...and Biden blinks...cancel debate...

The former Vice- President and present day coward Joe Biden retreats from 2nd debate.


"Democratic candidate Joe Biden tells reporters in Delaware there shouldn't be a second debate if President Trump still has coronavirus."

Biden's a nutless wonder. Is this the kind of coward we want representing this country against dangerous tyrannical leaders like Putin, Xi, and Kim Jong-un?

Thanks but no thanks. Take a hike, Joe. You're not fit for the job.
The former Vice- President and present day coward Joe Biden retreats from 2nd debate.


"Democratic candidate Joe Biden tells reporters in Delaware there shouldn't be a second debate if President Trump still has coronavirus."

If I was a reporter I'd reply:
There shouldn't be a debate after your Haitian debacle.
The former Vice- President and present day coward Joe Biden retreats from 2nd debate.


"Democratic candidate Joe Biden tells reporters in Delaware there shouldn't be a second debate if President Trump still has coronavirus."

Biden's a nutless wonder. Is this the kind of coward we want representing this country against dangerous tyrannical leaders like Putin, Xi, and Kim Jong-un?

Thanks but no thanks. Take a hike, Joe. You're not fit for the job.

Balless Joe would never in a million years stepped onto North Korean soil alone.
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said on Tuesday that he and President Donald Trump “shouldn’t have a debate” as scheduled next week if Trump still tests positive for the coronavirus.


I Don't Buy It - Do You???
Or did it become known that the Republicans are going to use a system of radio-electronic suppression of the earpiece ???

Souce: Biden says he WON'T debate Trump next week if he still has virus
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I doubt very much he wanted to do any of the debates but his puppet master would not let him bow out. Now he can and just look like what he is.
It's because of the smoking gun breaking news today about the Hillary campaign and the Obama Biden White house using the CIA and the FBI as a stop Trump from winning and a get Trump impeached underhanded tool after he won......why did we go through the Mueller investigation?....and shouldn't Mueller be asked to give back the cost of that scam to the treasury?......

30 million bucks folks!!!! 3.5 years folks....and while Trump was trying to deal with covid the dems were trying to impeach him for a scam they set up....and the fing media is part of it...active partners with the dirty DNC and the Clintons and Obamas and Bidens......

folks say Biden is old...i say he has the experience for the job

Biden has been to Iraq and Afghanistan tens of times, he told Hannibal to use elephants over the Alpine Pass, he warned that the British are coming, he befriended Jesus, and he was the first human being to ever walk the earth

There's really no point to another debate. Sure, it's fun to watch Trump kick his feeble arse around, and see the demo-moderator trying desperately to save him. But what is left to learn?

Joe won't give straight answers about what he will be made to do by his masters. Trump will again have to answer on white supremacy. We know what each side stands for.

No real need for more yapping.

Vote on whether you want to bring back jobs and independence to America, or continue to bend the knee to China.
Vote on whether you love or hate America.
Vote on whether you want police and personal guns to protect you, or a social worker hug after you are robbed and assaulted.
Vote on whether you want capitalism or socialism.
Vote on whether you are accepting of religion or no religion.
Vote on whether you want tax breaks and regulation cuts or not.
Trump has fallen even further behind in the polls since the debate, as if that was possible.
...if you still believe the media tells any semblance of the truth...you're completely lost.

But...I think you're smarter than that.

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