Analyzing A Practical Minimum Wage

yawn......less than 2% of working people earn minimum wage....

Want to earn more? Become WORTH more.

What about the EMT coming to save your life that only earns a dollar more per hour but still has to work 80 hours a week to make the rent. Better hope you get sick at the start of their shift.

Not true.

.According to the BLS -
The median annual wage for emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and paramedics was $31,020 in May 2012.

EMT's can easily earn over $50k/ year.

It's about experience, qualifications, and location.
Why do union advocates always want to roll back 60 years of progress?

I see your point. A grocery bagger is a grocery bagger. They are not any more efficient than they were in 1950. But at the same time, their rate of pay should have kept up with the average productivity of American business. They are doing the same work, for a smaller piece of the pie.

Why? They're lucky to have a job at all. With new technology people can check out of a grocery store or Home Depot without anyone's help. It's a non-skilled JOB. It's not a career. It's a stepping stone, not a landing zone.

Stepping stone my ass. My aunt bought a house, raised a family, and got a college degree for the hell of it on a cashiers wage from the 70s to 90s. You take her spending dollars out of the economy, you won't have anyone to even shop at your automated registers.
yawn......less than 2% of working people earn minimum wage....

Want to earn more? Become WORTH more.

What about the EMT coming to save your life that only earns a dollar more per hour but still has to work 80 hours a week to make the rent. Better hope you get sick at the start of their shift.

Not true.

.According to the BLS -
The median annual wage for emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and paramedics was $31,020 in May 2012.

Inaccurate. I am an EMT. I can tell you that first hand.
yawn......less than 2% of working people earn minimum wage....

Want to earn more? Become WORTH more.

What about the EMT coming to save your life that only earns a dollar more per hour but still has to work 80 hours a week to make the rent. Better hope you get sick at the start of their shift.

Not true.

.According to the BLS -
The median annual wage for emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and paramedics was $31,020 in May 2012.

Inaccurate. I am an EMT. I can tell you that first hand.

Anecdotes are fun, but the BLS is non partisan and have no axe to grind. Just because you don't earn that much or more doesn't mean squat.....

How long have you been doing the job, and where are you located?
Why do union advocates always want to roll back 60 years of progress?

I see your point. A grocery bagger is a grocery bagger. They are not any more efficient than they were in 1950. But at the same time, their rate of pay should have kept up with the average productivity of American business. They are doing the same work, for a smaller piece of the pie.

Why? They're lucky to have a job at all. With new technology people can check out of a grocery store or Home Depot without anyone's help. It's a non-skilled JOB. It's not a career. It's a stepping stone, not a landing zone.

Stepping stone my ass. My aunt bought a house, raised a family, and got a college degree for the hell of it on a cashiers wage from the 70s to 90s. You take her spending dollars out of the economy, you won't have anyone to even shop at your automated registers.

Horse buggy manufacturers felt the same way when the Automobile came along....yet somehow people adapt.
The American economy was at its peak when unions were at their strongest. Coincidence? Even Henry Ford himself knew enough to pay his workers a living wage.

1. There is no such thing as a living wage.

2. The strongest economy was during the REAGAN years, which made unions pretty much obsolete.

3. Conditions for workers (along with pay) improved because AND ONLY BECAUSE of capital accumulation. Unions had ZIPPO to do with it.

The Reagan years. Lol. Clearly you are blinded by political rhetoric and not at all interested in historical data.

Look, I am not anti conservative, but you guys are ignorant as fuck. Pardon my German.
All for movies and food that cost 3 times as much as before (20 years ago).

and your point is?

Increased minimum wage has led to a diminished customer satisfaction, fewer jobs, and higher prices in the movie business.

Not in my movie houses. Because I never slashed services. We still attract many customers. I have remained competitive against major corporations by LOWERING my prices, and INCREASING staff to meet customer needs. Despite their awesome purchasing power to get films and concession goods at lower prices.
Concessions have always been the revenue generator for theaters.

In the past, projectionists were highly skilled and respected UNION workers. Comparably, they made roughly $100/hr in today's dollars, from their peak.

Today, the modern technology of the projection room is so simple a chimpanzee can learn to operate it. Today any idiot can throw a switch. Unions are obsolete.

So why have anyone work at all?

Do you think things will be better when those jobs are illegal?

If your business operates on welfare subsidized labor, GTFO. And then yes, things will be better. China-Mart infiltration is coming in through the Republican party. Ironic.

How is that ironic?

As I've said repeatedly, businesses shouldn't be able to hire people who are on welfare. But if someone wants to work for less than your idea of the 'minimum', it's really none of your fucking business.
yawn......less than 2% of working people earn minimum wage....

Want to earn more? Become WORTH more.

What about the EMT coming to save your life that only earns a dollar more per hour but still has to work 80 hours a week to make the rent. Better hope you get sick at the start of their shift.

Not true.

.According to the BLS -
The median annual wage for emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and paramedics was $31,020 in May 2012.

Inaccurate. I am an EMT. I can tell you that first hand.

Anecdotes are fun, but the BLS is non partisan and have no axe to grind. Just because you don't earn that much or more doesn't mean squat.....

How long have you been doing the job, and where are you located?

I have worn lots of hats.

No, they should work for the price agreed upon when the take the job.

So you support illegal immigration then too I expect?

Absolutely not.

Why not? If a Mexican agrees to work for 50 cents a day. It's none of your business.

It's my business if he's not here legally.

Oh, so it's okay to regulate the free market in some places but not others? We can regulate it to ban foreign workers, but not for the benefit of domestic workers or the national economy?

For someone who seems to be here to just promote your blog, you are awfully presumptive.
Try again if you want to have a conversation. I never said any of those things.
So, make it illegal for employers to hire people on public assistance. That ensures that employers won't benefit from the welfare state, and requires them to pay a decent wage to attract employees. Problem solved.

I don't entirely disagree with that idea. But that winds up setting the stage to invite MORE illegals and does nothing to boost the economy. It's a half-assed measure. Sort of like raising the min wage by a quarter or some nonsense. It doesn't get us out of the grind.

What??? How does it invite more illegals?
Horse buggy manufacturers felt the same way when the Automobile came along....yet somehow people adapt.

True. But we are not looking at the loss of a trade. We are looking at the ENTIRE working class, from broom pusher to doctors, being undermined.
Concessions have always been the revenue generator for theaters.

In the past, projectionists were highly skilled and respected UNION workers. Comparably, they made roughly $100/hr in today's dollars, from their peak.

Today, the modern technology of the projection room is so simple a chimpanzee can learn to operate it. Today any idiot can throw a switch. Unions are obsolete.

So why have anyone work at all?


I couldn't agree with this more.

Why Work Index
Do you think things will be better when those jobs are illegal?

If your business operates on welfare subsidized labor, GTFO. And then yes, things will be better. China-Mart infiltration is coming in through the Republican party. Ironic.

How is that ironic?

As I've said repeatedly, businesses shouldn't be able to hire people who are on welfare. But if someone wants to work for less than your idea of the 'minimum', it's really none of your fucking business.

You r solution is to leave everyone living at home with their parents?
Why do union advocates always want to roll back 60 years of progress?

I see your point. A grocery bagger is a grocery bagger. They are not any more efficient than they were in 1950. But at the same time, their rate of pay should have kept up with the average productivity of American business. They are doing the same work, for a smaller piece of the pie.

Why? If they aren't more productive why should the job pay more? The job should pay what customers will accept.
yawn......less than 2% of working people earn minimum wage....

Want to earn more? Become WORTH more.

What about the EMT coming to save your life that only earns a dollar more per hour but still has to work 80 hours a week to make the rent. Better hope you get sick at the start of their shift.

Supply and demand. EMTs make $28 per hour starting wage here (with generous benefits), maybe they should do what I did, move to an area that had better jobs for me (then I started my own company and moved back).
Clearly you are blinded by political rhetoric and not at all interested in historical data.

why be so afraid to share the data?? What does your fear teach us about liberalism?

Maybe you missed the OP:

Using data by the U.S. BLS, the average productivity per American worker has increased 400% since 1950. One way to look at that is that it should only take one-quarter the work hours, or 11 hours per week, to afford the same standard of living as a worker in 1950 (or our standard of living should be 4 times higher). Is that the case? Obviously not. Someone is profiting, it’s just not the average American worker. -Source

Based on consumption growth since 1968, the minimum wage today would have to be $25.05 to represent the same share of the country's total consumption. Based on national income growth, the minimum wage should be $22.08. Based on personal income growth, it should be $21.16. -Source

After adjusting for inflation, minimum wage workers today are paid about 26 percent less than they were in 1974.

At the top 1 percent of the American income distribution, average incomes rose 194 percent between 1974 and 2011. Had U.S. minimum wages risen at the same pace as U.S. maximum wages, the minimum wage would now be $26.96 an hour. -Source

Read more: Analyzing a Practical Minimum Wage Minimum Wage Workers Union of America
Do you think things will be better when those jobs are illegal?

If your business operates on welfare subsidized labor, GTFO. And then yes, things will be better. China-Mart infiltration is coming in through the Republican party. Ironic.

How is that ironic?

As I've said repeatedly, businesses shouldn't be able to hire people who are on welfare. But if someone wants to work for less than your idea of the 'minimum', it's really none of your fucking business.

You r solution is to leave everyone living at home with their parents?

No. What are you talking about? My solution is, essentially, "live and let live". I just don't understand the authoritarian impulse to tell everyone else how to live.

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