riots of 2020 had nothing to do with monuments. Those race-riots happened on your watch. Why did you not suppress them?
,burn down our cities
They're not White Folk Places anymore anyway... don't worry about it.
,murder Cops
Nope. Shrillary and the Dems did not such thing. You lie.
,and impeach a sitting President for a fuckin' Phone call.
The idiot Dems are almost as stupid as you clowns.
BTW--That Jan 6th thing was started by Ray Epps. An FBI plant. Fuck Jan 6th.
Nope. No Sale. Your Orange Comb-Over Piece-of-$hit did that. And now he's going to pay for it... the phukking traitor... modern-day Benedict Arnold.
Nope. The race-riots of 2020 had nothing to do with monuments. Those race-riots happened on your watch. Why did you not suppress them?

They're not White Folk Places anymore anyway... don't worry about it.

Nope. Shrillary and the Dems did not such thing. You lie.

The idiot Dems are almost as stupid as you clowns.

Nope. No Sale. Your Orange Comb-Over Piece-of-$hit did that. And now he's going to pay for it... the phukking traitor... modern-day Benedict Arnold.
You are a fuckin' liar. I saw the fuckin' VIDEO of Ray Epps yelling through his bullhorn. But in truth ,I wish they HAD been an insurrection. Biden sucks.--As for the Riots ,they were LEFT wing traitors. And George Floyd deserved what he got. Nothing but a cockroach.
"J6 was a false flag"
A 'false flag'?

OK, but.....

....but who was behind it? Who were the real Gepetto's pulling the strings?

How do you know?

What proof can you provide to the forum that proves:
1. Your assertion is true; and
2. That you have credibility. That you know what you are talking about.
A 'false flag'?

OK, but.....

....but who was behind it? Who were the real Gepetto's pulling the strings?

How do you know?

What proof can you provide to the forum that proves:
1. Your assertion is true; and
2. That you have credibility. That you know what you are talking about.
Ah, poor poster Lastamender.
That is so so sad.
Icky too.

Your affliction of coprophilia* is probably not suitable for a venue such as this.
And it is certainly not suitable for advancing the gravitas and respectability of your avatar.
You may want to re-think the persona your avatar is reflecting upon you.
Coprophilia is not something you should be proud of and certainly not advertise. IMHO

Good luck to you. And to your avatar.
(Maybe you can interview a few avatar alternatives and contract with another avatar who doesn't carry the 'feces' fascination with him.)

Good luck, seriously.

*In sexual fetishism, scatology (usually abbreviated scat) refers to coprophilia, when a being is sexually aroused by fecal matter, whether in the use of feces in various sexual acts, watching someone defecating, or simply seeing the feces. Entire subcultures in sexuality are devoted to this fetish
Ah, poor poster Lastamender.
That is so so sad.
Icky too.

Your affliction of coprophilia* is probably not suitable for a venue such as this.
And it is certainly not suitable for advancing the gravitas and respectability of your avatar.
You may want to re-think the persona your avatar is reflecting upon you.
Coprophilia is not something you should be proud of and certainly not advertise. IMHO

Good luck to you. And to your avatar.
(Maybe you can interview a few avatar alternatives and contract with another avatar who doesn't carry the 'feces' fascination with him.)

Good luck, seriously.

*In sexual fetishism, scatology (usually abbreviated scat) refers to coprophilia, when a being is sexually aroused by fecal matter, whether in the use of feces in various sexual acts, watching someone defecating, or simply seeing the feces. Entire subcultures in sexuality are devoted to this fetish
Good for Kari, she's not going to back down.

---On Friday night Kari Lake filed a 70-page lawsuit against Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, Maricopa County Board Members Bill Gates, Clint Hickman, Jack Sellers, Thomas Galvin, Steve Gallardo, and elections director Scott Jarret in the Superior Court for the state of Arizona.
The lawsuit alleges HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of illegal votes were counted in the election---

Meanwhile, the other 200 Million of us sit on our good for nothing lazy pathetic asses and do nothing but give a wimpy cheer from the distant bleachers.

Then wonder what happened to our freedom......
"....the other 200 Million of us sit on our good for nothing lazy pathetic asses and do nothing..."
Ah, I hate to be Captain Obvious here good poster BHUnit, but.....but I doubt you can speak for those 200 million.

However, you CAN speak for yourself.
So, partner....what have YOU done?
Other than anonymously whine under a fake name on an internet social media site?
Ah, I hate to be Captain Obvious here good poster BHUnit, but.....but I doubt you can speak for those 200 million.

However, you CAN speak for yourself.
So, partner....what have YOU done?
Other than anonymously whine under a fake name on an internet social media site?

Well Mr. Noobie, (are you even in HS yet?)
Being the eternal optimist that I am.....

The 200 million represented a best case scenario of a majority who oppose the far Left and that most Americans are smarter than the Socialist / Communist wannabees....but simply haven't fully grasped the urgency of the situation.

What have I done you ask?
We'll just leave it at FAR more than you ever will.

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