Americans overwhelmingly view Trump unfavorably

Yea and years later we found Reagan actually screwed us.

We are vetting trump and he's failing.

Oh, and I told you the GOP would never let you pick an outsider. Only a sellout will get the GOP nominee

For years and years the libs have been lying about Reagan and what he did to undermine his legacy.

You probably believe he used the Southern Strategy to get elected?

You probably don't believe he was responsible for the Fall of the Soviet Union?

Reagan was an outsider. The GOP of the time let the primary process work.
Not! The bankers owned Ronnie. He turned into an arrogant out of touch puppet. I just don't think his policies helped long term.

He saved the auto companies so back then we voted for him. Now looking back he sucked

At the time, his Presidency had the longest peacetime economic expansion on record.

And the even longer one under Clinton was still mostly based on Reagan's economic policies.

SInce then the LIbs have been lying about him.

Do you believe that he used the SOuthern Strategy to get elected?

Do you believe that his offense against the Soviet Union was responsible for the timely Fall of the Soviet Union?

And Reagoooon tripled the deficit, in his quest to bankrupt the Soviet Union.

Dems are so funny.

You say that Reagan won the Cold War, and they point to all the other people in the government who should share in that credit.

But talk about spending and you have to explain to them what Congress IS.

Still ignoring my request for a link on the use of nuclear weapons. So u lied like a good Trumpite...
For years and years the libs have been lying about Reagan and what he did to undermine his legacy.

You probably believe he used the Southern Strategy to get elected?

You probably don't believe he was responsible for the Fall of the Soviet Union?

Reagan was an outsider. The GOP of the time let the primary process work.
Not! The bankers owned Ronnie. He turned into an arrogant out of touch puppet. I just don't think his policies helped long term.

He saved the auto companies so back then we voted for him. Now looking back he sucked

At the time, his Presidency had the longest peacetime economic expansion on record.

And the even longer one under Clinton was still mostly based on Reagan's economic policies.

SInce then the LIbs have been lying about him.

Do you believe that he used the SOuthern Strategy to get elected?

Do you believe that his offense against the Soviet Union was responsible for the timely Fall of the Soviet Union?

And Reagoooon tripled the deficit, in his quest to bankrupt the Soviet Union.

Dems are so funny.

You say that Reagan won the Cold War, and they point to all the other people in the government who should share in that credit.

But talk about spending and you have to explain to them what Congress IS.

Still ignoring my request for a link on the use of nuclear weapons. So u lied like a good Trumpite...

I missed your request the first time.

See post 118 were I gave you the link to the current US policy on use of nuclear weapons.

Which you seem to have missed.

Drama queen.
Trump is the biggest clown to seek the WH ever! November is going to be fun!
The option of using nuclear weapons on thbattlexe field had been US policy, indeed, NATO policy since there WAS nuclear weapons.

Including your buddy Obama.

THat you try to spin this policy, that has been established for decades as insane just reveals how INSANELY partisan and deluded YOU are.

You are fantasizing again....Phrump will NEVER be President. But you keeo fantasizing that he will.

HOw typical.

You post a "reason" why you think that Trump is not sane, and when I point out that his "insane" policy has been US policy for decades, you just drop it in favor of making fun of his name.

That's what passes for the Contest of Ideas today.

Please post a link where a reputable US military figure advocated using nuclear weapons on a battlefield.

Still waiting for a link, CORRELL. Just admit that you lied....again.

Here is the current US nuclear policy, under Obama.

Key bullet point for you.

 "The United States would only consider the use of nuclear weapons in extreme circumstances to defend the vital interests of the United States or its allies and partners."
Your link is dead. And fighting ISIS in Syria is not in the vital intersst of this country. Trump is a lose cannon that will never see the WH.
REagan was no Reagan. Until the people got to know him and he got a chance to show what he could do.

The people are being buried in propaganda.

Yea and years later we found Reagan actually screwed us.

We are vetting trump and he's failing.

Oh, and I told you the GOP would never let you pick an outsider. Only a sellout will get the GOP nominee

For years and years the libs have been lying about Reagan and what he did to undermine his legacy.

You probably believe he used the Southern Strategy to get elected?

You probably don't believe he was responsible for the Fall of the Soviet Union?

Reagan was an outsider. The GOP of the time let the primary process work.
Not! The bankers owned Ronnie. He turned into an arrogant out of touch puppet. I just don't think his policies helped long term.

He saved the auto companies so back then we voted for him. Now looking back he sucked

At the time, his Presidency had the longest peacetime economic expansion on record.

And the even longer one under Clinton was still mostly based on Reagan's economic policies.

SInce then the LIbs have been lying about him.

Do you believe that he used the SOuthern Strategy to get elected?

Do you believe that his offense against the Soviet Union was responsible for the timely Fall of the Soviet Union?

And Reagoooon tripled the deficit, in his quest to bankrupt the Soviet Union.

Its only going to get worse. The far right is going to see what happens when they get what they ask for

AP-GfK Poll: Americans overwhelmingly view Trump negatively | Associated Press GfK Poll

For Americans of nearly every race, gender, political persuasion and location, disdain for Donald Trump runs deep, saddling the Republican front-runner with unprecedented unpopularity as he tries to overcome recent campaign setbacks.

Seven in 10 people, including close to half of Republican voters, have an unfavorable view of Trump, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll. It’s an opinion shared by majorities of men and women; young and old; conservatives, moderates and liberals; and whites, Hispanics and blacks — a devastatingly broad indictment of the billionaire businessman.

Even in the South, a region where Trump has won GOP primaries decisively, close to 70 percent view him unfavorably. And among whites without a college education, one of Trump’s most loyal voting blocs, 55 percent have a negative opinion.

Then why are the dems terrified of him?

Dems aren't terrified of Trump. That is a delusion held only by Trump Chumps. Dems are praying every day that Trump is the nominee. It will be the easiest election they've had since LBJ in '64 and they'll take back the Senate and make gains in the House.
People liked Reagan. People hate Trump

The democrats hated Reagan with a purple passion. They claimed he would start a Nuclear war, throw old people in the streets and make them eat dog food, starve children.

The demagoguery of the democrats was as vile against Reagan as that which they use against Cruz or even Trump.
Wow! The Repubs said the same thing about Obama!
fellow posters, please understand, Rightwinger's entire reason for existing and posting on this message board is to denigrate all things republican or conservative. It is his job to post the latest dem/lib talking points and lies in the vain hope that he will change someone's mind.

whoever is paying him is wasting their money. Same applies to his sock jake snarkey.
Consider it a public service

I am trying to save Republicans from what they have become
Even their own party realizes it......what have we become?

The GOP has become a carbon copy of he do-nothing democrat party. Its time for them to change or die. The people are fed up with promises that have not been kept, career pols who are only in it to get rich at our expense, and the constant caving in to obozo and his illegal acts.

Trump, and maybe Cruz, can save the party from itself. Kasich will only perpetuate the decline. The old time party bosses like Rove, McCain, Graham, McConnel, Romney, and Jebby had their chance and blew it.

Time to return to the party of Reagan, Kennedy, Lincoln, and Truman-------------Yes, I know that Kennedy and Truman were democrats, but they would be republicans today and would be backing Trump.
Democrats actually do things.......Obamacare, protections of gays, protecting the environment

When is the last time Republicans did something?

And no.....Kennedy and Truman would NOT be Republicans today
Neither would Eisenhower

Kennedy "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country"

what democrat today would say such a thing? what democrat today even thinks that way?

Truman dropped two atomic bombs to end a war, which democrat today would do that?

You are full of shit, Kennedy and Truman would be republicans today. I don't know about Ike, he was a disappointment in many ways.
fellow posters, please understand, Rightwinger's entire reason for existing and posting on this message board is to denigrate all things republican or conservative. It is his job to post the latest dem/lib talking points and lies in the vain hope that he will change someone's mind.

whoever is paying him is wasting their money. Same applies to his sock jake snarkey.
Consider it a public service

I am trying to save Republicans from what they have become
Even their own party realizes it......what have we become?

The GOP has become a carbon copy of he do-nothing democrat party. Its time for them to change or die. The people are fed up with promises that have not been kept, career pols who are only in it to get rich at our expense, and the constant caving in to obozo and his illegal acts.

Trump, and maybe Cruz, can save the party from itself. Kasich will only perpetuate the decline. The old time party bosses like Rove, McCain, Graham, McConnel, Romney, and Jebby had their chance and blew it.

Time to return to the party of Reagan, Kennedy, Lincoln, and Truman-------------Yes, I know that Kennedy and Truman were democrats, but they would be republicans today and would be backing Trump.
Democrats actually do things.......Obamacare, protections of gays, protecting the environment

When is the last time Republicans did something?

And no.....Kennedy and Truman would NOT be Republicans today
Neither would Eisenhower

Obamacare-------the worst piece of legislation in the history of this nation, passed in the most corrupt way

Protection of gays--------when were they not afforded the same protections that every citizen has?

Protecting the environment-------with bullshit like man made climate change and closing power plants, and blocking solar panel farms to protect some fricken lizard?

Yeah, dems do things--------stupid things.
Trumps numbers are unlikely to get better...the die is cast

70% negative perception makes it appear a rout may take place

Just like Reagan was unlikely to beat Jimmy Carter?
By this time in the 1980 election Reagan was surging and Carter was struggling

And Reagan was like able... Trump is not

By this time in 1980 Reagan was 9 points behind in the polls.

Okay current polls are about Hillary 46 Trump 37 exactly 9 points
2016 General Election: Trump vs. Clinton - Polls - HuffPost Pollster
Trumps numbers are unlikely to get better...the die is cast

70% negative perception makes it appear a rout may take place

Just like Reagan was unlikely to beat Jimmy Carter?
By this time in the 1980 election Reagan was surging and Carter was struggling

And Reagan was like able... Trump is not

By this time in 1980 Reagan was 9 points behind in the polls.

Okay current polls are about Hillary 46 Trump 37 exactly 9 points
2016 General Election: Trump vs. Clinton - Polls - HuffPost Pollster

And, that's with Cruz and Kasich still in the race.
fellow posters, please understand, Rightwinger's entire reason for existing and posting on this message board is to denigrate all things republican or conservative. It is his job to post the latest dem/lib talking points and lies in the vain hope that he will change someone's mind.

whoever is paying him is wasting their money. Same applies to his sock jake snarkey.
Consider it a public service

I am trying to save Republicans from what they have become
Even their own party realizes it......what have we become?

The GOP has become a carbon copy of he do-nothing democrat party. Its time for them to change or die. The people are fed up with promises that have not been kept, career pols who are only in it to get rich at our expense, and the constant caving in to obozo and his illegal acts.

Trump, and maybe Cruz, can save the party from itself. Kasich will only perpetuate the decline. The old time party bosses like Rove, McCain, Graham, McConnel, Romney, and Jebby had their chance and blew it.

Time to return to the party of Reagan, Kennedy, Lincoln, and Truman-------------Yes, I know that Kennedy and Truman were democrats, but they would be republicans today and would be backing Trump.
Democrats actually do things.......Obamacare, protections of gays, protecting the environment

When is the last time Republicans did something?

And no.....Kennedy and Truman would NOT be Republicans today
Neither would Eisenhower

Kennedy "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country"

what democrat today would say such a thing? what democrat today even thinks that way?

Truman dropped two atomic bombs to end a war, which democrat today would do that?

You are full of shit, Kennedy and Trumani would be republicans today. I don't know about Ike, he was a disappointment in many ways.

It never ceases to amaze me how Republicans misinterpret that JFK quote. In that same inaugural address, JFK spoke about how important it was to help the poor.
Ask not was a call for public service in anticipation of JFKs Peace Corps.....which republicans hated
fellow posters, please understand, Rightwinger's entire reason for existing and posting on this message board is to denigrate all things republican or conservative. It is his job to post the latest dem/lib talking points and lies in the vain hope that he will change someone's mind.

whoever is paying him is wasting their money. Same applies to his sock jake snarkey.
Consider it a public service

I am trying to save Republicans from what they have become
Even their own party realizes it......what have we become?

The GOP has become a carbon copy of he do-nothing democrat party. Its time for them to change or die. The people are fed up with promises that have not been kept, career pols who are only in it to get rich at our expense, and the constant caving in to obozo and his illegal acts.

Trump, and maybe Cruz, can save the party from itself. Kasich will only perpetuate the decline. The old time party bosses like Rove, McCain, Graham, McConnel, Romney, and Jebby had their chance and blew it.

Time to return to the party of Reagan, Kennedy, Lincoln, and Truman-------------Yes, I know that Kennedy and Truman were democrats, but they would be republicans today and would be backing Trump.
Democrats actually do things.......Obamacare, protections of gays, protecting the environment

When is the last time Republicans did something?

And no.....Kennedy and Truman would NOT be Republicans today
Neither would Eisenhower

Obamacare-------the worst piece of legislation in the history of this nation, passed in the most corrupt way

Protection of gays--------when were they not afforded the same protections that every citizen has?

Protecting the environment-------with bullshit like man made climate change and closing power plants, and blocking solar panel farms to protect some fricken lizard?

Yeah, dems do things--------stupid things.
We get it

Conservatives hate liberal policies. I would be disappointed in the policy if they didn't

The point is Republicans have accomplished none of their policies
fellow posters, please understand, Rightwinger's entire reason for existing and posting on this message board is to denigrate all things republican or conservative. It is his job to post the latest dem/lib talking points and lies in the vain hope that he will change someone's mind.

whoever is paying him is wasting their money. Same applies to his sock jake snarkey.
Consider it a public service

I am trying to save Republicans from what they have become
Even their own party realizes it......what have we become?

The GOP has become a carbon copy of he do-nothing democrat party. Its time for them to change or die. The people are fed up with promises that have not been kept, career pols who are only in it to get rich at our expense, and the constant caving in to obozo and his illegal acts.

Trump, and maybe Cruz, can save the party from itself. Kasich will only perpetuate the decline. The old time party bosses like Rove, McCain, Graham, McConnel, Romney, and Jebby had their chance and blew it.

Time to return to the party of Reagan, Kennedy, Lincoln, and Truman-------------Yes, I know that Kennedy and Truman were democrats, but they would be republicans today and would be backing Trump.
Democrats actually do things.......Obamacare, protections of gays, protecting the environment

When is the last time Republicans did something?

And no.....Kennedy and Truman would NOT be Republicans today
Neither would Eisenhower

Kennedy "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country"

what democrat today would say such a thing? what democrat today even thinks that way?

Truman dropped two atomic bombs to end a war, which democrat today would do that?

You are full of shit, Kennedy and Trumani would be republicans today. I don't know about Ike, he was a disappointment in many ways.

It never ceases to amaze me how Republicans misinterpret that JFK quote. In that same inaugural address, JFK spoke about how important it was to help the poor.
Ask not was a call for public service in anticipation of JFKs Peace Corps.....which republicans hated

No one is misinterpreting it. He was asking citizens to volunteer for the peace corps, to enlist in the military, to do public service. There is no confusion on that.

Today's dems aren't asking citizens to do any of those things, they are telling them that they are entitled to free stuff from the evil rich.

As usual, you are the one who is confused--------------or just trying to support your failed party.
fellow posters, please understand, Rightwinger's entire reason for existing and posting on this message board is to denigrate all things republican or conservative. It is his job to post the latest dem/lib talking points and lies in the vain hope that he will change someone's mind.

whoever is paying him is wasting their money. Same applies to his sock jake snarkey.
Consider it a public service

I am trying to save Republicans from what they have become
Even their own party realizes it......what have we become?

The GOP has become a carbon copy of he do-nothing democrat party. Its time for them to change or die. The people are fed up with promises that have not been kept, career pols who are only in it to get rich at our expense, and the constant caving in to obozo and his illegal acts.

Trump, and maybe Cruz, can save the party from itself. Kasich will only perpetuate the decline. The old time party bosses like Rove, McCain, Graham, McConnel, Romney, and Jebby had their chance and blew it.

Time to return to the party of Reagan, Kennedy, Lincoln, and Truman-------------Yes, I know that Kennedy and Truman were democrats, but they would be republicans today and would be backing Trump.
Democrats actually do things.......Obamacare, protections of gays, protecting the environment

When is the last time Republicans did something?

And no.....Kennedy and Truman would NOT be Republicans today
Neither would Eisenhower

Obamacare-------the worst piece of legislation in the history of this nation, passed in the most corrupt way

Protection of gays--------when were they not afforded the same protections that every citizen has?

Protecting the environment-------with bullshit like man made climate change and closing power plants, and blocking solar panel farms to protect some fricken lizard?

Yeah, dems do things--------stupid things.
We get it

Conservatives hate liberal policies. I would be disappointed in the policy if they didn't

The point is Republicans have accomplished none of their policies

Liberal policies don't work, that's why they are opposed by people who actually think.
fellow posters, please understand, Rightwinger's entire reason for existing and posting on this message board is to denigrate all things republican or conservative. It is his job to post the latest dem/lib talking points and lies in the vain hope that he will change someone's mind.

whoever is paying him is wasting their money. Same applies to his sock jake snarkey.
Consider it a public service

I am trying to save Republicans from what they have become
Even their own party realizes it......what have we become?

The GOP has become a carbon copy of he do-nothing democrat party. Its time for them to change or die. The people are fed up with promises that have not been kept, career pols who are only in it to get rich at our expense, and the constant caving in to obozo and his illegal acts.

Trump, and maybe Cruz, can save the party from itself. Kasich will only perpetuate the decline. The old time party bosses like Rove, McCain, Graham, McConnel, Romney, and Jebby had their chance and blew it.

Time to return to the party of Reagan, Kennedy, Lincoln, and Truman-------------Yes, I know that Kennedy and Truman were democrats, but they would be republicans today and would be backing Trump.
Democrats actually do things.......Obamacare, protections of gays, protecting the environment

When is the last time Republicans did something?

And no.....Kennedy and Truman would NOT be Republicans today
Neither would Eisenhower

Obamacare-------the worst piece of legislation in the history of this nation, passed in the most corrupt way

Protection of gays--------when were they not afforded the same protections that every citizen has?

Protecting the environment-------with bullshit like man made climate change and closing power plants, and blocking solar panel farms to protect some fricken lizard?

Yeah, dems do things--------stupid things.
We get it

Conservatives hate liberal policies. I would be disappointed in the policy if they didn't

The point is Republicans have accomplished none of their policies

following the constitution and giving all americans the freedoms guaranteed by the constitution is a republican policy. No legislation is needed to enforce that policy.

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