An astonishing rate of Corruption: Trump’s 3,000 conflicts of interest.


Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2012
The government watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington announced Friday that after more than three years of monitoring President Donald Trump's conduct, the president has hit a milestone, amassing more than 3,000 conflicts of interest between his businesses and his position in office.

The findings come from a CREW
report detailing improper relationships between Trump, his business empire, and those trying to influence public policy—including lobbyists, foreign governments, and members of Congress.

'An Astonishing Rate of Corruption': Trump Has Amassed 3,000 Conflicts of Interest Since Taking Office

More evidence is becoming clear how the Trump syndicate is using the Oval Office for personal gain. This is nearly third world levels of corruption. The most corrupt administration in history continues on and will continue until Trump and his cronies are booted from the presidency. The Senate has all but given the green light for Trump to continue his corrupt ways. Is there anyone left stupid enough to believe Trump’s drain the swamp BS? Wake up America!
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The government watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington announced Friday that after more than three years of monitoring President Donald Trump's conduct, the president has hit a milestone, amassing more than 3,000 conflicts of interest between his businesses and his position in office.

The findings come from a CREW
report detailing improper relationships between Trump, his business empire, and those trying to influence public policy—including lobbyists, foreign governments, and members of Congress.

'An Astonishing Rate of Corruption': Trump Has Amassed 3,000 Conflicts of Interest Since Taking Office

More evidence is becoming clear how the Trump syndicate is using the Oval Office for personal gain. This is nearly third world levels of corruption. The most corrupt administration in history continues on and will continue until Trump and his cronies are booted from the presidency. The Senate has all but given the green light for Trump to continue his corrupt ways. Wake up America!
How is it then that Trump has less money after being president, and democrats usually leave politics with way more money??
Ask yourself this: What sort of a person or organization would devote so much time to this nonsense? This is THE SAME AS those organizations that monitor the President's "lies." You would have to be a complete tool.
Democrats yesterday: "Orange Man BAD!!!"

Today: "Orange Man VERY BAD!!!"

The screech is damaging to the ears. Whiny and way too high pitched for a male...
Democrats yesterday: "Orange Man BAD!!!"

Today: "Orange Man VERY BAD!!!"

The screech is damaging to the ears. Whiny and way too high pitched for a male...
Instead of deflecting address the OP.
How is it then that Trump has less money after being president, and democrats usually leave politics with way more money??

can you prove this to be a fact, or are you just parroting what you were told?
The government watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington announced Friday that after more than three years of monitoring President Donald Trump's conduct, the president has hit a milestone, amassing more than 3,000 conflicts of interest between his businesses and his position in office.

The findings come from a CREW
report detailing improper relationships between Trump, his business empire, and those trying to influence public policy—including lobbyists, foreign governments, and members of Congress.

'An Astonishing Rate of Corruption': Trump Has Amassed 3,000 Conflicts of Interest Since Taking Office

More evidence is becoming clear how the Trump syndicate is using the Oval Office for personal gain. This is nearly third world levels of corruption. The most corrupt administration in history continues on and will continue until Trump and his cronies are booted from the presidency. The Senate has all but given the green light for Trump to continue his corrupt ways. Is there anyone left stupid enough to believe Trump’s drain the swamp BS? Wake up America!

Nobody cares. The Trump faithful will follow him and worship him no matter what he does. He himself said it best, he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and not lose a vote
How is it then that Trump has less money after being president, and democrats usually leave politics with way more money??
How is it that you expect me to believe that without proof? I don't go to MAGA rallies and swallow any BS he throws out. I require facts.
Ask yourself this: What sort of a person or organization would devote so much time to this nonsense? This is THE SAME AS those organizations that monitor the President's "lies." You would have to be a complete tool.

good point, why would anyone care about corruption in the government.
Here is the report. This information is not for cultist. They are a lost cause. But for everyone else here is more information:

A Disgraceful Milestone: Trump's 3,000 Conflicts of Interest - CREW

It's a shame these people aren't employable. They couldn't be trusted to scrape the bugs off my windshield at a carwash. Let them screech into the darkness.
The conclusion of the report:

‘“President Trump’s time in office has been an ethical disaster. While previous administrations have taken every precaution to avoid the appearance that the president’s official actions could be tainted by their private business interests, President Trump has instead done the exact opposite, blatantly and regularly using his office for his own financial gain. Three-thousand conflicts of interest later, President Trump has sent a clear message to special interests, foreign governments, and others trying to influence the federal government that his presidency is effectively for sale.

Instead of providing oversight or enforcing a higher standard, members of his administration and Republicans in Congress have condoned President Trump’s ethical abuses by taking their business to his properties and rewarding special interests who do the same with official access. Some have gone so far as to use their official platforms to give Trump businesses free advertising. Their abdication of responsibility has served to embolden President Trump, whose presidency is devolving into a cash grab that erodes ethical norms every time he visits his properties, promotes the Trump Organization, or bills the Secret Service top-dollar to stay at his foundering resorts.”

A Disgraceful Milestone: Trump's 3,000 Conflicts of Interest - CREW
The government watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington announced Friday that after more than three years of monitoring President Donald Trump's conduct, the president has hit a milestone, amassing more than 3,000 conflicts of interest between his businesses and his position in office.

The findings come from a CREW
report detailing improper relationships between Trump, his business empire, and those trying to influence public policy—including lobbyists, foreign governments, and members of Congress.

'An Astonishing Rate of Corruption': Trump Has Amassed 3,000 Conflicts of Interest Since Taking Office

More evidence is becoming clear how the Trump syndicate is using the Oval Office for personal gain. This is nearly third world levels of corruption. The most corrupt administration in history continues on and will continue until Trump and his cronies are booted from the presidency. The Senate has all but given the green light for Trump to continue his corrupt ways. Is there anyone left stupid enough to believe Trump’s drain the swamp BS? Wake up America!
Proof that TDS is a very real mental illness.
Democrats yesterday: "Orange Man BAD!!!"

Today: "Orange Man VERY BAD!!!"

The screech is damaging to the ears. Whiny and way too high pitched for a male...
Instead of deflecting address the OP.

The OP is nothing but crying and screeching. There is nothing to address except the lack of your TDS medicine.

Indeed, that is you. I can't even imagine the sea of tears when the God-Emperor got elected.

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