An Honest Question for the Leftists Here

An honest question for Death Angel: IF we learn these bombs were an act of terrorism by a fascist Trump sheep, will you admit there’s a problem with your leader’s constant inciting of violence?

If if if...

The OP was an “if,” you inbred retard

An honest question for Death Angel: IF we learn these bombs were an act of terrorism by a fascist Trump sheep, will you admit there’s a problem with your leader’s constant inciting of violence?

Right after Bernie Sanders admits he's responsible for one of his supporters shooting Republicans at a baseball practice.
Scalise didn`t mind being shot so why should anyone else? He`s still in the pocket of the NRA who thinks crazy people should have guns. Anyway dumbass, that`s a poor attempt to change the subject.

"Scalise didn`t mind being shot"

Idiot libtardo alert. I guess Reagan didn't mind being shot either in libtardo loonie land.
Not quite moron. Reagan helped pass the 1994 assault weapon ban. In other words, a RINO. Aren`t you glad now that you brought up his name? :)
Ronald Reagan Helped Pass The 1994 Assault Weapons Ban
The USMB is an interesting place.

We have zero “ANTIFA” members posting here.

We have zero left wing nuts promoting violence or terrorist acts.

We have a bunch of right wing nuts promoting violence and terrorists acts EVERY DAY.

We have several white nationalists posting here.

And it is the right who whines incessantly about how scared they are.


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