An attempt for the left to get into the mind of a Conservative

1. This summer was a protest that was hijacked by rioters. Jan 6th was a protest that was hijacked by rioters. The difference is, BLM did way more rioting, caused infinitely more damage, severely injured or murdered far more people. We need to have our priorities straight. Those who are acting horrified today while ho-humming the BLM riots are frauds, and that includes Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, and the entire MSM.

2. By your standard, The BLM riots were based on lies and misinformation. George Floyd was already saying he couldn't breathe before he was on the ground. He had lethal doses of drugs in his system. Meanwhile, police use the tactic of kneeling on someone on all races. Nobody can even prove this one instance had anything to do with race, they have to speculate, create, and weaponize their opinion. Meanwhile, even if there are instances of immorality by an officer as far as racism that causes the murder of an innocent black, it's statistically so rare that it's near non-existent. Yet, we're meant to believe that it's common. This is terrorizing a race and outright statistical manipulation.

3. I hold criminal actions accountable equally. You seem to want to go easy on those who are fighting for a racial cause. I treat criminal activity the same. We don't need to "understand" the violence of BLM, as CNN constantly lectured. Violence is bad no matter who does it.
See, you've been against BLM from the beginning. You never once supported the movement. Can you defend the movement now? I mean the initial reason for the movement. Did you support it in the beginning? 4 pages of posts you being against black people. And you call me a racist. I notice though you are very covert about it.
See, you've been against BLM from the beginning. You never once supported the movement. Can you defend the movement now? I mean the initial reason for the movement. Did you support it in the beginning? 4 pages of posts you being against black people. And you call me a racist. I notice though you are very covert about it.

Of course not.

Only idiots support BurnLootMurder and the poster you addressed there is certainly not an idiot.


Of course not.

Only idiots support BurnLootMurder and the poster you addressed there is certainly not an idiot.


I mean the initial reason for BLM coming to existence. Can you discuss that? The main reason for the movement. Do you even know what it is?

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