An astonishing rate of Corruption: Trump’s 3,000 conflicts of interest.

The government watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington announced Friday that after more than three years of monitoring President Donald Trump's conduct, the president has hit a milestone, amassing more than 3,000 conflicts of interest between his businesses and his position in office.

The findings come from a CREW
report detailing improper relationships between Trump, his business empire, and those trying to influence public policy—including lobbyists, foreign governments, and members of Congress.

'An Astonishing Rate of Corruption': Trump Has Amassed 3,000 Conflicts of Interest Since Taking Office

More evidence is becoming clear how the Trump syndicate is using the Oval Office for personal gain. This is nearly third world levels of corruption. The most corrupt administration in history continues on and will continue until Trump and his cronies are booted from the presidency. The Senate has all but given the green light for Trump to continue his corrupt ways. Is there anyone left stupid enough to believe Trump’s drain the swamp BS? Wake up America!
Proof that TDS is a very real mental illness.
LOL..Is that all you have. No response just an inane comment about TDS. Rather than TDS just say ‘You’re right Johnlaw. I have nothing to say and I give up. You win” That would at least be honest.
The government watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington announced Friday that after more than three years of monitoring President Donald Trump's conduct, the president has hit a milestone, amassing more than 3,000 conflicts of interest between his businesses and his position in office.

The findings come from a CREW
report detailing improper relationships between Trump, his business empire, and those trying to influence public policy—including lobbyists, foreign governments, and members of Congress.

'An Astonishing Rate of Corruption': Trump Has Amassed 3,000 Conflicts of Interest Since Taking Office

More evidence is becoming clear how the Trump syndicate is using the Oval Office for personal gain. This is nearly third world levels of corruption. The most corrupt administration in history continues on and will continue until Trump and his cronies are booted from the presidency. The Senate has all but given the green light for Trump to continue his corrupt ways. Is there anyone left stupid enough to believe Trump’s drain the swamp BS? Wake up America!
After the Muller investigation, Trump is the cleanest president in our history.
The government watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington announced Friday that after more than three years of monitoring President Donald Trump's conduct, the president has hit a milestone, amassing more than 3,000 conflicts of interest between his businesses and his position in office.

The findings come from a CREW
report detailing improper relationships between Trump, his business empire, and those trying to influence public policy—including lobbyists, foreign governments, and members of Congress.

'An Astonishing Rate of Corruption': Trump Has Amassed 3,000 Conflicts of Interest Since Taking Office

More evidence is becoming clear how the Trump syndicate is using the Oval Office for personal gain. This is nearly third world levels of corruption. The most corrupt administration in history continues on and will continue until Trump and his cronies are booted from the presidency. The Senate has all but given the green light for Trump to continue his corrupt ways. Is there anyone left stupid enough to believe Trump’s drain the swamp BS? Wake up America!
After the Muller investigation, Trump is the cleanest president in our history.

30 million spent on investigating him... and nothing found.

But he is the most corrupt, believe me.

Meanwhile the dem establishment candidate is neck deep in trouble.
The government watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington announced Friday that after more than three years of monitoring President Donald Trump's conduct, the president has hit a milestone, amassing more than 3,000 conflicts of interest between his businesses and his position in office.

The findings come from a CREW
report detailing improper relationships between Trump, his business empire, and those trying to influence public policy—including lobbyists, foreign governments, and members of Congress.

'An Astonishing Rate of Corruption': Trump Has Amassed 3,000 Conflicts of Interest Since Taking Office

More evidence is becoming clear how the Trump syndicate is using the Oval Office for personal gain. This is nearly third world levels of corruption. The most corrupt administration in history continues on and will continue until Trump and his cronies are booted from the presidency. The Senate has all but given the green light for Trump to continue his corrupt ways. Is there anyone left stupid enough to believe Trump’s drain the swamp BS? Wake up America!
Proof that TDS is a very real mental illness.
LOL..Is that all you have. No response just an inane comment about TDS. Rather than TDS just say ‘You’re right Johnlaw. I have nothing to say and I give up. You win” That would at least be honest.
Are you trying to deflect from Hillary having to answer questions about her emails?
The government watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington announced Friday that after more than three years of monitoring President Donald Trump's conduct, the president has hit a milestone, amassing more than 3,000 conflicts of interest between his businesses and his position in office.

The findings come from a CREW
report detailing improper relationships between Trump, his business empire, and those trying to influence public policy—including lobbyists, foreign governments, and members of Congress.

'An Astonishing Rate of Corruption': Trump Has Amassed 3,000 Conflicts of Interest Since Taking Office

More evidence is becoming clear how the Trump syndicate is using the Oval Office for personal gain. This is nearly third world levels of corruption. The most corrupt administration in history continues on and will continue until Trump and his cronies are booted from the presidency. The Senate has all but given the green light for Trump to continue his corrupt ways. Is there anyone left stupid enough to believe Trump’s drain the swamp BS? Wake up America!
Proof that TDS is a very real mental illness.
LOL..Is that all you have. No response just an inane comment about TDS. Rather than TDS just say ‘You’re right Johnlaw. I have nothing to say and I give up. You win” That would at least be honest.
Are you trying to deflect from Hillary having to answer questions about her emails?
How is it then that Trump has less money after being president, and democrats usually leave politics with way more money??
Well, executive positions pay a lot. Bill Clinton's annual salary as Governor of Arkansas was ~$35,000.

That got him rich... With a little bit of help from his wife, who totally coincidentally happened to get appointed to the board of directors of WalMart, the largest corporation in the whole of Arkansas after hubby became guvner ;)

Board of deeereeectors of Walmart. That's just one of fringe benefits of bein' the Democrat First Lady of Arkansas, along with having plenty of negro prisoners serve her in the Governor's Mansion.
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The government watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington announced Friday that after more than three years of monitoring President Donald Trump's conduct, the president has hit a milestone, amassing more than 3,000 conflicts of interest between his businesses and his position in office.

The findings come from a CREW
report detailing improper relationships between Trump, his business empire, and those trying to influence public policy—including lobbyists, foreign governments, and members of Congress.

'An Astonishing Rate of Corruption': Trump Has Amassed 3,000 Conflicts of Interest Since Taking Office

More evidence is becoming clear how the Trump syndicate is using the Oval Office for personal gain. This is nearly third world levels of corruption. The most corrupt administration in history continues on and will continue until Trump and his cronies are booted from the presidency. The Senate has all but given the green light for Trump to continue his corrupt ways. Is there anyone left stupid enough to believe Trump’s drain the swamp BS? Wake up America!
Proof that TDS is a very real mental illness.

"Trump Derangement Syndrome" isn't even original. Before that there was Obama Derangement Syndrome and Bush Derangement Syndrome and it's now been recycled and used as a crutch and an excuse not to debate or consider evidence that doesn't agree with you.
I'm still mad at the George XLIII administration ... sending the US military into Iraq had several levels of corruption, one being an attempt to a quick buy-out of Iraqi oil assets, foiled by the Iraqis though, Dick Chaney thought the voters there would gladly hand everything over ... trillions of dollars in tax-payer money, hundreds of thousands dead, I don't see The Donald's dealing off the bottom of the deck as this bad ...

That's 3,000 conflicts of interest with liberals ... should be expected from a Republican ...
The government watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington announced Friday that after more than three years of monitoring President Donald Trump's conduct, the president has hit a milestone, amassing more than 3,000 conflicts of interest between his businesses and his position in office.

The findings come from a CREW
report detailing improper relationships between Trump, his business empire, and those trying to influence public policy—including lobbyists, foreign governments, and members of Congress.

'An Astonishing Rate of Corruption': Trump Has Amassed 3,000 Conflicts of Interest Since Taking Office

More evidence is becoming clear how the Trump syndicate is using the Oval Office for personal gain. This is nearly third world levels of corruption. The most corrupt administration in history continues on and will continue until Trump and his cronies are booted from the presidency. The Senate has all but given the green light for Trump to continue his corrupt ways. Is there anyone left stupid enough to believe Trump’s drain the swamp BS? Wake up America!
The government watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington announced Friday that after more than three years of monitoring President Donald Trump's conduct, the president has hit a milestone, amassing more than 3,000 conflicts of interest between his businesses and his position in office.

The findings come from a CREW
report detailing improper relationships between Trump, his business empire, and those trying to influence public policy—including lobbyists, foreign governments, and members of Congress.

'An Astonishing Rate of Corruption': Trump Has Amassed 3,000 Conflicts of Interest Since Taking Office

More evidence is becoming clear how the Trump syndicate is using the Oval Office for personal gain. This is nearly third world levels of corruption. The most corrupt administration in history continues on and will continue until Trump and his cronies are booted from the presidency. The Senate has all but given the green light for Trump to continue his corrupt ways. Is there anyone left stupid enough to believe Trump’s drain the swamp BS? Wake up America!
Proof that TDS is a very real mental illness.

"Trump Derangement Syndrome" isn't even original. Before that there was Obama Derangement Syndrome and Bush Derangement Syndrome and it's now been recycled and used as a crutch and an excuse not to debate or consider evidence that doesn't agree with you.

Diagnosis: TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome)
The government watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington announced Friday that after more than three years of monitoring President Donald Trump's conduct, the president has hit a milestone, amassing more than 3,000 conflicts of interest between his businesses and his position in office.

The findings come from a CREW
report detailing improper relationships between Trump, his business empire, and those trying to influence public policy—including lobbyists, foreign governments, and members of Congress.

'An Astonishing Rate of Corruption': Trump Has Amassed 3,000 Conflicts of Interest Since Taking Office

More evidence is becoming clear how the Trump syndicate is using the Oval Office for personal gain. This is nearly third world levels of corruption. The most corrupt administration in history continues on and will continue until Trump and his cronies are booted from the presidency. The Senate has all but given the green light for Trump to continue his corrupt ways. Is there anyone left stupid enough to believe Trump’s drain the swamp BS? Wake up America!

Hey maybe you can impeach him -- again! So he'll be "the most impeached president ever!"
The government watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington announced Friday that after more than three years of monitoring President Donald Trump's conduct, the president has hit a milestone, amassing more than 3,000 conflicts of interest between his businesses and his position in office.

The findings come from a CREW
report detailing improper relationships between Trump, his business empire, and those trying to influence public policy—including lobbyists, foreign governments, and members of Congress.

'An Astonishing Rate of Corruption': Trump Has Amassed 3,000 Conflicts of Interest Since Taking Office

More evidence is becoming clear how the Trump syndicate is using the Oval Office for personal gain. This is nearly third world levels of corruption. The most corrupt administration in history continues on and will continue until Trump and his cronies are booted from the presidency. The Senate has all but given the green light for Trump to continue his corrupt ways. Is there anyone left stupid enough to believe Trump’s drain the swamp BS? Wake up America!
Proof that TDS is a very real mental illness.

"Trump Derangement Syndrome" isn't even original. Before that there was Obama Derangement Syndrome and Bush Derangement Syndrome and it's now been recycled and used as a crutch and an excuse not to debate or consider evidence that doesn't agree with you.

Diagnosis: TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome)
Norman: As I said rather than TDS just write "Johnlaw wins. He is right. I am wrong."
The government watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington announced Friday that after more than three years of monitoring President Donald Trump's conduct, the president has hit a milestone, amassing more than 3,000 conflicts of interest between his businesses and his position in office.

The findings come from a CREW
report detailing improper relationships between Trump, his business empire, and those trying to influence public policy—including lobbyists, foreign governments, and members of Congress.

'An Astonishing Rate of Corruption': Trump Has Amassed 3,000 Conflicts of Interest Since Taking Office

More evidence is becoming clear how the Trump syndicate is using the Oval Office for personal gain. This is nearly third world levels of corruption. The most corrupt administration in history continues on and will continue until Trump and his cronies are booted from the presidency. The Senate has all but given the green light for Trump to continue his corrupt ways. Is there anyone left stupid enough to believe Trump’s drain the swamp BS? Wake up America!
Proof that TDS is a very real mental illness.

"Trump Derangement Syndrome" isn't even original. Before that there was Obama Derangement Syndrome and Bush Derangement Syndrome and it's now been recycled and used as a crutch and an excuse not to debate or consider evidence that doesn't agree with you.
TDS is the reply of a loser.
The government watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington announced Friday that after more than three years of monitoring President Donald Trump's conduct, the president has hit a milestone, amassing more than 3,000 conflicts of interest between his businesses and his position in office.

The findings come from a CREW
report detailing improper relationships between Trump, his business empire, and those trying to influence public policy—including lobbyists, foreign governments, and members of Congress.

'An Astonishing Rate of Corruption': Trump Has Amassed 3,000 Conflicts of Interest Since Taking Office

More evidence is becoming clear how the Trump syndicate is using the Oval Office for personal gain. This is nearly third world levels of corruption. The most corrupt administration in history continues on and will continue until Trump and his cronies are booted from the presidency. The Senate has all but given the green light for Trump to continue his corrupt ways. Is there anyone left stupid enough to believe Trump’s drain the swamp BS? Wake up America!
Proof that TDS is a very real mental illness.

"Trump Derangement Syndrome" isn't even original. Before that there was Obama Derangement Syndrome and Bush Derangement Syndrome and it's now been recycled and used as a crutch and an excuse not to debate or consider evidence that doesn't agree with you.

Diagnosis: TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome)
Norman: As I said rather than TDS just write "Johnlaw wins. He is right. I am wrong."

I have a suspicion that no one with TDS has ever won in anything.
The government watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington announced Friday that after more than three years of monitoring President Donald Trump's conduct, the president has hit a milestone, amassing more than 3,000 conflicts of interest between his businesses and his position in office.

The findings come from a CREW
report detailing improper relationships between Trump, his business empire, and those trying to influence public policy—including lobbyists, foreign governments, and members of Congress.

'An Astonishing Rate of Corruption': Trump Has Amassed 3,000 Conflicts of Interest Since Taking Office

More evidence is becoming clear how the Trump syndicate is using the Oval Office for personal gain. This is nearly third world levels of corruption. The most corrupt administration in history continues on and will continue until Trump and his cronies are booted from the presidency. The Senate has all but given the green light for Trump to continue his corrupt ways. Is there anyone left stupid enough to believe Trump’s drain the swamp BS? Wake up America!
Proof that TDS is a very real mental illness.
LOL..Is that all you have. No response just an inane comment about TDS. Rather than TDS just say ‘You’re right Johnlaw. I have nothing to say and I give up. You win” That would at least be honest.
TDS makes the most sense,,,
The government watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington announced Friday that after more than three years of monitoring President Donald Trump's conduct, the president has hit a milestone, amassing more than 3,000 conflicts of interest between his businesses and his position in office.

The findings come from a CREW
report detailing improper relationships between Trump, his business empire, and those trying to influence public policy—including lobbyists, foreign governments, and members of Congress.

'An Astonishing Rate of Corruption': Trump Has Amassed 3,000 Conflicts of Interest Since Taking Office

More evidence is becoming clear how the Trump syndicate is using the Oval Office for personal gain. This is nearly third world levels of corruption. The most corrupt administration in history continues on and will continue until Trump and his cronies are booted from the presidency. The Senate has all but given the green light for Trump to continue his corrupt ways. Is there anyone left stupid enough to believe Trump’s drain the swamp BS? Wake up America!
Proof that TDS is a very real mental illness.

"Trump Derangement Syndrome" isn't even original. Before that there was Obama Derangement Syndrome and Bush Derangement Syndrome and it's now been recycled and used as a crutch and an excuse not to debate or consider evidence that doesn't agree with you.

Diagnosis: TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome)
Norman: As I said rather than TDS just write "Johnlaw wins. He is right. I am wrong."

I have a suspicion that no one with TDS has ever won in anything.
No one has ever lost an argument to someone whose only defense is TDS. In this context you know Trump is corrupt. You don't want to admit it. Just man up.
The government watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington announced Friday that after more than three years of monitoring President Donald Trump's conduct, the president has hit a milestone, amassing more than 3,000 conflicts of interest between his businesses and his position in office.

The findings come from a CREW
report detailing improper relationships between Trump, his business empire, and those trying to influence public policy—including lobbyists, foreign governments, and members of Congress.

'An Astonishing Rate of Corruption': Trump Has Amassed 3,000 Conflicts of Interest Since Taking Office

More evidence is becoming clear how the Trump syndicate is using the Oval Office for personal gain. This is nearly third world levels of corruption. The most corrupt administration in history continues on and will continue until Trump and his cronies are booted from the presidency. The Senate has all but given the green light for Trump to continue his corrupt ways. Is there anyone left stupid enough to believe Trump’s drain the swamp BS? Wake up America!
Proof that TDS is a very real mental illness.
LOL..Is that all you have. No response just an inane comment about TDS. Rather than TDS just say ‘You’re right Johnlaw. I have nothing to say and I give up. You win” That would at least be honest.
Are you trying to deflect from Hillary having to answer questions about her emails?
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One of your made up scandals.

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