An Amicus Brief to the Supreme Court on the history of carrying guns in the U.S.....

I admit only reading a portion of what you posted, however, I the scenarios presented below your Second Amendment were interesting, regarding a woman and a rapist.
Clearly, what the woman would do can be divided into the leftist (so-called progressive, pro-Marxist crowd) and the opposing Conservative (pro-Constitution and pro-Bill of Rights crowd).
If the event was happening to a woman who, opposed gun ownership by law-abiding citizens and further, was a supporter of the "Defund the Police" movement (all nations have police forces), she just has to accept the rape as a consequence of a lawless society and move on from it. After all, no law enforcement means anarchy. If the event were to happen with a woman who owned a firearm and could get to it, to prevent the rape, she would either hold the rapist at gunpoint until law enforcement arrived, or shoot the rapist dead. Either way, what she does to the rapist is acceptable.
The second hypothetical extremely fictional scenario, is that I wouldn't go back in time and prevent her from owning a firearm, but rather warn her of her peril, so that she could prevent the event in the first place, after all, the rapist is still going to attempt the crime, whether I go back in time or not and if I went back and it was a gun-free nation, I would still know when and where the event would occur and ensure that she was adequately armed with non-firearm weaponry and I would assist, thus thwarting the rapist's plans.
Back to the Second Amendment. Until this Marxist administration takes away our Bill of Rights, we, in my opinion have the right-to-carry a firearm for self-defense. Having that right doesn't mean that it has to be in plain-sight to scare people, but concealed. Nothing in the Second Amendment addresses "how" the arms can be carried and thus is open to legislation. So, for the sake of the "peoples" concerns, firearms should, when out in the community, be a mandatory concealed carry situation and as rifles and shotguns are not easily concealed, leave them at home and just wear a concealed semi-automatic pistol or revolver. Any clown that want to wander around town while having an AR-15 or other long-gun slung over their shoulder, has way too much testosterone pumping through his system and needs to dial it back.

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