An Intelligent, Reasoned Treatise On The Muslim Problem:


But the point is the people take the killing of 22 as bad, but the killing of 100,000 as "I don't care", that's the way it is, it exists.

That is the very bone of contention in this discussion.

There is no question that the vindictive rage engendered by the Iraq invasion and other unnecessary military incursions in the Middle East is justified. Unfortunately it would be useless for me, and you, and millions of other Americans to say we strongly disapproved of those actions and we deeply regret they took place. So we are left with the choice of either passively inviting retributive violence against us or assuming a defensive posture and taking appropriate steps to prevent any such action.

What is your choice?

Surely the choice is to use our brains.

In the short term try and stop such things from happening WITHOUT going against our principles, and in the long term pull back from making the same mistakes.

The problem is the US has a political system weighted towards conservatism, and they will lean towards violence to deal with any problem because it's the only thing they actually understand. So, basically we're damned to be fucked continually by the US govt and the way people vote.

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