An Olive Branch From Cultsmasher

so you're a white Nazi liberal who loves FDR? It makes sense. Don't forget our liberals spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb. Do you love Stalin too?

To be more accurate, it was mainly Jews who spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb. Despite that, the U.S. gave Israel nuclear weapons. Also, Hitler was a god compared to Stalin and his Jewish cronies.
dear, you never answer questions. You would be held in contempt of court. Do you know why you are afraid to answer questions?

so once again, are you a white Nazi who loved Hitler and FDR????

Tell me what it is that I didn't answer. Though if you refuse to do so without calling me "dear," don't bother.

so once again, are you a white Nazi who loved Hitler and FDR???

Did I not mention somewhere that I am a White National Socialist? As for Hitler, compared to most people, he was a GOD!!! He took the German economic disaster and turned it into an economic miracle. As for FDR, he wasn't perfect. And his butt ugly wife was a lesbo. But I do agree with some of his "left wing" social ideas. One I wish he was able to make happen was universal health care. But the insurance industry and other forces killed that plan.

so for 5th time, are you a white Nazi who loved Hitler and liked FDR?? This is yes or no question?
Ugh cultsmasher was the worst

But what do you think of his idea.

It's fucking retarded.

Joe worked two jobs, bought a house and did lots of work on it. After several years, he was able to move into a new house and rent the old one out as a way to secure his retirement.

Then freemind came along and stole his house and his future..

If you want something, work for it.
Our biggest problem is that there are a lot of Americans that worry too much about how much other Americans might benefit from a better system. They want everyone to be as miserable as they are.

You are wrong. The biggest problem is that most people don't give a shit about what happens to other people. Also, I saw a study once that was done with small children. Most if not all of them were willing to take less of something they valued. As long as it meant that some other child would receive nothing at all. It is probably some sort of ingrained status thing that obviously never really goes away. I'll tell you something that I was desperate for in my younger years. A MOTHERFUCKING JOB!!!! I wouldn't have given a shit if it was building useless fucking pyrmids. As long as I had a livable wage. And didn't have to work by the same work ethic that Andrew Carnegie supported. Which was "survival of the fittest."
Our biggest problem is that there are a lot of Americans that worry too much about how much other Americans might benefit from a better system. They want everyone to be as miserable as they are.

You believe theft is a better system?

What you leftists ultimately promote is the law of the jungle, the most viscous takes by force what they want. This great theft that freemind fantasizes about would happen once, thugs with guns from the government could help the dependent steal the property of the productive class. But no one will work to improve property that they know will be stolen, so the moochers will be left with nowhere to go after the initial theft.

You can gain by theft when the victim is unaware, but once you've shown yourself for what you are, people will stop producing. Look at any Kleptocracy, Cuba, Venezuela, the USSR, et al.

You can't get any more "law of the jungle" than with a dog eat dog capitalist system. I dropped out of highschool in my third year with three years of credits to make up for. So only I have the mental capacity to tell you just how full of crap you are. Money is a farce! And the more you have, the more somebody else will figure out a way of taking from you. Only the wealthy would come to be able to afford some services. Which would leave those services out of the reach of those with less.

Some people such as doctors, professors or engineers deserve to have more than the average person. But look at people who are useless bureaucrats who gain a lot of wealth, but contribute nothing tangable to the human condition. Such as stock brokers, hedge fund traders, insurance company employees, etc. And for the wealthy, there is absolutely no limit as to how rich they want to be. There is nothing wrong with going to a more equitable system.

You also speak of kleptocracy. But there is nothing more criminal than our current plutocratic system. You also talk about countries with failed economic systems. But what makes you think that the only way is to follow their failed economic systems. There is a book you can read that goes a little more into how an economy and political system should work. If you care to read it. Just enter into your browser, "Our Holy Hell: The causes, The solutions."
To be more accurate, it was mainly Jews who spied for Stalin and gave him the bomb. Despite that, the U.S. gave Israel nuclear weapons. Also, Hitler was a god compared to Stalin and his Jewish cronies.
dear, you never answer questions. You would be held in contempt of court. Do you know why you are afraid to answer questions?

so once again, are you a white Nazi who loved Hitler and FDR????

Tell me what it is that I didn't answer. Though if you refuse to do so without calling me "dear," don't bother.

so once again, are you a white Nazi who loved Hitler and FDR???

Did I not mention somewhere that I am a White National Socialist? As for Hitler, compared to most people, he was a GOD!!! He took the German economic disaster and turned it into an economic miracle. As for FDR, he wasn't perfect. And his butt ugly wife was a lesbo. But I do agree with some of his "left wing" social ideas. One I wish he was able to make happen was universal health care. But the insurance industry and other forces killed that plan.

so for 5th time, are you a white Nazi who loved Hitler and liked FDR?? This is yes or no question?

I just answered that question. Did you not see it?
There is nothing wrong with going to a more equitable system.

our system is equitable since all transactions are freely entered into. Libs and Nazis want want powerful central govt deciding what people can do. Do you have the IQ to understand?
dear, you never answer questions. You would be held in contempt of court. Do you know why you are afraid to answer questions?

so once again, are you a white Nazi who loved Hitler and FDR????

Tell me what it is that I didn't answer. Though if you refuse to do so without calling me "dear," don't bother.

so once again, are you a white Nazi who loved Hitler and FDR???

Did I not mention somewhere that I am a White National Socialist? As for Hitler, compared to most people, he was a GOD!!! He took the German economic disaster and turned it into an economic miracle. As for FDR, he wasn't perfect. And his butt ugly wife was a lesbo. But I do agree with some of his "left wing" social ideas. One I wish he was able to make happen was universal health care. But the insurance industry and other forces killed that plan.

so for 5th time, are you a white Nazi who loved Hitler and liked FDR?? This is yes or no question?

I just answered that question. Did you not see it?
so for 6th time, are you a white Nazi who loved Hitler and liked FDR?? This is yes or no question?
You are wrong. The biggest problem is that most people don't give a shit about what happens to other people. Also, I saw a study once that was done with small children. Most if not all of them were willing to take less of something they valued. As long as it meant that some other child would receive nothing at all. It is probably some sort of ingrained status thing that obviously never really goes away. I'll tell you something that I was desperate for in my younger years. A MOTHERFUCKING JOB!!!! I wouldn't have given a shit if it was building useless fucking pyrmids. As long as I had a livable wage. And didn't have to work by the same work ethic that Andrew Carnegie supported. Which was "survival of the fittest."

You didn't make it very far in a formal education, did you?

What meth haven are you from, out of curiosity?

BTW, "survival of the fittest" was Darwin.
You can't get any more "law of the jungle" than with a dog eat dog capitalist system.

Really? Then why do industrialized nations tend to be so much safer than the savage lands you seek to demote us to?

The problem is that the ignorant shit you spew contradicts reality. You seek to live off of the efforts of others, you think others owe you a living because you have wants or needs.

I dropped out of highschool in my third year with three years of credits to make up for. So only I have the mental capacity to tell you just how full of crap you are. Money is a farce! And the more you have, the more somebody else will figure out a way of taking from you. Only the wealthy would come to be able to afford some services. Which would leave those services out of the reach of those with less.

Money is a farce?

Money is the means of civilized people to deal with each other. Money is the symbol of value, the foundation of integrity and fairness. When a man offers you money for your labor, he offers you value. You are free to accept or reject his offer, based on whether you value the money he offers as much or more than you do your time an effort. Money allows for the trade of value between those who have something to offer.

Money is the way people of good intention deal with one another. Without money, the means of motivating people to work is the whip, which defines the majority of human history. When you take from men the option to sell their time in exchange for something they want, money, then all that is left is the desire to avoid something they dread, the whip.

Money or whips, they choice is yours, and I pray that you experience your choice across your own back.

Some people such as doctors, professors or engineers deserve to have more than the average person. But look at people who are useless bureaucrats who gain a lot of wealth, but contribute nothing tangable to the human condition. Such as stock brokers, hedge fund traders, insurance company employees, etc. And for the wealthy, there is absolutely no limit as to how rich they want to be. There is nothing wrong with going to a more equitable system.

You also speak of kleptocracy. But there is nothing more criminal than our current plutocratic system. You also talk about countries with failed economic systems. But what makes you think that the only way is to follow their failed economic systems. There is a book you can read that goes a little more into how an economy and political system should work. If you care to read it. Just enter into your browser, "Our Holy Hell: The causes, The solutions."

Free mean EARN what they have through use of their mind. Bureaucrats are creatures of government, which you propose to increase so that they can wield guns and take by force what you did not earn on your behalf.

I will look at your book. How about you look at one I recommend?

The seminal work of rational thought; Man, Economy, and State: Murray N. Rothbard: 9780945466321: Books
There is nothing wrong with going to a more equitable system.

our system is equitable since all transactions are freely entered into. Libs and Nazis want want powerful central govt deciding what people can do. Do you have the IQ to understand?

Do you mean like coal miners in Appalachia used to be in the 'equatable" slavery to coal companies. Where they "freely entered" into a working environment where they were paid in company script and had to rent houses owned by the coal companies? And had to buy the things they needed from the company store? Which kept them in perpetual debt? It is you who doesn't understand. Concerning the topics I bring up, you don't even have an IQ compared to me.
Tell me what it is that I didn't answer. Though if you refuse to do so without calling me "dear," don't bother.

so once again, are you a white Nazi who loved Hitler and FDR???

Did I not mention somewhere that I am a White National Socialist? As for Hitler, compared to most people, he was a GOD!!! He took the German economic disaster and turned it into an economic miracle. As for FDR, he wasn't perfect. And his butt ugly wife was a lesbo. But I do agree with some of his "left wing" social ideas. One I wish he was able to make happen was universal health care. But the insurance industry and other forces killed that plan.

so for 5th time, are you a white Nazi who loved Hitler and liked FDR?? This is yes or no question?

I just answered that question. Did you not see it?
so for 6th time, are you a white Nazi who loved Hitler and liked FDR?? This is yes or no question?

Didn't you read my reply to you earlier that started out, "Did I not mention to you that I am a White National Socialist?" I answered all your questions in it. So why do you keep pretending that I didn't.
You are wrong. The biggest problem is that most people don't give a shit about what happens to other people. Also, I saw a study once that was done with small children. Most if not all of them were willing to take less of something they valued. As long as it meant that some other child would receive nothing at all. It is probably some sort of ingrained status thing that obviously never really goes away. I'll tell you something that I was desperate for in my younger years. A MOTHERFUCKING JOB!!!! I wouldn't have given a shit if it was building useless fucking pyrmids. As long as I had a livable wage. And didn't have to work by the same work ethic that Andrew Carnegie supported. Which was "survival of the fittest."

You didn't make it very far in a formal education, did you?

What meth haven are you from, out of curiosity?

BTW, "survival of the fittest" was Darwin.

I made it far enough in education to mentally spank you. Also, from what I heard, Darwin never used the term "survival of the fittest." He talked about natural selection. Also, Andrew Carnegie used to consider the long hours, days needed to be worked, poor working conditions, etc. as "Survival of the fittest." As if he was actually doing humanity a favor. When what he was actually doing was basically stuffing his pockets with as much money as they could hold.
You can't get any more "law of the jungle" than with a dog eat dog capitalist system.

Really? Then why do industrialized nations tend to be so much safer than the savage lands you seek to demote us to?

The problem is that the ignorant shit you spew contradicts reality. You seek to live off of the efforts of others, you think others owe you a living because you have wants or needs.

I dropped out of highschool in my third year with three years of credits to make up for. So only I have the mental capacity to tell you just how full of crap you are. Money is a farce! And the more you have, the more somebody else will figure out a way of taking from you. Only the wealthy would come to be able to afford some services. Which would leave those services out of the reach of those with less.

Money is a farce?

Money is the means of civilized people to deal with each other. Money is the symbol of value, the foundation of integrity and fairness. When a man offers you money for your labor, he offers you value. You are free to accept or reject his offer, based on whether you value the money he offers as much or more than you do your time an effort. Money allows for the trade of value between those who have something to offer.

Money is the way people of good intention deal with one another. Without money, the means of motivating people to work is the whip, which defines the majority of human history. When you take from men the option to sell their time in exchange for something they want, money, then all that is left is the desire to avoid something they dread, the whip.

Money or whips, they choice is yours, and I pray that you experience your choice across your own back.

Some people such as doctors, professors or engineers deserve to have more than the average person. But look at people who are useless bureaucrats who gain a lot of wealth, but contribute nothing tangable to the human condition. Such as stock brokers, hedge fund traders, insurance company employees, etc. And for the wealthy, there is absolutely no limit as to how rich they want to be. There is nothing wrong with going to a more equitable system.

You also speak of kleptocracy. But there is nothing more criminal than our current plutocratic system. You also talk about countries with failed economic systems. But what makes you think that the only way is to follow their failed economic systems. There is a book you can read that goes a little more into how an economy and political system should work. If you care to read it. Just enter into your browser, "Our Holy Hell: The causes, The solutions."

Free mean EARN what they have through use of their mind. Bureaucrats are creatures of government, which you propose to increase so that they can wield guns and take by force what you did not earn on your behalf.

I will look at your book. How about you look at one I recommend?

The seminal work of rational thought; Man, Economy, and State: Murray N. Rothbard: 9780945466321: Books

You are so full of shit your eyes are brown. Capitalism isn't the end all and be all pinicle of economic systems. I am all about improvement. Not any sort of demotion.
Next, the only reality you know is what you have been brainwashed to accept as fact. Next, what if you were rich and bought something. Or paid for some service like having a groundskeeper. Or having a plumber do some work for you or any of a zillion other things. YOU would be living off the efforts of others. Deal with it. Next, all capitalists seek having a monolopy. Do you think that those who acheive it owe you nothing?

Next, money is absolutely meaningless. Our country is 18 trillion dollars in debt. We also have over 60 trillion dollars worth of unfunded obligations. Only in your delusional dreamworld do you think our money has any real value. Next, you can stick your "motivation" up your ass. All that is needed is for people to do what is necessary for a properly functioning economy. Whatever is able to be done by a fit person working at an all out but sustainable pace, require workers to do one third as much. Also, how often do you see people in the military being wipped to do their duty. Im not talking about being a slave driver. One of the things I'm talking about is having no need for some poor girl to go out and pedal her ass to get by.

Next, if you read what I said, you know that I'm not against people earning more if they have the mental capacity to do so. There just needs to be limits. Next, capitalism is a joke. I have no need or desire to read a book that praises it. I LIVED it. I know full well what is going on.
You are so full of shit your eyes are brown. Capitalism isn't the end all and be all pinicle of economic systems. I am all about improvement. Not any sort of demotion.

Trade is the foundation of civilization, the means of humans to deal with one another fairly and justly.

You seek to remove that and return to the law of the jungle, that of brute force, on the delusion that you will personally benefit from the corruption you seek.

Next, the only reality you know is what you have been brainwashed to accept as fact. Next, what if you were rich and bought something. Or paid for some service like having a groundskeeper. Or having a plumber do some work for you or any of a zillion other things. YOU would be living off the efforts of others. Deal with it. Next, all capitalists seek having a monolopy. Do you think that those who acheive it owe you nothing?

False, and an exposition of the gross ignorance you operate from. The pool service that cleans my pool does so because I PAY THEM. I am not living off the effort of others, I am trading the value of my time and talents for the value of their time and talents. Money is the marker that makes such trades possible. This is how people of integrity and good will deal with one another.

Next, money is absolutely meaningless. Our country is 18 trillion dollars in debt. We also have over 60 trillion dollars worth of unfunded obligations. Only in your delusional dreamworld do you think our money has any real value.

When I want a steak, I put down money and I get it. That is value. That you lack the foundational concepts needed to grasp basic principles does not render those principles "meaningless," but merely expose you as agonizingly ignorant.

Next, you can stick your "motivation" up your ass. All that is needed is for people to do what is necessary for a properly functioning economy. Whatever is able to be done by a fit person working at an all out but sustainable pace, require workers to do one third as much.

How will you "require" this? When workers tell you to fuck yourself, what will you do?

Also, how often do you see people in the military being wipped to do their duty. Im not talking about being a slave driver. One of the things I'm talking about is having no need for some poor girl to go out and pedal her ass to get by.

The threat of the brigg and dishonorable discharge is always there in the military. It is indeed the whip that motivates soldiers, always has been.

Next, if you read what I said, you know that I'm not against people earning more if they have the mental capacity to do so. There just needs to be limits. Next, capitalism is a joke. I have no need or desire to read a book that praises it. I LIVED it. I know full well what is going on.

I've read what you wrote; you are a looter. You wish to take by force what you cannot produce by your own volition. You seek to enslave your betters to your desires. The world you seek defines most of human history. In 100,000 years, 99,800 years have been under the conditions you want, under rulers who used thugs and violence to enslave the masses. Even now, much of the world lives under the misery that you seek to inflict upon the one bright spark in human history, in the nation where free people can MAKE money, and go as far as their talents, intelligence, and efforts can take them.
You are so full of shit your eyes are brown. Capitalism isn't the end all and be all pinicle of economic systems. I am all about improvement. Not any sort of demotion.

Trade is the foundation of civilization, the means of humans to deal with one another fairly and justly.

You seek to remove that and return to the law of the jungle, that of brute force, on the delusion that you will personally benefit from the corruption you seek.

Next, the only reality you know is what you have been brainwashed to accept as fact. Next, what if you were rich and bought something. Or paid for some service like having a groundskeeper. Or having a plumber do some work for you or any of a zillion other things. YOU would be living off the efforts of others. Deal with it. Next, all capitalists seek having a monolopy. Do you think that those who acheive it owe you nothing?

False, and an exposition of the gross ignorance you operate from. The pool service that cleans my pool does so because I PAY THEM. I am not living off the effort of others, I am trading the value of my time and talents for the value of their time and talents. Money is the marker that makes such trades possible. This is how people of integrity and good will deal with one another.

Next, money is absolutely meaningless. Our country is 18 trillion dollars in debt. We also have over 60 trillion dollars worth of unfunded obligations. Only in your delusional dreamworld do you think our money has any real value.

When I want a steak, I put down money and I get it. That is value. That you lack the foundational concepts needed to grasp basic principles does not render those principles "meaningless," but merely expose you as agonizingly ignorant.

Next, you can stick your "motivation" up your ass. All that is needed is for people to do what is necessary for a properly functioning economy. Whatever is able to be done by a fit person working at an all out but sustainable pace, require workers to do one third as much.

How will you "require" this? When workers tell you to fuck yourself, what will you do?

Also, how often do you see people in the military being wipped to do their duty. Im not talking about being a slave driver. One of the things I'm talking about is having no need for some poor girl to go out and pedal her ass to get by.

The threat of the brigg and dishonorable discharge is always there in the military. It is indeed the whip that motivates soldiers, always has been.

Next, if you read what I said, you know that I'm not against people earning more if they have the mental capacity to do so. There just needs to be limits. Next, capitalism is a joke. I have no need or desire to read a book that praises it. I LIVED it. I know full well what is going on.

I've read what you wrote; you are a looter. You wish to take by force what you cannot produce by your own volition. You seek to enslave your betters to your desires. The world you seek defines most of human history. In 100,000 years, 99,800 years have been under the conditions you want, under rulers who used thugs and violence to enslave the masses. Even now, much of the world lives under the misery that you seek to inflict upon the one bright spark in human history, in the nation where free people can MAKE money, and go as far as their talents, intelligence, and efforts can take them.

The rape and pillage of not only other peoples but of the environment is the true foundation of civilization. Basically it is the foundation of ours as well. That needs to change. For example, to have poor countries make what we should be making for ourselves is criminal. To import food from other countries that can be grown here is an abomination. Do I need to go on? Next, you ever hear the Guns N' Roses song "Welcome to the jungle?" What you advovate IS a jungle. A dog eat dog capitalist jungle. Not that I would advocate carrying things that far, but does a termite colony behave like a jungle?

Next, if you can't clean your own pool, maybe you shouldn't have one. Especially if you encourage poor wetbacks to do so. In that and a zillion other instances, basically our national soverignty is more important than you having a clean pool. Next, I am far from being a Russian communist from the days of the cold war. But I would bet people there were able to go out and have a steak dinner as well.

Next, how does the military require it. And even without war, what a civilian would be required to do wouldn't be as onerous. And if they ever told me to go fuck myself, I would for example give them an example of what Andrew Carnegie used to expose his workers to. Or maybe I would require them to do what people in sweat shops in poor countries now do. It wouldn't take long for that "fuck you" to turn into them kissing my feet.

Next, duty, honor and self respect are bigger motivators. I have a documentary to suggest that you watch. I don't agree with absolutely everything in it. But it does give some food for thought. It is the Michael Moore documentary, "Capitalism: A love story."
Next, you are just high! What I say has nothing to do with what happened in the last 100,000 years. It is about moving forward.

It isn't my prefered form of government, but to get to where we need to be we must first pass through National Socialism to clean the brainwashed filth away. Such as that which infects your mind. Then replace it with something better. Such as by having government officials who are elected by lottery instead of plutocratic corruptracy. I wonder what pre-French Revolution aristcratic philosophy you are going to try to lay on me next.
The rape and pillage of not only other peoples but of the environment is the true foundation of civilization. Basically it is the foundation of ours as well. That needs to change. For example, to have poor countries make what we should be making for ourselves is criminal. To import food from other countries that can be grown here is an abomination. Do I need to go on? Next, you ever hear the Guns N' Roses song "Welcome to the jungle?" What you advovate IS a jungle. A dog eat dog capitalist jungle. Not that I would advocate carrying things that far, but does a termite colony behave like a jungle?

Next, if you can't clean your own pool, maybe you shouldn't have one. Especially if you encourage poor wetbacks to do so. In that and a zillion other instances, basically our national soverignty is more important than you having a clean pool. Next, I am far from being a Russian communist from the days of the cold war. But I would bet people there were able to go out and have a steak dinner as well.

Next, how does the military require it. And even without war, what a civilian would be required to do wouldn't be as onerous. And if they ever told me to go fuck myself, I would for example give them an example of what Andrew Carnegie used to expose his workers to. Or maybe I would require them to do what people in sweat shops in poor countries now do. It wouldn't take long for that "fuck you" to turn into them kissing my feet.

Next, duty, honor and self respect are bigger motivators. I have a documentary to suggest that you watch. I don't agree with absolutely everything in it. But it does give some food for thought. It is the Michael Moore documentary, "Capitalism: A love story."
Next, you are just high! What I say has nothing to do with what happened in the last 100,000 years. It is about moving forward.

It isn't my prefered form of government, but to get to where we need to be we must first pass through National Socialism to clean the brainwashed filth away. Such as that which infects your mind. Then replace it with something better. Such as by having government officials who are elected by lottery instead of plutocratic corruptracy. I wonder what pre-French Revolution aristcratic philosophy you are going to try to lay on me next.

We all know what you are; we have seen Hitler, Pol Pot, Josef Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, et al. A violent thug seeking to take by force. Perhaps America will succumb and slide back into the sewer of human misery that you seek. Or perhaps this brief moment of liberty and an achievement will continue a bit longer.
The rape and pillage of not only other peoples but of the environment is the true foundation of civilization. Basically it is the foundation of ours as well. That needs to change. For example, to have poor countries make what we should be making for ourselves is criminal. To import food from other countries that can be grown here is an abomination. Do I need to go on? Next, you ever hear the Guns N' Roses song "Welcome to the jungle?" What you advovate IS a jungle. A dog eat dog capitalist jungle. Not that I would advocate carrying things that far, but does a termite colony behave like a jungle?

Next, if you can't clean your own pool, maybe you shouldn't have one. Especially if you encourage poor wetbacks to do so. In that and a zillion other instances, basically our national soverignty is more important than you having a clean pool. Next, I am far from being a Russian communist from the days of the cold war. But I would bet people there were able to go out and have a steak dinner as well.

Next, how does the military require it. And even without war, what a civilian would be required to do wouldn't be as onerous. And if they ever told me to go fuck myself, I would for example give them an example of what Andrew Carnegie used to expose his workers to. Or maybe I would require them to do what people in sweat shops in poor countries now do. It wouldn't take long for that "fuck you" to turn into them kissing my feet.

Next, duty, honor and self respect are bigger motivators. I have a documentary to suggest that you watch. I don't agree with absolutely everything in it. But it does give some food for thought. It is the Michael Moore documentary, "Capitalism: A love story."
Next, you are just high! What I say has nothing to do with what happened in the last 100,000 years. It is about moving forward.

It isn't my prefered form of government, but to get to where we need to be we must first pass through National Socialism to clean the brainwashed filth away. Such as that which infects your mind. Then replace it with something better. Such as by having government officials who are elected by lottery instead of plutocratic corruptracy. I wonder what pre-French Revolution aristcratic philosophy you are going to try to lay on me next.

We all know what you are; we have seen Hitler, Pol Pot, Josef Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, et al. A violent thug seeking to take by force. Perhaps America will succumb and slide back into the sewer of human misery that you seek. Or perhaps this brief moment of liberty and an achievement will continue a bit longer.

Only your brainwashed mind causes you to include Hitler with those other people. Also, I will include a thread that somebody around here wrote. Before they were banned. I would suggest you read it.
why vote national socialist.jpg
Only your brainwashed mind causes you to include Hitler with those other people.

so you would say Hitler was far better than the other liberals? Don't forget our liberals spied more for Stalin than Hitler.

Hitler may have been a National Socialist, but I don't think that exactly qualifies him as a liberal.
Also, in the reply just above yours, I included a thread called, "Why vote national socialist. (nazi party)" Did you read it? If not, do so and tell me what you think.

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