An interesting read

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I don't know, but she doesn't have a very good record. She is a career politician. Lying is second nature to her. I wouldn't trust that shady character as far as I could throw her, and I probably couldn't even pick her up! Lol!

pot meet kettle.

Why don't you try to refute some of statements instead of making comments that you think might be clever but really aren't. Lol. I am not a career politician or a shady character. I am a simple person who lives a simple life. :D

Someone here said “I probably couldn’t even pick her up”…is that your idea of cerebral?

I should have said I could not pick her up! You are right. My bad. :D

Ahh… Personal attacks; the hallmark of a Trump worshiper.

It's not an attack. It is yet another fact. :D Lol.
The D Party IS the party of the .01%/ruling class. Sadly, poor and middle class D voters haven’t figured that out. They get duped repeatedly.

Of course the Rs are no better, as they merely want to replace the Ds as the criminal party representing the ruling class/.01%.
As far as representation of the ruling class goes, what is the criterea for judgement ? One could use POTUS campaign contributions as a gauge. If so, there is a vast difference between R and D.
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I don't know, but she doesn't have a very good record. She is a career politician. Lying is second nature to her. I wouldn't trust that shady character as far as I could throw her, and I probably couldn't even pick her up! Lol!
Hillary has a history of lying that goes way back. In other threads, I have cited her many outstanding lies, which make eyes roll around in heads. :rolleyes:
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The D Party IS the party of the .01%/ruling class. Sadly, poor and middle class D voters haven’t figured that out. They get duped repeatedly.

Of course the Rs are no better, as they merely want to replace the Ds as the criminal party representing the ruling class/.01%.
As far as representation of the ruling class goes, what is the criterea for judgement ? one could use POTUS camaign contributions as a gauge. If so, there is a vast difference between R and D.
Simply put, who do the extreme wealthy support? They almost without exception support the Ds. They know the party of big government will protect and enrich them.
His lies are ant hills compared to Hillary's mountains. :D He says "I'm the best guy in the world, ask anybody" and you will accuse him of lying. Lol! Well duh!
I asked the USMB Trump haters to present ONE lie that Trump has ever told, with real proof to back it up. None have ever responded.
So, now, is it any wonder why people don't like leftists? :113: Thank you, Candy Corn!

Well, again, the plurality of voters preferred Hillary over Trump. If they don’t like “leftists” they sure don’t mind voting for them. LOL.
And on social media perused by average Americans, they prefer sites that lampoon your messiah over ones that fawn over the pervert.

Those are facts and they are not in dispute except from folks like yourself…

You’re welcome.
So, now, is it any wonder why people don't like leftists? :113: Thank you, Candy Corn!

Well, again, the plurality of voters preferred Hillary over Trump. If they don’t like “leftists” they sure don’t mind voting for them. LOL.
And on social media perused by average Americans, they prefer sites that lampoon your messiah over ones that fawn over the pervert.

Those are facts and they are not in dispute except from folks like yourself…

You’re welcome.

That's because they don't have jobs to go to and so they post crap on social media all day. Lol! :D The silent majority is who you should be concerned about. ;)
Simply put, who do the extreme wealthy support? They almost without exception support the Ds. They know the party of big government will protect and enrich them.
TRUE. Hillary's campaign contributions far outstripped Bernie and Trump (who received the least). Most of Hillary's were from the same Wall St sources that she accused Trump of being connected to.

Most of Bernie's were from the same Wall St and corporate America sources that he ranted against throughout his campaign.
Well, again, the plurality of voters preferred Hillary over Trump. If they don’t like “leftists” they sure don’t mind voting for them. LOL.
And on social media perused by average Americans, they prefer sites that lampoon your messiah over ones that fawn over the pervert.

Those are facts and they are not in dispute except from folks like yourself…

You’re welcome.
"Voters"! But not AMERICAN voters. You're welcome.
Some might be quieter on Facebook, but they are sure to make their voices heard at the ballot box! ;) How are you going to attack THAT? :D
They'll attack it by getting on here in USMB, and yammering about Democrats getting more votes (in California and Oregon) :laugh:
You are a dimwitted sheep. WTF cares about Ariana Grande?
She's just one example of millions of America-hating liberals, and hundreds of America-hater celebrities.

She's a 20-something-year-old celebrity dumbass. What does she know about anything? Her opinion on anything of importance is completely irrelevant.

As opposed to the 70 sumthin celebrity dumbass in the whitehouse ?
Exactly what you voted for
This blaming/insulting/shaming/demonizing the other side is getting us nowhere. I really hope the majority of Americans are coming to realize this.
Here is an interesting article. I absolutely agree with just about everything in it. Will the dems ever learn from their mistakes? If you were to go by the general attitude around this forum, then NOPE.

Some people hate Trump. More people hate liberals.

All of those excuses fail to get to the crux of why the left keeps losing. Ordinary Americans simply don't like leftists very much. And when Hollywood and Silicon Valley unite to tell them they are stupid, are ignorant, are racist, are homophobic, hate Muslims, and shouldn't love America so much, what do they expect the reaction from ordinary people will be?

Republicans are not representatives of the people any more than Democrats are. But they speak the language of the ordinary voter and usually don't put them down. The coastal elites who run the Democratic Party and liberal establishment cannot disguise their contempt for ordinary Americans. In Georgia's 6th District, that smug, self-righteous sense of superiority played about as well as one might expect.

Until the Democrats can learn to mask their hatred of the hoi polloi, ordinary people will hate them more than they hate Trump and the Republicans.

If Democrats are soooo out of touch with ordinary people, why did Clinton get the majority of the popular vote?

Your OP typifies the incredible stereotyping and prejudices of Conservatives. Your characterization of liberals is childish. It is nothing more than regurgitating the lies that your Republican masters have fed you.

If there is a sense of superiority held by most liberals, it's becuase Conservatives like yourself keep blabbing ridiculous nonsense. We can't help feeling somewhat superior to people who believe things like Hillary Clinton running a child slavery ring out of a Pizza parlor in Washington, or the Barack Obama was born in Kenya.

It goes even further when your support an obvious con man like Trump. Did you all really just fall off the turnip truck? You sure act like you did!

No, we 'liberals' don't believe that we are any great intellectuals, but we do believe that most conservative are either very, very dishonest or very, very stupid - and you just keep proving us right over and over again.
Still wondering about that "telling you not to love America so much" part. Care to elaborate?
Dude, your avatar is about you hate trump so much you're a pervert to his daughter. Read the op

How am I perverting his daughter? I'm not the one who walked down and back on a model's runway with my titty flopping out, and no effort to cover it. I can understand accidental "wardrobe malfunctions", but she never even bothered to cover up.
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