“Americans Must Stand Up to the Fraud. Kari Lake Did that. Thank God for Kari Lake!”

"We'll just leave it at FAR more than you ever will."

Well, poster Human, I have done nothing as far as the 'election denial' fantasy.

Other than.....vote for candidates who were denying the deniers. I won't say my singular vote was determinative in the campaign losses of the local deniers. But I was gratified that the majority of my fellow citizens in my state felt as I did. All good.

But, if you've done "FAR more than" that....well, Skippy, here's your opportunity to detail for the forum your sincere and substantive efforts to advance the denier's claims.

Saddle up.
The judges are complicit. We have known that since 2020. It does not mean there was no fraud it just means they refuse to do anything about it. That you want criminals running things shows you have no interest in justice and have 0 character. Something we already knew, Next.

There we go. Anyone who doesn't ape the conspiracy is part of it.

The droning conspiracy mantra.
you go girl.:yes_text12:


Here are a few facts:
Lake was favored in every poll. In some over 10%.
Hobbs wouldn't debate. She ran the other way.
The only ad Hobbs ran wasn't about any issue. Only accusing Lake of being Satan and evil.
Hobbs has experience in cheating the vote.
Most people in Arizona know Hobbs is a loser.
Hobbs didn't campaign having to know something the rest of us didn't.
It took Maricopa County longer to count the vote longer than all countries do.
Hobbs is a democRat
Hobbs ran our 2020 election. Only half the number of polling places were open as 2016. The ones that were open only a couple of booth were set up, most stacked in a corner. Many didn't get to vote. But you wouldn't think that with all the votes without custody that showed up in the middle of the night.
Hobbs didn't recluse herself from running the 2022 election.

The last couple of elections have been nothing but fraud because I refuse to believe there are that many people in America or Arizona that fuckin stupid.

Here are a few facts:
Lake was favored in every poll. In some over 10%.

Like I always say, if rightards didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

No, rightard, that is not a fact -- in fact, it's bullshit. And claiming that's a fact which is evidence the election was rigged is an admission that Trump stole the 2016 election from Hillary, who led in most polls.

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No. They summoned 574 Mobs to tear down our monuments ,burn down our cities ,murder Cops ,and impeach a sitting President for a fuckin' Phone call. BTW--That Jan 6th thing was started by Ray Epps. An FBI plant. Fuck Jan 6th.


Did you see the legal bar she's going to have to clear? She has to prove that the voting machines were intentionally sabotaged AND that the sabotage was to intended to turn the election against her AND that voters were actually disenfranchised AND in numbers sufficient to change the outcome of the election AND that she actually won.

She has yet to present evidence to back even one of those claims. And she needs all 5.
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Did you see the legal bar she's going to have to clear? She has to prove that the voting machines were intentionally sabotaged AND that the sabotage was to intended to turn the election against her AND that voters were actually disenfranchised AND in numbers sufficient to change the outcome of the election AND that she actually won.

She has yet to present evidence to back even one of those claims. And she needs all 5.
Wrong again. She only has to prove that the failures of equipment disenfranchised voters, which it clearly did. Fraud is not even mentioned in her lawsuit. Get your ass informed and try again.
Wrong again. She only has to prove that the failures of equipment disenfranchised voters, which it clearly did. Fraud is not even mentioned in her lawsuit. Get your ass informed and try again.

Great, post evidence that over 17,116 people were disenfranchised....
Wrong again. She only has to prove that the failures of equipment disenfranchised voters, which it clearly did. Fraud is not even mentioned in her lawsuit. Get your ass informed and try again.

No, she doesn't. The court was *very* clear

"Lake has "alleged intentional misconduct sufficient to affect the outcome of the election and thus has stated an issue of fact that requires going beyond the pleadings," the ruling stated. It continued that Lake must show at trial that the county's printer malfunctions were intentionally rigged to affect the election results, and that the actions "did actually affect the outcome.""

She has to prove that the malfunctions were INTENTIONALLY RIGGED and that the outcome of the election was affected. The voters in question were able to vote by a number of backup means. Kari Lake has yet to cite even ONE individual who wasn't able to vote due to these malfunctions. And she'll need 17,000. While at the same time, proving that the malfunctions were intentional.

Laughing.....good fucking luck.
No, she doesn't. The court was *very* clear

"Lake has "alleged intentional misconduct sufficient to affect the outcome of the election and thus has stated an issue of fact that requires going beyond the pleadings," the ruling stated. It continued that Lake must show at trial that the county's printer malfunctions were intentionally rigged to affect the election results, and that the actions "did actually affect the outcome.""

She has to prove that the malfunctions were INTENTIONALLY RIGGED and that the outcome of the election was affected. The voters in question were able to vote by a number of backup means. Kari Lake has yet to cite even ONE individual who wasn't able to vote due to these malfunctions. And she'll need 17,000. While at the same time, proving that the malfunctions were intentional.

Laughing.....good fucking luck.
You are wrong and to stupid to realize it. The end. Watch this and learn something.
The evidence is there.

If that were true, you'd post it. That you didn't post it shows there is none.

Thanks for once again showing your hand is empty.
If that were true, you'd post it. That you didn't post it shows there is none.

Thanks for once again showing your hand is empty.
I am not on Lake's legal team. There is proof machines failed and printers ran out of ink. You cannot deny that.
You are wrong and to stupid to realize it. The end. Watch this and learn something.


That guy doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. He idiotically claims Lake doesn't have to prove malfeasance; she just has to prove the machines malfunctioned. Unadulterated bullshit. I guess he doesn't know the judge already threw out 8 of Lake's 10 complaints. Of the two he permitted to proceed, was Lake's claim that there was "intentional misconduct." That means she has to prove there was "intentional misconduct," not just prove the machines malfunctioned.
I am not on Lake's legal team. There is proof machines failed and printers ran out of ink. You cannot deny that.

No proof the machines were intentionally rigged to fail has been shown. Such proof, until shown, I can deny.
You are wrong and to stupid to realize it. The end. Watch this and learn something.

Says you, citing you. And you've literally NEVER been right in any of your predictions of legal outcomes. Your source is quite awful.

Back in reality, the judge laid out the legal standards that Lake will have to meet. This per the judge on what Lake will have to prove:

"Lake has "alleged intentional misconduct sufficient to affect the outcome of the election and thus has stated an issue of fact that requires going beyond the pleadings," the ruling stated. It continued that Lake must show at trial that the county's printer malfunctions were intentionally rigged to affect the election results, and that the actions "did actually affect the outcome.""

Lake has to establish that the printer malfunctions were intentionally rigged. AND disenfranchisment. AND that it would have actually effected the outcome. AND that she would have won.

She has yet to provide evidence to back even one of those claims. Nor has she been able to cite a SINGLE person who couldn't vote due to those malfunctions, as there were backup options. And she'll need 17,000 such instances.

Good luck.
No proof the machines were intentionally rigged to fail has been shown. Such proof, until shown, I can deny.

Last is literally ignoring the judge on what Lake has to prove, and imagining whatever pseudo-legal nonsense that he wants instead.

The standard of Arizona law in intervening on the election.....is fraud. Which requires intent. Which Lake will have to prove that the machines were intentionally rigged with the intent of preventing her election. AND THEN she'll have to prove actual disenfranchisment. AND THEN she'll have to prove that it impacted the election outcome. AND THEN she'll have to prove that she would have won.

And she's presented nothing to back any of those claims. And she needs them all.

That guy doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. He idiotically claims Lake doesn't have to prove malfeasance; she just has to prove the machines malfunctioned. Unadulterated bullshit. I guess he doesn't know the judge already threw out 8 of Lake's 10 complaints. Of the two he permitted to proceed, was Lake's claim that there was "intentional misconduct." That means she has to prove there was "intentional misconduct," not just prove the machines malfunctioned.

Last *really* doesn't understand what's going on. He doesn't understand the legal standards that Lake is going to have to meet. Last doesn't get that the legal threshold for intervention on election outcomes in Arizona.....is fraud that would have changed the outcome.

Lake will have to prove that. 17000 times. And she can't prove it once.

This case is going nowhere.

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