Amy Klobuchar

Well, I am still going to vote for Trump, God Willing, but I think she has the best shot at beating him (other than Yang and Gabbard, neither of whom can get the nom).
Possibly. I can't imagine Warren or Buttigieg being able to beat Trump in a head-to-head debate, but she might.

I don't watch boxing anymore, but when I did, there would be those matches where through the first 9 rounds you knew the champ was ahead on the scorecard. The trainer tells his guy "whelp Joe, you're gonna need a knockout".

That's the situation the Dems are in. All Trump has to do is not make a mistake and let his guard down.
Why would they release "results" when they have only 1% in? LOL

Dixville Notch and a couple of other towns has this thing where everyone votes early and they close their polls so they can be the 'bellweather' for the rest of the state.

New Hampshire primary: As ballots cast, Biden moving on to S.C.
Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg won the votes of a tiny New Hampshire community - five registered voters - that barely hung onto its tradition of being among the first to cast ballots in the presidential primary.

Dixville Notch residents cast their ballots just after the stroke of midnight. Bloomberg received three write-in votes, one in the Republican primary and two from Democrats. The remaining votes went to former South Bend, Ind. Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

The small community has been in the spotlight for nearly 60 years for casting votes just after midnight in the country’s first presidential primary and in November general elections. Two other areas, Hart’s Location and Millsfield, offer midnight voting in New Hampshire.

Late-nighters or early risers in two other locations gave Sen. Amy Klobuchar an early lead, with a total of eight votes. She got six from the community of Hart’s Location, followed by Sen. Elizabeth Warren with four, Andrew Yang with three and Sanders with two.​
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New Hampshire primary: As ballots cast, Biden moving on to S.C.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota was the very early winner Tuesday as the first votes were cast shortly after midnight in three small towns in New Hampshire, kicking off the primary election.

Klobuchar got eight votes, Sens. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts each got four votes, entrepreneur Andrew Yang got three, and Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg and Michael Bloomberg got two apiece.
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii and billionaire businessman Tom Steyer each got one vote.

Bloomberg, who isn’t on the ballot in the Granite State, was the recipient of two Democratic write-in votes and one Republican vote.​
she's unelectable in a general E!

Amy's prosecutorial record is not that much better than Mayor Pete's record on criminal justice

she doesnt resonate with black voters!
A break-through night for her? Absolutely.

I do not like a thing she stands fact I detest everything she represents......unfortunately she will make a formidable candidate.....if the DNC does not somehow manage to subvert her for one their lackeys aka biden, hillary or bloomberg.

She speaks well, obviously very intelligent and whilst not what I would call beautiful....she is attractive and has a likeable personality. Of all the democratic candidates I think she is the one that might stand a chance of beating Trump....heaven forbid! kthrough-night-for-amy-klobuchar/
She's unattractive and unlikable when the cameras aren't pointed her way.....And she would still be shuffling papers in the Hennepin County D.A.'s office, were it not for her name.

So female candidate need to be attractive?
Friday was a good night for Klobuchar. She successfully sold herself as the Democratic Party’s ideal centrist pick, focusing on Buttigieg’s lack of experience and youth.

Klobuchar has sold herself as the pragmatist with a history of winning elections in the politically divided Midwest, but now, she is trying to prove that she’s a fighter...someone who can go toe-to-toe with Trump if given the chance

I like her. She's more centrist and pragmatic.
On the other hand, virtually every DEMOCRAT running for the Presidency, wants to throw out not only what Trump did, but what Obama did too, and change it to SOCIALISM.
So we aren't keeping Trump, nor Obama, we are going almost 100% in a totally new direction that mirrors total failure throughout history, and they are trying to convince you that this, is a good idea, because they come from the party of Obama?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Now, I don't know what you think, but using such absurd logic for a debate point that totally fails, is usually called a CLUE-)
Lol, but Klobuchar is not a leftist. She is a classic liberal dogooder.

Kenedy called her "the cottonelle candidate"
I have a vague feeling that Amy Klobuchar might win New Hampshire tonight. She is the only one, besides Andrew Yang, who has stood up against the pandering tactics used by the rest of the candidates, and has denounced socialism.
Right now I think she has the best chance of beating Trump in the general, but are DNC members even aware of her strengths? Honestly, I had not given her much thought til the debate last Friday night.
She is a moderate across the board, except for supporting the Green New Deal, which could work if they pushed Thorium Molten Salt Reactors instead of banning it reflexively as a part of a generic 'nuclear is bad' reaction.
She wants to ban evil looking semi-automatic rifles, which is stupid and she is not in favor of Medicare for all, like most of the others.
She seems like a solid Democrat moderate alternative to Sleepy Joe Biden.

Amy Klobuchar on the issues, in under 500 words - Axios

Yay! I like her.

I want a more moderate candidate.
A break-through night for her? Absolutely.

I do not like a thing she stands fact I detest everything she represents......unfortunately she will make a formidable candidate.....if the DNC does not somehow manage to subvert her for one their lackeys aka biden, hillary or bloomberg.

She speaks well, obviously very intelligent and whilst not what I would call beautiful....she is attractive and has a likeable personality. Of all the democratic candidates I think she is the one that might stand a chance of beating Trump....heaven forbid! kthrough-night-for-amy-klobuchar/
She's unattractive and unlikable when the cameras aren't pointed her way.....And she would still be shuffling papers in the Hennepin County D.A.'s office, were it not for her name.

So female candidate need to be attractive?
And Muslim!
Klobachure is turning out to be the leading potential winner of the DNC's 'Who Do We Screw Bernie Over For This Time' nomination.

Friday was a good night for Klobuchar. She successfully sold herself as the Democratic Party’s ideal centrist pick, focusing on Buttigieg’s lack of experience and youth.

Klobuchar has sold herself as the pragmatist with a history of winning elections in the politically divided Midwest, but now, she is trying to prove that she’s a fighter...someone who can go toe-to-toe with Trump if given the chance

I like her. She's more centrist and pragmatic.
I agree. If nominated she will beat Trump.
Friday was a good night for Klobuchar. She successfully sold herself as the Democratic Party’s ideal centrist pick, focusing on Buttigieg’s lack of experience and youth.

Klobuchar has sold herself as the pragmatist with a history of winning elections in the politically divided Midwest, but now, she is trying to prove that she’s a fighter...someone who can go toe-to-toe with Trump if given the chance

I like her. She's more centrist and pragmatic.
I agree. If nominated she will beat Trump.

Maybe - if she can stir the base.

She also, imo, has the best potential for bipartisanship...maybe toning down the wings a little.
Friday was a good night for Klobuchar. She successfully sold herself as the Democratic Party’s ideal centrist pick, focusing on Buttigieg’s lack of experience and youth.

Klobuchar has sold herself as the pragmatist with a history of winning elections in the politically divided Midwest, but now, she is trying to prove that she’s a fighter...someone who can go toe-to-toe with Trump if given the chance

I like her. She's more centrist and pragmatic.
I agree. If nominated she will beat Trump.

Maybe - if she can stir the base.

She also, imo, has the best potential for bipartisanship...maybe toning down the wings a little.
That is true. She lacks in the charisma department. After four years of Trump, the electorate wants a stable personality. She may not win the nomination, but I am glad to see her rise. I Don’t want Bernie.
Friday was a good night for Klobuchar. She successfully sold herself as the Democratic Party’s ideal centrist pick, focusing on Buttigieg’s lack of experience and youth.

Klobuchar has sold herself as the pragmatist with a history of winning elections in the politically divided Midwest, but now, she is trying to prove that she’s a fighter...someone who can go toe-to-toe with Trump if given the chance

I like her. She's more centrist and pragmatic.
I agree. If nominated she will beat Trump.

Maybe - if she can stir the base.

She also, imo, has the best potential for bipartisanship...maybe toning down the wings a little.
That is true. She lacks in the charisma department. After four years of Trump, the electorate wants a stable personality. She may not win the nomination, but I am glad to see her rise. I Don’t want Bernie.

I like Bernie...don't get me wrong, I think he's a good man who cares a great deal but he's not nationally electable, and not all his ideas are realistic nationally. We don't need a winger now, not after Trump. We need stability, and a rebuilding of public trust and our national image if that is even repairable.
It doesn't really matter which Clown comes out of the Klown Kar and faces Trump. The candidate will have to deal with all of the bullshit policy positions that all have pledged to honor, and the American people manifestly DON'T WANT.

Must I list them?:
  • Free healthcare for illegals,
  • abortion on demand until the moment of live birth,
  • open borders,
  • green new deal
  • abolish fracking
  • going after handguns owned by law-abiding citizens
  • cripple national defense,
  • and so on.
I never liked her.

She is a Globlalist to the bone.

She'll be the next to drop out, and good riddance.
Friday was a good night for Klobuchar. She successfully sold herself as the Democratic Party’s ideal centrist pick, focusing on Buttigieg’s lack of experience and youth.

Klobuchar has sold herself as the pragmatist with a history of winning elections in the politically divided Midwest, but now, she is trying to prove that she’s a fighter...someone who can go toe-to-toe with Trump if given the chance

I like her. She's more centrist and pragmatic.
I agree. If nominated she will beat Trump.

Maybe - if she can stir the base.

She also, imo, has the best potential for bipartisanship...maybe toning down the wings a little.
That is true. She lacks in the charisma department. After four years of Trump, the electorate wants a stable personality. She may not win the nomination, but I am glad to see her rise. I Don’t want Bernie.

I like Bernie...don't get me wrong, I think he's a good man who cares a great deal but he's not nationally electable, and not all his ideas are realistic nationally. We don't need a winger now, not after Trump. We need stability, and a rebuilding of public trust and our national image if that is even repairable.
I agree. Electability is the key. Biden is through as well. It is possible he could pull a Hillary style run in the south. I am not sure Biden can do that especially with Bloomberg on the horizon.
I like her. She's more centrist and pragmatic.
I agree. If nominated she will beat Trump.

Maybe - if she can stir the base.

She also, imo, has the best potential for bipartisanship...maybe toning down the wings a little.
That is true. She lacks in the charisma department. After four years of Trump, the electorate wants a stable personality. She may not win the nomination, but I am glad to see her rise. I Don’t want Bernie.

I like Bernie...don't get me wrong, I think he's a good man who cares a great deal but he's not nationally electable, and not all his ideas are realistic nationally. We don't need a winger now, not after Trump. We need stability, and a rebuilding of public trust and our national image if that is even repairable.
I agree. Electability is the key. Biden is through as well. It is possible he could pull a Hillary style run in the south. I am not sure Biden can do that especially with Bloomberg on the horizon.

I don't much like Bloomberg. I think I'm burned out by billionaires.
I agree. If nominated she will beat Trump.

Maybe - if she can stir the base.

She also, imo, has the best potential for bipartisanship...maybe toning down the wings a little.
That is true. She lacks in the charisma department. After four years of Trump, the electorate wants a stable personality. She may not win the nomination, but I am glad to see her rise. I Don’t want Bernie.

I like Bernie...don't get me wrong, I think he's a good man who cares a great deal but he's not nationally electable, and not all his ideas are realistic nationally. We don't need a winger now, not after Trump. We need stability, and a rebuilding of public trust and our national image if that is even repairable.
I agree. Electability is the key. Biden is through as well. It is possible he could pull a Hillary style run in the south. I am not sure Biden can do that especially with Bloomberg on the horizon.

I don't much like Bloomberg. I think I'm burned out by billionaires.
You and I agree. Hoover, W. And Trump all ran on business experience. Screw the billionaire or MBA candidate. No one group of people has screwed up this country more.
Maybe - if she can stir the base.

She also, imo, has the best potential for bipartisanship...maybe toning down the wings a little.
That is true. She lacks in the charisma department. After four years of Trump, the electorate wants a stable personality. She may not win the nomination, but I am glad to see her rise. I Don’t want Bernie.

I like Bernie...don't get me wrong, I think he's a good man who cares a great deal but he's not nationally electable, and not all his ideas are realistic nationally. We don't need a winger now, not after Trump. We need stability, and a rebuilding of public trust and our national image if that is even repairable.
I agree. Electability is the key. Biden is through as well. It is possible he could pull a Hillary style run in the south. I am not sure Biden can do that especially with Bloomberg on the horizon.

I don't much like Bloomberg. I think I'm burned out by billionaires.
You and I agree. Hoover, W. And Trump all ran on business experience. Screw the billionaire or MBA candidate. No one group of people has screwed up this country more.
Please tell us how many people you know who have lost their jobs or careers since Trump became President.
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