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An eye for an eye.

The State collects on the debt owed to the State, not on any imagined debt owed to the victim.

Imagined? That crime is some imagining. Imagine being blinded by a face full of acid.

Was it the state that his happened to or the woman?

Imagined in the sense that in a civilized country we have agreed that the government will seek our revenge FOR us when things like this happen.

Personally I think the penalty for something like this should be the death penalty, but that should be done our current system. Not throw acid on the guy til he's dead.

Why should he die? His victim did not die. She was blinded by acid. A just punishment would be the same thing happening to him.

In a civilized society the government does no seek revenge for us or for itself. It seeks justice.

Imagined? That crime is some imagining. Imagine being blinded by a face full of acid.

Was it the state that his happened to or the woman?

Imagined in the sense that in a civilized country we have agreed that the government will seek our revenge FOR us when things like this happen.

Personally I think the penalty for something like this should be the death penalty, but that should be done our current system. Not throw acid on the guy til he's dead.

Why should he die? His victim did not die. She was blinded by acid. A just punishment would be the same thing happening to him.

In a civilized society the government does no seek revenge for us or for itself. It seeks justice.

You are incorrect. The government seeks both justice and revenge. Justice would just be finding the guy guilty, revenge is also punishing him.
It's a sickening thought..an eye for an eye. Horrible in fact. But most that dish out such things don't ever expect to feel the pain themselves, do they? But if they did know if they committed such a horrendous crime against another human being, do you think it would make them think twice about actually doing it knowing they will get the same when caught? Something to muse over, ain't it?

Incorrect ma'am. What would make them think twice and not disgust me would be to lengthen prison sentences and turn prisons into prisons rather than summer camps. No A/C, no TV, no radio, no library, nothing but work your ass off all day then get in your cage at night with time for 3 basic meals and a shower every day.

That isn't working very well, is it? Prisons are overflowing. Lock up isn't a picnic. Or at least, that's what I believe.
Making them think twice is knowing someone else did soemthing and got the same punishment in return.

"I don't like that woman. I'm going to carve up her face with a box cutter"
"You have been found guilty of disfiguring this woman for life. You will get the exact same slashes, plus spend 25 years in prison with no time off to think about what you did".

Oh yeah. Twice thoughts.

The present state of prisons are awful. But what's found to work is, stop me if you've heard this before...education. Prisoners that were put through a well rounded education program are found to have something like a 20% recidivism rate..as opposed to those who don't where that rate is much higher. I'd favor a more boot camp/college approach where the lives of prisoners are extremely regimented and they attend classes through out the day and perhaps recieve some practical work experience sometime in their sentences through internships. Right now..prisons are "hate mills" where criminals learn to ply their craft with people of similar interests. That..and they have no buy in to society once they get out.
Sickening as it is, with the world today maybe our prisons wouldn't be so full of wackos if that concept of repaying in like kind for victims was carried out.

I have my flame suit on, just in case.

Like it so worked out in the past when those exact things were tried..

Oh wait.:eusa_shhh:

It's a sickening thought..an eye for an eye. Horrible in fact. But most that dish out such things don't ever expect to feel the pain themselves, do they? But if they did know if they committed such a horrendous crime against another human being, do you think it would make them think twice about actually doing it knowing they will get the same when caught? Something to muse over, ain't it?

in theory, the idea of giving him what he got is very appealing on a visceral level. but in reality, we are supposed to be more civilized. government isn't supposed to be as vile as the lowest members of society. there are other ways to hand out punishment.
That would be fine for first-time nonviolent offenders.

But sicko perverts that rape and then murder a young child.

Should not be eligible for any type of rehabilitation.

In fact they should be tied up inside a sound proof room.

And the child's parents given a sharp knife and one hour to do as they please. :evil:
That would be fine for first-time nonviolent offenders.

But sicko perverts that rape and then murder a young child.

Should not be eligible for any type of rehabilitation.

In fact they should be tied up inside a sound proof room.

And the child's parents given a sharp knife and one hour to do as they please. :evil:

Actually..you may have a point here. It's almost impossible to rehabilitate a pedophile.
When it comes to child molesters. I believe in one strike and you're out.

As do I, but that out should not include anyone mutilating said pedophile. Throw his ass in general population prison for life. Good enough.
Castration should be mandatory for first offense.

That way there wouldn't any repeat offenders :cool:

life sentence would accomplish the same thing, if it truly were a life sentence.

Why do you keep sticking up for the perverts?

Is there something we should know about you??

That was completely uncalled for . I am not sticking up for anyone or anything other than the Constitution of the United States Of America.

I hate pedophiles as much as everyone else. Please don't infer that I am one myself.
First off, Yeshua (Jesus to you Christians) was a good Jewish boy. He knew and understood both the Talmud and the Torah.


The Talmud which is two components; the Mishnah and Gemara.

Wasn't written until several hundred years after the death of Jesus.

Again, Sunnidiot, cherry picking things will always get you in trouble.......

Originally, Jewish scholarship was oral. Rabbis expounded and debated the law (the written law expressed in the Hebrew Bible) and discussed the Tanakh without the benefit of written works (other than the Biblical books themselves), though some may have made private notes (megillot setarim), for example of court decisions.[citation needed]

This situation changed drastically, however, mainly as the result of the destruction of the Jewish commonwealth in the year 70 CE and the consequent upheaval of Jewish social and legal norms.[citation needed]As the Rabbis were required to face a new reality—mainly Judaism without a Temple (to serve as the center of teaching and study) and Judea without autonomy—there was a flurry of legal discourse and the old system of oral scholarship could not be maintained. It is during this period that Rabbinic discourse began to be recorded in writing.[1][2] The earliest recorded oral law may have been of the midrashic form, in which halakhic discussion is structured as exegetical commentary on the Pentateuch. But an alternative form, organized by subject matter instead of by biblical verse, became dominant about the year 200 CE, when Rabbi Judah haNasi redacted the Mishnah (משנה).[citation needed]

The Oral Law was far from monolithic; rather, it varied among various schools. The most famous two were the School of Shammai and the School of Hillel. In general, all valid opinions, even the non-normative ones, were recorded in the Talmud.[citation needed]

Talmud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Or, did you not remember the story where Yeshua was a young boy, sitting in the Temple and debating the rabbis about theology?

Apparently, your knowledge is about as extensive as your so called "experience", which is somewhere between point zip and squat.
Correct me if I am wrong, but I had thought an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth........a life for a life, was set in place to CURB the OVER EXCESSIVE punishments that were being given out at the time for crimes committed?
When it comes to child molesters. I believe in one strike and you're out.

As do I, but that out should not include anyone mutilating said pedophile. Throw his ass in general population prison for life. Good enough.

I agree, a pedophile in general population is just what ive always wanted. Pedos's don't fair well in GP, they would be raped daily. Now that is justice. Good to know you agree too! :thup:
plus, i do not believe at the time of an eye for an eye, that there were multiple prisons, waiting for the criminals to be put in to.
It's not often you'll see someone advocating a lifetime sentence for a first offense be considered to be sticking up for someone. :lol:

If life were very black and white, then these kinds of 'eye for an eye' punishments might make sense. Unfortunately, each case is going to be filled with it's own variances, it's own circumstances, etc. The easy argument against these kinds of punishments is the basic one for the death penalty; if you might do it to an innocent person, it is not worth it. You can't take back blinding someone with acid if, later on, new evidence exonerates them.

This is an example of the difference between what's best for the individual and what's best for society. As an individual, if something like the OP happened to me or a loved one, fuck yes I want them blinded by acid too! I'll be happy to do it myself, thank you! As a society, I don't think we should do it; it falls under 'cruel and unusual punishment', I don't have enough faith in our justice system to never punish someone that's innocent of the crime, and there are going to be situations in which you cannot determine an exact reciprocal punishment.

The emotional, give em what they gave response is fine for a private citizen. It is not a good idea as government policy.
Hey.........some dude just got out of jail here in Texas after 23 years serving a sentence for a crime that he didn't commit.

He was exonerated by DNA evidence.
Correct me if I am wrong, but I had thought an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth........a life for a life, was set in place to CURB the OVER EXCESSIVE punishments that were being given out at the time for crimes committed?

So stoning women for not wearing burkas is too strict?

But stoning women for not wearing bikinis should also be too strict.

Maybe someone needs to invent the burkini...

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