Americans: Would Or Wouldn't You Join The U.s. Military? Why?/why Not?

Mr. Ofo Oao

Sep 19, 2014
I can think back to a news report that I saw about a Russian war ship doing military exercises not too far from the American mainland sometime earlier in this millennium.

Someone on usmb said that all Americans should be required to do a stent in the U.S. military. Do you agree with that assertion? Why?/why not?

Or, would you join the military (even if it were not required?) Why?/why not?
I can think back to a news report that I saw about a Russian war ship doing military exercises not too far from the American mainland sometime earlier in this millennium.

Someone on usmb said that all Americans should be required to do a stent in the U.S. military. Do you agree with that assertion? Why?/why not?

Or, would you join the military (even if it were not required?) Why?/why not?
I joined and do not believe in the draft.
yep, I'd enlist , I think that all should enlist but draft is fine with me . Problem for me though is that the USA military no longer seems to be a war fighting force what with going after Ebola and deadly to Americans rules of engagement .
I would compare the benefits between joining the US military and private contractors.
I think you need experience and a track record to join up with contractors / mercenaries .
I think you need experience and a track record to join up with contractors / mercenaries .

Those are the people they prefer. Companies 100% in the employ of Uncle Sam recruit frequently on the web site. Security jobs around the world are more and more being handled by civilians, ex-army & ex-marines with war zone experience. World class democrat hypocrite Dianne Feinstein and her husband were a big employer in Iraq. He got federal contracts worth more than $1 billion. She's a war ghoul, just like the rest of the mob on Capitol Hill.
I've always considered it a privilege to have served this nation in uniform. I'm too old now, but if push came to shove, I'd man an M-60 on the bunker line.
A drafted army, as we discovered, is different from a volunteer army. Vietnam shut the draft down. The American people have to believe in the conflict or bingo they resist the war and the draft. If a draft does in fact create a different army but in what areas, education, patriotism, and so on. We have to remember the last time we won a war with no strings was with a drafted military.
I had considered joining the Air National Guard when I got out of college but didn't.
Wish I did.
I can think back to a news report that I saw about a Russian war ship doing military exercises not too far from the American mainland sometime earlier in this millennium.

Someone on usmb said that all Americans should be required to do a stent in the U.S. military. Do you agree with that assertion? Why?/why not?

Or, would you join the military (even if it were not required?) Why?/why not?
I joined and do not believe in the draft.

I joined and I believe strongly in the draft. When the kids of Mitt Romney go into the military, they see what REAL people are like and their dad is less likely to start a war where he has an actual stake in the people who are in the military.

Remember this: Mitt Romney told Bret Baier on Fox News today that he did not talk about the troops in his convention speech because, “You don’t go through a laundry list; you talk about the things you think are important.”

Guess the troops aren't important. They would be if his son's served.

Remember this:

"Are any of your five sons currently serving in the United States military and if not are any of them planning to support the war on terror by enlisting in the United States Military."

"We have a voluntary army in this country."
"There are a variety of ways you can show your support for our soldiers. My sons are showing support by trying to get me elected as the President of the United States."

How many times was that posted on this very website? Thousands? And that narcissistic asswipe believes helping him get elected is the way to "support the country"? Really? His sons should have supported the country by serving in the military. And that would only happen with a draft.
I've always considered it a privilege to have served this nation in uniform. I'm too old now, but if push came to shove, I'd man an M-60 on the bunker line.

You would probably get Americans killed more than anything else.

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