An American professor defends Stalin

When England declared war on Germany for invading Poland, they should have also declared war on the USSR who later did the same and divided the country.

When Britain declared war on Germany it already had an agreement with Hitler on division of spheres of interests: Hitler was given Eastern Europe to ease his way towards the Soviet borders.

That's why Britain did nothing beyond declaration.

That was before a single shot was fired.

Both the USSR and Germany attacked Poland, but war was only declared on Hitler.
mememe gets very excited by STRONG authority figures (you know what I mean).
When Britain declared war on Germany it already had an agreement with Hitler on division of spheres of interests: Hitler was given Eastern Europe to ease his way towards the Soviet borders.

That's why Britain did nothing beyond declaration.

That was before a single shot was fired.

Both the USSR and Germany attacked Poland, but war was only declared on Hitler.

What "shot"?

You, idiot, what "shot"?

The Soviet Union entered WEST UKRAINE on the 18-s of September AFTER Poland was annexed by Germany, you twat!


Actually, the Red Army entered the eastern regions of Poland with 7 field armies, containing betrween 450,000 and 1,000,000 troopers, split between two fronts. Commandarm 2nd rank Mikhael Kovalyov led the Red Army in the invasion on the Belarusian Front, while Commandarm 1rst rank Semyon Tunoskenko commanded the invasion on the Ukranian Front.

Polish commanders deployed most of their troops to the west, assuming that the USSR would remain neutral. By this time, no more than 20 under strength battalions, consisting of about 20,000 troops, defended the eastern border. When the Red army invaded Poland on September 17, the Polish military was in the midst of retreat from Germany.

The Polish army was told not to engage the Soviet troops unless attacked, however, the German invasion had severely damaged the Polish communication systems causing clashes between Polish and Soviet forces along the border.

See, all you had to do is put down the Obama history book to lear a little something. :shock:
Seriously, folks - are we to expect sanity or a reasonable response form any poster who uses a quote from Stalin as their sig line?

Mimi la Bolsheviki is simply repeating the party line. It's exactly one of Hoffer's 'True Believers'
Seriously, folks - are we to expect sanity or a reasonable response form any poster who uses a quote from Stalin as their sig line?

Mimi la Bolsheviki is simply repeating the party line. It's exactly one of Hoffer's 'True Believers'

Mimi is a Stalinist revisionist. That is almost as unprofessional as an Holocaust revisionist.
I'd have to disagree with him on several points, specifically the non-invasion of Poland by the Soviets.

However, I would defend his right to teach such stuff simply because it is only by examining everything and questioning everything that true learning occurs. If alternate opinions, even as blatantly twisted as this, are not allowed to be taught, then you don't have education: you have indoctrination and that's different.

Understanding the Soviet Union and Stalin in general through an objective historical perspective serves the interest of Americans and policy makers much more than the ridiculous fantasy of the right wing.

Was Stalin a brutal thug? Yep. But the Soviets came in at the end of a brutal civil war followed by a world war. They took the brunt of the German onslaught and probably won the war in Europe for the Allies.

The same thing happened in China.

So idea that most of the people that perished under communist rule, did so by design, is ridiculous. They are multiple factors at play. Two above that I posted and gross incompetence. One good example is Mao's cultural revolution. Taking farms away from actual farmers and giving them to teenagers was dangerous folly and had dire consequences. And you see this history repeated under Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe.
Just one of thousands of examples of how our next generation is being brainwashed by the leftist seminaries.
The following is the standard history.

On 17 September, sixteen days after Nazi Germany invaded Poland from the west, the Soviet Union did so from the east. The invasion ended on 6 October 1939 with the division and annexing of the whole of the Second Polish Republic by Germany and the Soviet Union.[7]

Does anyone here SERIOUSLY deny the above?

If so I'd like to hear what you believe happened and WHY you think your version of history is more correct.
The following is the standard history.

On 17 September, sixteen days after Nazi Germany invaded Poland from the west, the Soviet Union did so from the east. The invasion ended on 6 October 1939 with the division and annexing of the whole of the Second Polish Republic by Germany and the Soviet Union.[7]

Does anyone here SERIOUSLY deny the above?

If so I'd like to hear what you believe happened and WHY you think your version of history is more correct.

Certain revisionists and Stalinist apologists disagree, wrongly, for various reasons, none of which are sustainable based on the evidence.
The following is the standard history.

On 17 September, sixteen days after Nazi Germany invaded Poland from the west, the Soviet Union did so from the east. The invasion ended on 6 October 1939 with the division and annexing of the whole of the Second Polish Republic by Germany and the Soviet Union.[7]

Does anyone here SERIOUSLY deny the above?

West Ukraine and West Belarus were NOT "Poland". They were Western territories of Ukraine and Belarus previously annexed by Poland.

Are you going to deny that?!

On the 17-s of September Polish government surrendered its powers to London, and Germany took over Poland. The Soviet Union entered West Ukraine and West Belarus the following day.

Are you going to deny that?

None of which excuses the Soviet invasion of Eastern Poland.
mememe has thousands of hours of video footage of steam locomotives entering and exiting tunnels. mememe dreams of being a tunnel for some reason.
mememe has boxes and boxes of cigars that haven't been smoked (at least not in the traditional way).

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