An idea for reducing voter fraud. Use law enforcement to monitor

There's nothing like wasting time concocting elaborate and expensive solutions to problems that have not even been shown to exist.
Yes of course. And the proof that there is no voter fraud is that every Democrat governor in the country fought Trump's initiative to FIND OUT whether it was a problem.

Draw your own conclusions.

Why begin an investigation when there is no evidence that there is a problem? The stupid whore was just fishing.

Don't investigate. Enact voter ID laws and have the National Guard and police monitor the election. This would solve it and prevent it from showing up in the future.

We can log voter IDs as having voted at a specific location at a specific time to prevent them from being used more than once in addition to ensuring that it is a valid ID.

An additional idea is that the door would be locked and would electronically unlock once the person passed a quiz in English asking very basic questions about the Constitution that we have determined the bulk of voters can answer correctly.
Russians know how to hold elections. Their winners always get 110% of the votes. We should just let Russia run our elections.
They did according to some lefty idiots.
So what are the proposals to combat voter suppression? Denying an eligible voter the opportunity to cast a ballot that counts is a much more unpatriotic thing to do, and is much more damaging to our democratic republic. Voter suppression is definitely anti-American.
I believe that people may be less likely to break the law in a police station. In addition to voter ID cards, have all of the voting booths in the parking lot of police stations with the area surrounded by National Guardsmen and police officers and ICE agents guarding the voting booth.

Have you ever voted? Do you know how the entire process of registering to vote and the vetting in your state works? Do you know how absentee ballots work? Or provisional ballots??

Me thinks you may need to figure that out and what and who you are trying to prevent from voting by having armed guards there...

Like I said above "I voted once with a utility bill. You do not have to be a citizen to have a utility bill. Heck, I didn't even have a picture ID to show that it was my utility bill."
were you registered to vote at the polling place you went to vote at? Was your name and signature, what party you were registered with, and address.... on the blue haired old lady's voter roll list that she used to verify, you, were you? And your utility bill, and questions she asked you, was just simply to verify you were the person that was on the voter roll.... it has NOTHING to do with being legal or not... they already know you are registered to vote as a citizen in that district. No armed guards can stop you from voting when you are already vetted by the State and issued approval by your State, then added to the voter roll....

No one is going to impersonate you at the voting place... it's a felony and the likelihood of getting caught is like 99%....

Your recent utility bill at the voting booth place was simply to identify yourself as the person ALREADY VETTED AND APPROVED, on the voter rolls, at your precinct.

I had not previously registered or even spoken with them at all and it was the first time I had ever voted. I showed up on the day of the election with a paperwork license with no picture ID (I lived across the street from the voting booth at the time and had previously lost my wallet), they told me I could vote with a utility bill. I heard them tell others this as well. I went home, grabbed it, returned and voted.
So the system worked
You were able to vote
Yes of course. And the proof that there is no voter fraud is that every Democrat governor in the country fought Trump's initiative to FIND OUT whether it was a problem.

Draw your own conclusions.

Why begin an investigation when there is no evidence that there is a problem? The stupid whore was just fishing.

Don't investigate. Enact voter ID laws and have the National Guard and police monitor the election. This would solve it and prevent it from showing up in the future.

We can log voter IDs as having voted at a specific location at a specific time to prevent them from being used more than once in addition to ensuring that it is a valid ID.

An additional idea is that the door would be locked and would electronically unlock once the person passed a quiz in English asking very basic questions about the Constitution that we have determined the bulk of voters can answer correctly.
Russians know how to hold elections. Their winners always get 110% of the votes. We should just let Russia run our elections.
That is how they elected Trump
The last thing you want is a law enforcement presence in a polling place like you see in 3rd world countries. The Obama administration failed to prosecute uniformed "new black panthers" carrying weapons but that's another issue.

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