Ancient demonology


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2016
The most ancient concept of a demon (daemon in Greek) comes from the Assyrians of the 25th Century BCE.

This demon was a bringer of storms and drought.

The demon was corporeal and comprised of the torso of a man, the head of a doglike lion, talons of an eagle, two pairs of wings, and a scorpion's tail.

The notion of demons as living intelligences that bring evil to mankind is therefore ancient and predates Old Testament (Tenakh) references by 1,000 years.

This notion then entered religion by way of the stories told by the Biblical authors.

In the Greek New Testament, Jesus Himself confronts this master demon in the wilderness and was tempted by him to give up His own mission and succumb to wealth and worldly power.

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It appears you have never personally seen such so YOU have to try to make up and search for stories that fit your precepts.
People recorded seeing demons since at least the third century :dev2:
Demons in the Hebrew Scriptures were anything made of as an image for example a man that people bowed down to and worshipped that had ears but could not hear... Eyes but could not see and a mouth but could not speak eat or breath... These demons could be made of wood, stone or any metal... It was pretty straightforward...The belief in demons is nonsense and shows ignorance of people believing someone suffering from epilepsy or some medical disorder was demon possessed...But since you brought it up I find it humorous that those demons in the swine in the New Testament listened to Jesus and committed suicide which is an unpardonable sin wouldn't that make him king of the demons since they not only listened to him but he also was acknowledged as the one who has the key to the bottomless pit as well....
In the Greek New Testament, Jesus Himself confronts this master demon in the wilderness and was tempted by him to give up His own mission and succumb to wealth and worldly power.

Yeah, It was probably just some guy in robes with a box on his head, saying, Jesus, you are such a nice guy, good looking and strong. People like you. You make beautiful furniture! You could make a fortune and have anything you want, the world at your disposal, if you would only just do what I say, get with the program, and give up all that crazy talk about right and wrong .....
Since no one wants to bring this up and since we just barely scratched the surface I would like to point out that Jesus being the king of demons has other hidden symbolism... An example of this can be found in Luke 12 where Jesus said in his own words that he had come to bring division to a family or even in a deeper sense to a nation or to all peoples... In this saying Jesus a man which is represented by the number 6 said he would pit in a family of men 3 against 2 which if multiplied equals 6 and 2 against 3 which if multiplied again equals 6 or if divided equals 666 into infinity or forever keeping with the division aspect... Now I know Hobe is fond of pointing out Solomon got or received 666 talents of gold but as I pointed out to Hobe at the time this gold was used to protect and to keep the Israelites safe and from division.It was not used against them although they did grumble against it and it was only after his son increased their burden that he caused a division.... Anyways getting back to the point those Demons mentioned in the New Testament that were in the swine gave us another interesting clue as they listened to Jesus and drowned themselves into the waters or sea.... I find this interesting for a number of reasons .. We have always been taught that Israel is the land and that the nations were compared to the waters or sea as first one wave rises up( nation) then falls down the another wave( nation) rises up only to fall back again while the land (The Israelites) remains stable... When these swine or demons were asked who they were they gave a very interesting clue as they replied Legion... Digging a little deeper when Rome came to conguer a people or region they did so by dividing the people against each other by bringing in their Legions of men... The size of their Legion was usually 5000 men which interestingly enough is the size of the number of men that Jesus fed with his fish( symbolism) and bread( symbolism) and if we delve deeper ( wine) symbolism... So keeping with the theme of Jesus being the king of the demons which we barely scratched the surface of he sent those demons the Roman into the seas( the nations) to spread his division amongst the families of the earth he did this by feeding( teaching) his flock of 5000 ( the legions of his followers) to go out amongst the families of men( or nations) .... All symbolic all to the point and as I said barely scratching the surface .. Their is much more I could point out but I will leave it to others if they wish to discuss it ...
Since no one wants to bring this up and since we just barely scratched the surface I would like to point out that Jesus being the king of demons has other hidden symbolism... An example of this can be found in Luke 12 where Jesus said in his own words that he had come to bring division to a family or even in a deeper sense to a nation or to all peoples... In this saying Jesus a man which is represented by the number 6 said he would pit in a family of men 3 against 2 which if multiplied equals 6 and 2 against 3 which if multiplied again equals 6 or if divided equals 666 into infinity or forever keeping with the division aspect... Now I know Hobe is fond of pointing out Solomon got or received 666 talents of gold but as I pointed out to Hobe at the time this gold was used to protect and to keep the Israelites safe and from division.It was not used against them although they did grumble against it and it was only after his son increased their burden that he caused a division.... Anyways getting back to the point those Demons mentioned in the New Testament that were in the swine gave us another interesting clue as they listened to Jesus and drowned themselves into the waters or sea.... I find this interesting for a number of reasons .. We have always been taught that Israel is the land and that the nations were compared to the waters or sea as first one wave rises up( nation) then falls down the another wave( nation) rises up only to fall back again while the land (The Israelites) remains stable... When these swine or demons were asked who they were they gave a very interesting clue as they replied Legion... Digging a little deeper when Rome came to conguer a people or region they did so by dividing the people against each other by bringing in their Legions of men... The size of their Legion was usually 5000 men which interestingly enough is the size of the number of men that Jesus fed with his fish( symbolism) and bread( symbolism) and if we delve deeper ( wine) symbolism... So keeping with the theme of Jesus being the king of the demons which we barely scratched the surface of he sent those demons the Roman into the seas( the nations) to spread his division amongst the families of the earth he did this by feeding( teaching) his flock of 5000 ( the legions of his followers) to go out amongst the families of men( or nations) .... All symbolic all to the point and as I said barely scratching the surface .. Their is much more I could point out but I will leave it to others if they wish to discuss it ...

It's 616 originally not 666
Since no one wants to bring this up and since we just barely scratched the surface I would like to point out that Jesus being the king of demons has other hidden symbolism... An example of this can be found in Luke 12 where Jesus said in his own words that he had come to bring division to a family or even in a deeper sense to a nation or to all peoples... In this saying Jesus a man which is represented by the number 6 said he would pit in a family of men 3 against 2 which if multiplied equals 6 and 2 against 3 which if multiplied again equals 6 or if divided equals 666 into infinity or forever keeping with the division aspect... Now I know Hobe is fond of pointing out Solomon got or received 666 talents of gold but as I pointed out to Hobe at the time this gold was used to protect and to keep the Israelites safe and from division.It was not used against them although they did grumble against it and it was only after his son increased their burden that he caused a division.... Anyways getting back to the point those Demons mentioned in the New Testament that were in the swine gave us another interesting clue as they listened to Jesus and drowned themselves into the waters or sea.... I find this interesting for a number of reasons .. We have always been taught that Israel is the land and that the nations were compared to the waters or sea as first one wave rises up( nation) then falls down the another wave( nation) rises up only to fall back again while the land (The Israelites) remains stable... When these swine or demons were asked who they were they gave a very interesting clue as they replied Legion... Digging a little deeper when Rome came to conguer a people or region they did so by dividing the people against each other by bringing in their Legions of men... The size of their Legion was usually 5000 men which interestingly enough is the size of the number of men that Jesus fed with his fish( symbolism) and bread( symbolism) and if we delve deeper ( wine) symbolism... So keeping with the theme of Jesus being the king of the demons which we barely scratched the surface of he sent those demons the Roman into the seas( the nations) to spread his division amongst the families of the earth he did this by feeding( teaching) his flock of 5000 ( the legions of his followers) to go out amongst the families of men( or nations) .... All symbolic all to the point and as I said barely scratching the surface .. Their is much more I could point out but I will leave it to others if they wish to discuss it ...

It's 616 originally not 666
Both are the same when written backwards! :eek:
Since no one wants to bring this up and since we just barely scratched the surface I would like to point out that Jesus being the king of demons has other hidden symbolism... An example of this can be found in Luke 12 where Jesus said in his own words that he had come to bring division to a family or even in a deeper sense to a nation or to all peoples... In this saying Jesus a man which is represented by the number 6 said he would pit in a family of men 3 against 2 which if multiplied equals 6 and 2 against 3 which if multiplied again equals 6 or if divided equals 666 into infinity or forever keeping with the division aspect... Now I know Hobe is fond of pointing out Solomon got or received 666 talents of gold but as I pointed out to Hobe at the time this gold was used to protect and to keep the Israelites safe and from division.It was not used against them although they did grumble against it and it was only after his son increased their burden that he caused a division.... Anyways getting back to the point those Demons mentioned in the New Testament that were in the swine gave us another interesting clue as they listened to Jesus and drowned themselves into the waters or sea.... I find this interesting for a number of reasons .. We have always been taught that Israel is the land and that the nations were compared to the waters or sea as first one wave rises up( nation) then falls down the another wave( nation) rises up only to fall back again while the land (The Israelites) remains stable... When these swine or demons were asked who they were they gave a very interesting clue as they replied Legion... Digging a little deeper when Rome came to conguer a people or region they did so by dividing the people against each other by bringing in their Legions of men... The size of their Legion was usually 5000 men which interestingly enough is the size of the number of men that Jesus fed with his fish( symbolism) and bread( symbolism) and if we delve deeper ( wine) symbolism... So keeping with the theme of Jesus being the king of the demons which we barely scratched the surface of he sent those demons the Roman into the seas( the nations) to spread his division amongst the families of the earth he did this by feeding( teaching) his flock of 5000 ( the legions of his followers) to go out amongst the families of men( or nations) .... All symbolic all to the point and as I said barely scratching the surface .. Their is much more I could point out but I will leave it to others if they wish to discuss it ...

It's 616 originally not 666
You do realize that no matter how you try to squirm out of this you cannot.... In John 6:16 it states and whenever he was come his disciples went down unto the sea... This was after they perceived to make him their king so this fits exactly what I pointed out above his disciples or Legion went down to in slang enter the nations and bring his teachings unto them to bring division to the families on earth... Now I only scratched the surface because ROMAN Catholics venerate MARY who they call the Virgin Mary or VM for short. Have you ever took a look at Roman numerals... V is five which must represent family since that is depicted as 2 plus 3 and 3 plus 2 and M represents 1000 which when multiplied equals 5000 which coincidently( not) was the size of the Legion and the Size of the followers of Jesus or his enlarged family of disciples...So Jesus was DeMan( Demon) that they set as their king over them fulfilling exactly what I showed you... I could go further and point out that if the Jesus as depicted in the New Testament did not truly exsist but was created out of various stories and fables of the lying scribes pens then he also fits the criteria for a demon( in original Hebrew context) as he had ears but heard not eyes but see not and mouth but eat not or breath not only on the pages of the NT and in the imaginations of his followers..
Demons in the Hebrew Scriptures were anything made of as an image for example a man that people bowed down to and worshipped that had ears but could not hear... Eyes but could not see and a mouth but could not speak eat or breath... These demons could be made of wood, stone or any metal... It was pretty straightforward...The belief in demons is nonsense and shows ignorance of people believing someone suffering from epilepsy or some medical disorder was demon possessed...But since you brought it up I find it humorous that those demons in the swine in the New Testament listened to Jesus and committed suicide which is an unpardonable sin wouldn't that make him king of the demons since they not only listened to him but he also was acknowledged as the one who has the key to the bottomless pit as well....
Like everything in the Bible, I have to wonder if the account is real or if the various writers and transcribers over the centuries made it up.

Jesus never wrote anything down, except the alleged letter to King Abgar mentioned by Eusebius. It was Jesus' disciples who wrote everything down. And St. Luke never even met Jesus -- Luke just wrote down what others told him. The other disciple-authors knew Jesus personally of course. Paul had his vision of Him.

Letters of Jesus and Abgar
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Since no one wants to bring this up and since we just barely scratched the surface I would like to point out that Jesus being the king of demons has other hidden symbolism... An example of this can be found in Luke 12 where Jesus said in his own words that he had come to bring division to a family or even in a deeper sense to a nation or to all peoples... In this saying Jesus a man which is represented by the number 6 said he would pit in a family of men 3 against 2 which if multiplied equals 6 and 2 against 3 which if multiplied again equals 6 or if divided equals 666 into infinity or forever keeping with the division aspect... Now I know Hobe is fond of pointing out Solomon got or received 666 talents of gold but as I pointed out to Hobe at the time this gold was used to protect and to keep the Israelites safe and from division.It was not used against them although they did grumble against it and it was only after his son increased their burden that he caused a division.... Anyways getting back to the point those Demons mentioned in the New Testament that were in the swine gave us another interesting clue as they listened to Jesus and drowned themselves into the waters or sea.... I find this interesting for a number of reasons .. We have always been taught that Israel is the land and that the nations were compared to the waters or sea as first one wave rises up( nation) then falls down the another wave( nation) rises up only to fall back again while the land (The Israelites) remains stable... When these swine or demons were asked who they were they gave a very interesting clue as they replied Legion... Digging a little deeper when Rome came to conguer a people or region they did so by dividing the people against each other by bringing in their Legions of men... The size of their Legion was usually 5000 men which interestingly enough is the size of the number of men that Jesus fed with his fish( symbolism) and bread( symbolism) and if we delve deeper ( wine) symbolism... So keeping with the theme of Jesus being the king of the demons which we barely scratched the surface of he sent those demons the Roman into the seas( the nations) to spread his division amongst the families of the earth he did this by feeding( teaching) his flock of 5000 ( the legions of his followers) to go out amongst the families of men( or nations) .... All symbolic all to the point and as I said barely scratching the surface .. Their is much more I could point out but I will leave it to others if they wish to discuss it ...
Interesting observations.

Jesus calls the Evil Genius (of Descartes fame) "Diabolical" which is the Greek word in the Greek New Testament.

In Hebrew in the Tenakh the name for him is Satan which means "accuser".

St. Gerome in his Latin translation of the Greek New Testament calls him Lucifer -- the Roman name for the planet Venus.

"... and it answered saying 'Legion my name because many we are' ..." is what it says in Greek. Go to the citation below and look up Verse 9 in Chap 5:
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The human concept of God(s) and of demons is ancient.

Generally speaking, according to ancient tradition, God(s) are to be obeyed and venerated, and demons are to be feared and shunned.

This all reached a culmination during the 1st Century A.D. (Anno Domini) with both Dynamis-Upsistou and Legion, which Emperor Constantine then legitimized in 325 A.D. making his mother's Christianity (and possibly his father's too) the legal world religion of the Roman Empire.

Now we are beset with God and demons, even though Science cannot detect either.
Jesus fed more than 5,000. Only the men were counted. There were woman and children fed also. There could have easily been 10,000 to 15,000 people there. They were fed with the lunch of a child (whose number was not included in the count).

There is no demon that doesn't recognize Jesus, as the Christ. They know Him, His power and His authority. He is going to win this battle.
Jesus fed more than 5,000. Only the men were counted. There were woman and children fed also. There could have easily been 10,000 to 15,000 people there. They were fed with the lunch of a child (whose number was not included in the count).

There is no demon that doesn't recognize Jesus, as the Christ. They know Him, His power and His authority. He is going to win this battle.

He was a teacher. He did not become god till a few hundred years after his supposed death on the cross. That was a "violent" debate of bishops and passed by narrow vote.
Jesus fed more than 5,000. Only the men were counted. There were woman and children fed also. There could have easily been 10,000 to 15,000 people there. They were fed with the lunch of a child (whose number was not included in the count).

There is no demon that doesn't recognize Jesus, as the Christ. They know Him, His power and His authority. He is going to win this battle.

He was a teacher. He did not become god till a few hundred years after his supposed death on the cross. That was a "violent" debate of bishops and passed by narrow vote.
And you know this how?
Jesus fed more than 5,000. Only the men were counted. There were woman and children fed also. There could have easily been 10,000 to 15,000 people there. They were fed with the lunch of a child (whose number was not included in the count).

There is no demon that doesn't recognize Jesus, as the Christ. They know Him, His power and His authority. He is going to win this battle.
What is your point there are 5000 men in a Roman Legion of course there could have been women and others as well...The size of a Roman legion of men is not in dispute nor is the followers fed ( taught) by Jesus after all he was pretty disdainfull of women in some of his passages so he wouldn't have counted the women in the number most likely...The interesting thing is that if the New Testament is just a Roman passion play then JC was not the first JC but Julius Ceasar was ... I told you I barely scratched the surface ... If Julius Ceasar marched with his troops or Legions and he came in the clouds of ( dust) created by them in their wake and he eventually was Pierced( by those that killed him on the ides of March) Then the stories attributed to Jesus in the New Testament are either at the worst plagerized and copied over and reworked by the lying scribes or at best at least have some basis but the amount of truth in them is so minuscule that one must take it with a grain of salt which if I remember correctly is deadly to a demon especially one of the kingly variety like Jesus who lest we forget holds the key to the bottomless pit in his posession
Jesus fed more than 5,000. Only the men were counted. There were woman and children fed also. There could have easily been 10,000 to 15,000 people there. They were fed with the lunch of a child (whose number was not included in the count).

There is no demon that doesn't recognize Jesus, as the Christ. They know Him, His power and His authority. He is going to win this battle.

He was a teacher. He did not become god till a few hundred years after his supposed death on the cross. That was a "violent" debate of bishops and passed by narrow vote.

Don't you believe it for a minute. Here is who He is:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

And here is what He did:
14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

15 John bare witness of him, and cried, saying, This was he of whom I spake, He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he was before me.

16 And of his fullness have all we received, and grace for grace.

17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ
Jesus fed more than 5,000. Only the men were counted. There were woman and children fed also. There could have easily been 10,000 to 15,000 people there. They were fed with the lunch of a child (whose number was not included in the count).

There is no demon that doesn't recognize Jesus, as the Christ. They know Him, His power and His authority. He is going to win this battle.

He was a teacher. He did not become god till a few hundred years after his supposed death on the cross. That was a "violent" debate of bishops and passed by narrow vote.

Don't you believe it for a minute. Here is who He is:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

And here is what He did:
14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

15 John bare witness of him, and cried, saying, This was he of whom I spake, He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he was before me.

16 And of his fullness have all we received, and grace for grace.

17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ
Exactly thank you for pointing that out... Jesus was the logos or WORD... He did not exsist he was created out of the lying scribes pens and given life and breath in the stories they wove about him... They created their king of the Demons to rule over all who FELL for those stories.... It could not be more plainer or simple...The people FELL with him and for him the image they created rules over all nations all toungue so all peoples who swallowed that tall tale

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