Ameriken Ofishals are comiting treeson!


Active Member
Sep 22, 2014
Anyone who has read the the appropriate Fox News e-mails would know that Obama is an extremist Muslim extremist christian extremist athiest and an extremist communist. Barack Obama went to an Islamic Madrassa and "madrassa" is a word that sounds weird. He didn't even go to an Islamic school, he went to an Islamic madrassa. Also Barack Obama refused to serve in the War in Vietnam. He didn't even get a deferment, he just engaged in blatant draft dodging.

You all need to start checking your e-mails so you can get the facts about Obama.

Obama sent a drone to Iran that was filled with national security secrets and information on how to build nuclear weapons!
Iran U.S. RQ-170 incident - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

John McCain too!!! McCain went on a secret trip to Syria. He met with members of Al-Qaeda and gave them secret U.S. intelligence and information on how to Create ISIS.

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