Americans overwhelmingly view Trump unfavorably

Beyond their generally negative perception of Trump, large majorities also said they would not describe him as civil, compassionate or likable. On nearly all of these measures, Trump fared worse than his remaining Democratic or Republican rivals.

This is the Republicans doing. They taught their supporters to hate the government and kasich is part of the government.

You should also consider who your number two candidate is. Cruz is the most hated man in the Senate. McConnell has to hold his nose when he endorses him.

Congratulations Republicans. President hillary or bernie

It is amazing how Republicans had a chance to beat Hillary this time

They blew it big time

She was so vulnerable until Phrump and "Lying Teddy" came along.
Republicans had a field of 17 and ended up with TRUMP
That's what they said about Reagan and Bush 43.

No they didn't actually

Yes they did, actually. Regan trailed Carter all the way til September

How many states did Reagan win? Forty-what?

Flashback March 1980: Reagan Faces Probable Defeat - Trails Carter by 15 Points - The Gateway Pundit

People liked Reagan. People hate Trump

People hated Reagan. Democrats called him a nazi, too.
Fears of Trump as Fascist Echo Similar Warnings Against Ronald Reagan - The New York Sun
I think trump more resembles Adolf. And his followers are certainly the nazi types.

That is absurd.

Jews were not infiltrating Nazi Rallies to stand up and heckle Hitler.

Sending illegals Home is not the same as sending Citizens to the Gas Chamber.
I took an Obama a few minutes ago. I put my butt on the table and let out two big stinky pieces of Obama. I then flushed.

Amazing what passes for conservative political commentary
Trump has no chance in a general election. That's simply a fact based on clear statistics. His own party is trying to kill his candidacy, his support among women is around 20%, Republicans around 37%, minority support is trivial. There's simply no way for a person with his extreme negatives to win. Think about the crapstorm of past videos, interviews, and accounts of countless acts of immoral behavior from his past will come out, driving his numbers even lower. Like it or not, the guy lacks the character Americans expect from a President.

LIke Bill Clinton's character? Or Hillary's?

That's what they said about Reagan and Bush 43.

No they didn't actually

Yes they did, actually. Regan trailed Carter all the way til September

How many states did Reagan win? Forty-what?

Flashback March 1980: Reagan Faces Probable Defeat - Trails Carter by 15 Points - The Gateway Pundit

People liked Reagan. People hate Trump

People hated Reagan. Democrats called him a nazi, too.
Fears of Trump as Fascist Echo Similar Warnings Against Ronald Reagan - The New York Sun

Ummm.......Trump is no Reagan
The sad fact of life that Americans should be aware of is that the A.P. could view George Washington unfavorably if they approached the right demographic and used slick (legal?) tricks designed to impact opinion. CBS executives should be in jail for trying to use forged documents but the liberal media always protects itself. doesn't exactly work like that

Trumps unfavorability was it's 70%

Republicans really fucked up this time

I agree.

It was insane of the GOP leadership to jump on the media dog pile of their front runner.

They should have been answering and challenging the lies the media was putting out there, not validating them.
They aren't lies.

The media isn't liberal. If it was the American people would have known bush was planning Iraq in 1998. And we would know the modern GOP wants war with Iran.

The media is almost COMPLETELY LIBERAL.

And forget about Iran. What about the fact that the Establishment of BOTH parties insist on screwing around with Russia and it's 5000 nuclear weapons?

Not Trump though.

He thinks that's a bad idea.

I agree.

What's your view on Global Thermonuclear War? For or Against?
The media is liberal on wedge issues that don't matter. That's done on purpose to get us arguing about shit that don't matter.

On oil, healthcare, global warming, taxes, the economy the media is corporate owned and controlled. You don't see it because you are bias

How is the media not liberal on oil?
That's what they said about Reagan and Bush 43.

No they didn't actually

Yes they did, actually. Regan trailed Carter all the way til September

How many states did Reagan win? Forty-what?

Flashback March 1980: Reagan Faces Probable Defeat - Trails Carter by 15 Points - The Gateway Pundit

People liked Reagan. People hate Trump

People hated Reagan. Democrats called him a nazi, too.
Fears of Trump as Fascist Echo Similar Warnings Against Ronald Reagan - The New York Sun

Ummm.......Trump is no Reagan

REagan was no Reagan. Until the people got to know him and he got a chance to show what he could do.

The people are being buried in propaganda.
No they didn't actually

Yes they did, actually. Regan trailed Carter all the way til September

How many states did Reagan win? Forty-what?

Flashback March 1980: Reagan Faces Probable Defeat - Trails Carter by 15 Points - The Gateway Pundit

People liked Reagan. People hate Trump

People hated Reagan. Democrats called him a nazi, too.
Fears of Trump as Fascist Echo Similar Warnings Against Ronald Reagan - The New York Sun
I think trump more resembles Adolf. And his followers are certainly the nazi types.

That is absurd.

Jews were not infiltrating Nazi Rallies to stand up and heckle Hitler.

Sending illegals Home is not the same as sending Citizens to the Gas Chamber.
You're focusing on the ways they aren't similar but ignoring the ways they are
No they didn't actually

Yes they did, actually. Regan trailed Carter all the way til September

How many states did Reagan win? Forty-what?

Flashback March 1980: Reagan Faces Probable Defeat - Trails Carter by 15 Points - The Gateway Pundit

People liked Reagan. People hate Trump

People hated Reagan. Democrats called him a nazi, too.
Fears of Trump as Fascist Echo Similar Warnings Against Ronald Reagan - The New York Sun

Ummm.......Trump is no Reagan

REagan was no Reagan. Until the people got to know him and he got a chance to show what he could do.

The people are being buried in propaganda.

I voted for Reagan twice

Reagan was likeable......something Trump lacks
No they didn't actually

Yes they did, actually. Regan trailed Carter all the way til September

How many states did Reagan win? Forty-what?

Flashback March 1980: Reagan Faces Probable Defeat - Trails Carter by 15 Points - The Gateway Pundit

People liked Reagan. People hate Trump

People hated Reagan. Democrats called him a nazi, too.
Fears of Trump as Fascist Echo Similar Warnings Against Ronald Reagan - The New York Sun

Ummm.......Trump is no Reagan

REagan was no Reagan. Until the people got to know him and he got a chance to show what he could do.

The people are being buried in propaganda.

Yea and years later we found Reagan actually screwed us.

We are vetting trump and he's failing.

Oh, and I told you the GOP would never let you pick an outsider. Only a sellout will get the GOP nominee
Rabid in that you are supporting a lunatic who has NO CHANCE in the General Election. But carry on, the DNC loves you people.

His polices are the sanest being offered.

And if the Republican Party would stop SUPPORTING the lies of the Lefty Media, he could have a very good chance of winning.

Sane? Using nuclear weapons on the battlefield, shutting out an entire religion from immigration, punishing a woman for seeking abortion. These are sane?

L:isten to one of his speeches. The only sustance you get is how smart, handsome, and rich he is. The man is a Huge Joke.

"We are going to bomb the Hell out of ISIS." That basically is his answer for everything

The option of using nuclear weapons on thbattlexe field had been US policy, indeed, NATO policy since there WAS nuclear weapons.

Including your buddy Obama.

THat you try to spin this policy, that has been established for decades as insane just reveals how INSANELY partisan and deluded YOU are.

You are fantasizing again....Phrump will NEVER be President. But you keeo fantasizing that he will.

HOw typical.

You post a "reason" why you think that Trump is not sane, and when I point out that his "insane" policy has been US policy for decades, you just drop it in favor of making fun of his name.

That's what passes for the Contest of Ideas today.

Please post a link where a reputable US military figure advocated using nuclear weapons on a battlefield.
The sad fact of life that Americans should be aware of is that the A.P. could view George Washington unfavorably if they approached the right demographic and used slick (legal?) tricks designed to impact opinion. CBS executives should be in jail for trying to use forged documents but the liberal media always protects itself.

Nothing needs to be forged to make Donald look silly.
"Nothing needs to be forged". I guess we are safe for now.

Phrump makes his own self look stupid with no urgings from anyone.
That's what they said about Reagan and Bush 43.

No they didn't actually

Yes they did, actually. Regan trailed Carter all the way til September

How many states did Reagan win? Forty-what?

Flashback March 1980: Reagan Faces Probable Defeat - Trails Carter by 15 Points - The Gateway Pundit

People liked Reagan. People hate Trump

People hated Reagan. Democrats called him a nazi, too.
Fears of Trump as Fascist Echo Similar Warnings Against Ronald Reagan - The New York Sun

Ummm.......Trump is no Reagan

I never said he was. Clinton is even farther from being a Reagan.
Beyond their generally negative perception of Trump, large majorities also said they would not describe him as civil, compassionate or likable. On nearly all of these measures, Trump fared worse than his remaining Democratic or Republican rivals.

This is the Republicans doing. They taught their supporters to hate the government and kasich is part of the government.

You should also consider who your number two candidate is. Cruz is the most hated man in the Senate. McConnell has to hold his nose when he endorses him.

Congratulations Republicans. President hillary or bernie

It is amazing how Republicans had a chance to beat Hillary this time

They blew it big time

She was so vulnerable until Phrump and "Lying Teddy" came along.
Republicans had a field of 17 and ended up with TRUMP

That's what they said about Reagan and Bush 43.

No they didn't actually

Yes they did, actually. Regan trailed Carter all the way til September

How many states did Reagan win? Forty-what?

Flashback March 1980: Reagan Faces Probable Defeat - Trails Carter by 15 Points - The Gateway Pundit

People liked Reagan. People hate Trump

People hated Reagan. Democrats called him a nazi, too.
Fears of Trump as Fascist Echo Similar Warnings Against Ronald Reagan - The New York Sun
I think trump more resembles Adolf. And his followers are certainly the nazi types.

The leftist idiots are going to say that no matter who the republican nominee is.
1. He must be liked by A LOT of people in most of the states that have voted so far and
2. The truth is hated by those that hate the truth. Of COURSE people dislike Trump he is telling them the truth and it scares the shit out of them.

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