Americans overwhelmingly view Trump unfavorably

fellow posters, please understand, Rightwinger's entire reason for existing and posting on this message board is to denigrate all things republican or conservative. It is his job to post the latest dem/lib talking points and lies in the vain hope that he will change someone's mind.

whoever is paying him is wasting their money. Same applies to his sock jake snarkey.

Shitflinger is a partisan hack who exists to serve the party, no question.

I doubt they pay him, though...
fellow posters, please understand, Rightwinger's entire reason for existing and posting on this message board is to denigrate all things republican or conservative. It is his job to post the latest dem/lib talking points and lies in the vain hope that he will change someone's mind.

whoever is paying him is wasting their money. Same applies to his sock jake snarkey.
Consider it a public service

I am trying to save Republicans from what they have become
Even their own party realizes it......what have we become?

The GOP has become a carbon copy of he do-nothing democrat party. Its time for them to change or die. The people are fed up with promises that have not been kept, career pols who are only in it to get rich at our expense, and the constant caving in to obozo and his illegal acts.

Trump, and maybe Cruz, can save the party from itself. Kasich will only perpetuate the decline. The old time party bosses like Rove, McCain, Graham, McConnel, Romney, and Jebby had their chance and blew it.

Time to return to the party of Reagan, Kennedy, Lincoln, and Truman-------------Yes, I know that Kennedy and Truman were democrats, but they would be republicans today and would be backing Trump.
fellow posters, please understand, Rightwinger's entire reason for existing and posting on this message board is to denigrate all things republican or conservative. It is his job to post the latest dem/lib talking points and lies in the vain hope that he will change someone's mind.

whoever is paying him is wasting their money. Same applies to his sock jake snarkey.

Shitflinger is a partisan hack who exists to serve the party, no question.

I doubt they pay him, though...

I heard it was 10 cents per post. :2up:
fellow posters, please understand, Rightwinger's entire reason for existing and posting on this message board is to denigrate all things republican or conservative. It is his job to post the latest dem/lib talking points and lies in the vain hope that he will change someone's mind.

whoever is paying him is wasting their money. Same applies to his sock jake snarkey.
Consider it a public service

I am trying to save Republicans from what they have become
Even their own party realizes it......what have we become?

You're posting propaganda in hopes of persuading Republican voters to stay home, because you're scared shitless of Trump.
It's not propaganda

The poll numbers on Trump unfavorability are the same.....regardless of who takes it
fellow posters, please understand, Rightwinger's entire reason for existing and posting on this message board is to denigrate all things republican or conservative. It is his job to post the latest dem/lib talking points and lies in the vain hope that he will change someone's mind.

whoever is paying him is wasting their money. Same applies to his sock jake snarkey.

Shitflinger is a partisan hack who exists to serve the party, no question.

I doubt they pay him, though...

I heard it was 10 cents per post. :2up:
$5 a post and $1000 for everyone I turn in to the Internet Police
fellow posters, please understand, Rightwinger's entire reason for existing and posting on this message board is to denigrate all things republican or conservative. It is his job to post the latest dem/lib talking points and lies in the vain hope that he will change someone's mind.

whoever is paying him is wasting their money. Same applies to his sock jake snarkey.
Consider it a public service

I am trying to save Republicans from what they have become
Even their own party realizes it......what have we become?

The GOP has become a carbon copy of he do-nothing democrat party. Its time for them to change or die. The people are fed up with promises that have not been kept, career pols who are only in it to get rich at our expense, and the constant caving in to obozo and his illegal acts.

Trump, and maybe Cruz, can save the party from itself. Kasich will only perpetuate the decline. The old time party bosses like Rove, McCain, Graham, McConnel, Romney, and Jebby had their chance and blew it.

Time to return to the party of Reagan, Kennedy, Lincoln, and Truman-------------Yes, I know that Kennedy and Truman were democrats, but they would be republicans today and would be backing Trump.
Democrats actually do things.......Obamacare, protections of gays, protecting the environment

When is the last time Republicans did something?

And no.....Kennedy and Truman would NOT be Republicans today
Neither would Eisenhower
Its only going to get worse. The far right is going to see what happens when they get what they ask for

AP-GfK Poll: Americans overwhelmingly view Trump negatively | Associated Press GfK Poll

For Americans of nearly every race, gender, political persuasion and location, disdain for Donald Trump runs deep, saddling the Republican front-runner with unprecedented unpopularity as he tries to overcome recent campaign setbacks.

Seven in 10 people, including close to half of Republican voters, have an unfavorable view of Trump, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll. It’s an opinion shared by majorities of men and women; young and old; conservatives, moderates and liberals; and whites, Hispanics and blacks — a devastatingly broad indictment of the billionaire businessman.

Even in the South, a region where Trump has won GOP primaries decisively, close to 70 percent view him unfavorably. And among whites without a college education, one of Trump’s most loyal voting blocs, 55 percent have a negative opinion.
I would be curious to look at the real numbers.

What I mean by that is you have to first subtract out from that survey all those who responded that either voted for Obama a second term or view Obama favorably. Because those people not qualified to make a judgment call and what is good and what is bad.
Its only going to get worse. The far right is going to see what happens when they get what they ask for

AP-GfK Poll: Americans overwhelmingly view Trump negatively | Associated Press GfK Poll

For Americans of nearly every race, gender, political persuasion and location, disdain for Donald Trump runs deep, saddling the Republican front-runner with unprecedented unpopularity as he tries to overcome recent campaign setbacks.

Seven in 10 people, including close to half of Republican voters, have an unfavorable view of Trump, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll. It’s an opinion shared by majorities of men and women; young and old; conservatives, moderates and liberals; and whites, Hispanics and blacks — a devastatingly broad indictment of the billionaire businessman.

Even in the South, a region where Trump has won GOP primaries decisively, close to 70 percent view him unfavorably. And among whites without a college education, one of Trump’s most loyal voting blocs, 55 percent have a negative opinion.
I would be curious to look at the real numbers.

What I mean by that is you have to first subtract out from that survey all those who responded that either voted for Obama a second term or view Obama favorably. Because those people not qualified to make a judgment call and what is good and what is bad.
A poll is a poll

Your population must be from all sides to be accurate

Trump is widely unpopular...that is why Republicans are panicking
fellow posters, please understand, Rightwinger's entire reason for existing and posting on this message board is to denigrate all things republican or conservative. It is his job to post the latest dem/lib talking points and lies in the vain hope that he will change someone's mind.

whoever is paying him is wasting their money. Same applies to his sock jake snarkey.
Consider it a public service

I am trying to save Republicans from what they have become
Even their own party realizes it......what have we become?

You're posting propaganda in hopes of persuading Republican voters to stay home, because you're scared shitless of Trump.
It's not propaganda

The poll numbers on Trump unfavorability are the same.....regardless of who takes it

Yeah! Right!
fellow posters, please understand, Rightwinger's entire reason for existing and posting on this message board is to denigrate all things republican or conservative. It is his job to post the latest dem/lib talking points and lies in the vain hope that he will change someone's mind.

whoever is paying him is wasting their money. Same applies to his sock jake snarkey.
Consider it a public service

I am trying to save Republicans from what they have become
Even their own party realizes it......what have we become?

You're posting propaganda in hopes of persuading Republican voters to stay home, because you're scared shitless of Trump.
It's not propaganda

The poll numbers on Trump unfavorability are the same.....regardless of who takes it

Yeah! Right!

What does that 30% of Americans who view Trump favorable get you?
The same people who are backing him in the Republican primaries
Enough to get you slaughtered in a general election
Hilary's numbers are close to the number of Republucans who will of course rate her unfavorably

Trumps numbers include BOTH Democrats and Republicans

Didn't YOU just say a poll is a poll? Good gawd you're stupid
Went right over your head didn't it?

You can't get to 70% unfavorable without having quite a few Republicans against you
fellow posters, please understand, Rightwinger's entire reason for existing and posting on this message board is to denigrate all things republican or conservative. It is his job to post the latest dem/lib talking points and lies in the vain hope that he will change someone's mind.

whoever is paying him is wasting their money. Same applies to his sock jake snarkey.
Consider it a public service

I am trying to save Republicans from what they have become
Even their own party realizes it......what have we become?

You're posting propaganda in hopes of persuading Republican voters to stay home, because you're scared shitless of Trump.
It's not propaganda

The poll numbers on Trump unfavorability are the same.....regardless of who takes it

Yeah! Right!

What does that 30% of Americans who view Trump favorable get you?
The same people who are backing him in the Republican primaries
Enough to get you slaughtered in a general election

What Clinton's 40% favorability rating? What's that get?

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