Analysis Of Gazans Killed So Far In Operation Protective Edge

That is not an answer.

1. did the website in question faithfully reproduce the numerical data in question?

2. was the numerical data faithfully rendered into graphic form without alteration?

If the answer to (1) and (2) are 'yes', then, it doesn't make one damned bit of difference who created or posted the graphs, does it?

Numbers are numbers, and they speak for themselves.

Logic drives the conclusion that one draws from such numbers.

If you are able to challenge al-Jazeera's numbers, or the faithful reproduction of those numbers, or their rendering into graphic form, then, by all means, present your case.

Dead children Israel murdered are not numbers and IIsrael murdered the children, Zionist!
1. nobody said that dead children are numbers

2. no children have been murdered

3. some children have died as the result of Hamas' cowardly use of them as human shields

If you are able to successfully challenge the raw data about the demographics of Gazan dead, then, by all means present your case

If you are able to successfully challenge the translation of al-Jazeera's raw data into graphic form, pertaining to the demographics of the Gazan dead, then, by all means, present your case.

Otherwise, you're just wasting everybody's time.
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Israel bans radio advert listing names of children killed in Gaza | World news |
When that leftist asswipe guardian starts afghani children name listing, then we'll talk, otherwise - bog off.

When Israel stops murdering children, there will be no more need to name the dead the Zionazi State slaughtered.
Israel has not murdered any children, insofar as anyone knows, from any authoritative source.

Unfortunately, a fairly sizable number of Gazan children have been killed, as collateral casualties of legitimate military operations against Hamas, because Hamas hides behind the skirts of its women and children like the collection of chickenshit cowards that they are.


The brave boys and girls of the IDF continue to exterminate Hamas scum, turning them into Purina Vulture Chow at a delightfully amazing rate...

Spare the children... move your war-assets away from heavily populated civilian residential areas, or continue to take responsibility for their deaths, due to your cowardice.

Perhaps you can ask your fearless leader, sitting safe and sound and fat and happy in Qatar, with nothing risked - to alter Hamas policies, to get those assets moved, and to conduct operations outside those areas where women and children are at-risk...
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Well, well, well, who would have thought it, huh?

Caught In The Act! Gaza Health Ministry Inflating Number of Gazans Killed
Posted by: Aussie Dave July 24, 2014

Following our previous Gazan casualties analysis​
Link here - New Analysis Of Gazan Casualties In Operation Protective Edge: As of July 23rd (Update) by Aussie Dave | Israellycool

- which was deliberately based on the Al Jazeera list (itself based on data from the Gaza Health Ministry)
Link here - Gaza under siege: naming the dead - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

to prove a point – our reader noticed that the list itself is replete with duplicate names. In fact, there are at least 33, as I have attempted to show below. Note there could actually be way more.

Source of article Caught In The Act! Gaza Health Ministry Inflating Number of Gazans Killed by Aussie Dave | Israellycool





Well, well, well, who would have thought it, huh?

Caught In The Act! Gaza Health Ministry Inflating Number of Gazans Killed
Posted by: Aussie Dave July 24, 2014

Following our previous Gazan casualties analysis​
Link here - New Analysis Of Gazan Casualties In Operation Protective Edge: As of July 23rd (Update) by Aussie Dave | Israellycool

- which was deliberately based on the Al Jazeera list (itself based on data from the Gaza Health Ministry)
Link here - Gaza under siege: naming the dead - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

to prove a point – our reader noticed that the list itself is replete with duplicate names. In fact, there are at least 33, as I have attempted to show below. Note there could actually be way more.

Source of article Caught In The Act! Gaza Health Ministry Inflating Number of Gazans Killed by Aussie Dave | Israellycool






The list is still not enough for Hamas.


News from The Associated Press

BEIT HANOUN, Gaza Strip (AP) -- Hamas said it fired five rockets at Israel late Saturday after rejecting Israel's offer to extend a 12-hour humanitarian cease-fire by four hours, casting new doubt on international efforts to broker an end to 19 days of fighting.
Hamas has been inflating the number of Gazans killed? :ack-1:

Nawwwww, surely not. :laugh:

It didn't even occur to me that the Ministry at Gaza would lie about the details of the dead. I need to get it into my head that they do not consider telling the truth.
Well, well, well, who would have thought it, huh?

Caught In The Act! Gaza Health Ministry Inflating Number of Gazans Killed
Posted by: Aussie Dave July 24, 2014

Following our previous Gazan casualties analysis​
Link here - New Analysis Of Gazan Casualties In Operation Protective Edge: As of July 23rd (Update) by Aussie Dave | Israellycool

- which was deliberately based on the Al Jazeera list (itself based on data from the Gaza Health Ministry)
Link here - Gaza under siege: naming the dead - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

to prove a point – our reader noticed that the list itself is replete with duplicate names. In fact, there are at least 33, as I have attempted to show below. Note there could actually be way more.

Source of article Caught In The Act! Gaza Health Ministry Inflating Number of Gazans Killed by Aussie Dave | Israellycool






The list is still not enough for Hamas.


News from The Associated Press

BEIT HANOUN, Gaza Strip (AP) -- Hamas said it fired five rockets at Israel late Saturday after rejecting Israel's offer to extend a 12-hour humanitarian cease-fire by four hours, casting new doubt on international efforts to broker an end to 19 days of fighting.

It was just a lull for Hamas to rest and regroup. Hamas etc are pigs, the lot of them.
Taken from

Things will get so much better once they'll stop trying and kill Israeli civilians.
Actually, when you compare targets between Hamas and the IDF during this latest conflict:
  • you've killed almost 2000 people, 80% of them civilians, 300 of them children
  • Hamas has killed 75 military assets, 2 civilians, 1 Thai worker and wounded a kibbutz owl
Not only are you the ones trying to kill civilians, you're the ones shooting first!

Notice Billo avoided this particular thread. :badgrin:

If the Palestinians want to play the victim they should stop being the aggressor..
They're not the aggressor, Israel is.

An occupational force cannot claim self defense.

How many times do you have to be told that?
Over 80% of Gazans killed so far have been male, with almost half of these males being in the 18-28 age group. One can imagine many of these being “combatants.” A further 20% of these males are between 29 and 48, an age group one could envisage may also contain many Hamas members.

In other words, these figures bring into question how many of those killed were really innocent civilians.

What these figures also indicate is if Israel was indiscriminately killing Gazans, the representation in terms of gender and age would be broader (with relatively more children killed than the approx 18%, considering nearly 50% of Gazans are under the age of 14).

This is from Al Jazeera. Gaza under siege: naming the dead - Middle East - Al Jazeera English





Analysis Of Gazans Killed So Far In Operation Protective Edge | HonestReporting

I'd like to know the breakdown of the fake dead.

Probably 120% kids, maybe 150%.

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