America's First War


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
After the Revolutionary War it became incumbent upon this nascent independent nation to be prepared to fight for it's survival.

1. March 27, 1794 The House of Representatives passed an act authorizing the creation of a US Navy, with the “procurement of six frigates.”

Four of the ships would be classified as the 44 gun Frigate Class and two would be of the 38 gun Frigate class:
USS United States 44 guns Built in Phila. Launched May 10, 1797
USS Constellation 38 Balt. Sept. 7, 1797
USS Constitution 44 Bost. Oct. 21, 1997
USS Chesapeake 38 Gasport, Va. June 20, 1799
USS Congress 44 New Hamp. Aug. 15, 1799
USS President 44 New York April 1, 1800

2. Why was this necessary?

According to Robert Davis, between 1 million and 1.25 million Europeans were captured by Barbary pirates and sold as slaves between the 16th and 19th centuries
Davis, Robert. "Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast and Italy, 1500–1800"

3. In March 1785, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams went to London to negotiate with Tripoli's envoy, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman (or Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja). When they inquired "concerning the ground of the pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury", the ambassador replied:

It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise.

He said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they sprang to the deck of an enemy's ship, every sailor held a dagger in each hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe that they cried out for quarter at once.

"American Peace Commissioners to John Jay," March 28, 1786, "Thomas Jefferson Papers," Series 1. General Correspondence. 1651–1827, Library of Congress. LoC: March 28, 1786 (handwritten).
^ Making of America Project; Philip Gengembre Hubert (1872). The Atlantic monthly. Atlantic Monthly Co.. p. 413 (typeset) (some sources confirm this wording,[15][16] other sources report this quotation with slight differences in wording

4. Ransoming Americans was no less expensive, and therefore was a very profitable trade for the Muslim terrorists. Additionally, the Muslim nations would sign treaties with the attacked nations, including America, providing that for an annual "tribute" (perhaps $1 million a year, along with the "gift" of several frigates), that they would perhaps refrain from further attacks. By 1795, such "peace" payments to Muslim terrorists comprised a full sixteen percent of the entire federal budget!
America's First War With Muslims...Should Have Been The Last! - Patriot Action Network

5. "The First Barbary War (1801–1805), also known as the Tripolitan War or the Barbary Coast War, was the first of two wars fought between the United States and the Northwest African Berber Muslim states known collectively as the Barbary States,.... Thomas Jefferson refused to pay the high tributes demanded by the Barbary states and because they were seizing American merchant ships and enslaving the crews for high ransoms. It was the first declared war the United States fought on foreign land and seas."
First Barbary War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That war ended.......

....didn't it?

Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
George Santayana
Treaty of Peace and Friendship, signed at Tripoli November 4, 1796 (3 Ramada I, A. H. 1211), and at Algiers January 3, 1797 (4 Rajab, A. H. 1211). Original in Arabic. Submitted to the Senate May 29, 1797. (Message of May 26, 1797.) Resolution of advice and consent June 7, 1797. Ratified by the United States June 10, 1797. As to the ratification generally, see the notes. Proclaimed Jane 10, 1797.

The following fourteen pages of Arabic are a reproduction of the text in the original treaty book, first the pages of the treaty in left-to-right order of pagination, and then the " receipt " and the " note " mentioned, according to the Barlow translation, in Article 10. Following the Arabic and in the same order, is the translation of Joel Barlow as written in the treaty book-the twelve articles of the treaty, the "receipt," and the "note"; and after these is the approval of David Humphreys from the same document, which is fully described in the notes. Following those texts is the annotated translation of 1930.
Treaty of Peace and Friendship between the United States of America and the Bey and Subjects of Tripoli of Barbary.

There is a firm and perpetual Peace and friendship between the United States of America and the Bey and subjects of Tripoli of Barbary, made by the free consent of both parties, and guaranteed by the most potent Dey & regency of Algiers.

If any goods belonging to any nation with which either of the parties is at war shall be loaded on board of vessels belonging to the other party they shall pass free, and no attempt shall be made to take or detain them.

If any citizens, subjects or effects belonging to either party shall be found on board a prize vessel taken from an enemy by the other party, such citizens or subjects shall be set at liberty, and the effects restored to the owners.

Proper passports are to be given to all vessels of both parties, by which they are to be known. And, considering the distance between the two countries, eighteen months from the date of this treaty shall be allowed for procuring such passports. During this interval the other papers belonging to such vessels shall be sufficient for their protection.

A citizen or subject of either party having bought a prize vessel condemned by the other party or by any other nation, the certificate of condemnation and bill of sale shall be a sufficient passport for such vessel for one year; this being a reasonable time for her to procure a proper passport.

Vessels of either party putting into the ports of the other and having need of provissions or other supplies, they shall be furnished at the market price. And if any such vessel shall so put in from a disaster at sea and have occasion to repair, she shall be at liberty to land and reembark her cargo without paying any duties. But in no case shall she be compelled to land her cargo.

Should a vessel of either party be cast on the shore of the other, all proper assistance shall be given to her and her people; no pillage shall be allowed; the property shall remain at the disposition of the owners, and the crew protected and succoured till they can be sent to their country.

If a vessel of either party should be attacked by an enemy within gun-shot of the forts of the other she shall be defended as much as possible. If she be in port she shall not be seized or attacked when it is in the power of the other party to protect her. And when she proceeds to sea no enemy shall be allowed to pursue her from the same port within twenty four hours after her departure.

The commerce between the United States and Tripoli,-the protection to be given to merchants, masters of vessels and seamen,- the reciprocal right of establishing consuls in each country, and the privileges, immunities and jurisdictions to be enjoyed by such consuls, are declared to be on the same footing with those of the most favoured nations respectively.

The money and presents demanded by the Bey of Tripoli as a full and satisfactory consideration on his part and on the part of his subjects for this treaty of perpetual peace and friendship are acknowledged to have been recieved by him previous to his signing the same, according to a reciept which is hereto annexed, except such part as is promised on the part of the United States to be delivered and paid by them on the arrival of their Consul in Tripoly, of which part a note is likewise hereto annexed. And no presence of any periodical tribute or farther payment is ever to be made by either party.

As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion,-as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen,-and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

In case of any dispute arising from a notation of any of the articles of this treaty no appeal shall be made to arms, nor shall war be declared on any pretext whatever. But if the (consul residing at the place where the dispute shall happen shall not be able to settle the same, an amicable referrence shall be made to the mutual friend of the parties, the Dey of Algiers, the parties hereby engaging to abide by his decision. And he by virtue of his signature to this treaty engages for himself and successors to declare the justice of the case according to the true interpretation of the treaty, and to use all the means in his power to enforce the observance of the same.

Signed and sealed at Tripoli of Barbary the 3d day of Jumad in the year of the Higera 1211-corresponding with the 4th day of Novr 1796 by
MAMET Treasurer
GALIL Genl of the Troops
AMET Minister of Marine
MAHOMET Coml of the city
AMET Chamberlain
MAMET Secretary
ALLY-Chief of the Divan

Signed and sealed at Algiers the 4th day of Argib 1211-corresponding with the 3d day of January 1797 by

and by the Agent plenipotentiary of the United States of America
[Seal] Joel BARLOW
[The "Receipt"]

Praise be to God &c-

The present writing done by our hand and delivered to the American Captain OBrien makes known that he has delivered to us forty thousand Spanish dollars,-thirteen watches of gold, silver & pinsbach,-five rings, of which three of diamonds, one of saphire and one with a watch in it, One hundred & forty piques of cloth, and four caftans of brocade,-and these on account of the peace concluded with the Americans.

Given at Tripoli in Barbary the 20th day of Jumad 1211, corresponding with the 21st day of Novr 1796-

(Signed) JUSSUF BASHAW-Bey whom God Exalt

The foregoing is a true copy of the reciept given by Jussuf Bashaw- Bey of Tripoli-

(Signed) HASSAN BASHAW-Dey of Algiers.

The foregoing is a literal translation of the writing in Arabic on the opposite page.

[The " Note "]

On the arrival of a consul of the United States in Tripoli he is to deliver to Jussuf Bashaw Bey-
twelve thousand Spanish dollars
five hawsers-8 Inch
three cables-10 Inch
twenty five barrels tar
twenty five d° pitch
ten d° rosin
five hundred pine boards
five hundred oak d°
ten masts (without any measure mentioned, suppose for vessels from 2 to 300 ton)
twelve yards
fifty bolts canvas
four anchors

And these when delivered are to be in full of all demands on his part or on that of his successors from the United States according as it is expressed in the tenth article of the following treaty. And no farther demand of tributes, presents or payments shall ever be made.

Translated from the Arabic on the opposite page, which is signed & sealed by Hassan Bashaw Dey of Algiers-the 4th day of Argib 1211-or the 3d day of Jane 1797-by-

[Approval of Humphreys]

To all to whom these Presents shall come or be made known.

Whereas the Underwritten David Humphreys hath been duly appointed Commissioner Plenipotentiary by Letters Patent, under the Signature of the President and Seal of the United States of America, dated the 30th of March 1795, for negotiating and concluding a Treaty of Peace with the Most Illustrious the Bashaw, Lords and Governors of the City & Kingdom of Tripoli; whereas by a Writing under his Hand and Seal dated the 10th of February 1796, he did (in conformity to the authority committed to me therefor) constitute and appoint Joel Barlow and Joseph Donaldson Junior Agents jointly and separately in the business aforesaid; whereas the annexed Treaty of Peace and Friendship was agreed upon, signed and sealed at Tripoli of Barbary on the 4th Of November 1796, in virtue of the Powers aforesaid and guaranteed by the Most potent Dey and Regency of Algiers; and whereas the same was certified at Algiers on the 3d of January 1797, with the Signature and Seal of Hassan Bashaw Dey, and of Joel Barlow one of the Agents aforesaid, in the absence of the other.

Now Know ye, that I David Humphreys Commissioner Plenipotentiary aforesaid, do approve and conclude the said Treaty, and every article and clause therein contained, reserving the same nevertheless for the final Ratification of the President of the United States of America, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate of the said United States.

In testimony whereof I have signed the same with my Name and Seal, at the City of Lisbon this 10th of February 1797.
Avalon Project - The Barbary Treaties 1786-1816 - Treaty of Peace and Friendship, Signed at Tripoli November 4, 1796

So, where are we going with this?
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Treaty of Peace and Friendship, signed at Tripoli November 4, 1796 (3 Ramada I, A. H. 1211), and at Algiers January 3, 1797 (4 Rajab, A. H. 1211). Original in Arabic. Submitted to the Senate May 29, 1797. (Message of May 26, 1797.) Resolution of advice and consent June 7, 1797. Ratified by the United States June 10, 1797. As to the ratification generally, see the notes. Proclaimed Jane 10, 1797.

The following fourteen pages of Arabic are a reproduction of the text in the original treaty book, first the pages of the treaty in left-to-right order of pagination, and then the " receipt " and the " note " mentioned, according to the Barlow translation, in Article 10. Following the Arabic and in the same order, is the translation of Joel Barlow as written in the treaty book-the twelve articles of the treaty, the "receipt," and the "note"; and after these is the approval of David Humphreys from the same document, which is fully described in the notes. Following those texts is the annotated translation of 1930.
Treaty of Peace and Friendship between the United States of America and the Bey and Subjects of Tripoli of Barbary.

There is a firm and perpetual Peace and friendship between the United States of America and the Bey and subjects of Tripoli of Barbary, made by the free consent of both parties, and guaranteed by the most potent Dey & regency of Algiers.

If any goods belonging to any nation with which either of the parties is at war shall be loaded on board of vessels belonging to the other party they shall pass free, and no attempt shall be made to take or detain them.

If any citizens, subjects or effects belonging to either party shall be found on board a prize vessel taken from an enemy by the other party, such citizens or subjects shall be set at liberty, and the effects restored to the owners.

Proper passports are to be given to all vessels of both parties, by which they are to be known. And, considering the distance between the two countries, eighteen months from the date of this treaty shall be allowed for procuring such passports. During this interval the other papers belonging to such vessels shall be sufficient for their protection.

A citizen or subject of either party having bought a prize vessel condemned by the other party or by any other nation, the certificate of condemnation and bill of sale shall be a sufficient passport for such vessel for one year; this being a reasonable time for her to procure a proper passport.

Vessels of either party putting into the ports of the other and having need of provissions or other supplies, they shall be furnished at the market price. And if any such vessel shall so put in from a disaster at sea and have occasion to repair, she shall be at liberty to land and reembark her cargo without paying any duties. But in no case shall she be compelled to land her cargo.

Should a vessel of either party be cast on the shore of the other, all proper assistance shall be given to her and her people; no pillage shall be allowed; the property shall remain at the disposition of the owners, and the crew protected and succoured till they can be sent to their country.

If a vessel of either party should be attacked by an enemy within gun-shot of the forts of the other she shall be defended as much as possible. If she be in port she shall not be seized or attacked when it is in the power of the other party to protect her. And when she proceeds to sea no enemy shall be allowed to pursue her from the same port within twenty four hours after her departure.

The commerce between the United States and Tripoli,-the protection to be given to merchants, masters of vessels and seamen,- the reciprocal right of establishing consuls in each country, and the privileges, immunities and jurisdictions to be enjoyed by such consuls, are declared to be on the same footing with those of the most favoured nations respectively.

The money and presents demanded by the Bey of Tripoli as a full and satisfactory consideration on his part and on the part of his subjects for this treaty of perpetual peace and friendship are acknowledged to have been recieved by him previous to his signing the same, according to a reciept which is hereto annexed, except such part as is promised on the part of the United States to be delivered and paid by them on the arrival of their Consul in Tripoly, of which part a note is likewise hereto annexed. And no presence of any periodical tribute or farther payment is ever to be made by either party.

As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion,-as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen,-and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

In case of any dispute arising from a notation of any of the articles of this treaty no appeal shall be made to arms, nor shall war be declared on any pretext whatever. But if the (consul residing at the place where the dispute shall happen shall not be able to settle the same, an amicable referrence shall be made to the mutual friend of the parties, the Dey of Algiers, the parties hereby engaging to abide by his decision. And he by virtue of his signature to this treaty engages for himself and successors to declare the justice of the case according to the true interpretation of the treaty, and to use all the means in his power to enforce the observance of the same.

Signed and sealed at Tripoli of Barbary the 3d day of Jumad in the year of the Higera 1211-corresponding with the 4th day of Novr 1796 by
MAMET Treasurer
GALIL Genl of the Troops
AMET Minister of Marine
MAHOMET Coml of the city
AMET Chamberlain
MAMET Secretary
ALLY-Chief of the Divan

Signed and sealed at Algiers the 4th day of Argib 1211-corresponding with the 3d day of January 1797 by

and by the Agent plenipotentiary of the United States of America
[Seal] Joel BARLOW
[The "Receipt"]

Praise be to God &c-

The present writing done by our hand and delivered to the American Captain OBrien makes known that he has delivered to us forty thousand Spanish dollars,-thirteen watches of gold, silver & pinsbach,-five rings, of which three of diamonds, one of saphire and one with a watch in it, One hundred & forty piques of cloth, and four caftans of brocade,-and these on account of the peace concluded with the Americans.

Given at Tripoli in Barbary the 20th day of Jumad 1211, corresponding with the 21st day of Novr 1796-

(Signed) JUSSUF BASHAW-Bey whom God Exalt

The foregoing is a true copy of the reciept given by Jussuf Bashaw- Bey of Tripoli-

(Signed) HASSAN BASHAW-Dey of Algiers.

The foregoing is a literal translation of the writing in Arabic on the opposite page.

[The " Note "]

On the arrival of a consul of the United States in Tripoli he is to deliver to Jussuf Bashaw Bey-
twelve thousand Spanish dollars
five hawsers-8 Inch
three cables-10 Inch
twenty five barrels tar
twenty five d° pitch
ten d° rosin
five hundred pine boards
five hundred oak d°
ten masts (without any measure mentioned, suppose for vessels from 2 to 300 ton)
twelve yards
fifty bolts canvas
four anchors

And these when delivered are to be in full of all demands on his part or on that of his successors from the United States according as it is expressed in the tenth article of the following treaty. And no farther demand of tributes, presents or payments shall ever be made.

Translated from the Arabic on the opposite page, which is signed & sealed by Hassan Bashaw Dey of Algiers-the 4th day of Argib 1211-or the 3d day of Jane 1797-by-

[Approval of Humphreys]

To all to whom these Presents shall come or be made known.

Whereas the Underwritten David Humphreys hath been duly appointed Commissioner Plenipotentiary by Letters Patent, under the Signature of the President and Seal of the United States of America, dated the 30th of March 1795, for negotiating and concluding a Treaty of Peace with the Most Illustrious the Bashaw, Lords and Governors of the City & Kingdom of Tripoli; whereas by a Writing under his Hand and Seal dated the 10th of February 1796, he did (in conformity to the authority committed to me therefor) constitute and appoint Joel Barlow and Joseph Donaldson Junior Agents jointly and separately in the business aforesaid; whereas the annexed Treaty of Peace and Friendship was agreed upon, signed and sealed at Tripoli of Barbary on the 4th Of November 1796, in virtue of the Powers aforesaid and guaranteed by the Most potent Dey and Regency of Algiers; and whereas the same was certified at Algiers on the 3d of January 1797, with the Signature and Seal of Hassan Bashaw Dey, and of Joel Barlow one of the Agents aforesaid, in the absence of the other.

Now Know ye, that I David Humphreys Commissioner Plenipotentiary aforesaid, do approve and conclude the said Treaty, and every article and clause therein contained, reserving the same nevertheless for the final Ratification of the President of the United States of America, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate of the said United States.

In testimony whereof I have signed the same with my Name and Seal, at the City of Lisbon this 10th of February 1797.
Avalon Project - The Barbary Treaties 1786-1816 - Treaty of Peace and Friendship, Signed at Tripoli November 4, 1796

So, where are we going with this?

"So, where are we going with this?"

What an excellent lead in for my next post!

1. This, as the corollary to the final quote in the OP:

Knowledge is power. Francis Bacon

2. While the Barbary War ended, the motivation for that war never has ebbed. But, how and why would the Tripolitans and their allies pursued the war in the face of the Americans strength of character, and new found military strength?

3. Leave that for the moment, and return to what history can teach us.
During 628 A.D. Muhammad attempted to make a pilgrimage to the Kaba in Mecca. As he neared Meccan troops opposed him and forbid him to proceed to Mecca. However, the Meccans entered into negotiations with him. About ten miles outside of Mecca, by the spring of Hudaybiyya, Muhammad and the Meccans concluded a treaty known as the Treaty of Hudaybiyya.

This treaty humiliated the Muslims and Muhammad. Later as he journeyed home, Muhammad told his followers that the affair at Hudaybiyya was in fact a "victory".

b. When Muhammad made the treaty of Hudaybiyya, he knew that with the threat of the Meccans checked (due to the treaty), he would be free to attack his other enemies and subject them. Just as Hitler knew that his treaty with Russia allowed him to attack weaker states, like Poland, with impunity, so Muhammad knew he could now attack the weaker tribes near Medina.
W. M. Watt writes in "Muhammad in Medina", page 48

c. "This is on which Muhammad bin Abdullah made peace with..." and dictated the articles of the agreement, which stated that:
The agreement is essentially a truce between the two parties for a period of 10 years. The Treaty of Hudabiyyah

4. Remember, Muhammad is Islam. If Muhammad proves to be a liar and truce breaker then today’s Muslims will follow suit. Muhammad is their prime example and they endeavor to walk in his footsteps. If Muhammad could lie and break his word for any reason that suited him so will the Muslims of today.
Mark LeVine and a Truce With Islam

5.Less than two years after making a treaty with the people of Mecca, Muhammad returned with an army and took the city by surprise. Although this has been a traditional source of pride for Muslims down through the centuries, contemporary scholars are more apt to dwell on excusing Muhammad's action, since it contrasts with the claim that Islam is a religion of peace.
Myth: The Treaty of Hudaibiya

6. After Muhammad conquered Mecca and established his power in his region of the Saudi Peninsula, he claimed to have received another "revelation" from Allah, telling him to break his word and some treaties.
Here is the text from the Quran, Chapter 9:1-5

1) Freedom from obligation (is proclaimed) from Allah and His messenger toward those of the idolaters with whom ye made a treaty.

2) Travel freely in the land four months, and know that ye cannot escape Allah and that Allah will confound the disbelievers (in His Guidance).

3) And a proclamation from Allah and His messenger to all men on the day of the Greater Pilgrimage that Allah is free from obligation to the idolaters, and (so is) His messenger. So, if ye repent, it will be better for you; but if ye are averse, then know that ye cannot escape Allah. Give tidings (O Muhammad) of a painful doom to those who disbelieve,

4) Excepting those of the idolaters with whom ye (Muslims) have a treaty, and who have since abated nothing of your right nor have supported anyone against you. (As for these), fulfill their treaty to them till their term. Lo! Allah loveth those who keep their duty (unto Him).

5) Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
Mark LeVine and a Truce With Islam

Deceit is a strategy of war.
Patience is a strategy, too.
After the Revolutionary War it became incumbent upon this nascent independent nation to be prepared to fight for it's survival.

1. March 27, 1794 The House of Representatives passed an act authorizing the creation of a US Navy, with the “procurement of six frigates.”

Four of the ships would be classified as the 44 gun Frigate Class and two would be of the 38 gun Frigate class:
USS United States 44 guns Built in Phila. Launched May 10, 1797
USS Constellation 38 Balt. Sept. 7, 1797
USS Constitution 44 Bost. Oct. 21, 1997
USS Chesapeake 38 Gasport, Va. June 20, 1799
USS Congress 44 New Hamp. Aug. 15, 1799
USS President 44 New York April 1, 1800

2. Why was this necessary?

According to Robert Davis, between 1 million and 1.25 million Europeans were captured by Barbary pirates and sold as slaves between the 16th and 19th centuries
Davis, Robert. "Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast and Italy, 1500–1800"

3. In March 1785, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams went to London to negotiate with Tripoli's envoy, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman (or Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja). When they inquired "concerning the ground of the pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury", the ambassador replied:

It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise.

He said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they sprang to the deck of an enemy's ship, every sailor held a dagger in each hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe that they cried out for quarter at once.

"American Peace Commissioners to John Jay," March 28, 1786, "Thomas Jefferson Papers," Series 1. General Correspondence. 1651–1827, Library of Congress. LoC: March 28, 1786 (handwritten).
^ Making of America Project; Philip Gengembre Hubert (1872). The Atlantic monthly. Atlantic Monthly Co.. p. 413 (typeset) (some sources confirm this wording,[15][16] other sources report this quotation with slight differences in wording

4. Ransoming Americans was no less expensive, and therefore was a very profitable trade for the Muslim terrorists. Additionally, the Muslim nations would sign treaties with the attacked nations, including America, providing that for an annual "tribute" (perhaps $1 million a year, along with the "gift" of several frigates), that they would perhaps refrain from further attacks. By 1795, such "peace" payments to Muslim terrorists comprised a full sixteen percent of the entire federal budget!
America's First War With Muslims...Should Have Been The Last! - Patriot Action Network

5. "The First Barbary War (1801–1805), also known as the Tripolitan War or the Barbary Coast War, was the first of two wars fought between the United States and the Northwest African Berber Muslim states known collectively as the Barbary States,.... Thomas Jefferson refused to pay the high tributes demanded by the Barbary states and because they were seizing American merchant ships and enslaving the crews for high ransoms. It was the first declared war the United States fought on foreign land and seas."
First Barbary War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That war ended.......

....didn't it?

Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
George Santayana

You have a point in there somewhere?

Oh I see it now....Muslims are EVIL
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Are the Muslims on the NW African coast governed by the same type of Muslims as when the war took place??
Are the Muslims on the NW African coast governed by the same type of Muslims as when the war took place??

We are talking about PC here

A Muslim is a Muslim is a Muslim

and they are all Evil
Are the Muslims on the NW African coast governed by the same type of Muslims as when the war took place??

Have you heard of the Holy Q'ran?

Do you know how the Q'ran relates to the beliefs of all Muslims, all the time?

You might want to look into that.
I was just wondering since the Muslims of NW Africa do not do as such since under the Turkish Empire....
I'm a little confused with number 5.
The Banu Bakr became allied with the Quraysh. The Banu Bakr attacked Banu Khuzai who happened to be allies with Muhammad. The Quraysh were given 3 options:

Dissolve their alliance with the Banu Bakr
Compensate by paying money
Dissolve the treaty
Treaty of Hudaybiyyah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Quraysh chose the third and dissolved the treaty.

Now, this doesn't mean that lotto "legendary" stuff hasn't been built up around this Muhammad. But, those are the facts and has nothing to do with our Treaty.
I was just wondering since the Muslims of NW Africa do not do as such since under the Turkish Empire....

You seem to be impervious to the essence of post #8......

Are we still getting raided by those in Tunisia or Morocco? Then the essence of #8 is a distraction of facts at best...

We Americans are is such a hurry....we are used to accomplishing our goals in a short time.
Not all cultures are like that....

How would the intent of the Barbary pirates be successfully accomplished today?

Were I them, I would look for weaknesses in the society....


An openness that can be used against us?

Failure to pay attention?

1. "A quick survey of the major contributors to the Carter Center reveals hundreds of millions of dollars from Saudi and Gulf contributors.

Agha Hasan Abedi, the Pakistani founder of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), known as the bank “which would bribe God,” was BCCI that helped Mr. Carter established his center.

BCCI’s origins were primarily ideological. Abedi wanted the bank to reflect the supra-national Muslim credo and “the best bridge to help the world of Islam,...

Evidently, the millions in Arab petrodollars feeding Mr. Carter’s global endeavors, often in conflict with U.S. government policies, also ensure his loyalty."
Carter's Arab financiers - Washington Times

2. "Saudi Arabia Among Biggest Donors to Clinton Foundation" Saudi Arabia Among Biggest Donors to Clinton Foundation | Fox News

a. "President Clinton had sent the FBI to investigate and promised Americans that those responsible would pay. "The cowards who committed this murderous act must not go unpunished. Let me say it again: we will pursue this. America takes care of our own. Those who did it must not go unpunished," the president said.

But Freeh says the President failed to keep his promise.

The FBI wanted access to the suspects the Saudis had arrested but then-Saudi Ambassador Prince Bandar said the only way to get access to prisoners would be if the president personally asked the crown prince for access.

Freeh says Clinton did not help him. He writes in his book:

"Bill Clinton raised the subject only to tell the crown prince that he understood the Saudi's reluctance to cooperate, and then he hit Abdullah up for a contribution to the Clinton Presidential Library."
Ex-FBI Chief On Clinton's Scandals - CBS News

3. "There is the case of one Pakistani agent by the name of Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai who infiltrated the Republican party not long ago in an attempt to influence our elected officials. The 62 year old Fairfax, VA resident was supported by the Pakistani ISI—the very organization who many believe supported in the aiding and harboring of Osama Bin Laden. [Ed. Note: Nabi Fai's activities dated to the terms President Bill Clinton, a Democrat, served.]

If you believe Nabi Fai is the only foreign agent to infiltrate and influence our party, you are wrong. It happens more often than you could imagine. He just happened to get caught. Imad David Ramadan | The Counter Jihad Report The US Report - The US Report - Did Hezbollah, foreign agents and unions infiltrate the Republican*Party?

4. "Imad Ramadan is just the latest of a series of Muslim protégés discovered and promoted by Republican activist Grover Norquist, .... What’s wrong with Muslims running for public office or assuming prominent positions in the conservative movement? Nothing at all – as long as they are clear about the primacy of the U.S. Constitution over Koranic (or Sharia) law.

AT CPAC this year, Grover Norquist told a George Soros publication that Islam “is completely consistent with the U.S. Constitution and a free and open society,” a statement that reveals either a profound lack of understanding of Islamic law, or a conscious effort at deception.

Kent Clizbe, a former CIA operations officer who has converted to Islam to marry a Muslim woman (as Norquist has done), came away troubled from his own encounter with Imad Ramadan in August".
Grover Norquist?s New Muslim Protégé | FrontPage Magazine - Part 2

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Lest we forget the United States Marine Corps was established in 1775 before the US Navy ships were commissioned. The line "the shores of Tripoli" in the Marine Corps Hymn refers to the gallantry of Marine Lt. Presley O'Bannon at the battle of Derne in 1805.
I’m sure the history of Barbary War isn’t discussed by anyone else. Actually it’s the first war between united state and African Muslims. Americans called them Berber Muslims. This war is known as Barbary War, Tripolitan War or as Barbary Coast War. In this war American lost millions of naval and hundreds of ships. I’m going to Washington dc through get bus tours just to write down a feature on this topic.

Welcome to the board. I look forward toward said feature.

If your tour takes you through Annapolis, you might see the Tripoli monument....

Tripoli Monument at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland by Giovanni C Micali

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I'm a little confused with number 5.
The Banu Bakr became allied with the Quraysh. The Banu Bakr attacked Banu Khuzai who happened to be allies with Muhammad. The Quraysh were given 3 options:

Dissolve their alliance with the Banu Bakr
Compensate by paying money
Dissolve the treaty
Treaty of Hudaybiyyah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Quraysh chose the third and dissolved the treaty.

Now, this doesn't mean that lotto "legendary" stuff hasn't been built up around this Muhammad. But, those are the facts and has nothing to do with our Treaty.

The significance of the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah is that Muhammad felt no obligation to honor the treaty, and, therefore, such Muslim tradition is part of part of the any such obligation to this day.
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Are the Muslims on the NW African coast governed by the same type of Muslims as when the war took place??

We are talking about PC here

A Muslim is a Muslim is a Muslim

and they are all Evil

Well... using your LEFTARD LOGIC... that would be correct...

DO NOT judge ALL MUSLIMS by the actions of a few lunatics, but ostracize ALL GUN OWNERS by the actions of a few lunatics. HUH!
After the Revolutionary War it became incumbent upon this nascent independent nation to be prepared to fight for it's survival.

1. March 27, 1794 The House of Representatives passed an act authorizing the creation of a US Navy, with the “procurement of six frigates.”

Four of the ships would be classified as the 44 gun Frigate Class and two would be of the 38 gun Frigate class:
USS United States 44 guns Built in Phila. Launched May 10, 1797
USS Constellation 38 Balt. Sept. 7, 1797
USS Constitution 44 Bost. Oct. 21, 1797
USS Chesapeake 38 Gasport, Va. June 20, 1799
USS Congress 44 New Hamp. Aug. 15, 1799
USS President 44 New York April 1, 1800

2. Why was this necessary?

According to Robert Davis, between 1 million and 1.25 million Europeans were captured by Barbary pirates and sold as slaves between the 16th and 19th centuries
Davis, Robert. "Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast and Italy, 1500–1800"

3. In March 1785, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams went to London to negotiate with Tripoli's envoy, Ambassador Sidi Haji Abdrahaman (or Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja). When they inquired "concerning the ground of the pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury", the ambassador replied:

It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise.

He said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they sprang to the deck of an enemy's ship, every sailor held a dagger in each hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe that they cried out for quarter at once.

"American Peace Commissioners to John Jay," March 28, 1786, "Thomas Jefferson Papers," Series 1. General Correspondence. 1651–1827, Library of Congress. LoC: March 28, 1786 (handwritten).
^ Making of America Project; Philip Gengembre Hubert (1872). The Atlantic monthly. Atlantic Monthly Co.. p. 413 (typeset) (some sources confirm this wording,[15][16] other sources report this quotation with slight differences in wording

4. Ransoming Americans was no less expensive, and therefore was a very profitable trade for the Muslim terrorists. Additionally, the Muslim nations would sign treaties with the attacked nations, including America, providing that for an annual "tribute" (perhaps $1 million a year, along with the "gift" of several frigates), that they would perhaps refrain from further attacks. By 1795, such "peace" payments to Muslim terrorists comprised a full sixteen percent of the entire federal budget!
America's First War With Muslims...Should Have Been The Last! - Patriot Action Network

5. "The First Barbary War (1801–1805), also known as the Tripolitan War or the Barbary Coast War, was the first of two wars fought between the United States and the Northwest African Berber Muslim states known collectively as the Barbary States,.... Thomas Jefferson refused to pay the high tributes demanded by the Barbary states and because they were seizing American merchant ships and enslaving the crews for high ransoms. It was the first declared war the United States fought on foreign land and seas."
First Barbary War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That war ended.......

....didn't it?

Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
George Santayana

U.S.S. Constitution, (Old Ironsides) one of my ancestors Commanded this great ship for a tour of duty.
Captain Charles Perry Stewart:–1869)
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