An attempt for the left to get into the mind of a Conservative

Kneeling on neck vs. zero evidence of mass voter fraud.

Your move.

1. Fact: Kneeling on neck is (or was) a legal tactic, and is used on people of all races.
For 8 minutes? No.

So, it's non-racial.
Yes. Yes it was.

2. Fact: George Floyd was already yelling "I can't breathe" in the car, before he was on the ground at all, so his lack of ability to breathe wasn't simply because of the cop. The amount of drugs in his system can easily explain his death.
So the cop took a black man who can't breath--who was handcuffed--and knealt on his neck? Wow.

So, the supposed reason for Floyd's death was already present before any kneeling on neck happened.

3. Fact: Police killing blacks, especially unarmed, is extremely rare. Only 13 unarmed blacks died in 2019. Given the terrorizing rhetoric by the left and media that blacks should fear leaving their houses and are being exterminated by police, by all data accounts that's a false claim. Yet, it's what drove the BLM riots and protests.
Only 13.

So, you have 2 causes, both driven by feelings that don't align with data.

Boom. Your move.
I win. Checkmate.
When BLM was 18 blocks away, there were riot police in full gear sending in tear gas and swinging clubs.

Just sayin'

1. Supporters of BLM said the heavy police presence is what escalated their rioters. The DC mayor listened, obviously.

2. Tear gas was used on the rioters in DC, and they shot one of the rioters. In the BLM riots, police retreated and allowed the mobs to destroy. Police left their civilians to fend for themselves. Mayors had so much fear of the PC optics that they actually forfeited their duty and allowed civilians to be assaulted, murdered, and exploited.

3. And, I would hope there would be full gear police when there are gigantic mobs lethally assaulting civilians, police, and burning down blocks of cities. Compared to BLM, this raid on the Capitol was tame, although still monstrous.
Democrats hate all rioting thugs regardless of political affiliation. Politics & policy is what the elections & protest are for. But riots & violent mobs are an act of war! The traitorous thugs must be put down hard or democracy is finished!
Bullshit. Numerous liberals encourged the arson, murder, looting and vanalism in Seattle, Portland and Kenosha.

Actually, numerous people who ID as "conservative" murdered police and burned buildings to make it seem like peaceful protests were riots. You got caught slappy.

Name on, asshole.
Kneeling on neck vs. zero evidence of mass voter fraud.

Your move.

1. Fact: Kneeling on neck is (or was) a legal tactic, and is used on people of all races.
For 8 minutes? No.

So, it's non-racial.
Yes. Yes it was.

2. Fact: George Floyd was already yelling "I can't breathe" in the car, before he was on the ground at all, so his lack of ability to breathe wasn't simply because of the cop. The amount of drugs in his system can easily explain his death.
So the cop took a black man who can't breath--who was handcuffed--and knealt on his neck? Wow.

So, the supposed reason for Floyd's death was already present before any kneeling on neck happened.

3. Fact: Police killing blacks, especially unarmed, is extremely rare. Only 13 unarmed blacks died in 2019. Given the terrorizing rhetoric by the left and media that blacks should fear leaving their houses and are being exterminated by police, by all data accounts that's a false claim. Yet, it's what drove the BLM riots and protests.
Only 13.

So, you have 2 causes, both driven by feelings that don't align with data.

Boom. Your move.
I win. Checkmate.

LMAO. You didn't do anything. You can't prove this was racial at all. By all means, do so.

And yes, a 0.00000000000000000001% rate of death is not worthy of terrorizing an entire race to fear leaving their house or being addressed by an institution of law and order.
When BLM was 18 blocks away, there were riot police in full gear sending in tear gas and swinging clubs.

Just sayin'

1. Supporters of BLM said the heavy police presence is what escalated their rioters. The DC mayor listened, obviously.

2. Tear gas was used on the rioters in DC, and they shot one of the rioters. In the BLM riots, police retreated and allowed the mobs to destroy. Police left their civilians to fend for themselves. Mayors had so much fear of the PC optics that they actually forfeited their duty and allowed civilians to be assaulted, murdered, and exploited.

3. And, I would hope there would be full gear police when there are gigantic mobs lethally assaulting civilians, police, and burning down blocks of cities. Compared to BLM, this raid on the Capitol was tame, although still monstrous.

Its always fun to have a new boot on the board. many deaths does it take to make it tragic?
Kneeling on neck vs. zero evidence of mass voter fraud.

Your move.

1. Fact: Kneeling on neck is (or was) a legal tactic, and is used on people of all races.
For 8 minutes? No.

So, it's non-racial.
Yes. Yes it was.

2. Fact: George Floyd was already yelling "I can't breathe" in the car, before he was on the ground at all, so his lack of ability to breathe wasn't simply because of the cop. The amount of drugs in his system can easily explain his death.
So the cop took a black man who can't breath--who was handcuffed--and knealt on his neck? Wow.

So, the supposed reason for Floyd's death was already present before any kneeling on neck happened.

3. Fact: Police killing blacks, especially unarmed, is extremely rare. Only 13 unarmed blacks died in 2019. Given the terrorizing rhetoric by the left and media that blacks should fear leaving their houses and are being exterminated by police, by all data accounts that's a false claim. Yet, it's what drove the BLM riots and protests.
Only 13.

So, you have 2 causes, both driven by feelings that don't align with data.

Boom. Your move.
I win. Checkmate.

LMAO. You didn't do anything. You can't prove this was racial at all. By all means, do so.

And yes, a 0.00000000000000000001% rate of death is not worthy of terrorizing an entire race to fear leaving their house or being addressed by an institution of law and order.

8 minutes... The cop murdered Floyd.

That really happened.

Voter fraud on a massive scale to sway an election...did not.

Again. I win.
I'm a proud conservative. That comes with both political and social views, although not all cliche and not all at any sort of widespread intensity.

As a Conservative, you bet I back the police. I believe in individual responsibility. These few hundred immoral monsters committed an act of domestic terrorism, costing multiple lives lost, including one of their own from defensive fire. The rioters are being arrested and will likely receive absolutely no assistance (nor should they), and get lengthy prison time. I consider it a dark day for America, but one among MANY that have happened recently.

Also as a Conservative, I was outraged by previous riots that were far more massive and happened all across the country throughout 2020, causing hundreds of millions of dollars, burning down so many citizens' livelihoods, sending hundreds of police officers to the hospital with cracked skulls from bricks, and killing 40+ people across the country. Multiple government buildings were seized or burned, police were withdrawn so that citizens were left to fend for themselves. Again... let that sink in... police left their citizens to the mob to let them fend for themselves. Yet, the rioters were rationalized, their criminal acts overlooked and blamed on a system. They were bailed out of jail by the likes of Kamala Harris, Joe Biden's team, and other prominent Democrats.

I notice, observably and unbiasedly, that the MSM rationalized and/or supported the BLM riots, but now depict this specific riot as worse than Pearl Harbor. I notice that the Democrats were radio silent during the BLM riots, but now are powerfully condemning these riots.

I see this. We all see this. It is an objective, provable double standard. And thus when, as a Conservative, I'm lectured about how I have to own these horrible people who I condemn, yet BLM rioters who committed the same or far greater atrocities were just in their criminality???

I don't buy it, and I call politics. Conservatives, by and large, denounce all riots. We, in Conservatism, are glad to have Democrats and leftists finally condemning political violence in America. We simply wonder what took you so long to do it, and look forward to your consistency when people of any color commit immoral criminal acts in America.

This is true unification.
I see things a bit differently, nice post by the way... all violence and destruction is deplorable and detestable but the big difference between the two protests is the premise behind them. This summer was a protest for equality and reform within a police department that many feel abuse power and mistreat minorities.

This recent protest was based on lies and misinformation by an egomaniac who couldn’t handle losing an election. It is based on sewing doubt in our institutions and is a direct threat to our democracy.

The violence from both was detestable but the foundation of this recent protest at the capital was poison and dishonest which is why there is such an aggressive effort to clamp down. Do you understand the point that I’m making? Agree or disagree?
In other words, you approve of one riot because you agree with the vermin who perpetrated it, and you disapprove of the other for no other reason than that you disagree with the people involved. The rest of you post is a sleazy excuse for Stalinism. You assholes just detroyed our democracy.
I'm a proud conservative. That comes with both political and social views, although not all cliche and not all at any sort of widespread intensity.

As a Conservative, you bet I back the police. I believe in individual responsibility. These few hundred immoral monsters committed an act of domestic terrorism, costing multiple lives lost, including one of their own from defensive fire. The rioters are being arrested and will likely receive absolutely no assistance (nor should they), and get lengthy prison time. I consider it a dark day for America, but one among MANY that have happened recently.

Also as a Conservative, I was outraged by previous riots that were far more massive and happened all across the country throughout 2020, causing hundreds of millions of dollars, burning down so many citizens' livelihoods, sending hundreds of police officers to the hospital with cracked skulls from bricks, and killing 40+ people across the country. Multiple government buildings were seized or burned, police were withdrawn so that citizens were left to fend for themselves. Again... let that sink in... police left their citizens to the mob to let them fend for themselves. Yet, the rioters were rationalized, their criminal acts overlooked and blamed on a system. They were bailed out of jail by the likes of Kamala Harris, Joe Biden's team, and other prominent Democrats.

I notice, observably and unbiasedly, that the MSM rationalized and/or supported the BLM riots, but now depict this specific riot as worse than Pearl Harbor. I notice that the Democrats were radio silent during the BLM riots, but now are powerfully condemning these riots.

I see this. We all see this. It is an objective, provable double standard. And thus when, as a Conservative, I'm lectured about how I have to own these horrible people who I condemn, yet BLM rioters who committed the same or far greater atrocities were just in their criminality???

I don't buy it, and I call politics. Conservatives, by and large, denounce all riots. We, in Conservatism, are glad to have Democrats and leftists finally condemning political violence in America. We simply wonder what took you so long to do it, and look forward to your consistency when people of any color commit immoral criminal acts in America.

This is true unification.
I see things a bit differently, nice post by the way... all violence and destruction is deplorable and detestable but the big difference between the two protests is the premise behind them. This summer was a protest for equality and reform within a police department that many feel abuse power and mistreat minorities.

This recent protest was based on lies and misinformation by an egomaniac who couldn’t handle losing an election. It is based on sewing doubt in our institutions and is a direct threat to our democracy.

The violence from both was detestable but the foundation of this recent protest at the capital was poison and dishonest which is why there is such an aggressive effort to clamp down. Do you understand the point that I’m making? Agree or disagree?
In other words, you approve of one riot because you agree with the vermin who perpetrated it, and you disapprove of the other for no other reason than that you disagree with the people involved. The rest of you post is a sleazy excuse for Stalinism. You assholes just detroyed our democracy.
Which riot did I say I approved of? None, stop lying. Learn how to read man. I’m tired of constantly correcting your inaccurate interpretations of the clear and simple things I say
I'm a proud conservative. That comes with both political and social views, although not all cliche and not all at any sort of widespread intensity.

As a Conservative, you bet I back the police. I believe in individual responsibility. These few hundred immoral monsters committed an act of domestic terrorism, costing multiple lives lost, including one of their own from defensive fire. The rioters are being arrested and will likely receive absolutely no assistance (nor should they), and get lengthy prison time. I consider it a dark day for America, but one among MANY that have happened recently.

Also as a Conservative, I was outraged by previous riots that were far more massive and happened all across the country throughout 2020, causing hundreds of millions of dollars, burning down so many citizens' livelihoods, sending hundreds of police officers to the hospital with cracked skulls from bricks, and killing 40+ people across the country. Multiple government buildings were seized or burned, police were withdrawn so that citizens were left to fend for themselves. Again... let that sink in... police left their citizens to the mob to let them fend for themselves. Yet, the rioters were rationalized, their criminal acts overlooked and blamed on a system. They were bailed out of jail by the likes of Kamala Harris, Joe Biden's team, and other prominent Democrats.

I notice, observably and unbiasedly, that the MSM rationalized and/or supported the BLM riots, but now depict this specific riot as worse than Pearl Harbor. I notice that the Democrats were radio silent during the BLM riots, but now are powerfully condemning these riots.

I see this. We all see this. It is an objective, provable double standard. And thus when, as a Conservative, I'm lectured about how I have to own these horrible people who I condemn, yet BLM rioters who committed the same or far greater atrocities were just in their criminality???

I don't buy it, and I call politics. Conservatives, by and large, denounce all riots. We, in Conservatism, are glad to have Democrats and leftists finally condemning political violence in America. We simply wonder what took you so long to do it, and look forward to your consistency when people of any color commit immoral criminal acts in America.

This is true unification.
I see things a bit differently, nice post by the way... all violence and destruction is deplorable and detestable but the big difference between the two protests is the premise behind them. This summer was a protest for equality and reform within a police department that many feel abuse power and mistreat minorities.

This recent protest was based on lies and misinformation by an egomaniac who couldn’t handle losing an election. It is based on sewing doubt in our institutions and is a direct threat to our democracy.

The violence from both was detestable but the foundation of this recent protest at the capital was poison and dishonest which is why there is such an aggressive effort to clamp down. Do you understand the point that I’m making? Agree or disagree?
In other words, you approve of one riot because you agree with the vermin who perpetrated it, and you disapprove of the other for no other reason than that you disagree with the people involved. The rest of you post is a sleazy excuse for Stalinism. You assholes just detroyed our democracy.
Trump and his band of idiots are trying to destroy our democracy... literally.

The rest of us are trying to preserve it
I'm a proud conservative. That comes with both political and social views, although not all cliche and not all at any sort of widespread intensity.

As a Conservative, you bet I back the police. I believe in individual responsibility. These few hundred immoral monsters committed an act of domestic terrorism, costing multiple lives lost, including one of their own from defensive fire. The rioters are being arrested and will likely receive absolutely no assistance (nor should they), and get lengthy prison time. I consider it a dark day for America, but one among MANY that have happened recently.

Also as a Conservative, I was outraged by previous riots that were far more massive and happened all across the country throughout 2020, causing hundreds of millions of dollars, burning down so many citizens' livelihoods, sending hundreds of police officers to the hospital with cracked skulls from bricks, and killing 40+ people across the country. Multiple government buildings were seized or burned, police were withdrawn so that citizens were left to fend for themselves. Again... let that sink in... police left their citizens to the mob to let them fend for themselves. Yet, the rioters were rationalized, their criminal acts overlooked and blamed on a system. They were bailed out of jail by the likes of Kamala Harris, Joe Biden's team, and other prominent Democrats.

I notice, observably and unbiasedly, that the MSM rationalized and/or supported the BLM riots, but now depict this specific riot as worse than Pearl Harbor. I notice that the Democrats were radio silent during the BLM riots, but now are powerfully condemning these riots.

I see this. We all see this. It is an objective, provable double standard. And thus when, as a Conservative, I'm lectured about how I have to own these horrible people who I condemn, yet BLM rioters who committed the same or far greater atrocities were just in their criminality???

I don't buy it, and I call politics. Conservatives, by and large, denounce all riots. We, in Conservatism, are glad to have Democrats and leftists finally condemning political violence in America. We simply wonder what took you so long to do it, and look forward to your consistency when people of any color commit immoral criminal acts in America.

This is true unification.
I see things a bit differently, nice post by the way... all violence and destruction is deplorable and detestable but the big difference between the two protests is the premise behind them. This summer was a protest for equality and reform within a police department that many feel abuse power and mistreat minorities.

This recent protest was based on lies and misinformation by an egomaniac who couldn’t handle losing an election. It is based on sewing doubt in our institutions and is a direct threat to our democracy.

The violence from both was detestable but the foundation of this recent protest at the capital was poison and dishonest which is why there is such an aggressive effort to clamp down. Do you understand the point that I’m making? Agree or disagree?
In other words, you approve of one riot because you agree with the vermin who perpetrated it, and you disapprove of the other for no other reason than that you disagree with the people involved. The rest of you post is a sleazy excuse for Stalinism. You assholes just detroyed our democracy.
Which riot did I say I approved of? None, stop lying. Learn how to read man. I’m tired of constantly correcting your inaccurate interpretations of the clear and simple things I say
You were just making excuses for the George Floyd riots, you Stalinist asshole. You're trying to justify the Dim Reichstag fire and the one party state.

Who do you think you're fooling?
I'm a proud conservative. That comes with both political and social views, although not all cliche and not all at any sort of widespread intensity.

As a Conservative, you bet I back the police. I believe in individual responsibility. These few hundred immoral monsters committed an act of domestic terrorism, costing multiple lives lost, including one of their own from defensive fire. The rioters are being arrested and will likely receive absolutely no assistance (nor should they), and get lengthy prison time. I consider it a dark day for America, but one among MANY that have happened recently.

Also as a Conservative, I was outraged by previous riots that were far more massive and happened all across the country throughout 2020, causing hundreds of millions of dollars, burning down so many citizens' livelihoods, sending hundreds of police officers to the hospital with cracked skulls from bricks, and killing 40+ people across the country. Multiple government buildings were seized or burned, police were withdrawn so that citizens were left to fend for themselves. Again... let that sink in... police left their citizens to the mob to let them fend for themselves. Yet, the rioters were rationalized, their criminal acts overlooked and blamed on a system. They were bailed out of jail by the likes of Kamala Harris, Joe Biden's team, and other prominent Democrats.

I notice, observably and unbiasedly, that the MSM rationalized and/or supported the BLM riots, but now depict this specific riot as worse than Pearl Harbor. I notice that the Democrats were radio silent during the BLM riots, but now are powerfully condemning these riots.

I see this. We all see this. It is an objective, provable double standard. And thus when, as a Conservative, I'm lectured about how I have to own these horrible people who I condemn, yet BLM rioters who committed the same or far greater atrocities were just in their criminality???

I don't buy it, and I call politics. Conservatives, by and large, denounce all riots. We, in Conservatism, are glad to have Democrats and leftists finally condemning political violence in America. We simply wonder what took you so long to do it, and look forward to your consistency when people of any color commit immoral criminal acts in America.

This is true unification.
I see things a bit differently, nice post by the way... all violence and destruction is deplorable and detestable but the big difference between the two protests is the premise behind them. This summer was a protest for equality and reform within a police department that many feel abuse power and mistreat minorities.

This recent protest was based on lies and misinformation by an egomaniac who couldn’t handle losing an election. It is based on sewing doubt in our institutions and is a direct threat to our democracy.

The violence from both was detestable but the foundation of this recent protest at the capital was poison and dishonest which is why there is such an aggressive effort to clamp down. Do you understand the point that I’m making? Agree or disagree?

1. This summer was a protest that was hijacked by rioters. Jan 6th was a protest that was hijacked by rioters. The difference is, BLM did way more rioting, caused infinitely more damage, severely injured or murdered far more people. We need to have our priorities straight. Those who are acting horrified today while ho-humming the BLM riots are frauds, and that includes Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, and the entire MSM.

2. By your standard, The BLM riots were based on lies and misinformation. George Floyd was already saying he couldn't breathe before he was on the ground. He had lethal doses of drugs in his system. Meanwhile, police use the tactic of kneeling on someone on all races. Nobody can even prove this one instance had anything to do with race, they have to speculate, create, and weaponize their opinion. Meanwhile, even if there are instances of immorality by an officer as far as racism that causes the murder of an innocent black, it's statistically so rare that it's near non-existent. Yet, we're meant to believe that it's common. This is terrorizing a race and outright statistical manipulation.

3. I hold criminal actions accountable equally. You seem to want to go easy on those who are fighting for a racial cause. I treat criminal activity the same. We don't need to "understand" the violence of BLM, as CNN constantly lectured. Violence is bad no matter who does it.
I'm a proud conservative. That comes with both political and social views, although not all cliche and not all at any sort of widespread intensity.

As a Conservative, you bet I back the police. I believe in individual responsibility. These few hundred immoral monsters committed an act of domestic terrorism, costing multiple lives lost, including one of their own from defensive fire. The rioters are being arrested and will likely receive absolutely no assistance (nor should they), and get lengthy prison time. I consider it a dark day for America, but one among MANY that have happened recently.

Also as a Conservative, I was outraged by previous riots that were far more massive and happened all across the country throughout 2020, causing hundreds of millions of dollars, burning down so many citizens' livelihoods, sending hundreds of police officers to the hospital with cracked skulls from bricks, and killing 40+ people across the country. Multiple government buildings were seized or burned, police were withdrawn so that citizens were left to fend for themselves. Again... let that sink in... police left their citizens to the mob to let them fend for themselves. Yet, the rioters were rationalized, their criminal acts overlooked and blamed on a system. They were bailed out of jail by the likes of Kamala Harris, Joe Biden's team, and other prominent Democrats.

I notice, observably and unbiasedly, that the MSM rationalized and/or supported the BLM riots, but now depict this specific riot as worse than Pearl Harbor. I notice that the Democrats were radio silent during the BLM riots, but now are powerfully condemning these riots.

I see this. We all see this. It is an objective, provable double standard. And thus when, as a Conservative, I'm lectured about how I have to own these horrible people who I condemn, yet BLM rioters who committed the same or far greater atrocities were just in their criminality???

I don't buy it, and I call politics. Conservatives, by and large, denounce all riots. We, in Conservatism, are glad to have Democrats and leftists finally condemning political violence in America. We simply wonder what took you so long to do it, and look forward to your consistency when people of any color commit immoral criminal acts in America.

This is true unification.
I see things a bit differently, nice post by the way... all violence and destruction is deplorable and detestable but the big difference between the two protests is the premise behind them. This summer was a protest for equality and reform within a police department that many feel abuse power and mistreat minorities.

This recent protest was based on lies and misinformation by an egomaniac who couldn’t handle losing an election. It is based on sewing doubt in our institutions and is a direct threat to our democracy.

The violence from both was detestable but the foundation of this recent protest at the capital was poison and dishonest which is why there is such an aggressive effort to clamp down. Do you understand the point that I’m making? Agree or disagree?
In other words, you approve of one riot because you agree with the vermin who perpetrated it, and you disapprove of the other for no other reason than that you disagree with the people involved. The rest of you post is a sleazy excuse for Stalinism. You assholes just detroyed our democracy.
Trump and his band of idiots are trying to destroy our democracy... literally.

The rest of us are trying to preserve it
Go peddle that in a school for the mentally disabled.

You and your Stalinist cohorts have destroyed our democracy. You couldn't tolerate the truth about your swindle election getting out, so you destroyed freedom of speech in this country. You are also trying to destroy everyone who ever voted for Trump.
Last edited:
I once got a new boss who did not come out and ask your thoughts and ideas to find out who you were. No, he would set up these scenarios to test how you would react, to try to 'play you'. The problem was that they were so pathetically lame and he was so simple -minded you could see them coming from a mile away. He was a lot like Democrats and snowflakes in that he thought he was infinitely smarter than everyone else, which was FAR from the case.

Case in point:

Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats jumped at the opportunity to use the spontaneous riot at the Capitol to brand President Trump as a 'threat' and move to Impeach him with only 8 days left in office. Pelosi moved to Impeach while Biden was out telling people he wanted to unify the nation instead of divide it further....and despite the fact that he Democrats' own words and actions have been proven to be a bigger threat to this country than President Trump is.

Any intelligent person could see right through the scam and was just waiting for the other proverbial shoe to predictably drop. It did not take long - Nancy could not help but 'brag' about her plan, declaring to the country that the latest Impeachment was all about eliminating him as a future political threat and destroying any plan to return in 2024. It was about 'banning' President Trump from seeking the Presidency EVER again.

Everyone of intelligence saw through the BS claim about being Trump being a threat and that it was about eliminating Trump as a threat in the future. Nancy wasn't / isn't clever / brilliant. She's stupid and arrogant...undeservedly.
I once got a new boss who did not come out and ask your thoughts and ideas to find out who you were. No, he would set up these scenarios to test how you would react, to try to 'play you'. The problem was that they were so pathetically lame and he was so simple -minded you could see them coming from a mile away. He was a lot like Democrats and snowflakes in that he thought he was infinitely smarter than everyone else, which was FAR from the case.

Case in point:

Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats jumped at the opportunity to use the spontaneous riot at the Capitol to brand President Trump as a 'threat' and move to Impeach him with only 8 days left in office. Pelosi moved to Impeach while Biden was out telling people he wanted to unify the nation instead of divide it further....and despite the fact that he Democrats' own words and actions have been proven to be a bigger threat to this country than President Trump is.

Any intelligent person could see right through the scam and was just waiting for the other proverbial shoe to predictably drop. It did not take long - Nancy could not help but 'brag' about her plan, declaring to the country that the latest Impeachment was all about eliminating him as a future political threat and destroying any plan to return in 2024. It was about 'banning' President Trump from seeking the Presidency EVER again.

Everyone of intelligence saw through the BS claim about being Trump being a threat and that it was about eliminating Trump as a threat in the future. Nancy wasn't / isn't clever / brilliant. She's stupid and arrogant...undeservedly.
The topper to all this is that Democrats probably instigated the rioting. It's one of their classic false flag operations.
I'm a proud conservative. That comes with both political and social views, although not all cliche and not all at any sort of widespread intensity.

As a Conservative, you bet I back the police. I believe in individual responsibility. These few hundred immoral monsters committed an act of domestic terrorism, costing multiple lives lost, including one of their own from defensive fire. The rioters are being arrested and will likely receive absolutely no assistance (nor should they), and get lengthy prison time. I consider it a dark day for America, but one among MANY that have happened recently.

Also as a Conservative, I was outraged by previous riots that were far more massive and happened all across the country throughout 2020, causing hundreds of millions of dollars, burning down so many citizens' livelihoods, sending hundreds of police officers to the hospital with cracked skulls from bricks, and killing 40+ people across the country. Multiple government buildings were seized or burned, police were withdrawn so that citizens were left to fend for themselves. Again... let that sink in... police left their citizens to the mob to let them fend for themselves. Yet, the rioters were rationalized, their criminal acts overlooked and blamed on a system. They were bailed out of jail by the likes of Kamala Harris, Joe Biden's team, and other prominent Democrats.

I notice, observably and unbiasedly, that the MSM rationalized and/or supported the BLM riots, but now depict this specific riot as worse than Pearl Harbor. I notice that the Democrats were radio silent during the BLM riots, but now are powerfully condemning these riots.

I see this. We all see this. It is an objective, provable double standard. And thus when, as a Conservative, I'm lectured about how I have to own these horrible people who I condemn, yet BLM rioters who committed the same or far greater atrocities were just in their criminality???

I don't buy it, and I call politics. Conservatives, by and large, denounce all riots. We, in Conservatism, are glad to have Democrats and leftists finally condemning political violence in America. We simply wonder what took you so long to do it, and look forward to your consistency when people of any color commit immoral criminal acts in America.

This is true unification.
I see things a bit differently, nice post by the way... all violence and destruction is deplorable and detestable but the big difference between the two protests is the premise behind them. This summer was a protest for equality and reform within a police department that many feel abuse power and mistreat minorities.

This recent protest was based on lies and misinformation by an egomaniac who couldn’t handle losing an election. It is based on sewing doubt in our institutions and is a direct threat to our democracy.

The violence from both was detestable but the foundation of this recent protest at the capital was poison and dishonest which is why there is such an aggressive effort to clamp down. Do you understand the point that I’m making? Agree or disagree?
In other words, you approve of one riot because you agree with the vermin who perpetrated it, and you disapprove of the other for no other reason than that you disagree with the people involved. The rest of you post is a sleazy excuse for Stalinism. You assholes just detroyed our democracy.
Which riot did I say I approved of? None, stop lying. Learn how to read man. I’m tired of constantly correcting your inaccurate interpretations of the clear and simple things I say
You were just making excuses for the George Floyd riots, you Stalinist asshole. You're trying to justify the Dim Reichstag fire and the one party state.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Excuses? No I was explaining the differences behind the purpose of each protest while denouncing violence in any case. Again. Learn to read and stop misinterpreting my words
I'm a proud conservative. That comes with both political and social views, although not all cliche and not all at any sort of widespread intensity.

As a Conservative, you bet I back the police. I believe in individual responsibility. These few hundred immoral monsters committed an act of domestic terrorism, costing multiple lives lost, including one of their own from defensive fire. The rioters are being arrested and will likely receive absolutely no assistance (nor should they), and get lengthy prison time. I consider it a dark day for America, but one among MANY that have happened recently.

Also as a Conservative, I was outraged by previous riots that were far more massive and happened all across the country throughout 2020, causing hundreds of millions of dollars, burning down so many citizens' livelihoods, sending hundreds of police officers to the hospital with cracked skulls from bricks, and killing 40+ people across the country. Multiple government buildings were seized or burned, police were withdrawn so that citizens were left to fend for themselves. Again... let that sink in... police left their citizens to the mob to let them fend for themselves. Yet, the rioters were rationalized, their criminal acts overlooked and blamed on a system. They were bailed out of jail by the likes of Kamala Harris, Joe Biden's team, and other prominent Democrats.

I notice, observably and unbiasedly, that the MSM rationalized and/or supported the BLM riots, but now depict this specific riot as worse than Pearl Harbor. I notice that the Democrats were radio silent during the BLM riots, but now are powerfully condemning these riots.

I see this. We all see this. It is an objective, provable double standard. And thus when, as a Conservative, I'm lectured about how I have to own these horrible people who I condemn, yet BLM rioters who committed the same or far greater atrocities were just in their criminality???

I don't buy it, and I call politics. Conservatives, by and large, denounce all riots. We, in Conservatism, are glad to have Democrats and leftists finally condemning political violence in America. We simply wonder what took you so long to do it, and look forward to your consistency when people of any color commit immoral criminal acts in America.

This is true unification.
I see things a bit differently, nice post by the way... all violence and destruction is deplorable and detestable but the big difference between the two protests is the premise behind them. This summer was a protest for equality and reform within a police department that many feel abuse power and mistreat minorities.

This recent protest was based on lies and misinformation by an egomaniac who couldn’t handle losing an election. It is based on sewing doubt in our institutions and is a direct threat to our democracy.

The violence from both was detestable but the foundation of this recent protest at the capital was poison and dishonest which is why there is such an aggressive effort to clamp down. Do you understand the point that I’m making? Agree or disagree?

1. This summer was a protest that was hijacked by rioters. Jan 6th was a protest that was hijacked by rioters. The difference is, BLM did way more rioting, caused infinitely more damage, severely injured or murdered far more people. We need to have our priorities straight. Those who are acting horrified today while ho-humming the BLM riots are frauds, and that includes Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, and the entire MSM.

2. By your standard, The BLM riots were based on lies and misinformation. George Floyd was already saying he couldn't breathe before he was on the ground. He had lethal doses of drugs in his system. Meanwhile, police use the tactic of kneeling on someone on all races. Nobody can even prove this one instance had anything to do with race, they have to speculate, create, and weaponize their opinion. Meanwhile, even if there are instances of immorality by an officer as far as racism that causes the murder of an innocent black, it's statistically so rare that it's near non-existent. Yet, we're meant to believe that it's common. This is terrorizing a race and outright statistical manipulation.

3. I hold criminal actions accountable equally. You seem to want to go easy on those who are fighting for a racial cause. I treat criminal activity the same. We don't need to "understand" the violence of BLM, as CNN constantly lectured. Violence is bad no matter who does it.
Thanks for your feedback that was a well framed post. I agree that both protests were hijacked by rioters and I hope you’d agree that most people on both sides do not condone the rioting and destructive elements of the protests. I sure don’t.

I don’t agree with your point about the “Floyd lie”. There was a video. Everybody saw a man be mishandle by police and die. The other officers there even tried to get the douche to get his knee off that mans neck. Flyod may have had other things going on that contributed to his death but if that cop hadn’t had his knee on his neck like he did then Floyd would not be dead. That’s said the summer protests were about more than just Floyd, there’s been a build up of frustration for decades over this issue that’s coming to a head and that is not based on lies.

simple point being that the PROTESTS this summer were about human rights and last week was about overthrowing a democratic election based on lies. Trumps own team is admitting it now.

I also think it’s sad that we always have to play the comparison game. Like anything that happened this summer makes last week ok. Or proving the other side is a hypocrite somehow makes what happened not so bad. That’s BS and it’s a tactic that the right wing is using to avoid addressing the issue directly.
This summer was a protest that was hijacked by rioters. Jan 6th was a protest that was hijacked by rioters. The difference is, BLM did way more rioting, caused infinitely more damage, severely injured or murdered far more people. We need to have our priorities straight. Those who are acting horrified today while ho-humming the BLM riots are frauds, and that includes Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, and the entire MSM.

The Trump Rebellion was an act of insurrection planned at the highest level to stop the legitimate business of Congress of counting the EC votes from all 50 states and verifying the winner of that vote. We no longer have a peaceful transfer of power thanks to the Banana Republicans. The summer riots were in response to perceived local police conduct and had nothing to do with the peaceful transfer of power or lack thereof.
I'm a proud conservative. That comes with both political and social views, although not all cliche and not all at any sort of widespread intensity.

As a Conservative, you bet I back the police. I believe in individual responsibility. These few hundred immoral monsters committed an act of domestic terrorism, costing multiple lives lost, including one of their own from defensive fire. The rioters are being arrested and will likely receive absolutely no assistance (nor should they), and get lengthy prison time. I consider it a dark day for America, but one among MANY that have happened recently.

Also as a Conservative, I was outraged by previous riots that were far more massive and happened all across the country throughout 2020, causing hundreds of millions of dollars, burning down so many citizens' livelihoods, sending hundreds of police officers to the hospital with cracked skulls from bricks, and killing 40+ people across the country. Multiple government buildings were seized or burned, police were withdrawn so that citizens were left to fend for themselves. Again... let that sink in... police left their citizens to the mob to let them fend for themselves. Yet, the rioters were rationalized, their criminal acts overlooked and blamed on a system. They were bailed out of jail by the likes of Kamala Harris, Joe Biden's team, and other prominent Democrats.

I notice, observably and unbiasedly, that the MSM rationalized and/or supported the BLM riots, but now depict this specific riot as worse than Pearl Harbor. I notice that the Democrats were radio silent during the BLM riots, but now are powerfully condemning these riots.

I see this. We all see this. It is an objective, provable double standard. And thus when, as a Conservative, I'm lectured about how I have to own these horrible people who I condemn, yet BLM rioters who committed the same or far greater atrocities were just in their criminality???

I don't buy it, and I call politics. Conservatives, by and large, denounce all riots. We, in Conservatism, are glad to have Democrats and leftists finally condemning political violence in America. We simply wonder what took you so long to do it, and look forward to your consistency when people of any color commit immoral criminal acts in America.

This is true unification.
I see things a bit differently, nice post by the way... all violence and destruction is deplorable and detestable but the big difference between the two protests is the premise behind them. This summer was a protest for equality and reform within a police department that many feel abuse power and mistreat minorities.

This recent protest was based on lies and misinformation by an egomaniac who couldn’t handle losing an election. It is based on sewing doubt in our institutions and is a direct threat to our democracy.

The violence from both was detestable but the foundation of this recent protest at the capital was poison and dishonest which is why there is such an aggressive effort to clamp down. Do you understand the point that I’m making? Agree or disagree?
In other words, you approve of one riot because you agree with the vermin who perpetrated it, and you disapprove of the other for no other reason than that you disagree with the people involved. The rest of you post is a sleazy excuse for Stalinism. You assholes just detroyed our democracy.
Trump and his band of idiots are trying to destroy our democracy... literally.

The rest of us are trying to preserve it
Go peddle that in a school for the mentally disabled.

You and your Stalinist cohorts have destroyed our democracy. You couldn't tolerate the truth about your swindle election getting out, so you destroyed freedom of speech in this country. You are also trying to destroy everyone who ever voted for Trump.
I just want to destroy the lies and conspiracies being spewed out to the public. Trump is the fire hose and is rightfully being kicked to the curb
I'm a proud conservative. That comes with both political and social views, although not all cliche and not all at any sort of widespread intensity.

As a Conservative, you bet I back the police. I believe in individual responsibility. These few hundred immoral monsters committed an act of domestic terrorism, costing multiple lives lost, including one of their own from defensive fire. The rioters are being arrested and will likely receive absolutely no assistance (nor should they), and get lengthy prison time. I consider it a dark day for America, but one among MANY that have happened recently.

Also as a Conservative, I was outraged by previous riots that were far more massive and happened all across the country throughout 2020, causing hundreds of millions of dollars, burning down so many citizens' livelihoods, sending hundreds of police officers to the hospital with cracked skulls from bricks, and killing 40+ people across the country. Multiple government buildings were seized or burned, police were withdrawn so that citizens were left to fend for themselves. Again... let that sink in... police left their citizens to the mob to let them fend for themselves. Yet, the rioters were rationalized, their criminal acts overlooked and blamed on a system. They were bailed out of jail by the likes of Kamala Harris, Joe Biden's team, and other prominent Democrats.

I notice, observably and unbiasedly, that the MSM rationalized and/or supported the BLM riots, but now depict this specific riot as worse than Pearl Harbor. I notice that the Democrats were radio silent during the BLM riots, but now are powerfully condemning these riots.

I see this. We all see this. It is an objective, provable double standard. And thus when, as a Conservative, I'm lectured about how I have to own these horrible people who I condemn, yet BLM rioters who committed the same or far greater atrocities were just in their criminality???

I don't buy it, and I call politics. Conservatives, by and large, denounce all riots. We, in Conservatism, are glad to have Democrats and leftists finally condemning political violence in America. We simply wonder what took you so long to do it, and look forward to your consistency when people of any color commit immoral criminal acts in America.

This is true unification.
I see things a bit differently, nice post by the way... all violence and destruction is deplorable and detestable but the big difference between the two protests is the premise behind them. This summer was a protest for equality and reform within a police department that many feel abuse power and mistreat minorities.

This recent protest was based on lies and misinformation by an egomaniac who couldn’t handle losing an election. It is based on sewing doubt in our institutions and is a direct threat to our democracy.

The violence from both was detestable but the foundation of this recent protest at the capital was poison and dishonest which is why there is such an aggressive effort to clamp down. Do you understand the point that I’m making? Agree or disagree?
In other words, you approve of one riot because you agree with the vermin who perpetrated it, and you disapprove of the other for no other reason than that you disagree with the people involved. The rest of you post is a sleazy excuse for Stalinism. You assholes just detroyed our democracy.
Trump and his band of idiots are trying to destroy our democracy... literally.

The rest of us are trying to preserve it
Go peddle that in a school for the mentally disabled.

You and your Stalinist cohorts have destroyed our democracy. You couldn't tolerate the truth about your swindle election getting out, so you destroyed freedom of speech in this country. You are also trying to destroy everyone who ever voted for Trump.
I just want to destroy the lies and conspiracies being spewed out to the public. Trump is the fire hose and is rightfully being kicked to the curb
Then destroy yourself, turd. You and your Komrades are the ones spewing lies. No one is swallowing your Reichstag Nazi propaganda.
I'm a proud conservative. That comes with both political and social views, although not all cliche and not all at any sort of widespread intensity.

As a Conservative, you bet I back the police. I believe in individual responsibility. These few hundred immoral monsters committed an act of domestic terrorism, costing multiple lives lost, including one of their own from defensive fire. The rioters are being arrested and will likely receive absolutely no assistance (nor should they), and get lengthy prison time. I consider it a dark day for America, but one among MANY that have happened recently.

Also as a Conservative, I was outraged by previous riots that were far more massive and happened all across the country throughout 2020, causing hundreds of millions of dollars, burning down so many citizens' livelihoods, sending hundreds of police officers to the hospital with cracked skulls from bricks, and killing 40+ people across the country. Multiple government buildings were seized or burned, police were withdrawn so that citizens were left to fend for themselves. Again... let that sink in... police left their citizens to the mob to let them fend for themselves. Yet, the rioters were rationalized, their criminal acts overlooked and blamed on a system. They were bailed out of jail by the likes of Kamala Harris, Joe Biden's team, and other prominent Democrats.

I notice, observably and unbiasedly, that the MSM rationalized and/or supported the BLM riots, but now depict this specific riot as worse than Pearl Harbor. I notice that the Democrats were radio silent during the BLM riots, but now are powerfully condemning these riots.

I see this. We all see this. It is an objective, provable double standard. And thus when, as a Conservative, I'm lectured about how I have to own these horrible people who I condemn, yet BLM rioters who committed the same or far greater atrocities were just in their criminality???

I don't buy it, and I call politics. Conservatives, by and large, denounce all riots. We, in Conservatism, are glad to have Democrats and leftists finally condemning political violence in America. We simply wonder what took you so long to do it, and look forward to your consistency when people of any color commit immoral criminal acts in America.

This is true unification.
I see things a bit differently, nice post by the way... all violence and destruction is deplorable and detestable but the big difference between the two protests is the premise behind them. This summer was a protest for equality and reform within a police department that many feel abuse power and mistreat minorities.

This recent protest was based on lies and misinformation by an egomaniac who couldn’t handle losing an election. It is based on sewing doubt in our institutions and is a direct threat to our democracy.

The violence from both was detestable but the foundation of this recent protest at the capital was poison and dishonest which is why there is such an aggressive effort to clamp down. Do you understand the point that I’m making? Agree or disagree?
In other words, you approve of one riot because you agree with the vermin who perpetrated it, and you disapprove of the other for no other reason than that you disagree with the people involved. The rest of you post is a sleazy excuse for Stalinism. You assholes just detroyed our democracy.
Trump and his band of idiots are trying to destroy our democracy... literally.

The rest of us are trying to preserve it
Go peddle that in a school for the mentally disabled.

You and your Stalinist cohorts have destroyed our democracy. You couldn't tolerate the truth about your swindle election getting out, so you destroyed freedom of speech in this country. You are also trying to destroy everyone who ever voted for Trump.
I just want to destroy the lies and conspiracies being spewed out to the public. Trump is the fire hose and is rightfully being kicked to the curb
Then destroy yourself, turd. You and your Komrades are the ones spewing lies. No one is swallowing your Reichstag Nazi propaganda.
What did I lie about? Post one

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