An olive branch

Mueller report that was promised

No gloating here. As it’s becoming very apparently clear to folks today that they have been misled by claims of Russian collusion, I want to offer an olive branch. A chance to apologize and maybe say a little something about learning the lesson to let the facts come out. If done so, in exchange I won’t rub your nose in this catastrophic mess. Doesn’t mean you have to like trump or never point out perceived short comings. Just that you jumped the gun, or bought into sources that cared about political points and viewership more than truth.

I also hope some on the right will publicly commit to this too. Maybe some good could come out of this. Doubt there will be any takers but don’t say I didn’t try
Once the full report comes out, you may be one of the very few posters on this board I would want to talk it over with.
Thank you.
The rest of the right wingers are more annoying than black flies right now.

You attacked President Trump for three years. Ignored mountains of evidence for three years that said you were wrong. Even common sense would have told an ordinary person that you don't start all these investigations on Propaganda A Political Enemy Paid for to try to Politically Destroy their Opponent.

And now you want to boohoo, play the victim and not want to to all the people you called Liars, and Russian Agents, Russian Sympathizers, and whatever else you called people?

Old Lady It's the Emperor's New Clothes:

Except no happy ending.
The Emperor has no clothes, and the Republicans and Trump supporters are ignoring that fact.
But in the fairy tale, a little boy has the guts to say HEY THE GUY ISN'T WEARING ANY CLOTHES and the people hear him and he's a hero.
In our present tale, the Emperor has been telling the people for two years that little boys lie and are conspiring with the Deep State to spread rumors that he has no clothes. And the people believe it.
So the little boy is not considered brave; he is ridiculed or ignored. And the naked Emperor continues to strut down the street in his "beautiful" wardrobe.

Fuckin sucks.

I am more bummed out with the Trump supporters' reaction than the Orange Groper's behavior. I know what to expect from him. The insanity of Trump's minions is just depressing, though.
He's naked.
You attacked President Trump for three years.
Yup. And I'll continue to attack him for two more. Hopefully no more than that. The Russia thing, though? I knew before all the Russia stuff came out that he was a sleaze who wouldn't know a moral principle if he fell over it. Why would those allegations surprise me? I never professed to know the answer, though. I said I'd abide by the decision of the Mueller investigation and I am.

And now you want to boohoo, play the victim and not want to to all the people you called Liars, and Russian Agents, Russian Sympathizers, and whatever else you called people?
I am being unfairly harrassed by you skanks because in the right wing's incredible wisdom, every lib here thinks the same and says the same things; it is always best, in a right winger's mind, to start with a negative comment about a lib's personal behavior or even some numbingly moronic namecalling like you did me earlier this morning. You can be proud of it; the mods apparently felt it was quite appropriate to call me a communist whore with Putin's cum all over my face.

And you want to chide me?

LOL You people can go fucking rot in hell. I'm done being patient or trying to get anything through your extra thick skulls.
no one that supports the left can accuse anyone of sleaze
killing and molesting kids is ok by lefties
no fault divorce is ok
hedonism in general is ok

Everything is ok for a left as long as you're a socialist.......ends justify the means
No gloating here. As it’s becoming very apparently clear to folks today that they have been misled by claims of Russian collusion, I want to offer an olive branch. A chance to apologize and maybe say a little something about learning the lesson to let the facts come out. If done so, in exchange I won’t rub your nose in this catastrophic mess. Doesn’t mean you have to like trump or never point out perceived short comings. Just that you jumped the gun, or bought into sources that cared about political points and viewership more than truth.

I also hope some on the right will publicly commit to this too. Maybe some good could come out of this. Doubt there will be any takers but don’t say I didn’t try
Once the full report comes out, you may be one of the very few posters on this board I would want to talk it over with.
Thank you.
The rest of the right wingers are more annoying than black flies right now.

You attacked President Trump for three years. Ignored mountains of evidence for three years that said you were wrong. Even common sense would have told an ordinary person that you don't start all these investigations on Propaganda A Political Enemy Paid for to try to Politically Destroy their Opponent.

And now you want to boohoo, play the victim and not want to to all the people you called Liars, and Russian Agents, Russian Sympathizers, and whatever else you called people?

Old Lady It's the Emperor's New Clothes:

Except no happy ending.
The Emperor has no clothes, and the Republicans and Trump supporters are ignoring that fact.
But in the fairy tale, a little boy has the guts to say HEY THE GUY ISN'T WEARING ANY CLOTHES and the people hear him and he's a hero.
In our present tale, the Emperor has been telling the people for two years that little boys lie and are conspiring with the Deep State to spread rumors that he has no clothes. And the people believe it.
So the little boy is not considered brave; he is ridiculed or ignored. And the naked Emperor continues to strut down the street in his "beautiful" wardrobe.

Fuckin sucks.

I am more bummed out with the Trump supporters' reaction than the Orange Groper's behavior. I know what to expect from him. The insanity of Trump's minions is just depressing, though.
He's naked.
You attacked President Trump for three years.
Yup. And I'll continue to attack him for two more. Hopefully no more than that. The Russia thing, though? I knew before all the Russia stuff came out that he was a sleaze who wouldn't know a moral principle if he fell over it. Why would those allegations surprise me? I never professed to know the answer, though. I said I'd abide by the decision of the Mueller investigation and I am.

And now you want to boohoo, play the victim and not want to to all the people you called Liars, and Russian Agents, Russian Sympathizers, and whatever else you called people?
I am being unfairly harrassed by you skanks because in the right wing's incredible wisdom, every lib here thinks the same and says the same things; it is always best, in a right winger's mind, to start with a negative comment about a lib's personal behavior or even some numbingly moronic namecalling like you did me earlier this morning. You can be proud of it; the mods apparently felt it was quite appropriate to call me a communist whore with Putin's cum all over my face.

And you want to chide me?

LOL You people can go fucking rot in hell. I'm done being patient or trying to get anything through your extra thick skulls.

SO, you are a Russian Mole after all? Thanks for confirming that you are nothing but a propagandist.

Here is some advice for you. Quit whoring yourself out to people who hate The President. If you hate the president too, it just shows you have No Moral Character.

How about instead, you pray for The President, and our Country instead of engaging in despicable and unpatriotic acts daily.

The Presidency is a symbol of our Country, like our Flag is. You people attack The President Personally, instead of discuss and debate his policies, so if you do that, you are attacking our Country, and then YOU ARE MAKING IT PERSONAL. That's on you when people attack your character, and call you names for defaming our Country.

You and your "MINIONS" should apologize to the whole board and to America, and to The President in a very personal way, since you attacked us all in a very personal way.
I have always said I will accept the Mueller report, good or bad

I will as soon as I can see it

you cant, they won't release info on people who aren't charged, it's the law

In that case, I am not convinced of the findings

Just because there is no criminally chargeable act, does not mean there was no illicit activities

Show me the report and I will accept the findings
Dumbass, prosecutors CANT DO's ILLEGAL

So again, just because you want it doesn't mean shit. We should release the FISA application......why don't the democrats want that released?
No gloating here. As it’s becoming very apparently clear to folks today that they have been misled by claims of Russian collusion, I want to offer an olive branch. A chance to apologize and maybe say a little something about learning the lesson to let the facts come out. If done so, in exchange I won’t rub your nose in this catastrophic mess. Doesn’t mean you have to like trump or never point out perceived short comings. Just that you jumped the gun, or bought into sources that cared about political points and viewership more than truth.

I also hope some on the right will publicly commit to this too. Maybe some good could come out of this. Doubt there will be any takers but don’t say I didn’t try
Once the full report comes out, you may be one of the very few posters on this board I would want to talk it over with.
Thank you.
The rest of the right wingers are more annoying than black flies right now.

You attacked President Trump for three years. Ignored mountains of evidence for three years that said you were wrong. Even common sense would have told an ordinary person that you don't start all these investigations on Propaganda A Political Enemy Paid for to try to Politically Destroy their Opponent.

And now you want to boohoo, play the victim and not want to to all the people you called Liars, and Russian Agents, Russian Sympathizers, and whatever else you called people?

Old Lady It's the Emperor's New Clothes:

Except no happy ending.
The Emperor has no clothes, and the Republicans and Trump supporters are ignoring that fact.
But in the fairy tale, a little boy has the guts to say HEY THE GUY ISN'T WEARING ANY CLOTHES and the people hear him and he's a hero.
In our present tale, the Emperor has been telling the people for two years that little boys lie and are conspiring with the Deep State to spread rumors that he has no clothes. And the people believe it.
So the little boy is not considered brave; he is ridiculed or ignored. And the naked Emperor continues to strut down the street in his "beautiful" wardrobe.

Fuckin sucks.

I am more bummed out with the Trump supporters' reaction than the Orange Groper's behavior. I know what to expect from him. The insanity of Trump's minions is just depressing, though.
He's naked.
You attacked President Trump for three years.
Yup. And I'll continue to attack him for two more. Hopefully no more than that. The Russia thing, though? I knew before all the Russia stuff came out that he was a sleaze who wouldn't know a moral principle if he fell over it. Why would those allegations surprise me? I never professed to know the answer, though. I said I'd abide by the decision of the Mueller investigation and I am.

And now you want to boohoo, play the victim and not want to to all the people you called Liars, and Russian Agents, Russian Sympathizers, and whatever else you called people?
I am being unfairly harrassed by you skanks because in the right wing's incredible wisdom, every lib here thinks the same and says the same things; it is always best, in a right winger's mind, to start with a negative comment about a lib's personal behavior or even some numbingly moronic namecalling like you did me earlier this morning. You can be proud of it; the mods apparently felt it was quite appropriate to call me a communist whore with Putin's cum all over my face.

And you want to chide me?

LOL You people can go fucking rot in hell. I'm done being patient or trying to get anything through your extra thick skulls.

SO, you are a Russian Mole after all? Thanks for confirming that you are nothing but a propagandist.

Here is some advice for you. Quit whoring yourself out to people who hate The President. If you hate the president too, it just shows you have No Moral Character.

How about instead, you pray for The President, and our Country instead of engaging in despicable and unpatriotic acts daily.

The Presidency is a symbol of our Country, like our Flag is. You people attack The President Personally, instead of discuss and debate his policies, so if you do that, you are attacking our Country, and then YOU ARE MAKING IT PERSONAL. That's on you when people attack your character, and call you names for defaming our Country.

You and your "MINIONS" should apologize to the whole board and to America, and to The President in a very personal way, since you attacked us all in a very personal way.
No gloating here. As it’s becoming very apparently clear to folks today that they have been misled by claims of Russian collusion, I want to offer an olive branch. A chance to apologize and maybe say a little something about learning the lesson to let the facts come out. If done so, in exchange I won’t rub your nose in this catastrophic mess. Doesn’t mean you have to like trump or never point out perceived short comings. Just that you jumped the gun, or bought into sources that cared about political points and viewership more than truth.

I also hope some on the right will publicly commit to this too. Maybe some good could come out of this. Doubt there will be any takers but don’t say I didn’t try
Once the full report comes out, you may be one of the very few posters on this board I would want to talk it over with.
Thank you.
The rest of the right wingers are more annoying than black flies right now.

You attacked President Trump for three years. Ignored mountains of evidence for three years that said you were wrong. Even common sense would have told an ordinary person that you don't start all these investigations on Propaganda A Political Enemy Paid for to try to Politically Destroy their Opponent.

And now you want to boohoo, play the victim and not want to to all the people you called Liars, and Russian Agents, Russian Sympathizers, and whatever else you called people?

Old Lady It's the Emperor's New Clothes:

Except no happy ending.
The Emperor has no clothes, and the Republicans and Trump supporters are ignoring that fact.
But in the fairy tale, a little boy has the guts to say HEY THE GUY ISN'T WEARING ANY CLOTHES and the people hear him and he's a hero.
In our present tale, the Emperor has been telling the people for two years that little boys lie and are conspiring with the Deep State to spread rumors that he has no clothes. And the people believe it.
So the little boy is not considered brave; he is ridiculed or ignored. And the naked Emperor continues to strut down the street in his "beautiful" wardrobe.

Fuckin sucks.

I am more bummed out with the Trump supporters' reaction than the Orange Groper's behavior. I know what to expect from him. The insanity of Trump's minions is just depressing, though.
He's naked.
You attacked President Trump for three years.
Yup. And I'll continue to attack him for two more. Hopefully no more than that. The Russia thing, though? I knew before all the Russia stuff came out that he was a sleaze who wouldn't know a moral principle if he fell over it. Why would those allegations surprise me? I never professed to know the answer, though. I said I'd abide by the decision of the Mueller investigation and I am.

And now you want to boohoo, play the victim and not want to to all the people you called Liars, and Russian Agents, Russian Sympathizers, and whatever else you called people?
I am being unfairly harrassed by you skanks because in the right wing's incredible wisdom, every lib here thinks the same and says the same things; it is always best, in a right winger's mind, to start with a negative comment about a lib's personal behavior or even some numbingly moronic namecalling like you did me earlier this morning. You can be proud of it; the mods apparently felt it was quite appropriate to call me a communist whore with Putin's cum all over my face.

And you want to chide me?

LOL You people can go fucking rot in hell. I'm done being patient or trying to get anything through your extra thick skulls.

SO, you are a Russian Mole after all? Thanks for confirming that you are nothing but a propagandist.

Here is some advice for you. Quit whoring yourself out to people who hate The President. If you hate the president too, it just shows you have No Moral Character.

How about instead, you pray for The President, and our Country instead of engaging in despicable and unpatriotic acts daily.

The Presidency is a symbol of our Country, like our Flag is. You people attack The President Personally, instead of discuss and debate his policies, so if you do that, you are attacking our Country, and then YOU ARE MAKING IT PERSONAL. That's on you when people attack your character, and call you names for defaming our Country.

You and your "MINIONS" should apologize to the whole board and to America, and to The President in a very personal way, since you attacked us all in a very personal way.
View attachment 252210

A little transference going on there?

You don't live in a trailer park do you?
I have always said I will accept the Mueller report, good or bad

I will as soon as I can see it

you cant, they won't release info on people who aren't charged, it's the law

In that case, I am not convinced of the findings

Just because there is no criminally chargeable act, does not mean there was no illicit activities

Show me the report and I will accept the findings
Dumbass, prosecutors CANT DO's ILLEGAL

So again, just because you want it doesn't mean shit. We should release the FISA application......why don't the democrats want that released?

How about releasing all of Clinton's 33,000 emails and all of her texts back and forth with Obama Bin Spying?
No gloating here. As it’s becoming very apparently clear to folks today that they have been misled by claims of Russian collusion, I want to offer an olive branch. A chance to apologize and maybe say a little something about learning the lesson to let the facts come out. If done so, in exchange I won’t rub your nose in this catastrophic mess. Doesn’t mean you have to like trump or never point out perceived short comings. Just that you jumped the gun, or bought into sources that cared about political points and viewership more than truth.

I also hope some on the right will publicly commit to this too. Maybe some good could come out of this. Doubt there will be any takers but don’t say I didn’t try
Once the full report comes out, you may be one of the very few posters on this board I would want to talk it over with.
Thank you.
The rest of the right wingers are more annoying than black flies right now.

You attacked President Trump for three years. Ignored mountains of evidence for three years that said you were wrong. Even common sense would have told an ordinary person that you don't start all these investigations on Propaganda A Political Enemy Paid for to try to Politically Destroy their Opponent.

And now you want to boohoo, play the victim and not want to to all the people you called Liars, and Russian Agents, Russian Sympathizers, and whatever else you called people?

Old Lady It's the Emperor's New Clothes:

Except no happy ending.
The Emperor has no clothes, and the Republicans and Trump supporters are ignoring that fact.
But in the fairy tale, a little boy has the guts to say HEY THE GUY ISN'T WEARING ANY CLOTHES and the people hear him and he's a hero.
In our present tale, the Emperor has been telling the people for two years that little boys lie and are conspiring with the Deep State to spread rumors that he has no clothes. And the people believe it.
So the little boy is not considered brave; he is ridiculed or ignored. And the naked Emperor continues to strut down the street in his "beautiful" wardrobe.

Fuckin sucks.

I am more bummed out with the Trump supporters' reaction than the Orange Groper's behavior. I know what to expect from him. The insanity of Trump's minions is just depressing, though.
He's naked.
You attacked President Trump for three years.
Yup. And I'll continue to attack him for two more. Hopefully no more than that. The Russia thing, though? I knew before all the Russia stuff came out that he was a sleaze who wouldn't know a moral principle if he fell over it. Why would those allegations surprise me? I never professed to know the answer, though. I said I'd abide by the decision of the Mueller investigation and I am.

And now you want to boohoo, play the victim and not want to to all the people you called Liars, and Russian Agents, Russian Sympathizers, and whatever else you called people?
I am being unfairly harrassed by you skanks because in the right wing's incredible wisdom, every lib here thinks the same and says the same things; it is always best, in a right winger's mind, to start with a negative comment about a lib's personal behavior or even some numbingly moronic namecalling like you did me earlier this morning. You can be proud of it; the mods apparently felt it was quite appropriate to call me a communist whore with Putin's cum all over my face.

And you want to chide me?

LOL You people can go fucking rot in hell. I'm done being patient or trying to get anything through your extra thick skulls.

SO, you are a Russian Mole after all? Thanks for confirming that you are nothing but a propagandist.

Here is some advice for you. Quit whoring yourself out to people who hate The President. If you hate the president too, it just shows you have No Moral Character.

How about instead, you pray for The President, and our Country instead of engaging in despicable and unpatriotic acts daily.

The Presidency is a symbol of our Country, like our Flag is. You people attack The President Personally, instead of discuss and debate his policies, so if you do that, you are attacking our Country, and then YOU ARE MAKING IT PERSONAL. That's on you when people attack your character, and call you names for defaming our Country.

You and your "MINIONS" should apologize to the whole board and to America, and to The President in a very personal way, since you attacked us all in a very personal way.
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No gloating here. As it’s becoming very apparently clear to folks today that they have been misled by claims of Russian collusion, I want to offer an olive branch. A chance to apologize and maybe say a little something about learning the lesson to let the facts come out. If done so, in exchange I won’t rub your nose in this catastrophic mess. Doesn’t mean you have to like trump or never point out perceived short comings. Just that you jumped the gun, or bought into sources that cared about political points and viewership more than truth.

I also hope some on the right will publicly commit to this too. Maybe some good could come out of this. Doubt there will be any takers but don’t say I didn’t try
Sakinago, I posted something similar, but it lasted just minutes. My warm heart turned cold when met by liberals demanding that there is more to this report and they want to see it for themselves. Then they went off on Meuller when they were singing his praises just 2 years ago.
Mueller report that was promised


Looks like a parody of your life. Why was trying to falsely accuse The President and Destroy him so important to you?

I think you need to ask yourself that.

I wanted the answer to a few simple questions

1. Why were Trumps people meeting with the Russians during Wikileaks?
2. Why did Trump change the GOP platform to favor Russia

Barr’s summary does not answer
No gloating here. As it’s becoming very apparently clear to folks today that they have been misled by claims of Russian collusion, I want to offer an olive branch. A chance to apologize and maybe say a little something about learning the lesson to let the facts come out. If done so, in exchange I won’t rub your nose in this catastrophic mess. Doesn’t mean you have to like trump or never point out perceived short comings. Just that you jumped the gun, or bought into sources that cared about political points and viewership more than truth.

I also hope some on the right will publicly commit to this too. Maybe some good could come out of this. Doubt there will be any takers but don’t say I didn’t try

A pox on their Party, and a stick in both eyes!
Once the full report comes out, you may be one of the very few posters on this board I would want to talk it over with.
Thank you.
The rest of the right wingers are more annoying than black flies right now.

You attacked President Trump for three years. Ignored mountains of evidence for three years that said you were wrong. Even common sense would have told an ordinary person that you don't start all these investigations on Propaganda A Political Enemy Paid for to try to Politically Destroy their Opponent.

And now you want to boohoo, play the victim and not want to to all the people you called Liars, and Russian Agents, Russian Sympathizers, and whatever else you called people?

Old Lady It's the Emperor's New Clothes:

Except no happy ending.
The Emperor has no clothes, and the Republicans and Trump supporters are ignoring that fact.
But in the fairy tale, a little boy has the guts to say HEY THE GUY ISN'T WEARING ANY CLOTHES and the people hear him and he's a hero.
In our present tale, the Emperor has been telling the people for two years that little boys lie and are conspiring with the Deep State to spread rumors that he has no clothes. And the people believe it.
So the little boy is not considered brave; he is ridiculed or ignored. And the naked Emperor continues to strut down the street in his "beautiful" wardrobe.

Fuckin sucks.

I am more bummed out with the Trump supporters' reaction than the Orange Groper's behavior. I know what to expect from him. The insanity of Trump's minions is just depressing, though.
He's naked.
You attacked President Trump for three years.
Yup. And I'll continue to attack him for two more. Hopefully no more than that. The Russia thing, though? I knew before all the Russia stuff came out that he was a sleaze who wouldn't know a moral principle if he fell over it. Why would those allegations surprise me? I never professed to know the answer, though. I said I'd abide by the decision of the Mueller investigation and I am.

And now you want to boohoo, play the victim and not want to to all the people you called Liars, and Russian Agents, Russian Sympathizers, and whatever else you called people?
I am being unfairly harrassed by you skanks because in the right wing's incredible wisdom, every lib here thinks the same and says the same things; it is always best, in a right winger's mind, to start with a negative comment about a lib's personal behavior or even some numbingly moronic namecalling like you did me earlier this morning. You can be proud of it; the mods apparently felt it was quite appropriate to call me a communist whore with Putin's cum all over my face.

And you want to chide me?

LOL You people can go fucking rot in hell. I'm done being patient or trying to get anything through your extra thick skulls.

SO, you are a Russian Mole after all? Thanks for confirming that you are nothing but a propagandist.

Here is some advice for you. Quit whoring yourself out to people who hate The President. If you hate the president too, it just shows you have No Moral Character.

How about instead, you pray for The President, and our Country instead of engaging in despicable and unpatriotic acts daily.

The Presidency is a symbol of our Country, like our Flag is. You people attack The President Personally, instead of discuss and debate his policies, so if you do that, you are attacking our Country, and then YOU ARE MAKING IT PERSONAL. That's on you when people attack your character, and call you names for defaming our Country.

You and your "MINIONS" should apologize to the whole board and to America, and to The President in a very personal way, since you attacked us all in a very personal way.
View attachment 252210
Naughty, naughty, Buckeye.
Mueller report that was promised


Looks like a parody of your life. Why was trying to falsely accuse The President and Destroy him so important to you?

I think you need to ask yourself that.

I wanted the answer to a few simple questions

1. Why were Trumps people meeting with the Russians during Wikileaks?
2. Why did Trump change the GOP platform to favor Russia

Barr’s summary does not answer
1. For alleged opo research, just like the dossier the Clinton campaign got (also from Russia). Trump camp did not bite. Opo research isn’t illegal, which the young lady was offering. And if you’re referring to the radio guys who got squeezed, pretty much everything about them was alleged, with not much to tie to trump or his camp.

2. I don’t remember if trumps policy changed drastically, but I suppose you’re referring to when manafort took over. Which trump was truthful on, he was recommended, and when they found out they dropped him pretty quick. All manaforts crimes were from years before during Crimea.

For the hold outs out there. Mueller was thorough AF. He even squeezed trumps clean up guy Cohen with tax evasion, and got nothing from Cohen. It’s safe to say collusion is out of the picture. Everyone should’ve been highly skeptical of the collusion claims once it came out, about a year ago, that pretty much the only thing to go off of was the bogus dossier, that they knew was pretty bogus at the time. Exoneration is extremely strong language. The obstruction charge still giving the left hope is terribly weak and mueller wouldn’t exonerate or recommend indictment for that, just because technically you could indict even though it’s a dead end. The tea leaves were there to be read months ago, and for almost a month sources in the mueller probe and mueller himself have been air dropping pamphlets for y’all to get out of collusion city before they dropped the nuke on it. It’s time to stop covering up your ears and just accept it. I get if you still have questions, but it’s probably safe to assume they will most likely be answered to a satisfactory level. The questions you should be asking is how did this whole thing, based off that dossier, blow up into what it became.
Mueller report that was promised


Looks like a parody of your life. Why was trying to falsely accuse The President and Destroy him so important to you?

I think you need to ask yourself that.

I wanted the answer to a few simple questions

1. Why were Trumps people meeting with the Russians during Wikileaks?
2. Why did Trump change the GOP platform to favor Russia

Barr’s summary does not answer
1. For alleged opo research, just like the dossier the Clinton campaign got (also from Russia). Trump camp did not bite. Opo research isn’t illegal, which the young lady was offering. And if you’re referring to the radio guys who got squeezed, pretty much everything about them was alleged, with not much to tie to trump or his camp.

2. I don’t remember if trumps policy changed drastically, but I suppose you’re referring to when manafort took over. Which trump was truthful on, he was recommended, and when they found out they dropped him pretty quick. All manaforts crimes were from years before during Crimea.

For the hold outs out there. Mueller was thorough AF. He even squeezed trumps clean up guy Cohen with tax evasion, and got nothing from Cohen. It’s safe to say collusion is out of the picture. Everyone should’ve been highly skeptical of the collusion claims once it came out, about a year ago, that pretty much the only thing to go off of was the bogus dossier, that they knew was pretty bogus at the time. Exoneration is extremely strong language. The obstruction charge still giving the left hope is terribly weak and mueller wouldn’t exonerate or recommend indictment for that, just because technically you could indict even though it’s a dead end. The tea leaves were there to be read months ago, and for almost a month sources in the mueller probe and mueller himself have been air dropping pamphlets for y’all to get out of collusion city before they dropped the nuke on it. It’s time to stop covering up your ears and just accept it. I get if you still have questions, but it’s probably safe to assume they will most likely be answered to a satisfactory level. The questions you should be asking is how did this whole thing, based off that dossier, blow up into what it became.

I don’t care about your spin

I want to see what Muellers investigation revealed
No gloating here. As it’s becoming very apparently clear to folks today that they have been misled by claims of Russian collusion, I want to offer an olive branch. A chance to apologize and maybe say a little something about learning the lesson to let the facts come out. If done so, in exchange I won’t rub your nose in this catastrophic mess. Doesn’t mean you have to like trump or never point out perceived short comings. Just that you jumped the gun, or bought into sources that cared about political points and viewership more than truth.

I also hope some on the right will publicly commit to this too. Maybe some good could come out of this. Doubt there will be any takers but don’t say I didn’t try

I appreciate your effort but if you think you can negotiate with the left forget it, this is not possible.
They lie like a Muslim lies when taking an oath or signing a treaty!

It’s part of their DNA, it’s part of their Dogma.

No gloating here. As it’s becoming very apparently clear to folks today that they have been misled by claims of Russian collusion, I want to offer an olive branch. A chance to apologize and maybe say a little something about learning the lesson to let the facts come out. If done so, in exchange I won’t rub your nose in this catastrophic mess. Doesn’t mean you have to like trump or never point out perceived short comings. Just that you jumped the gun, or bought into sources that cared about political points and viewership more than truth.

I also hope some on the right will publicly commit to this too. Maybe some good could come out of this. Doubt there will be any takers but don’t say I didn’t try

I appreciate your effort but if you think you can negotiate with the left forget it, this is not possible.
No gloating here. As it’s becoming very apparently clear to folks today that they have been misled by claims of Russian collusion, I want to offer an olive branch. A chance to apologize and maybe say a little something about learning the lesson to let the facts come out. If done so, in exchange I won’t rub your nose in this catastrophic mess. Doesn’t mean you have to like trump or never point out perceived short comings. Just that you jumped the gun, or bought into sources that cared about political points and viewership more than truth.

I also hope some on the right will publicly commit to this too. Maybe some good could come out of this. Doubt there will be any takers but don’t say I didn’t try
The facts have yet to come out junior.

Let us know when the Mueller Report is released in full

This is NOT going away!

I did NOT like Obama, but imagine if this had happened to him. We can not allow this to ever again happen to a President, Republican, Democrat, or Independent. They are elected by their campaign to govern by their vision. We have a method for removing them, and it is called an election.

Remember Bernstein and Watergate? So maybe you can explain how all of these supposed news agencies got this wrong for sooooooo long. In fact, the person who signed the last FISA warrant, (Rosenstein) actually signed the report that there was NO COLLUSION between the Trump campaign and Russia, NOR ANY OTHER AMERICAN CITIZEN.

Notice I said, AMERICAN CITIZEN and RUSSIA! Now we are going to find out about, American CITIZEN, with an ENGLISHMAN as the go between for Russia.

Nope, this is NOT going away, nor should it!

I do not care if the next President is AOC. She nor any other President, should have to tolerate this crap. And those who pulled it off, should and will be held accountable.
Barr’s findings were released yesterday and they were good news for the President. Finally, all this will be put behind him

Until the full report is released, the cloud will still be over his presidency

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