Americans Would Lose Tax Cuts Under a Democrat

If you like your tax cuts, you can keep your tax cuts
Unless you are a millionaire

You target the wealthy in your raise taxes schemes but it is always the Middle Class that feels the hit. Here’s why: liberal tax plans need to classify Middle Class as “part of the wealthy”. The true wealthy can take the hit and the poor don’t pay taxes. The root cause of this is cause liberals refuse to cut spending. You never will yet you will cling to the class warfare as justification.
Wrong again
It was the Republicans who insisted on one tax bracket to include upper middle class and the wealthy

Liberals refuse to cut spending?
When have Conservatives ever cut spending?
We have close to a trillion dollar deficit, where is the Tea Party?
The fact is that the rich got the bulk of the tax cuts. For the middle class it was not a huge deal. The Democrats said they will undo the tax cuts for the rich and corporations not the middle class.

But then the GOP only actually CARES about the very rich.

How much of a tax cut did you actually get?

Did you even notice it folks?
"Another (thing), when the Democrats say they're going to undo the tax cut, there is now a specific number that people can look at," said Norquist. "A single parent making $41,000 a year would pay $1,300 higher taxes, not just one year, but every year for the rest of his or her life, if the Democrats undid the Republican tax cut."

Or a whopping $3.60 a day!

Don't spend it all in one place.

You want low taxes? Re-elect Trump. You want high taxes to pay for illegal aliens healthcare? Vote Dem, Thats the simple reality.

Grover Norquist: Americans Would Lose Tax Cuts Under a Democrat

Most Americans paid "significantly less" in taxes last year because of tax cuts put in place through President Donald Trump, and could expect to pay more if a Democratic wins for president and rescinds the tax cut legislation, Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist said Friday.

He also told Fox Business' "Mornings with Maria" that he does not think a recent AP/NORC Poll showing that just 17% of Americans believe they paid less in taxes in 2018 is accurate. "Seventy or 80% of Americans paid significantly less in taxes," Norquist said. "On average. It's a 25% reduction for people. That's the average."

He added that groups highlighting the tax cuts could do a better job of making Americans understand how much they are saving per year.

"Another (thing), when the Democrats say they're going to undo the tax cut, there is now a specific number that people can look at," said Norquist. "A single parent making $41,000 a year would pay $1,300 higher taxes, not just one year, but every year for the rest of his or her life, if the Democrats undid the Republican tax cut."

The fact is that the rich got the bulk of the tax cuts. For the middle class it was not a huge deal. The Democrats said they will undo the tax cuts for the rich and corporations not the middle class.

Who do you define as "rich"? I know that we paid significantly MORE taxes so that the middle and lower could get tax cuts. We are in a higher percentage of earners, but are not what I would call "rich". The truly rich have always had loopholes and offsets. That didn't change.
"Another (thing), when the Democrats say they're going to undo the tax cut, there is now a specific number that people can look at," said Norquist. "A single parent making $41,000 a year would pay $1,300 higher taxes, not just one year, but every year for the rest of his or her life, if the Democrats undid the Republican tax cut."

Or a whopping $3.60 a day!

Don't spend it all in one place.
I got a lousy $400 bucks from Obama..
The grand-wizard of trickle-down speaks!

Reagan and Trump proved that it works.

It didn't work for Reagan. The 1981 tax cut was followed by a large number of tax increases:

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

And isn't not working under Trump. Two years in and the deficit is growing every larger. The effect was merely to maintain the status quo. The "job growth on steroids" Trump promised has never materialized. Trump's job growth is lower than Obama's, and his stock market is WAY behind Obama. The Dow has been stalled for two years.

Just because Trump tells you something is wonderful, he's probably lying.
Every democrat running said that first thing would be to repeal the tax cuts. Second thing is raise taxes.
As they should

If the Trump tax cuts are repealed, my family will get more money back because it is us who are currently paying for the cuts for the middle and lower classes. We were hurt quite a bit by the Trump cuts because the cuts actually helped the less fortunate. It is very ironic that the left is complaining about cuts that clearly benefitted lower income earners.
The grand-wizard of trickle-down speaks!

Reagan and Trump proved that it works.

It didn't work for Reagan. The 1981 tax cut was followed by a large number of tax increases:

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

And isn't not working under Trump. Two years in and the deficit is growing every larger. The effect was merely to maintain the status quo. The "job growth on steroids" Trump promised has never materialized. Trump's job growth is lower than Obama's, and his stock market is WAY behind Obama. The Dow has been stalled for two years.

Just because Trump tells you something is wonderful, he's probably lying.

Obama's economy was never going anywhere. It simply had nowhere to go but up. The country needs organic business growth to sustain our economic success. That was not happening under Obama. He stimulated the economy by throwing more or our money into it as opposed to allowing people and corporations to keep more of what they earn. He has also de-regulated, which has had a huge impact and will be long lasting if the Democrats don't screw it up again. Democrats are and always have been very short-sighted.

You want low taxes? Re-elect Trump. You want high taxes to pay for illegal aliens healthcare? Vote Dem, Thats the simple reality.

Grover Norquist: Americans Would Lose Tax Cuts Under a Democrat

Most Americans paid "significantly less" in taxes last year because of tax cuts put in place through President Donald Trump, and could expect to pay more if a Democratic wins for president and rescinds the tax cut legislation, Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist said Friday.

He also told Fox Business' "Mornings with Maria" that he does not think a recent AP/NORC Poll showing that just 17% of Americans believe they paid less in taxes in 2018 is accurate. "Seventy or 80% of Americans paid significantly less in taxes," Norquist said. "On average. It's a 25% reduction for people. That's the average."

He added that groups highlighting the tax cuts could do a better job of making Americans understand how much they are saving per year.

"Another (thing), when the Democrats say they're going to undo the tax cut, there is now a specific number that people can look at," said Norquist. "A single parent making $41,000 a year would pay $1,300 higher taxes, not just one year, but every year for the rest of his or her life, if the Democrats undid the Republican tax cut."
I thought you conservative types hated deficit spending?
The grand-wizard of trickle-down speaks!

Reagan and Trump proved that it works.

It didn't work for Reagan. The 1981 tax cut was followed by a large number of tax increases:

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

And isn't not working under Trump. Two years in and the deficit is growing every larger. The effect was merely to maintain the status quo. The "job growth on steroids" Trump promised has never materialized. Trump's job growth is lower than Obama's, and his stock market is WAY behind Obama. The Dow has been stalled for two years.

Just because Trump tells you something is wonderful, he's probably lying.

Obama's economy was never going anywhere. It simply had nowhere to go but up. The country needs organic business growth to sustain our economic success. That was not happening under Obama. He stimulated the economy by throwing more or our money into it as opposed to allowing people and corporations to keep more of what they earn. He has also de-regulated, which has had a huge impact and will be long lasting if the Democrats don't screw it up again. Democrats are and always have been very short-sighted.

Boy someone is really drinking the Trump Kool-Aid.

You're right about the impact of deregulation. It will be huge and long lasting. That coal plant regulation they just rolled back - the Trump Administration's own people say that 1400 Americans will die every year because of this one regulation. Nothing is more impactful than death. And recent reports show that air quality throughout America is degrading under this President.

U.S. Air Quality Slips After Decades of Improvement

Since Trump took office and started repealling all of those "job killing regulations", job creation has gone DOWN. Obama was eliminating and moderning the regulations. Trump's job creation hasn't approached Obama's numbers. That's because Trump is just cutting without process or thought. Like everything he does.

But hey, keep believing the Trump lies. It's less stressful than discerning what's really happening.
The grand-wizard of trickle-down speaks!

Reagan and Trump proved that it works.

It didn't work for Reagan. The 1981 tax cut was followed by a large number of tax increases:

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

And isn't not working under Trump. Two years in and the deficit is growing every larger. The effect was merely to maintain the status quo. The "job growth on steroids" Trump promised has never materialized. Trump's job growth is lower than Obama's, and his stock market is WAY behind Obama. The Dow has been stalled for two years.

Just because Trump tells you something is wonderful, he's probably lying.

We were in a recession under Ronnie, not today

The grand-wizard of trickle-down speaks!

Reagan and Trump proved that it works.

It didn't work for Reagan. The 1981 tax cut was followed by a large number of tax increases:

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

And isn't not working under Trump. Two years in and the deficit is growing every larger. The effect was merely to maintain the status quo. The "job growth on steroids" Trump promised has never materialized. Trump's job growth is lower than Obama's, and his stock market is WAY behind Obama. The Dow has been stalled for two years.

Just because Trump tells you something is wonderful, he's probably lying.

We were in a recession under Ronnie, not today


You were in a recession under Ronnie because of his tax cuts and deficit. Bush left in a recession because of his tax cuts and deficits.

Supply side economics simply does not work. Supply and demand works. Cutting taxes for the wealthy helps with the supply but when the workers don’t get raises for 40 years there’s not much demand.

The third time will not be the charm. Trumps tax cuts won’t work any better than Reagan’s or Bush’s.
The grand-wizard of trickle-down speaks!

Reagan and Trump proved that it works.

It didn't work for Reagan. The 1981 tax cut was followed by a large number of tax increases:

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

And isn't not working under Trump. Two years in and the deficit is growing every larger. The effect was merely to maintain the status quo. The "job growth on steroids" Trump promised has never materialized. Trump's job growth is lower than Obama's, and his stock market is WAY behind Obama. The Dow has been stalled for two years.

Just because Trump tells you something is wonderful, he's probably lying.

We were in a recession under Ronnie, not today


You were in a recession under Ronnie because of his tax cuts and deficit. Bush left in a recession because of his tax cuts and deficits.

Supply side economics simply does not work. Supply and demand works. Cutting taxes for the wealthy helps with the supply but when the workers don’t get raises for 40 years there’s not much demand.

The third time will not be the charm. Trumps tax cuts won’t work any better than Reagan’s or Bush’s.

Uhm bill gave bush jr a mini recession.

We had to fight imports over taking exports.
If you like your tax cuts, you can keep your tax cuts
Unless you are a millionaire

You target the wealthy in your raise taxes schemes but it is always the Middle Class that feels the hit. Here’s why: liberal tax plans need to classify Middle Class as “part of the wealthy”. The true wealthy can take the hit and the poor don’t pay taxes. The root cause of this is cause liberals refuse to cut spending. You never will yet you will cling to the class warfare as justification.
Wrong again
It was the Republicans who insisted on one tax bracket to include upper middle class and the wealthy

Liberals refuse to cut spending?
When have Conservatives ever cut spending?
We have close to a trillion dollar deficit, where is the Tea Party?

Show us where Republicans insisted on Middle Class and wealthy are the same bracket? Further, I am referring to the entire Middle Class. What are Liberals going to do to reward the Middle Class while punishing the wealthy?
If you like your tax cuts, you can keep your tax cuts
Unless you are a millionaire

You target the wealthy in your raise taxes schemes but it is always the Middle Class that feels the hit. Here’s why: liberal tax plans need to classify Middle Class as “part of the wealthy”. The true wealthy can take the hit and the poor don’t pay taxes. The root cause of this is cause liberals refuse to cut spending. You never will yet you will cling to the class warfare as justification.
Wrong again
It was the Republicans who insisted on one tax bracket to include upper middle class and the wealthy

Liberals refuse to cut spending?
When have Conservatives ever cut spending?
We have close to a trillion dollar deficit, where is the Tea Party?

Show us where Republicans insisted on Middle Class and wealthy are the same bracket? Further, I am referring to the entire Middle Class. What are Liberals going to do to reward the Middle Class while punishing the wealthy?

Relieve them of the costs of food stamps, Medicaid and Section 8, which are currently being paid to minimum wage workers for corporations that pay their executives 8 figure salaries, but pay their workers minimum wage, and then declare them "management" so they can work them 60 hours a week without paying overtime.

Trump rolled back the regulation which would have required any worker making less than $45,000 a year to be paid overtime, regardless of their status as "management" or "hourly rated". He took that raise away from minimum wage workers.

Shortly after Obama's re-election, Walmart posted the second highest profits in America, and the shareholders got a healthy dividend. But while Walmart was celebrating this record, every taxpayer in America contributed to the cost of the food stamps, MedicAid, and earned income credits which allowed Walmart employees to survive on their $7 an hour. It was being reported that Walmart workers received $6 billion dollars in social program benefits.

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

Walmart, McDonald’s tops in Ohio for employees on food stamps

Since earned income credits, food stamps, and MedicAid are all based on poverty level wages, raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour wipes out most of the need for these programs.

Every jurisdiction which has raised the minimum wage to $15 an hour, has seen a decrease in poverty, and an increase in hiring. All of the dire predictions of job losses have failed to materialize. In fact, the local economies are thriving.

They Said Seattle’s Higher Base Pay Would Hurt Workers. Why Did They Flip?

So what would the Democrats do for the Middle Class? Stop making them subsidize wages for the wealthiest people in America. Force these people to pay their own damn workers a fair, living wages. These corporations are sitting on the largest profits in their history and are awash in cash after the Trump tax cuts.

Trump promised every worker in America a $4000 raise from those tax cuts. The corporations rewarded their shareholders with buy-backs and dividends. Fewer than 10% of workers saw any benefit from Trump's corporate tax cut.

Democrats would eliminate eligibility from social programs for full time workers, and make corporations raise real worker pay for the first time in 40 years.
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What happened to the OP? She’s banned. Too bad. She was so nice and friendly.

If you like your tax cuts, you can keep your tax cuts
Unless you are a millionaire

You target the wealthy in your raise taxes schemes but it is always the Middle Class that feels the hit. Here’s why: liberal tax plans need to classify Middle Class as “part of the wealthy”. The true wealthy can take the hit and the poor don’t pay taxes. The root cause of this is cause liberals refuse to cut spending. You never will yet you will cling to the class warfare as justification.
Wrong again
It was the Republicans who insisted on one tax bracket to include upper middle class and the wealthy

Liberals refuse to cut spending?
When have Conservatives ever cut spending?
We have close to a trillion dollar deficit, where is the Tea Party?

Show us where Republicans insisted on Middle Class and wealthy are the same bracket? Further, I am referring to the entire Middle Class. What are Liberals going to do to reward the Middle Class while punishing the wealthy?

Relieve them of the costs of food stamps, Medicaid and Section 8, which are currently being paid to minimum wage workers for corporations that pay their executives 8 figure salaries, but pay their workers minimum wage, and then declare them "management" so they can work them 60 hours a week without paying overtime.

Trump rolled back the regulation which would have required any worker making less than $45,000 a year to be paid overtime, regardless of their status as "management" or "hourly rated". He took that raise away from minimum wage workers.

Shortly after Obama's re-election, Walmart posted the second highest profits in America, and the shareholders got a healthy dividend. But while Walmart was celebrating this record, every taxpayer in America contributed to the cost of the food stamps, MedicAid, and earned income credits which allowed Walmart employees to survive on their $7 an hour. It was being reported that Walmart workers received $6 billion dollars in social program benefits.

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

Walmart, McDonald’s tops in Ohio for employees on food stamps

Since earned income credits, food stamps, and MedicAid are all based on poverty level wages, raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour wipes out most of the need for these programs.

Every jurisdiction which has raised the minimum wage to $15 an hour, has seen a decrease in poverty, and an increase in hiring. All of the dire predictions of job losses have failed to materialize. In fact, the local economies are thriving.

They Said Seattle’s Higher Base Pay Would Hurt Workers. Why Did They Flip?

So what would the Democrats do for the Middle Class? Stop making them subsidize wages for the wealthiest people in America. Force these people to pay their own damn workers a fair, living wages. These corporations are sitting on the largest profits in their history and are awash in cash after the Trump tax cuts.

Trump promised every worker in America a $4000 raise from those tax cuts. The corporations rewarded their shareholders with buy-backs and dividends. Fewer than 10% of workers saw any benefit from Trump's corporate tax cut.

Democrats would eliminate eligibility from social programs for full time workers, and make corporations raise real worker pay for the first time in 40 years.

You are so confused on so many levels. You are completely incorrect regarding the tax cuts. The middle and lower classes all so tax cuts. That is an indisuputable fact. The upper middle class and some of the lower upper class are paying for those cuts. That is another fact.

The economy is flourishing under Trump. Obama never managed a calendar year of 3% growth, something Trump has already accomplished even with the ridiculous Mueller probe and quantiitative tightening from the fed, something Obama never had to deal with. No matter how you slice it, de-regulation and the governement staying out of the way as much as possible is how the country will grow long term economically. The Democrats interferring with a litany of regulations and higher taxes is not the answer and never will be.

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