Americans v. Internationalists

In addition to bald-faced lies, Internationalists have been using doublespeak for decades; so this comes as no surprise to me:

“He definitely co-opts the language of free markets and people who support free markets to sell his big government policies. I just find it ironic that he uses our language but means something completely different when he uses it,” said Carender, who saw a lot of divisive rhetoric coming from the president.

As resistence to the global government crowd’s betrayals become better organized the Internationalists will retaliate with every weapon in their arsenal. Taqiyya the Liar should be viewed as a weapon rather than the prime mover:

Carender said Obama’s approach to his office and the bravado with which he uses it left her nearly speechless.

“It was breathtaking,” she said. “He’s not the first president to do that but he has definitely done it the most, and he has also done it the most brazenly. He doesn’t care because he knows no one is going to hold him accountable. The press won’t hold him accountable, and the Republicans in Congress aren’t going to hold him accountable. Every time he defies the Constitution and the separation of powers, he diminishes their authority, which is incredibly dangerous. Our founders definitely warned against an all-powerful executive.”

Congress ripped for not standing up to Obama
'He doesn't care because he knows no one is going to hold him accountable'
Published: 14 hours ago

Congress ripped for not standing up to Obama

Note that newspeak works hand in glove with doublespeak. Internationalists rely on that close association to further their anti-America agenda.

newspeak (noun)

Deliberately ambiguous and contradictory language used to mislead and manipulate the public.


doublespeak (noun)

1. Language that can be understood in more than one way and that is used to trick or deceive people.

2. Language used to deceive usually through concealment or misrepresentation of truth.

America’s Founders despised large, oppressive, government, yet Nancy Pelosi on the Jon Stewart show words her response as though the Founders are Internationalists. This is not the first time Pelosi referred to the Founding Fathers as though they wrote the Constitution with Socialism in mind when, in fact, Internationalists are doing their best to destroy the form of government the Founders created.

Move the cursor to 3:30 and you’ll hear Nancy Pelosi engaging in an obscene misrepresentation of truth.


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