America's Poorest White Town

No, they are not designed that way. Nothing about what they do, is about that. They are set up to discriminate against whites, to MAKE UP FOR the wide spread anti-black discrimination that people ASSUME is going on.

What you describe, is more a function of enforcing the anti-discrimination laws that are on the books. Which is already so harsh that, AS YOU HAVE DESCRIBED, that employers (and others) are terrified of even the appearance of anti-black discrimination, leading to AS YOU HAVE DESCRIBED, hiring/promoting/not firing blacks over whites.

So.... sure, you could probably find some isolated instances of...insanely brave or out of touch white racists, who ACTUAL dare discriminate against blacks, but...they are fools pissing against the Tide.
I had an apiphany. Life in America is like golf. It costs money to play golf. The best golf courses are in the richest neighborhoods. Some are private courses some public. No not every person should have equal access to all the best clubs and golf carts. In golf, life isn’t fair. It costs money to play. And not every club has to let you in. If blacks want more golf courses in their neighborhoods they should build them. And a black person should make affordable clubs every black child can afford.

And if a black person is truly better than the whites he will win major tournaments.

And no one gives a shit things aren’t fair for poor people in golf. It’s a business. White people have owned golf for centuries. Should we hav a program that force’s businesses to hire people because of color.

Im starting to come around.
I had an apiphany. Life in America is like golf. It costs money to play golf. The best golf courses are in the richest neighborhoods. Some are private courses some public. No not every person should have equal access to all the best clubs and golf carts. In golf, life isn’t fair. It costs money to play. And not every club has to let you in. If blacks want more golf courses in their neighborhoods they should build them. And a black person should make affordable clubs every black child can afford.

And if a black person is truly better than the whites he will win major tournaments.

And no one gives a shit things aren’t fair for poor people in golf. It’s a business. White people have owned golf for centuries. Should we hav a program that force’s businesses to hire people because of color.

Im starting to come around.
Funny that you chose golf as some sort of "epiphany"...Since it's origin is rich white mans hobby.

Have you went to Augusta GA and kissed the gate?
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That's on Muhammad Ali. He found that he was wrong.

Maybe you need to be grateful because they let you escape Kim Jung Il and his son. But I don't have to be grateful for a damn thing. So make up your motherfucking mind bitch, if I wasn't ever a slave, whites never saved me from slavery and if no one white today is to be blamed for what their great grandparents did, then they can't credit them. If we aren't to hold past people to modern standards, then we cannot credit past people for modern freedom. Didn't they teach you this in those ivy league schools you say you attended? Or is the only ivy you know about is that poison ivy that has swollen up your face so that you look like a chipmunk. Go somewhere and eat some nuts ho.

In 1960, Muhammad Ali was only 18 years old, and was fresh out of Louisville, Kentucky, and had grown up in a system of segregation, and oppresion which he was far too young to fully understand at that time in his life.

He was a sheltered and popular young athlete at that stage in his life, and frankly was not socially aware nor educated about the history of black people in America.

The wealthy white people who funded his entry into professional boxing, didn't actually care about him personally at all.

He was nothing more to them than an investment, and they regarded him similarly to how they would have regarded a race horse that was purchased to run in the Kentucky Derby.

In fact, when he returned from winning a gold medal for this country in 1960, he returned home to Louisville, only to be denied service in a local diner there.

Did any of them show up to fight for his right to be served or speak up in his behalf?

NO. They did not. Why? Because he was a second class citizen, who was appreciated more in Rome than he was in the city that he was born in.

He ended up tossing that worthless piece of fake gold into the Ohio River, over that incident.

The other and more factual side of this "FABLE" about him being "grateful" for his ancestors "getting on that boat" is that he obviously woke up to reality as a fully developed adult in later years.

When he fought George Foreman in Zaire, back in 1974, I was there with my dad to see that fight and even did some roadwork with Ali, and witnessed how the native people there loved him, and how he loved them in return.

He made frequent trips BACK to visit Africa in later years. He even spent time there with Nelson Mandela.

I heard those very words straight from him personally.

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In 1960, Muhammad Ali was only 18 years old, and was fresh out of Louisville, Kentucky, and had grown up in a system of segregation, and oppresion which he was far too young to fully understand at that time in his life.

He was a sheltered and popular young athlete at that stage in his life, and frankly was not socially aware nor educated about the history of black people in America.

The wealthy white people who funded his entry into professional boxing, didn't actually care about him personally at all.

He was nothing more to them than an investment, and they regarded him similarly to how they would have regarded a race horse that was purchased to run in the Kentucky Derby.

In fact, when he returned from winning a gold medal for this country in 1960, he returned home to Louisville, only to be denied service in a local diner there.

Did any of them show up to fight for his right to be served or speak up in his behalf?

NO. They did not. Why? Because he was a second class citizen, who was appreciated more in Rome than he was in the city that he was born in.

He ended up tossing that worthless piece of fake gold into the Ohio River, over that incident.

The other and more factual side of this "FABLE" about him being "grateful" for his ancestors "getting on that boat" is that he obviously woke up to reality as a fully developed adult in later years.

When he fought George Foreman in Zaire, back in 1974, I was there with my dad to see that fight and even did some roadwork with Ali, and witnessed how the native people there loved him, and how he loved them in return.

He made frequent trips BACK to visit Africa in later years. He even spent time there with Nelson Mandela.

I heard those very words straight from him personally.

Exactly. We know one thing about people like poli chic-they are disingenuous. Just like with Dr. King or Brother X, they take one or 2 sentences out of context and try to argue.
In all respect to you the so called party switch never happened. I think there was 1 who did. Please list for me names of those that switched. Bet ya can't. LOL!
That is a lie. The south was once solidly democrat, now it's republican.
You're an embarrassment to your own cause.

That you're openly encouraged by those may view the way that you carry yourself as some kind of confirmation for their own beliefs is as laughable as it is disturbing.

At least you're self-contained.
I give what I get from others. Your opinion means nothing. So as long as you say nothing to racism, do the same to me. Because you don't know how I carry myself. All you see is my disdain for racists and that disdain is deserved.
Lincoln devoted his entire political career to corrupting the established American form of government from one which was ''strictly limited'' and decentralized, as the Founders intended, to a highly centralized, activist state.

Lincoln subverted the Constitution. He tried to crush states rights. He was a Hamiltonian.
The founders created a centralized government. States rights was not an issue until the civil rights cases. States rights created apartheid after slavery.
I had an apiphany. Life in America is like golf. It costs money to play golf. The best golf courses are in the richest neighborhoods. Some are private courses some public. No not every person should have equal access to all the best clubs and golf carts. In golf, life isn’t fair. It costs money to play. And not every club has to let you in. If blacks want more golf courses in their neighborhoods they should build them. And a black person should make affordable clubs every black child can afford.

And if a black person is truly better than the whites he will win major tournaments.

And no one gives a shit things aren’t fair for poor people in golf. It’s a business. White people have owned golf for centuries. Should we hav a program that force’s businesses to hire people because of color.

Im starting to come around.

Thank you. Also,

Don't forget plenty of blacks are "moving on up" and have the where with all to play in those nice golf courses.

Also, You are very correct.

Funny that you chose golf as some sort of "epiphany"...Since it's origin is rich white mans hobby.

Have you went to Augusta GA and kissed the gate?
Americas origin is also owned and controlled by rich white guys. That’s why I compared the two.

Should whites have to buy every black person clubs?

Should blacks complain why are there so few blacks on golf courses?

I think this is a great analogy
The founders created a centralized government. States rights was not an issue until the civil rights cases. States rights created apartheid after slavery.

My God, EVERYTHING you just said, was wrong. EVERYTHING. Dumbass.
Funny that you chose golf as some sort of "epiphany"...Since it's origin is rich white mans hobby.

Have you went to Augusta GA and kissed the gate?

What was your point here, other than saying "white", like it is a bad thing?
That's on Muhammad Ali. He found that he was wrong.

Maybe you need to be grateful because they let you escape Kim Jung Il and his son. But I don't have to be grateful for a damn thing. So make up your motherfucking mind bitch, if I wasn't ever a slave, whites never saved me from slavery and if no one white today is to be blamed for what their great grandparents did, then they can't credit them. If we aren't to hold past people to modern standards, then we cannot credit past people for modern freedom. Didn't they teach you this in those ivy league schools you say you attended? Or is the only ivy you know about is that poison ivy that has swollen up your face so that you look like a chipmunk. Go somewhere and eat some nuts ho.

Oooooo....such fierce language!

Doesn't substitute for intelligent discourse.

See, that's what I mean: the results of poor parenting.

Can I have your opinion on this:

With respect to the education gap, how is it that 'racism' is responsible for these areas in which black students fall short when compared to white and Asian students:

The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

How does 'racism' explain these ...deficiencies????

. The real problem is one that Democrats/Progressives will not address: a culture and commensurate parenting deficit that leaves black students behind from the start. There is the sacrifice for their children that Democrats ignore, what another culture does for their children:

"So what accounts for the poverty-defying trajectory of the Fujianese kids?

First is a cultural trait that has become a cliché in the model-minority discussion: a zealous focus on education. .... education for the next generation is close to a religion..... One recent college graduate, now a public school math teacher, told me that his mother would wake him at 5 AM to go over math problems—when he was in the first and second grade. ..
.... one kindergartner’s mother said, in faltering English: “My son must go Harvard.”

No matter how poor they are, parents find a way to get their fourth- or fifth-graders into test-prep classes. WNYC found one Sunset Park family who put aside $5,000 for classes for their three sons out of a yearly household income of just $26,000.
Brooklyn's Chinese Pioneers by Kay S. Hymowitz, City Journal Spring 2014

And….there is this:

“For all racial and ethnic groups combined, 39.6 percent of births in the United States were out-of-wedlock (incidentally, isn’t that appalling?). And there was as always a tremendous range among groups. For blacks, the number is 69.4 percent; for American Indians/Alaska Natives, 68.2 percent (Native Hawaiians/Other Pacific Islanders were at 50.4 percent); for Hispanics, 51.8 percent; for whites, 28.2 percent; and for Asian Americans, a paltry 11.7 percent.

So, we go from seven out of ten for African Americans, to one out of ten for Asian Americans” Percentage of Births to Unmarried Women | Center for Equal Opportunity

See a problem here?

See the cowardice of Democrats in their purposely ignoring it?
I already know EVERY single statistic about the "War For States Rights" that are endlessly regurgitated by people like you, so please save it.

There were also close to 180,000 black soldiers who fought on behalf of the Union for LESSER pay and substandard treatment, in hopes that it would BUY their freedom, and ACCEPTANCE into American society.

Obviously, you sidestepped that fact, and if you didn't know that until now, look it up yourself, because I have no time to waste educating you.

Understand this:

I sincerely DO NOT want a SINGLE LIVING white person in America today to feel an ounce of guilt at all about slavery or Jim Crow segregation.

And in return, I feel absolutely ZERO gratitude towards those who fought in that same war for what has been misrepresented in history as a "humanitarian" effort to free slaves from bondage, because as soon as the war was over, Jim Crow was introduced and stayed in effect for the next 100 years.

And before you start the argument about "Democrats", Jim Crow laws were also enforced in northern states as well, where there were Republicans who sat by and watched.

The laws were enforced until 1965.

Both parties are equally as corrupt, and always have been and always will be, so your slavish dedication to bashing Democrats and glorifying Republicans, is an outright joke.

Jim Crow was as debilitating to the black population of America as slavery, and it's effect has lingered for generations.

That war was fought on one side to retain slave labor to sustain the southern economy, and on the other side, if slavery had encroached upon the north, it would have displaced the white labor force in that region. so that was not going to be allowed to happen.

It was a war that was about economics, and was not a "humanitarian" effort.

As an editorial comment, your slavish devotion to bashing Democrats and glorifying Republicans is truly amusing.

Because both are equally despicable.

What does that have to do with your lack of gratitude????
You're an embarrassment to your own cause.

That you're openly encouraged by those may view the way that you carry yourself as some kind of confirmation for their own beliefs is as laughable as it is disturbing.

At least you're self-contained.

There is a sub-culture that has been taught that anger and disrespect equal rectitude, and substitute for knownledge and facts.

Looking at every other culture, one can see the failure of such pathology.

This, thanks to the Democrats.
And you believe the things you post from conservative, right-wing news outlets are NOT biased?

Listen carefully: the post from me included Liberal Eric Foner.

Foner, Eric | Department of History - Columbia University​ › person › foner-eric

Eric Foner, DeWitt Clinton Professor Emeritus of History, specializes in the Civil War and Reconstruction, slavery, and 19th-century America.

If not for Democrat Party would never win an election.
What does that have to do with your lack of gratitude????

As I stated, I don't feel that anyone should feel guilt over the past.

Am I am free to have no gratitude about what happened in the past as well. The only gratitude that I do have is for the family that I have who served in the military, in spite of the bias that they experienced while serving.

And frankly, my personal sentiment is no concern of yours.
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Exactly. We know one thing about people like poli chic-they are disingenuous. Just like with Dr. King or Brother X, they take one or 2 sentences out of context and try to argue.

As you know there will always be those who will do that.

Since I happened to have personally known Ali as well as his brother Ramahan, and also his life long friend and biographer,
Howard Bingham,
what I say about Ali is for the most part, exactly what I heard him say while in his or Howard's presence.
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As I stated, I don't feel that anyone should feel guilt over the past.

Am I am free to have no gratitude about what happened in the past as well. The only gratitude that I do have is for the family that I have who served in the military, in spite of the bias that they experienced while serving.

And frankly, my personal sentiment is no concern of yours.

Keep posting and I will make it my concern.

If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
That is a lie. The south was once solidly democrat, now it's republican.
You do know people die right?

Generation X wanted manufacturing jobs and prosperity which the Republicans provided see North and South Carolina and Georgia

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