Americans Not In The Labor Force Rise To Record 93,194,000

Right, we have never recovered! a real recovery is 500,000 to 2 Million Jobs a month! not 185,000. Big Deal when we have 93 Million who cant find a job!
What job are you looking for, me, I am looking for a sweet job with high pay and low effort...still looking...
i actually want to go into Vending, I sort of invented a home decor item, just need to be able to make them for about 4.00 and sell for 15.00.
I knew a cat that started his own Little Debbie route, since the factory is about 25 miles from here....the outlet store is soo frickin' cheap on prices, like 1/2 to 3/4 savings from grocery shelves.....Now you know why the 7th Day Adventist is in Gentry. Ark and the stoners...
i wonder what door to door salesmen will sell in the masses if it looks like hillary will win. Gas Masks?
Artificial pussy, women will cut us off again till they have all the power and the money, but not all the time...
if hillary wins, I will be selling shovels. but do floridians know what the earth is like 30 feet under? its not dirt under there!

Its funny as Sarah Palin invested in her state and probably wouldn't do away with infrastructure funding. Reagan was a huge supporter of science and thought it was a good investment to put a huge space station in space. See, not even the people you support are dumb enough to take apart American greatness.
Baby boomers retiring


Yes yes... only problem ya have there is the 95 million people are within the age group that is considered as being part of the work force... thus RETIREES are not being counted as 'not in the work force'.

See how that works?


i wonder how many of the 93 million are dead, just havent been taken off the rosters yet, just like with dead democrats who are still able to vote, are they digging themselves from 6 feet under every 4 years?
Time and time again, we hear how we've been in a six year long "ECONOMIC RECOVERY", yet by every standard, the US Economy has not recovered.

In truth, the best defense the Left has to offer against the claim that the US Economy is worse now than in the great depression, is that "THERE ARE NO SOUP LINES!".

Of course, in reality, thus in truth, the modern iteration of "The Soup Lines" are found in the Welfare Checks and YEARS of Unemployment Checks... . All of which leads to people falling out of the work force.

Below is a brilliant analysis of THAT:

In what was an "unambiguously" unpleasant April jobs payrolls report, with a March revision dragging that month's job gain to the lowest level since June of 2012, the fact that the number of Americans not in the labor force rose once again, this time to 93,194K from 93,175K, with the result being a participation rate of 69.45 or just above the lowest percentage since 1977, will merely catalyze even more upside to the so called "market" which continues to reflect nothing but central bank liquidity, and thus - the accelerating deterioration of the broader economy.

End result: with the civilian employment to population ratio unchanged from last month at 59.3%, one can easily see, on the chart below, why there will be no broad wage growth any time soon, which will merely allow the Fed to engage in its failed policies for a long, long time.

Americans Not In The Labor Force Rise To Record 93 194 000 Zero Hedge

" every standard, the US economy has not recovered?"

Really, by EVERY standard?

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