Analysis Of Gazans Killed So Far In Operation Protective Edge

The graphs you posted do not appear on the aljazeera site Gaza under siege: naming the dead - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
They come form to Pro-Israeli site
In fact israel has banned the reading of the names of the dead
Israel bans radio advert listing names of children killed in Gaza
Human rights group B'Tselem will petition Israel's supreme court after advert was deemed to be 'politically controversial'

The Israeli Broadcasting Authority has banned a radio advertisement from a human rights organisation which listed the names of some of the scores of children killed in Gaza since the conflict began 17 days ago.

B'Tselem's appeal against the decision was rejected on Wednesday. It intends to petition Israel's supreme court on Sunday in an effort to get the ban overturned.

The IBA said the ad's content was "politically controversial". The broadcast refers to child deaths in Gaza and reads out some of the victims' names.

In its appeal, B'Tselem demanded to know what was controversial about the item. "Is it controversial that the children [aren't] alive? That they're children? That those are their names? These are facts that we wish to bring to the public's knowledge."
Israel bans radio advert listing names of children killed in Gaza | World news |

What do you find so hard to understand that the graphs are collated from the al Jazeera list that contains age and sex so the details are very easy to ascertain.

Names of dead children are not graphs, they are the names of over 167 children Israel in cold blood murdered in Gaza.
That is not an answer.

1. did the website in question faithfully reproduce the numerical data in question?

2. was the numerical data faithfully rendered into graphic form without alteration?

If the answer to (1) and (2) are 'yes', then, it doesn't make one damned bit of difference who created or posted the graphs, does it?

Numbers are numbers, and they speak for themselves.

Logic drives the conclusion that one draws from such numbers.

If you are able to challenge al-Jazeera's numbers, or the faithful reproduction of those numbers, or their rendering into graphic form, then, by all means, present your case.

Dead children Israel murdered are not numbers and IIsrael murdered the children, Zionist!
It is a shame you are a soulless Zionist moron protesting the naming of children Israel murdered in Gaza.

Israel alone murdered the children, and we know the names of the children Israel killed.

The graphs you posted do not appear on the aljazeera site Gaza under siege: naming the dead - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
They come form to Pro-Israeli site
In fact israel has banned the reading of the names of the dead
Israel bans radio advert listing names of children killed in Gaza
Human rights group B'Tselem will petition Israel's supreme court after advert was deemed to be 'politically controversial'

The Israeli Broadcasting Authority has banned a radio advertisement from a human rights organisation which listed the names of some of the scores of children killed in Gaza since the conflict began 17 days ago.

B'Tselem's appeal against the decision was rejected on Wednesday. It intends to petition Israel's supreme court on Sunday in an effort to get the ban overturned.

The IBA said the ad's content was "politically controversial". The broadcast refers to child deaths in Gaza and reads out some of the victims' names.

In its appeal, B'Tselem demanded to know what was controversial about the item. "Is it controversial that the children [aren't] alive? That they're children? That those are their names? These are facts that we wish to bring to the public's knowledge."
Israel bans radio advert listing names of children killed in Gaza | World news |

It is a shame your comprehension abilities are lacking. People made an analysis of the deaths from the Al-Jazeera website detailing the Gazan deaths, and sent the analysis to HonestReporting. Do you understand?
Faux outrage by the supporters of Radical Islam and Hamas. Groups that actually put suicide vests on Children and tell them to die for Allah. Now, suddenly, they are concerned for Children dying in a War that they wanted and started.

I have no reason to believe anything they say. As Hamas and Radical Islam are a bunch of Liars anyway. They want civilian casualties for Propaganda. We've already seen the videos where they force children and families around their military positions at gun point for human shields. To ensure that children die if Israel strikes these postions.

Perhaps if Hamas would stop hiding behind women and children, there wouldn't be so many children dying. But Hamas are nothing more than Barbarian Trash. Which need to be taken to the Garbage dump. They and Radical Islam are a disease that is spreading around the earth, and the people of this earth who don't live under a dang rock know this.
The graphs you posted do not appear on the aljazeera site Gaza under siege: naming the dead - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
They come form to Pro-Israeli site
In fact israel has banned the reading of the names of the dead

Israel bans radio advert listing names of children killed in Gaza | World news |

What do you find so hard to understand that the graphs are collated from the al Jazeera list that contains age and sex so the details are very easy to ascertain.

Names of dead children are not graphs, they are the names of over 167 children Israel in cold blood murdered in Gaza.

All avoidable by hamas taking simple steps.

1) stop using civilian areas to engage in terrorist warfare


3) evacuate the civilians from targeted areas with in the 4 day period

So now read the Geneva conventions and see that hamas is fully responsible for all the deaths, and seeing as they have just signed to accept them they will be tried for war crimes in the Hague after this war is over.
That is not an answer.

1. did the website in question faithfully reproduce the numerical data in question?

2. was the numerical data faithfully rendered into graphic form without alteration?

If the answer to (1) and (2) are 'yes', then, it doesn't make one damned bit of difference who created or posted the graphs, does it?

Numbers are numbers, and they speak for themselves.

Logic drives the conclusion that one draws from such numbers.

If you are able to challenge al-Jazeera's numbers, or the faithful reproduction of those numbers, or their rendering into graphic form, then, by all means, present your case.

Dead children Israel murdered are not numbers and IIsrael murdered the children, Zionist!

Not according to INTERTNATIONAL LAW, and we will see who is tried by the ICJ when this is all over...............................:eusa_boohoo:
Faux outrage by the supporters of Radical Islam and Hamas. Groups that actually put suicide vests on Children and tell them to die for Allah. Now, suddenly, they are concerned for Children dying in a War that they wanted and started.

I have no reason to believe anything they say. As Hamas and Radical Islam are a bunch of Liars anyway. They want civilian casualties for Propaganda. We've already seen the videos where they force children and families around their military positions at gun point for human shields. To ensure that children die if Israel strikes these postions.

Perhaps if Hamas would stop hiding behind women and children, there wouldn't be so many children dying. But Hamas are nothing more than Barbarian Trash. Which need to be taken to the Garbage dump. They and Radical Islam are a disease that is spreading around the earth, and the people of this earth who don't live under a dang rock know this.

Yesterday----the speech of Meshaal was broadcast on cable TV---with translation. I listened and
the name VICTOR HUGO came to mind-- remember him? he wrote lots of stuff-----most notable to
an ordinary person like me----Les Miserables and The Hunchback of Notre Dame ---both are studies
in the MACABRE MISERY men inflict on their fellows. Of course in Les Miserables----everyone HATES--
what-his-name---the detective who chases Jean for stealing a loaf of bread and in the HUNCHBACK---
everyone hates the priest who oppresses the gypsy girl and the ---rest of the pigs who oppress anyone
they can in the name of "holiness" Meshaal ---yesterday----was the epitome of that which every
decent person HATES Over and over again ---he stomped on the heads of infants ------"WE WILL NOT AGREE TO A CEASE FIRE" whilst ----!!!! SMILING !!!!! knowing that a cease fire would save the
lives of babies -----------MACABRE PIG----just like the pigs that so horrified Victor Hugo in 19th century
France and just like the filthy sow "lawyer" who has no interest at all in the lives of gazan babies---
other than the fact that their deaths in Israel's struggle against filth like her -----are so USEFUL to her and
her agenda
Israel bans radio advert listing names of children killed in Gaza | World news |
When that leftist asswipe guardian starts afghani children name listing, then we'll talk, otherwise - bog off.

When Israel stops murdering children, there will be no more need to name the dead the Zionazi State slaughtered.

Can you produce the evidence of these murders, or do I need to report you for incitement to racism and religious intolerance
The graphs you posted do not appear on the aljazeera site Gaza under siege: naming the dead - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
They come form to Pro-Israeli site
In fact israel has banned the reading of the names of the dead

Israel bans radio advert listing names of children killed in Gaza | World news |

What do you find so hard to understand that the graphs are collated from the al Jazeera list that contains age and sex so the details are very easy to ascertain.

Names of dead children are not graphs, they are the names of over 167 children Israel in cold blood murdered in Gaza.
1. the issue here is whether or not the demographics data used to create the graphics on dead Gazans came from the al-Jazeera website

2. nobody has been murdered in cold blood insofar as any authoritative source is concerned; rather, we are looking at collateral casualties of war operations, brought about the Hamas' cowardly position of its war-making assets too close to heavily population civilian residential areas.
so why suggest
when the graphs are plainly not?

But the details the graphs were produced from are, making the source of the graphs al Jazeera.

Aljazeera did not murder the children or produce the lists of dead children, moron!
1. no children have been murdered

2. a number of children have been killed because Hamas operates too close to where they live

3. nobody said that al-Jazeera killed anyone

4. folks have merely stated that the data from which those graphs were created comes from the al-Jazeera website

5. people (like you) with connectivity and comprehension difficulties should not be labeling their colleagues as 'morons' - far too much risk of bounce-back

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