An attempt for the left to get into the mind of a Conservative

BLM rioted over real world grievances. The violence was wrong, the looting was wrong. And those took part should have been arrested with upgraded charges. I said so at the time.

The right wing rioted over a myth. The violence was wrong, the looting was wrong. And those that took part should be arrested with upgraded charges.

You're someone whom, on this board, I can sense has a mind on you. I'm building up my ignore list (on both sides) on those who can only hurl insults, insinuations, and non-stop BS. So, I encourage you to reply to me, because I'll listen.

First off, I'm glad you'll condemn the BLM rioters, because it was very rare to find anyone in the MSM, or Democrat leadership, who would. They were 100% radio silent. Can you understand how crazy that is to someone who opposed violence? So often, Pelosi, Schumer, CNN/Media, or Biden would say who it's the system that was so flawed that the rioters had no choice but to commit criminal acts. If Conservatives spoke out against the violence, they were branded as racists.

I'm glad you are willing to step against your leftist bretheren and denounce ALL political violence.

The difference between you and I is.. I could give a crap about what you're protesting about. Whether it be racism or restriction of speech or shaming by a dominant culture, if you pick up a weapon and use it, or commit criminal acts, you are just as guilty as the next who does. Fighting for the purposely vague "systematic racism" plight doesn't mean you are free of the law. If you do it, you own it. Individual responsibility. The system doesn't force you to be a criminal. That's a BIG difference between Democrats and Republicans today, and while you might vote Democrat, I suspect you agree more with Republicans on this specific aspect.

Individuals. They make choices. Condemn all who make the wrong ones. Join me in condemning the MASSIVE amount of support for the violence from BLM by CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, TIME, NYT, etc. They called violence the "voice of the oppressed". They blamed the "system" for forcing criminals for acting. I think we can agree such actions are disgusting.

Let's unite.
Nah, you're on your own.

BLM actually has a grievance. George Floyd was murdered. Call back when you start voicing that truth.
Blob supporters have none. They lost at the ballot box. There was no massive fraud...there was no massive conspiracy.

Both sides resorted to violence and all who participated should be arrested.
Go interview some of your BLM brethren during one of their midnight shopping sprees and ask them who George Floyd is. They won’t have a clue.
True. I think you could probably say the same for 2/3 to 3/4 of White America as well. Which is the reason for the demonstrations. The rioting and looting was just opportunistic. Unlike your white supremacists brethern on the 6th....that was clearly designed to take hostages and overthrow the government.
You really should just STFU with all the white supremacist bullshit. It makes you look like a bigger idiot than you normally are......and that’s saying a lot.
Ask your white supremacist brotherhood at your next meeting what their motives were...or is that you in one of the pictures?
You really should just STFU with all the white supremacist bullshit. It makes you look like a bigger idiot than you normally are......and that’s saying a lot.
Can't come up with your own material finger boy?

IF you don't want to be called racist...stop being a racist. That would be a good first step.
It's comical how single digit IQ Dimwingers think that if you disagree with their batshit crazy ideas you are a racist.

It's both lazy and dumb........................just like your typical Dimwinger.
I'm a proud conservative. That comes with both political and social views, although not all cliche and not all at any sort of widespread intensity.

As a Conservative, you bet I back the police. I believe in individual responsibility. These few hundred immoral monsters committed an act of domestic terrorism, costing multiple lives lost, including one of their own from defensive fire. The rioters are being arrested and will likely receive absolutely no assistance (nor should they), and get lengthy prison time. I consider it a dark day for America, but one among MANY that have happened recently.

Also as a Conservative, I was outraged by previous riots that were far more massive and happened all across the country throughout 2020, causing hundreds of millions of dollars, burning down so many citizens' livelihoods, sending hundreds of police officers to the hospital with cracked skulls from bricks, and killing 40+ people across the country. Multiple government buildings were seized or burned, police were withdrawn so that citizens were left to fend for themselves. Again... let that sink in... police left their citizens to the mob to let them fend for themselves. Yet, the rioters were rationalized, their criminal acts overlooked and blamed on a system. They were bailed out of jail by the likes of Kamala Harris, Joe Biden's team, and other prominent Democrats.

I notice, observably and unbiasedly, that the MSM rationalized and/or supported the BLM riots, but now depict this specific riot as worse than Pearl Harbor. I notice that the Democrats were radio silent during the BLM riots, but now are powerfully condemning these riots.

I see this. We all see this. It is an objective, provable double standard. And thus when, as a Conservative, I'm lectured about how I have to own these horrible people who I condemn, yet BLM rioters who committed the same or far greater atrocities were just in their criminality???

I don't buy it, and I call politics. Conservatives, by and large, denounce all riots. We, in Conservatism, are glad to have Democrats and leftists finally condemning political violence in America. We simply wonder what took you so long to do it, and look forward to your consistency when people of any color commit immoral criminal acts in America.

This is true unification.

What did you conserve?

Going against the views of the founders is certainly not conserving America. A other thing to add to the list of things you did not conserve?
BLM rioted over real world grievances. The violence was wrong, the looting was wrong. And those took part should have been arrested with upgraded charges. I said so at the time.

The right wing rioted over a myth. The violence was wrong, the looting was wrong. And those that took part should be arrested with upgraded charges.

You're someone whom, on this board, I can sense has a mind on you. I'm building up my ignore list (on both sides) on those who can only hurl insults, insinuations, and non-stop BS. So, I encourage you to reply to me, because I'll listen.

First off, I'm glad you'll condemn the BLM rioters, because it was very rare to find anyone in the MSM, or Democrat leadership, who would. They were 100% radio silent. Can you understand how crazy that is to someone who opposed violence? So often, Pelosi, Schumer, CNN/Media, or Biden would say who it's the system that was so flawed that the rioters had no choice but to commit criminal acts. If Conservatives spoke out against the violence, they were branded as racists.

I'm glad you are willing to step against your leftist bretheren and denounce ALL political violence.

The difference between you and I is.. I could give a crap about what you're protesting about. Whether it be racism or restriction of speech or shaming by a dominant culture, if you pick up a weapon and use it, or commit criminal acts, you are just as guilty as the next who does. Fighting for the purposely vague "systematic racism" plight doesn't mean you are free of the law. If you do it, you own it. Individual responsibility. The system doesn't force you to be a criminal. That's a BIG difference between Democrats and Republicans today, and while you might vote Democrat, I suspect you agree more with Republicans on this specific aspect.

Individuals. They make choices. Condemn all who make the wrong ones. Join me in condemning the MASSIVE amount of support for the violence from BLM by CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, TIME, NYT, etc. They called violence the "voice of the oppressed". They blamed the "system" for forcing criminals for acting. I think we can agree such actions are disgusting.

Let's unite.
Nah, you're on your own.

BLM actually has a grievance. George Floyd was murdered. Call back when you start voicing that truth.
Blob supporters have none. They lost at the ballot box. There was no massive fraud...there was no massive conspiracy.

Both sides resorted to violence and all who participated should be arrested.
Go interview some of your BLM brethren during one of their midnight shopping sprees and ask them who George Floyd is. They won’t have a clue.
True. I think you could probably say the same for 2/3 to 3/4 of White America as well. Which is the reason for the demonstrations. The rioting and looting was just opportunistic. Unlike your white supremacists brethern on the 6th....that was clearly designed to take hostages and overthrow the government.
You really should just STFU with all the white supremacist bullshit. It makes you look like a bigger idiot than you normally are......and that’s saying a lot.
Ask your white supremacist brotherhood at your next meeting what their motives were...or is that you in one of the pictures?
You really should just STFU with all the white supremacist bullshit. It makes you look like a bigger idiot than you normally are......and that’s saying a lot.
Can't come up with your own material finger boy?

IF you don't want to be called racist...stop being a racist. That would be a good first step.
Why should I go to all that effort for a single digit I.Q. winger like you?
BLM rioted over real world grievances. The violence was wrong, the looting was wrong. And those took part should have been arrested with upgraded charges. I said so at the time.

The right wing rioted over a myth. The violence was wrong, the looting was wrong. And those that took part should be arrested with upgraded charges.

You're someone whom, on this board, I can sense has a mind on you. I'm building up my ignore list (on both sides) on those who can only hurl insults, insinuations, and non-stop BS. So, I encourage you to reply to me, because I'll listen.

First off, I'm glad you'll condemn the BLM rioters, because it was very rare to find anyone in the MSM, or Democrat leadership, who would. They were 100% radio silent. Can you understand how crazy that is to someone who opposed violence? So often, Pelosi, Schumer, CNN/Media, or Biden would say who it's the system that was so flawed that the rioters had no choice but to commit criminal acts. If Conservatives spoke out against the violence, they were branded as racists.

I'm glad you are willing to step against your leftist bretheren and denounce ALL political violence.

The difference between you and I is.. I could give a crap about what you're protesting about. Whether it be racism or restriction of speech or shaming by a dominant culture, if you pick up a weapon and use it, or commit criminal acts, you are just as guilty as the next who does. Fighting for the purposely vague "systematic racism" plight doesn't mean you are free of the law. If you do it, you own it. Individual responsibility. The system doesn't force you to be a criminal. That's a BIG difference between Democrats and Republicans today, and while you might vote Democrat, I suspect you agree more with Republicans on this specific aspect.

Individuals. They make choices. Condemn all who make the wrong ones. Join me in condemning the MASSIVE amount of support for the violence from BLM by CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, TIME, NYT, etc. They called violence the "voice of the oppressed". They blamed the "system" for forcing criminals for acting. I think we can agree such actions are disgusting.

Let's unite.
Nah, you're on your own.

BLM actually has a grievance. George Floyd was murdered. Call back when you start voicing that truth.
Blob supporters have none. They lost at the ballot box. There was no massive fraud...there was no massive conspiracy.

Both sides resorted to violence and all who participated should be arrested.
Go interview some of your BLM brethren during one of their midnight shopping sprees and ask them who George Floyd is. They won’t have a clue.
True. I think you could probably say the same for 2/3 to 3/4 of White America as well. Which is the reason for the demonstrations. The rioting and looting was just opportunistic. Unlike your white supremacists brethern on the 6th....that was clearly designed to take hostages and overthrow the government.
You really should just STFU with all the white supremacist bullshit. It makes you look like a bigger idiot than you normally are......and that’s saying a lot.
Ask your white supremacist brotherhood at your next meeting what their motives were...or is that you in one of the pictures?
You really should just STFU with all the white supremacist bullshit. It makes you look like a bigger idiot than you normally are......and that’s saying a lot.
Can't come up with your own material finger boy?

IF you don't want to be called racist...stop being a racist. That would be a good first step.

If you don't want to be called an anti-American stop hating freedoms and Americans.
BLM rioted over real world grievances. The violence was wrong, the looting was wrong. And those took part should have been arrested with upgraded charges. I said so at the time.

The right wing rioted over a myth. The violence was wrong, the looting was wrong. And those that took part should be arrested with upgraded charges.

You're someone whom, on this board, I can sense has a mind on you. I'm building up my ignore list (on both sides) on those who can only hurl insults, insinuations, and non-stop BS. So, I encourage you to reply to me, because I'll listen.

First off, I'm glad you'll condemn the BLM rioters, because it was very rare to find anyone in the MSM, or Democrat leadership, who would. They were 100% radio silent. Can you understand how crazy that is to someone who opposed violence? So often, Pelosi, Schumer, CNN/Media, or Biden would say who it's the system that was so flawed that the rioters had no choice but to commit criminal acts. If Conservatives spoke out against the violence, they were branded as racists.

I'm glad you are willing to step against your leftist bretheren and denounce ALL political violence.

The difference between you and I is.. I could give a crap about what you're protesting about. Whether it be racism or restriction of speech or shaming by a dominant culture, if you pick up a weapon and use it, or commit criminal acts, you are just as guilty as the next who does. Fighting for the purposely vague "systematic racism" plight doesn't mean you are free of the law. If you do it, you own it. Individual responsibility. The system doesn't force you to be a criminal. That's a BIG difference between Democrats and Republicans today, and while you might vote Democrat, I suspect you agree more with Republicans on this specific aspect.

Individuals. They make choices. Condemn all who make the wrong ones. Join me in condemning the MASSIVE amount of support for the violence from BLM by CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, TIME, NYT, etc. They called violence the "voice of the oppressed". They blamed the "system" for forcing criminals for acting. I think we can agree such actions are disgusting.

Let's unite.
Nah, you're on your own.

BLM actually has a grievance. George Floyd was murdered. Call back when you start voicing that truth.
Blob supporters have none. They lost at the ballot box. There was no massive fraud...there was no massive conspiracy.

Both sides resorted to violence and all who participated should be arrested.
Go interview some of your BLM brethren during one of their midnight shopping sprees and ask them who George Floyd is. They won’t have a clue.
True. I think you could probably say the same for 2/3 to 3/4 of White America as well. Which is the reason for the demonstrations. The rioting and looting was just opportunistic. Unlike your white supremacists brethern on the 6th....that was clearly designed to take hostages and overthrow the government.
You really should just STFU with all the white supremacist bullshit. It makes you look like a bigger idiot than you normally are......and that’s saying a lot.
Ask your white supremacist brotherhood at your next meeting what their motives were...or is that you in one of the pictures?
You really should just STFU with all the white supremacist bullshit. It makes you look like a bigger idiot than you normally are......and that’s saying a lot.
Can't come up with your own material finger boy?

IF you don't want to be called racist...stop being a racist. That would be a good first step.
Why should I go to all that effort for a single digit I.Q. winger like you?

It's a single digit but includes a few characters with the necessary minus sign in front.

As for the "conservative" OP. Usual conservative being PROUD of how he is not conserving a damn thing.
BLM rioted over real world grievances. The violence was wrong, the looting was wrong. And those took part should have been arrested with upgraded charges. I said so at the time.

The right wing rioted over a myth. The violence was wrong, the looting was wrong. And those that took part should be arrested with upgraded charges.

You're someone whom, on this board, I can sense has a mind on you. I'm building up my ignore list (on both sides) on those who can only hurl insults, insinuations, and non-stop BS. So, I encourage you to reply to me, because I'll listen.

First off, I'm glad you'll condemn the BLM rioters, because it was very rare to find anyone in the MSM, or Democrat leadership, who would. They were 100% radio silent. Can you understand how crazy that is to someone who opposed violence? So often, Pelosi, Schumer, CNN/Media, or Biden would say who it's the system that was so flawed that the rioters had no choice but to commit criminal acts. If Conservatives spoke out against the violence, they were branded as racists.

I'm glad you are willing to step against your leftist bretheren and denounce ALL political violence.

The difference between you and I is.. I could give a crap about what you're protesting about. Whether it be racism or restriction of speech or shaming by a dominant culture, if you pick up a weapon and use it, or commit criminal acts, you are just as guilty as the next who does. Fighting for the purposely vague "systematic racism" plight doesn't mean you are free of the law. If you do it, you own it. Individual responsibility. The system doesn't force you to be a criminal. That's a BIG difference between Democrats and Republicans today, and while you might vote Democrat, I suspect you agree more with Republicans on this specific aspect.
Individuals. They make choices. Condemn all who make the wrong ones. Join me in condemning the MASSIVE amount of support for the violence from BLM by CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, TIME, NYT, etc. They called violence the "voice of the oppressed". They blamed the "system" for forcing criminals for acting. I think we can agree such actions are disgusting.

Let's unite. The thing is, if you do so during a racial riot, you.. who might lean left at all, will be branded something "evil". Meanwhile, all racial riots over specific instances have been fraudulent, as once the information on what actually happened got out, the incorrect, immediate narrative was proven incorrect. Micheal Brown didn't raise his hands up and say don't shoot. Every single massive instance is massively different based on the Democrat-pushed racial narrative they immediately proclaimed. The information is their enemy, yet, the lie spread so fast that it didn't matter. I'm happy to go over every single supposed "example" police racist action that has been mainstream. Every single time, once the facts are revealed, the narrative is proven to be Bullshit. Yet, the left doesn't retract their claims.

You'll come to realize how wrong you are about candycorn soon enough. She's a product of the leftist echo chamber.
BLM rioted over real world grievances. The violence was wrong, the looting was wrong. And those took part should have been arrested with upgraded charges. I said so at the time.

The right wing rioted over a myth. The violence was wrong, the looting was wrong. And those that took part should be arrested with upgraded charges.

You're someone whom, on this board, I can sense has a mind on you. I'm building up my ignore list (on both sides) on those who can only hurl insults, insinuations, and non-stop BS. So, I encourage you to reply to me, because I'll listen.

First off, I'm glad you'll condemn the BLM rioters, because it was very rare to find anyone in the MSM, or Democrat leadership, who would. They were 100% radio silent. Can you understand how crazy that is to someone who opposed violence? So often, Pelosi, Schumer, CNN/Media, or Biden would say who it's the system that was so flawed that the rioters had no choice but to commit criminal acts. If Conservatives spoke out against the violence, they were branded as racists.

I'm glad you are willing to step against your leftist bretheren and denounce ALL political violence.

The difference between you and I is.. I could give a crap about what you're protesting about. Whether it be racism or restriction of speech or shaming by a dominant culture, if you pick up a weapon and use it, or commit criminal acts, you are just as guilty as the next who does. Fighting for the purposely vague "systematic racism" plight doesn't mean you are free of the law. If you do it, you own it. Individual responsibility. The system doesn't force you to be a criminal. That's a BIG difference between Democrats and Republicans today, and while you might vote Democrat, I suspect you agree more with Republicans on this specific aspect.

Individuals. They make choices. Condemn all who make the wrong ones. Join me in condemning the MASSIVE amount of support for the violence from BLM by CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, TIME, NYT, etc. They called violence the "voice of the oppressed". They blamed the "system" for forcing criminals for acting. I think we can agree such actions are disgusting.

Let's unite.
Nah, you're on your own.

BLM actually has a grievance. George Floyd was murdered. Call back when you start voicing that truth.
Blob supporters have none. They lost at the ballot box. There was no massive fraud...there was no massive conspiracy.

Both sides resorted to violence and all who participated should be arrested.
Go interview some of your BLM brethren during one of their midnight shopping sprees and ask them who George Floyd is. They won’t have a clue.
True. I think you could probably say the same for 2/3 to 3/4 of White America as well. Which is the reason for the demonstrations. The rioting and looting was just opportunistic. Unlike your white supremacists brethern on the 6th....that was clearly designed to take hostages and overthrow the government.
You really should just STFU with all the white supremacist bullshit. It makes you look like a bigger idiot than you normally are......and that’s saying a lot.
Ask your white supremacist brotherhood at your next meeting what their motives were...or is that you in one of the pictures?
You really should just STFU with all the white supremacist bullshit. It makes you look like a bigger idiot than you normally are......and that’s saying a lot.
Can't come up with your own material finger boy?

IF you don't want to be called racist...stop being a racist. That would be a good first step.

If you don't want to be called an anti-American stop hating freedoms and Americans.

It would matter if I gave two shit of what you called me. LOL
I'm a proud conservative. That comes with both political and social views, although not all cliche and not all at any sort of widespread intensity.

As a Conservative, you bet I back the police. I believe in individual responsibility. These few hundred immoral monsters committed an act of domestic terrorism, costing multiple lives lost, including one of their own from defensive fire. The rioters are being arrested and will likely receive absolutely no assistance (nor should they), and get lengthy prison time. I consider it a dark day for America, but one among MANY that have happened recently.

Also as a Conservative, I was outraged by previous riots that were far more massive and happened all across the country throughout 2020, causing hundreds of millions of dollars, burning down so many citizens' livelihoods, sending hundreds of police officers to the hospital with cracked skulls from bricks, and killing 40+ people across the country. Multiple government buildings were seized or burned, police were withdrawn so that citizens were left to fend for themselves. Again... let that sink in... police left their citizens to the mob to let them fend for themselves. Yet, the rioters were rationalized, their criminal acts overlooked and blamed on a system. They were bailed out of jail by the likes of Kamala Harris, Joe Biden's team, and other prominent Democrats.

I notice, observably and unbiasedly, that the MSM rationalized and/or supported the BLM riots, but now depict this specific riot as worse than Pearl Harbor. I notice that the Democrats were radio silent during the BLM riots, but now are powerfully condemning these riots.

I see this. We all see this. It is an objective, provable double standard. And thus when, as a Conservative, I'm lectured about how I have to own these horrible people who I condemn, yet BLM rioters who committed the same or far greater atrocities were just in their criminality???

I don't buy it, and I call politics. Conservatives, by and large, denounce all riots. We, in Conservatism, are glad to have Democrats and leftists finally condemning political violence in America. We simply wonder what took you so long to do it, and look forward to your consistency when people of any color commit immoral criminal acts in America.

This is true unification.

The rioters were not the only ones rationalized. Look at what's being rationalized now by "conservatives".

Many liberals absolutely condemned the riots. Just as you condemn the violence in the capital. But it's easy to forget the vast majority of the protests both then, and now, have been without violence and there is desire to condemn all protestors and all Trump supporters.
Horse manure. Quote one leftwinger condemning BLM or antifa.

Here you go.

“It’s no wonder people are taking to the streets and I support them. We must always defend peaceful protest and peaceful protestors. We should not confuse them with those looting and committing acts of violence, including the shooter who was arrested for murder. And make no mistake, we will not let these vigilantes and extremists derail the path to justice.”

K. Harris
Many liberals absolutely condemned the riots.

They were absolutely not loud enough to appease the mainstream judging public. Obviously. So can you and I join and condemn CNN, MSNBC, and most of the MSM for supporting and rationalizing riots by BLM?? Because they did, by fact.

I strongly suspect that no liberal would be loud enough to appease the mainstream judging CONSERVATIVE public. It's kind of like the demands made up on American Muslims after 9/11...nothing was loud enough.

Before I start on blanket condemnations, can you provide me some specific examples of CNN, MSNBC and "most of" the MSM that actually SUPPORT the riots?
Such a moron....

Liberal Hypocrisy1.jpg
Many liberals absolutely condemned the riots.

They were absolutely not loud enough to appease the mainstream judging public. Obviously. So can you and I join and condemn CNN, MSNBC, and most of the MSM for supporting and rationalizing riots by BLM?? Because they did, by fact.

I strongly suspect that no liberal would be loud enough to appease the mainstream judging CONSERVATIVE public. It's kind of like the demands made up on American Muslims after 9/11...nothing was loud enough.

Before I start on blanket condemnations, can you provide me some specific examples of CNN, MSNBC and "most of" the MSM that actually SUPPORT the riots?
Such a moron....

View attachment 441336
Which has what to with what I said?
I'm a proud conservative. That comes with both political and social views, although not all cliche and not all at any sort of widespread intensity.

As a Conservative, you bet I back the police. I believe in individual responsibility. These few hundred immoral monsters committed an act of domestic terrorism, costing multiple lives lost, including one of their own from defensive fire. The rioters are being arrested and will likely receive absolutely no assistance (nor should they), and get lengthy prison time. I consider it a dark day for America, but one among MANY that have happened recently.

Also as a Conservative, I was outraged by previous riots that were far more massive and happened all across the country throughout 2020, causing hundreds of millions of dollars, burning down so many citizens' livelihoods, sending hundreds of police officers to the hospital with cracked skulls from bricks, and killing 40+ people across the country. Multiple government buildings were seized or burned, police were withdrawn so that citizens were left to fend for themselves. Again... let that sink in... police left their citizens to the mob to let them fend for themselves. Yet, the rioters were rationalized, their criminal acts overlooked and blamed on a system. They were bailed out of jail by the likes of Kamala Harris, Joe Biden's team, and other prominent Democrats.

I notice, observably and unbiasedly, that the MSM rationalized and/or supported the BLM riots, but now depict this specific riot as worse than Pearl Harbor. I notice that the Democrats were radio silent during the BLM riots, but now are powerfully condemning these riots.

I see this. We all see this. It is an objective, provable double standard. And thus when, as a Conservative, I'm lectured about how I have to own these horrible people who I condemn, yet BLM rioters who committed the same or far greater atrocities were just in their criminality???

I don't buy it, and I call politics. Conservatives, by and large, denounce all riots. We, in Conservatism, are glad to have Democrats and leftists finally condemning political violence in America. We simply wonder what took you so long to do it, and look forward to your consistency when people of any color commit immoral criminal acts in America.

This is true unification.

The rioters were not the only ones rationalized. Look at what's being rationalized now by "conservatives".

Many liberals absolutely condemned the riots. Just as you condemn the violence in the capital. But it's easy to forget the vast majority of the protests both then, and now, have been without violence and there is desire to condemn all protestors and all Trump supporters.
Horse manure. Quote one leftwinger condemning BLM or antifa.

Here you go.

“It’s no wonder people are taking to the streets and I support them. We must always defend peaceful protest and peaceful protestors. We should not confuse them with those looting and committing acts of violence, including the shooter who was arrested for murder. And make no mistake, we will not let these vigilantes and extremists derail the path to justice.”

K. Harris
That's not a condemnation, Dummy. That's Commiela trying to distance herself from them after fully supporting them for months.
Among those who condemned rioters over the summer:
Joe Biden
On the fifth night of demonstrations,

5th night?? WTF took him so long?

And.. did he name which whom the rioters are supposedly associated with, as he's clearly connecting dots A and D and doing now?
BLM rioted over real world grievances. The violence was wrong, the looting was wrong. And those took part should have been arrested with upgraded charges. I said so at the time.

The right wing rioted over a myth. The violence was wrong, the looting was wrong. And those that took part should be arrested with upgraded charges.

"Real World Grievances"... quite the vague, malleable term there.

Please, describe how a BLM rioter's grievance is different from one of these rioters. Both feel slighted by society and institutions. Both are pissed off. Both have arguments that do not align with data.
True. I think you could probably say the same for 2/3 to 3/4 of White America as well. Which is the reason for the demonstrations. The rioting and looting was just opportunistic. Unlike your white supremacists brethern on the 6th....that was clearly designed to take hostages and overthrow the government.

Can you provide any proof that there was anything racial about these riots? Or are you just speculating, theorizing, and writing fan fiction..
I'm a proud conservative. That comes with both political and social views, although not all cliche and not all at any sort of widespread intensity.

As a Conservative, you bet I back the police. I believe in individual responsibility. These few hundred immoral monsters committed an act of domestic terrorism, costing multiple lives lost, including one of their own from defensive fire. The rioters are being arrested and will likely receive absolutely no assistance (nor should they), and get lengthy prison time. I consider it a dark day for America, but one among MANY that have happened recently.

Also as a Conservative, I was outraged by previous riots that were far more massive and happened all across the country throughout 2020, causing hundreds of millions of dollars, burning down so many citizens' livelihoods, sending hundreds of police officers to the hospital with cracked skulls from bricks, and killing 40+ people across the country. Multiple government buildings were seized or burned, police were withdrawn so that citizens were left to fend for themselves. Again... let that sink in... police left their citizens to the mob to let them fend for themselves. Yet, the rioters were rationalized, their criminal acts overlooked and blamed on a system. They were bailed out of jail by the likes of Kamala Harris, Joe Biden's team, and other prominent Democrats.

I notice, observably and unbiasedly, that the MSM rationalized and/or supported the BLM riots, but now depict this specific riot as worse than Pearl Harbor. I notice that the Democrats were radio silent during the BLM riots, but now are powerfully condemning these riots.

I see this. We all see this. It is an objective, provable double standard. And thus when, as a Conservative, I'm lectured about how I have to own these horrible people who I condemn, yet BLM rioters who committed the same or far greater atrocities were just in their criminality???

I don't buy it, and I call politics. Conservatives, by and large, denounce all riots. We, in Conservatism, are glad to have Democrats and leftists finally condemning political violence in America. We simply wonder what took you so long to do it, and look forward to your consistency when people of any color commit immoral criminal acts in America.

This is true unification.
Moral equivocation

The hallmark of "conservatism" in 2021.

People protested the murder of Black people. Those protests were often made violent by, that's right, people who call themselves "conservatives" killing police and burning buildings and other acts of provocation.

People in DC attempted to destroy the Democratic processes clearly defined in the Constitution. They came to murder Senators and Representatives, by their own words, and their "moral outrage?" They lost an election and the guy they supported and his sycophants spent 2 months lying to them about the election.

That you clearly mark these as equal in your book clearly demonstrates you are no American and certainly no Conservative.
Democrats hate all rioting thugs regardless of political affiliation. Politics & policy is what the elections & protest are for. But riots & violent mobs are an act of war! The traitorous thugs must be put down hard or democracy is finished!
Bullshit. Numerous liberals encourged the arson, murder, looting and vanalism in Seattle, Portland and Kenosha.

Actually, numerous people who ID as "conservative" murdered police and burned buildings to make it seem like peaceful protests were riots. You got caught slappy.
BLM rioted over real world grievances. The violence was wrong, the looting was wrong. And those took part should have been arrested with upgraded charges. I said so at the time.

The right wing rioted over a myth. The violence was wrong, the looting was wrong. And those that took part should be arrested with upgraded charges.

"Real World Grievances"... quite the vague, malleable term there.

Please, describe how a BLM rioter's grievance is different from one of these rioters. Both feel slighted by society and institutions. Both are pissed off. Both have arguments that do not align with data.

Kneeling on neck vs. zero evidence of mass voter fraud.

Your move.
True. I think you could probably say the same for 2/3 to 3/4 of White America as well. Which is the reason for the demonstrations. The rioting and looting was just opportunistic. Unlike your white supremacists brethern on the 6th....that was clearly designed to take hostages and overthrow the government.

Can you provide any proof that there was anything racial about these riots? Or are you just speculating, theorizing, and writing fan fiction..

When BLM was 18 blocks away, there were riot police in full gear sending in tear gas and swinging clubs.

Just sayin'
Kneeling on neck vs. zero evidence of mass voter fraud.

Your move.

1. Fact: Kneeling on neck is (or was) a legal tactic, and is used on people of all races.

So, it's non-racial.

2. Fact: George Floyd was already yelling "I can't breathe" in the car, before he was on the ground at all, so his lack of ability to breathe wasn't simply because of the cop. The amount of drugs in his system can easily explain his death.

So, the supposed reason for Floyd's death was already present before any kneeling on neck happened.

3. Fact: Police killing blacks, especially unarmed, is extremely rare. Only 13 unarmed blacks died in 2019. Given the terrorizing rhetoric by the left and media that blacks should fear leaving their houses and are being exterminated by police, by all data accounts that's a false claim. Yet, it's what drove the BLM riots and protests.

So, you have 2 causes, both driven by feelings that don't align with data.

Boom. Your move.
I'm a proud conservative. That comes with both political and social views, although not all cliche and not all at any sort of widespread intensity.

As a Conservative, you bet I back the police. I believe in individual responsibility. These few hundred immoral monsters committed an act of domestic terrorism, costing multiple lives lost, including one of their own from defensive fire. The rioters are being arrested and will likely receive absolutely no assistance (nor should they), and get lengthy prison time. I consider it a dark day for America, but one among MANY that have happened recently.

Also as a Conservative, I was outraged by previous riots that were far more massive and happened all across the country throughout 2020, causing hundreds of millions of dollars, burning down so many citizens' livelihoods, sending hundreds of police officers to the hospital with cracked skulls from bricks, and killing 40+ people across the country. Multiple government buildings were seized or burned, police were withdrawn so that citizens were left to fend for themselves. Again... let that sink in... police left their citizens to the mob to let them fend for themselves. Yet, the rioters were rationalized, their criminal acts overlooked and blamed on a system. They were bailed out of jail by the likes of Kamala Harris, Joe Biden's team, and other prominent Democrats.

I notice, observably and unbiasedly, that the MSM rationalized and/or supported the BLM riots, but now depict this specific riot as worse than Pearl Harbor. I notice that the Democrats were radio silent during the BLM riots, but now are powerfully condemning these riots.

I see this. We all see this. It is an objective, provable double standard. And thus when, as a Conservative, I'm lectured about how I have to own these horrible people who I condemn, yet BLM rioters who committed the same or far greater atrocities were just in their criminality???

I don't buy it, and I call politics. Conservatives, by and large, denounce all riots. We, in Conservatism, are glad to have Democrats and leftists finally condemning political violence in America. We simply wonder what took you so long to do it, and look forward to your consistency when people of any color commit immoral criminal acts in America.

This is true unification.
I see things a bit differently, nice post by the way... all violence and destruction is deplorable and detestable but the big difference between the two protests is the premise behind them. This summer was a protest for equality and reform within a police department that many feel abuse power and mistreat minorities.

This recent protest was based on lies and misinformation by an egomaniac who couldn’t handle losing an election. It is based on sewing doubt in our institutions and is a direct threat to our democracy.

The violence from both was detestable but the foundation of this recent protest at the capital was poison and dishonest which is why there is such an aggressive effort to clamp down. Do you understand the point that I’m making? Agree or disagree?

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