An Honest Conversation about Race

Ima likes to pretend that whites arent represented in America so whites need more exposure to white culture...Thats funny
If ever you come up with a reason why Black History Month isn't as racist as a White History Month, I'll be waiting... :popcorn:
I don't want a White History Month, that would be racist. Get it yet?

You don't have to worry. According to most history books that I read...every month was "White History Month". The backlash against that narrow view of history didn't occur until I reached college, circa 1970, right about the time of the Black Power Movement's height. And you're bitchin' about us having the whole month of February, when you have the entire year? Get a life.

There are no widespread "white" history anything celebrations.

Liar. This has been explained to you over and over again. Even you can't be so stupid you don't get the point by now, so you must be lying to try and justify your pathetic, cowardly racism. You are an absolute failure as a human being.
Ima likes to pretend that whites arent represented in America so whites need more exposure to white culture...Thats funny

Never said that. Please try again.

Well thats the reason for Black History month. So your request for a White History month is for what reason? Lack of exposure to white culture? A Finger in the eye?

You can rationalize it anyway you want, but you know that Black History Month is just as racist as a White History Month would be.
So once we've all been exposed to black culture enough (I know I've had my fill :D), would you say then that a BHM wouldn't be needed? Or would then be as racist as a WHM?
Never said that. Please try again.

Well thats the reason for Black History month. So your request for a White History month is for what reason? Lack of exposure to white culture? A Finger in the eye?

You can rationalize it anyway you want, but you know that Black History Month is just as racist as a White History Month would be.

You're a fool and a liar.
Never said that. Please try again.

Well thats the reason for Black History month. So your request for a White History month is for what reason? Lack of exposure to white culture? A Finger in the eye?

You can rationalize it anyway you want, but you know that Black History Month is just as racist as a White History Month would be.
So once we've all been exposed to black culture enough (I know I've had my fill :D), would you say then that a BHM wouldn't be needed? Or would then be as racist as a WHM?

Thats the reason for black history months creation. There wasnt any black history being represented it was all white. So to fix that they created black history month. What problem are you trying to address with a White History MOnth? Lack of whites represented in America? White history not being taught? Finger in the eye?
should begin with the fact that a majority of Whites don't spend their days dreaming up ways to screw Blacks, whereas the majority of Blacks believe they are getting screwed by Whites. How to bridge this gulf between perceptions?

That is an urban legend that is media driven. The truth is that the majority of black people have lives, jobs, families and responsibilities and do not spend anywhere near the energy giving whites a second thought as is perceived.
My wife has a large family of 8 siblings. All grown with their own children. One is a supervisor at the DMV, one is a school teacher, one is a risk management director for a large city, and one is general counsel of a large food broker.

We all gather weekly for Sunday dinner, and seldom do matters of race relations between whites or blacks come up as discussion topics. What we discuss are our children who are in college, vacation plans, and what we can do collectively to assist our elders.
I don't want a White History Month, that would be racist. Get it yet?

You don't have to worry. According to most history books that I read...every month was "White History Month". The backlash against that narrow view of history didn't occur until I reached college, circa 1970, right about the time of the Black Power Movement's height. And you're bitchin' about us having the whole month of February, when you have the entire year? Get a life.

There are no widespread "white" history anything celebrations. Negros complain about racism against them, and then have all kinds of negro TV, ... and even a month dedicated to their racism. You even have affirmative action because you all can't compete.

You are hilarious. Have you ever considered a career in stand up comedy?

Now for a few facts:

*There is no "negro TV". There is BET, which is white owned. There is TV1, which airs black oriented content, but both are diverse in their programming choices.

*74% of prime time television characters and programs are predominately white.

*There are other TV stations like Telemundo which is hispanic oriented, and TV Asia which is Asian oriented. Is their presence on television racist as well?

*Now, as far as this obsession with "AA", if you are a white female you are much more likely to benefit from it than the average black citizen. White females numbering the millions have been placed in the workforce as part of the AA initiative.

So no, you are not being victimized, or marginalized or undervalued by anyone black. As a white female, you are part of the MOST privileged group in America.

The world is a big place, be the best you can be, no one is holding you back.
If ever you come up with a reason why Black History Month isn't as racist as a White History Month, I'll be waiting... :popcorn:

Black History amounted to a couple of paragraphs in standard History books. Correcting underrepresentation or "flat out" omission does not amount to "racism", on any level, or in anybody's "book". Why is it I never heard any mention of "La Amistad"...the only successful slave ship mutiny in U.S. History, until I heard Steven Spielberg was producing "Amistad" at the behest of Debbie Allen, who had purchased the rights to the story and co-produced? Because, until recently, "Black History" was not important to the then majority, "white Americans". That is why any attempts to redress the indignity is not racism.
If ever you come up with a reason why Black History Month isn't as racist as a White History Month, I'll be waiting... :popcorn:

Black History amounted to a couple of paragraphs in standard History books. Correcting underrepresentation or "flat out" omission does not amount to "racism", on any level, or in anybody's "book". Why is it I never heard any mention of "La Amistad"...the only successful slave ship mutiny in U.S. History, until I heard Steven Spielberg was producing "Amistad" at the behest of Debbie Allen, who had purchased the rights to the story and co-produced? Because, until recently, "Black History" was not important to the then majority, "white Americans". That is why any attempts to redress the indignity is not racism.

So victims of racism are allowed to be racist. That's a pretty novel excuse, haven't heard that one before, lol. Geez, you'd think that it would be the other way around, that those who were discriminated against would be the first not to discriminate. Now I see why ya'll need AA to get into university. Not very bright.

It's not racism to make Amistad, you're getting confused, although I liked Roots more.
Well thats the reason for Black History month. So your request for a White History month is for what reason? Lack of exposure to white culture? A Finger in the eye?

You can rationalize it anyway you want, but you know that Black History Month is just as racist as a White History Month would be.
So once we've all been exposed to black culture enough (I know I've had my fill :D), would you say then that a BHM wouldn't be needed? Or would then be as racist as a WHM?

Thats the reason for black history months creation. There wasnt any black history being represented it was all white. So to fix that they created black history month. What problem are you trying to address with a White History MOnth? Lack of whites represented in America? White history not being taught? Finger in the eye?

Maybe I just don't get BHM. Is it
a) because you all don't pay any attention to your own history any other time of the year?
b) It's a desperate attempt to get other colours' attention?
c) Purely a black supremacist thing, like a White History Month would be.
d) All of the above.
you can rationalize it anyway you want, but you know that black history month is just as racist as a white history month would be.
So once we've all been exposed to black culture enough (i know i've had my fill :d), would you say then that a bhm wouldn't be needed? Or would then be as racist as a whm?

thats the reason for black history months creation. There wasnt any black history being represented it was all white. So to fix that they created black history month. What problem are you trying to address with a white history month? Lack of whites represented in america? White history not being taught? Finger in the eye?

maybe i just don't get bhm. Is it
a) because you all don't pay any attention to your own history any other time of the year?
B) it's a desperate attempt to get other colours' attention?
C) purely a black supremacist thing, like a white history month would be.
D) all of the above.

there wasnt any black history being represented it was all white.
thats the reason for black history months creation. There wasnt any black history being represented it was all white. So to fix that they created black history month. What problem are you trying to address with a white history month? Lack of whites represented in america? White history not being taught? Finger in the eye?

maybe i just don't get bhm. Is it
a) because you all don't pay any attention to your own history any other time of the year?
B) it's a desperate attempt to get other colours' attention?
C) purely a black supremacist thing, like a white history month would be.
D) all of the above.

there wasnt any black history being represented it was all white.

Cmon, that's a cop out. MLK, slavery, the underground railroad, Kunta Kinte and all the blacks musicians in American music. Sprinkle with a few Denzels and Halleys, maybe a Fresh Prince here and there. And MJ, who wanted to be white.
What the fuck else is there? :D
If ever you come up with a reason why Black History Month isn't as racist as a White History Month, I'll be waiting... :popcorn:

Black History amounted to a couple of paragraphs in standard History books. Correcting underrepresentation or "flat out" omission does not amount to "racism", on any level, or in anybody's "book". Why is it I never heard any mention of "La Amistad"...the only successful slave ship mutiny in U.S. History, until I heard Steven Spielberg was producing "Amistad" at the behest of Debbie Allen, who had purchased the rights to the story and co-produced? Because, until recently, "Black History" was not important to the then majority, "white Americans". That is why any attempts to redress the indignity is not racism.

Perhaps you need to read more history books.

The mutiny aboard La Armistad really isn't a part of US history except after the fact.

The captors were not Americans as you seem to imply, we were the ones that rescued their ass from starvation and ultimately freed them.

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