Analysis Of Gazans Killed So Far In Operation Protective Edge

Over 80% of Gazans killed so far have been male, with almost half of these males being in the 18-28 age group. One can imagine many of these being “combatants.” A further 20% of these males are between 29 and 48, an age group one could envisage may also contain many Hamas members.

In other words, these figures bring into question how many of those killed were really innocent civilians.

What these figures also indicate is if Israel was indiscriminately killing Gazans, the representation in terms of gender and age would be broader (with relatively more children killed than the approx 18%, considering nearly 50% of Gazans are under the age of 14).

This is from Al Jazeera. Gaza under siege: naming the dead - Middle East - Al Jazeera English





Analysis Of Gazans Killed So Far In Operation Protective Edge | HonestReporting

Post of the day!
The graphs you posted do not appear on the aljazeera site Gaza under siege: naming the dead - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
They come form to Pro-Israeli site
In fact israel has banned the reading of the names of the dead
Israel bans radio advert listing names of children killed in Gaza
Human rights group B'Tselem will petition Israel's supreme court after advert was deemed to be 'politically controversial'

The Israeli Broadcasting Authority has banned a radio advertisement from a human rights organisation which listed the names of some of the scores of children killed in Gaza since the conflict began 17 days ago.

B'Tselem's appeal against the decision was rejected on Wednesday. It intends to petition Israel's supreme court on Sunday in an effort to get the ban overturned.

The IBA said the ad's content was "politically controversial". The broadcast refers to child deaths in Gaza and reads out some of the victims' names.

In its appeal, B'Tselem demanded to know what was controversial about the item. "Is it controversial that the children [aren't] alive? That they're children? That those are their names? These are facts that we wish to bring to the public's knowledge."
Israel bans radio advert listing names of children killed in Gaza | World news |
Stop whining, the graphs represent the breakdown of the total number of dead so far. In other words, the IslamoNazi claim that "Israel has been targeting and killing children ONLY" is a total fabrication and lie. Not that there was any doubt about it.

Was 5th grade the three hardest years of your life? LOL
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The graphs you posted do not appear on the aljazeera site Gaza under siege: naming the dead - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
They come form to Pro-Israeli site
In fact israel has banned the reading of the names of the dead
Israel bans radio advert listing names of children killed in Gaza
Human rights group B'Tselem will petition Israel's supreme court after advert was deemed to be 'politically controversial'

The Israeli Broadcasting Authority has banned a radio advertisement from a human rights organisation which listed the names of some of the scores of children killed in Gaza since the conflict began 17 days ago.

B'Tselem's appeal against the decision was rejected on Wednesday. It intends to petition Israel's supreme court on Sunday in an effort to get the ban overturned.

The IBA said the ad's content was "politically controversial". The broadcast refers to child deaths in Gaza and reads out some of the victims' names.

In its appeal, B'Tselem demanded to know what was controversial about the item. "Is it controversial that the children [aren't] alive? That they're children? That those are their names? These are facts that we wish to bring to the public's knowledge."
Israel bans radio advert listing names of children killed in Gaza | World news |
Stop whining, the graphs represent the breakdown of the total number of dead so far. In other words, the IslamoNazi claim that "Israel has been targeting and killing children ONLY" is a total fabrication and lie. Not that there was any doubt about it.

Was 5th grade the three hardest years of your life? LOL

Post of the day :badgrin:
The graphs you posted do not appear on the aljazeera site Gaza under siege: naming the dead - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
They come form to Pro-Israeli site
In fact israel has banned the reading of the names of the dead
Israel bans radio advert listing names of children killed in Gaza
Human rights group B'Tselem will petition Israel's supreme court after advert was deemed to be 'politically controversial'

The Israeli Broadcasting Authority has banned a radio advertisement from a human rights organisation which listed the names of some of the scores of children killed in Gaza since the conflict began 17 days ago.

B'Tselem's appeal against the decision was rejected on Wednesday. It intends to petition Israel's supreme court on Sunday in an effort to get the ban overturned.

The IBA said the ad's content was "politically controversial". The broadcast refers to child deaths in Gaza and reads out some of the victims' names.

In its appeal, B'Tselem demanded to know what was controversial about the item. "Is it controversial that the children [aren't] alive? That they're children? That those are their names? These are facts that we wish to bring to the public's knowledge."
Israel bans radio advert listing names of children killed in Gaza | World news |

What do you find so hard to understand that the graphs are collated from the al Jazeera list that contains age and sex so the details are very easy to ascertain.
That is not an answer.

1. did the website in question faithfully reproduce the numerical data in question?

2. was the numerical data faithfully rendered into graphic form without alteration?

If the answer to (1) and (2) are 'yes', then, it doesn't make one damned bit of difference who created or posted the graphs, does it?

Numbers are numbers, and they speak for themselves.

Logic drives the conclusion that one draws from such numbers.

If you are able to challenge al-Jazeera's numbers, or the faithful reproduction of those numbers, or their rendering into graphic form, then, by all means, present your case.
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Maybe you can find me a graph representing radical Muslims killed in Gaza?

I'm good, but I'm not that good. :badgrin:

Actually, you're crap.
You took a piece from Al Jazeera, then posted graphs from, a very pro Israeli crap site with the subtitle, "defending Israel from media bias".

bullshit OP said:
This is from Al Jazeera. Gaza under siege: naming the dead - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
Followed by graphs from another site.

Of course, you mentioned that at the bottom, but hardly went out of your way to show your bullshit was from a Zionist piece of shit site.
Last edited by a moderator:
You took a piece from Al Jazeera, then posted graphs from, a very pro Israeli crap site with the subtitle, "defending Israel from media bias".
Don't get offended, not every and any site has to be a palistanian thug cheerleading garbage dump, of course.

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