Americans: Would Or Wouldn't You Join The U.s. Military? Why?/why Not?

If I was coming of age in the 50s, I'd join because of my love for the country. Today, after liberals have ruined the nation and society, I don't have a love for what exists and I wouldn't volunteer to serve this liberal Frankenstein.

Let China have it, in other words?

Defense of my loved ones is a different matter. I'm fighting to protect them.

How do you protect your loved ones but not protect your country?

In other words, where do you then go?
If I was coming of age in the 50s, I'd join because of my love for the country. Today, after liberals have ruined the nation and society, I don't have a love for what exists and I wouldn't volunteer to serve this liberal Frankenstein.

Please explain how your life has been ruined by liberals.

The right has been in control regardless of POTUS since 2000. Witness our new war in the MIddle East. You really think the left is in charge?

If I was coming of age in the 50s, I'd join because of my love for the country. Today, after liberals have ruined the nation and society, I don't have a love for what exists and I wouldn't volunteer to serve this liberal Frankenstein.

Let China have it, in other words?

He's full of shit. People in this country have no fucking idea of what it's like to live anywhere else unless they have purposely moved their lazy asses to a new country and tried to make it.

I have lived in two countries in South America as well as central Mexico, spent several months in Japan and Americans have no idea, none at all. Armchair twits watching Fox News thinking they have a bead on the world.

Why is everything you post in bold? Is it a cry for attention? The web equivalent of bellowing?
I've always considered it a privilege to have served this nation in uniform. I'm too old now, but if push came to shove, I'd man an M-60 on the bunker line.

You would probably get Americans killed more than anything else.

You're probably right. Old men just get in the way...although, it was mostly them who knocked off 100,000 Russians in the Battle of Berlin.

The way Rdean posts on these boards I think I'd rather he didn't show up.

I'd serve with ya Tom...........Haven't quite hit the 50 mark yet, but I do still hit what I'm aiming at.

Thanks brother. Now grab a couple of those ammo boxes and let's get up on line. ; - )
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If I was coming of age in the 50s, I'd join because of my love for the country. Today, after liberals have ruined the nation and society, I don't have a love for what exists and I wouldn't volunteer to serve this liberal Frankenstein.

Let China have it, in other words?

Defense of my loved ones is a different matter. I'm fighting to protect them.

How do you protect your loved ones but not protect your country?

In other words, where do you then go?

Protecting the country becomes an unintended consequence of protecting my family and my community.

Think of it like this - you hate oil companies but you own a car, so every time you fill up the gas tank so that you can go to work to provide for your family, you unintentionally enrich oil companies.
Protecting the country becomes an unintended consequence of protecting my family and my community.

Think of it like this - you hate oil companies but you own a car, so every time you fill up the gas tank so that you can go to work to provide for your family, you unintentionally enrich oil companies.

I was thinking of it like this: you hate your country, and you love your family. So, if China invades, you download quickly an English to Chinese translator and 1001 Wok Recipes.

Assimilation will help your family live. If that's all your interested in.
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countries messed up , militaries messed up , its yer bosses style Wacky Quacky !!
Someone on usmb said that all Americans should be required to do a stent in the U.S. military. Do you agree with that assertion? Why?/why not?
Well, I think that military recruitment requirements shouldn't change to let everyone in. I wouldn't agree that there should be a draft in peace time, though there are some merits to voluntary national service of some variety.
Or, would you join the military (even if it were not required?) Why?/why not?
I didn't join the military as I pushed ahead with education, and at the time I was a solid pacifist. I considered it once, but never put forward an application. Now am at the age where the opportunity for that sort of service is over (as I turn 26 next year), though obviously like most Americans I registered for the draft when I was younger.
If I was coming of age in the 50s, I'd join because of my love for the country. Today, after liberals have ruined the nation and society, I don't have a love for what exists and I wouldn't volunteer to serve this liberal Frankenstein.

Please explain how your life has been ruined by liberals.

The right has been in control regardless of POTUS since 2000. Witness our new war in the MIddle East. You really think the left is in charge?
Wait let me get this right... Democrats control the Presidency and the Senate but somehow the Republicans are to blame for Obama attacking in the middle east?
I'd go back in the Army. The difference I found out between the Army and the Boy Scouts is,,,,,,,,,,,,the Boy Scouts have adult leadership....
No. There have been no recent wars worth dying for. We are sending young men and women to the desert to die to line the pockets of corporations.
Didn't join looking back I wish I had unless it is another World War don't agree with a draft if I was going to serve I would rather it be with people who wanted to be in the military than those who got pulled in.
I did my 20.. I advised my son to only do 6. He decided not to do any and I can't say I blame him. I'd be hard pressed to recommend joining the Military with what Obama has done to it.

And what exactly has Obama done to it?

Right now he's gutting the shit out of it, which makes it real bad for the ones remaining. Liberals are typically hostile toward our military. Hillary loathed it. Military doesn't get the respect they deserve from liberals. Members are called war mongers and the left is willing to spend more money on illegal aliens and foreign aid for asshole radicals than they are on military members and retirees. Their actions speak volumes about how they regard our military. Now is a bad time to join. They are making deep cuts and a lot of officers are getting the axe. Cuts in benefits and forget cost of living raises. Plus they want to shift people from Tricare to Obamacare. A lot has changed and not for the better. We still ask a lot of our military troops, but libs don't show any love for the sacrifices they make. Having a commander in chief who calls the shots and mistakenly thinks he's smarter than the top military brass is dangerous.
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I was in, but wouldn't join right now. Being sent to die in useless wars doesn't exactly thrill me.

Thanks for your willingness to fight in defense of our country!

So you assert that ISIS, which is reported to have ties or capabilities of attacking in America is not worth fighting militarily?...
yep, I'd enlist , I think that all should enlist but draft is fine with me . Problem for me though is that the USA military no longer seems to be a war fighting force what with going after Ebola and deadly to Americans rules of engagement .

:) I know that the troops could use all the help that they can get. Is it OK to ask, if you are willing to enlist, why haven't you gone on and helped out the troops? :)

I joined but was barred from the military. If I could enlist I'd let the military know that I'm willing only to serve in the National Guard because I don't agree with how our government sometimes decides to invade sovereign nations.

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