And here we go: Pedophilia is being normalized.

Today's liberal goal is the actual eradication of traditional moral values, they seek sexual utopia where no rules apply. The only moral values they approve are their own and dare to object to that. If they don't destroy you directly by labeling, boycott, force, they'll use government force and courts, just because they can. Liberals, yeah, it's all about children, you know.

Sorry- I got confused- you just have described the tactics of Christian conservatives for the last 200 years.

Prove it.

Prove that Christian Conservatives have attacked homosexuals by 'labeling, boycott, force,- government force and courts?'

Christian labeling of homosexuals as evil- and equating them to pedophiles:
The Abomination of Homosexuality

Serial killers, government tyrants, academic liberals, Catholic priests, politicians, Mormon Church higher-ups, Jewish rabbis, environmental extremists, communists, religious heretics, mass murderers, occultists, spies, and the Illuminati share something hideous and grotesque in common. Almost all are homo-sexual. Worse, most of the sick-minded men who comprise these demented social groups are not only homosexual, they practice the most kinky and perverted forms of sexual licentiousness-pedophilia, satanic bondage, physical torture, bisexuality, transvestitism, and even bestiality.

If you doubt this, I invite you to consider the wicked lives of some of these moral degenerates—men like Lenin, Mussolini, Hitler, Marx, Jim Jones, Alfred Kinsey, Michael Jackson, Jacques DeMolay, Bill Clinton, Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart, Mick Jagger, Aleister Crowley, Hubert Humphrey, Paul Tsongas, Martin Luther King, Mario Cuomo, Rudy Giuliani, Jeffrey Dahmer, Richard Speck, and John Wayne Gacy.

The homosexual activist movement and organized pedophiles are linked together by a common goal: To gain access to children for seduction into homosexuality

Christian boycott of organizations for being too 'gay friendly"
Southern Baptist boycott of Disney for being too 'pro-gay"
Last June, Southern Baptists gave Disney a year to change its ways. Since then, the church leaders have said Disney has ignored their complaints and even increased its "anti-family, pro-gay" policies and programming.

Christian anti-gay organization calls for boycott of J.C. Penney for having a homosexual actor as a spokesperson

Early last month, One Million Moms, a division of the American Family Association, called for DeGeneres to be replaced by the Texas-based chain because she is a lesbian.

"Funny that JC Penney thinks hiring an open homosexual spokesperson will help their business when most of their customers are traditional families," the group wrote on its website at the time. "DeGeneres is not a true representation of the type of families that shop at their store. The majority of JC Penney shoppers will be offended and choose to no longer shop there. The small percentage of customers they are attempting to satisfy will not offset their loss in sales."

Force: Minister's call for violence against homosexuals
Pastor calls for death of gays lesbians - NY Daily News
North Carolina pastor calls for death of gays, lesbians by trapping them inside electric fence

Pastor calls for killing gays to end AIDS
Pastor calls for killing gays to end AIDS

Government Force:

Well that one is pretty obvious- Christians have advocated for criminalization and imprisonment of homosexuals for essentially the entire history of the United States.

Today's anti-gay sodomy laws were passed by Christian lawmakers- and the Christian lawmakers of Louisiana still won't revoke the law even though they are unconstitutional.

In addition- prominent Christians like Anita Bryant advocated for laws requiring the firing of teachers who happened to be homosexuals.

And Christians did all of that just because they could do so.

There is a long history of Christian persecution of homosexuals in America- real persecution- not the faux 'persecution' of a homosexual couple complaining when a business refuses to serve them.

And as I have said all along- the homophobic bigots will attempt to foment discrimination against homosexuals by equating them to child molesters.

Like you are doing.

Actually, it's the other way around.

By removing it from DSM, homosexuality has been equated to heterosexuality, now they're trying to do the same with pedophilia, normalizing it so it can be view as normal, just like they did with homosexuality. Nothing to see here, it's all normal, right?

And I like said- the homophobic bigots will attempt to foment discrimination against homosexuality by equating them to child molesters.

Just like you are doing.

It would help if you find where I said that.

Nobody here is equating homosexuality to child molesting. What lefties are doing is trying to prove that child molesting is now normal and equating it to heterosexuality, just like they did with homosexuality.

Now stop flipping my words and fuck off.

No lefties are trying to prove that child molesting is now normal- that is just your fucking slander.

Child molestation is a horrible tragedy- and sick fuckers like yourself who try to equate homosexuals to child molesters put children at risk.
So shall we round gays up and kill them instead of allowing them to be free of discrimination?

I don't see anyone suggesting that. Do you? Of course not, but lefties reaction to anything that is against their opinion is always the same: rounding up, throwing of the cliff, concentration camps... oh wait, lefties always did that.
The problem now is they can't do that anymore. We are all armed, and they have their master, Obama to thank for the final push on arming Americans. Best gun salesman in world history! Lol

But they are doing it.

There is this guy from Ohio, Phillip Distasio, admitted pedophile of 20 years, who's not ashamed of his craving for sexual activity with boys and instead he's embracing it. He's facing 74 charges of molestation and instead of denying his guilt or showing remorse, he's trying a new approach - claiming his sexual intent is a civil right.

This is what he said in court room:
I'm a pedophile. I've been a pedophile for 20 years. The only reason I'm charged with rape is that no one believes a child can consent to sex. Not all pedophilia is bad, and sex [with boys] can be healthy.

Today's liberal goal is the actual eradication of traditional moral values, they seek sexual utopia where no rules apply. The only moral values they approve are their own and dare to object to that. If they don't destroy you directly by labeling, boycott, force, they'll use government force and courts, just because they can. Liberals, yeah, it's all about children, you know.

He's not only a pedophile, he's an idiot....they will throw the book at him.

Typical tolerant liberal, when without argument, start insulting. Whole thread I'm writing against pedophiles and you called me one. I'm not surprised, in fact I was expecting that from you.

Wasn't Bodecea referring to the pedophile you were quoting?

That's what it looked like when I read it.

Btw, I've been insulted by conservatives on here when they couldn't debate what I said so it appears that it's a problem that both sides have in common on here.
So shall we round gays up and kill them instead of allowing them to be free of discrimination?

I don't see anyone suggesting that. Do you? Of course not, but lefties reaction to anything that is against their opinion is always the same: rounding up, throwing of the cliff, concentration camps... oh wait, lefties always did that.
The problem now is they can't do that anymore. We are all armed, and they have their master, Obama to thank for the final push on arming Americans. Best gun salesman in world history! Lol

But they are doing it.

There is this guy from Ohio, Phillip Distasio, admitted pedophile of 20 years, who's not ashamed of his craving for sexual activity with boys and instead he's embracing it. He's facing 74 charges of molestation and instead of denying his guilt or showing remorse, he's trying a new approach - claiming his sexual intent is a civil right.

This is what he said in court room:
I'm a pedophile. I've been a pedophile for 20 years. The only reason I'm charged with rape is that no one believes a child can consent to sex. Not all pedophilia is bad, and sex [with boys] can be healthy.

Today's liberal goal is the actual eradication of traditional moral values, they seek sexual utopia where no rules apply. The only moral values they approve are their own and dare to object to that. If they don't destroy you directly by labeling, boycott, force, they'll use government force and courts, just because they can. Liberals, yeah, it's all about children, you know.
And as I have said all along- the homophobic bigots will attempt to foment discrimination against homosexuals by equating them to child molesters.

Like you are doing.

Actually, it's the other way around.

By removing it from DSM, homosexuality has been equated to heterosexuality, now they're trying to do the same with pedophilia, normalizing it so it can be view as normal, just like they did with homosexuality. Nothing to see here, it's all normal, right?

I think the question that needs to be cleared up here is do you think that homosexuals and pedophiles are the same thing?
First of all, homosexuals are consenting adults, while pedophiles are garbage, and should be put down like a rabid dog, if they act on their impulses, even just once.
Yup. Here we are. It was quite expected. All the abnormalities and deviancies will be normal and legal in the USA soon. Moreover every pervert knows how to defend his rights. Pedophilia is only the first step to this abyss of degradation.

Not necessarily. Rights, within our legal system, are given by man and can be denied by man under the rationale of whether it is harmful to another.

you got a citation for that claim? In the US each state has its own
AGE OF CONSENT laws. You are claiming that age of consent thruout
the USA was 12?--------I don't think so. -----of course the operative word
here is "CONSENT"
Reading book ben carson gifted hands. His father 28 married his mother age 13. Try that now.

you got a citation for that claim? In the US each state has its own
AGE OF CONSENT laws. You are claiming that age of consent thruout
the USA was 12?--------I don't think so. -----of course the operative word
here is "CONSENT"
Reading book ben carson gifted hands. His father 28 married his mother age 13. Try that now.

your point? age of consent for marriage varies from state to state---historically
it also varied in time. Other laws regarding "sex" involve the illegality of force--and in some states the illegality of ---"FORNICATION"---- I grew up in a state that
was known for its strict rules-----the only legal sex was between a married man and woman and in "missionary" position---- -----not easy to enforce
To me, it is wrong whether there is a reason behind it of any form or not.

God bless you always!!!

Not All Pedophiles Have Mental Disorder

In a move toward destigmatizing pedophilia, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in its updated Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), distinguishes between pedophiles who desire sex with children, and those who act on those desires.

The former group -- those who want to have sex with children but whose desires are not distressing or harmful to themselves or others -- is no longer classified as having a psychiatric condition in the updated DSM.

This is pretty similar to how homosexuality was normalized back in 70s.

And who is it that you think wants to "normalize" or legalize pedophilia?? I think I know what your thinking but you don't want to say. Let me tell you something. I worked in child protective services for 26 years. I investigated all sorts of child abuse and neglect including sexual abuse. It is no fucking joke. What is it that you're trying to do here? Another stupid ass slippery slop fallacy?

you got a citation for that claim? In the US each state has its own
AGE OF CONSENT laws. You are claiming that age of consent thruout
the USA was 12?--------I don't think so. -----of course the operative word
here is "CONSENT"
Reading book ben carson gifted hands. His father 28 married his mother age 13. Try that now.

your point? age of consent for marriage varies from state to state---historically
it also varied in time. Other laws regarding "sex" involve the illegality of force--and in some states the illegality of ---"FORNICATION"---- I grew up in a state that
was known for its strict rules-----the only legal sex was between a married man and woman and in "missionary" position---- -----not easy to enforce
My point is what is a pedophile? Is it a 28 year old who marries and has sex with a 13 year old?

you got a citation for that claim? In the US each state has its own
AGE OF CONSENT laws. You are claiming that age of consent thruout
the USA was 12?--------I don't think so. -----of course the operative word
here is "CONSENT"
Reading book ben carson gifted hands. His father 28 married his mother age 13. Try that now.

your point? age of consent for marriage varies from state to state---historically
it also varied in time. Other laws regarding "sex" involve the illegality of force--and in some states the illegality of ---"FORNICATION"---- I grew up in a state that
was known for its strict rules-----the only legal sex was between a married man and woman and in "missionary" position---- -----not easy to enforce
My point is what is a pedohile? Is it a 28 year old who marries and has sex with a 13 year old?

I have no doubt that if you check the DSM 5----which I have not-----the marriage of
a 28 year old with a 13 year old will not be sufficient to establish a diagnosis of

you got a citation for that claim? In the US each state has its own
AGE OF CONSENT laws. You are claiming that age of consent thruout
the USA was 12?--------I don't think so. -----of course the operative word
here is "CONSENT"
Reading book ben carson gifted hands. His father 28 married his mother age 13. Try that now.

your point? age of consent for marriage varies from state to state---historically
it also varied in time. Other laws regarding "sex" involve the illegality of force--and in some states the illegality of ---"FORNICATION"---- I grew up in a state that
was known for its strict rules-----the only legal sex was between a married man and woman and in "missionary" position---- -----not easy to enforce
My point is what is a pedophile? Is it a 28 year old who marries and has sex with a 13 year old?

Most 13-yr-olds aren't prepubescent (they're pubescent) so it's a case of hebephilia (age range is usually 11-14) not pedophilia. However, pedophilia seems to be the catchall for anyone sexually interested in those that are under the age of consent.

Pedophilia - ages 0-10 approximately
Hebephilia - ages 11-14 approximately
Ephebophilia - ages 15-19

I say approximately because some are pubescent at a younger or later age.
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Not All Pedophiles Have Mental Disorder

In a move toward destigmatizing pedophilia, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in its updated Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), distinguishes between pedophiles who desire sex with children, and those who act on those desires.

The former group -- those who want to have sex with children but whose desires are not distressing or harmful to themselves or others -- is no longer classified as having a psychiatric condition in the updated DSM.

This is pretty similar to how homosexuality was normalized back in 70s.

And who is it that you think wants to "normalize" or legalize pedophilia?? I think I know what your thinking but you don't want to say. Let me tell you something. I worked in child protective services for 26 years. I investigated all sorts of child abuse and neglect including sexual abuse. It is no fucking joke. What is it that you're trying to do here? Another stupid ass slippery slop fallacy?

I would say that pedophiles do.
I would say that pedophiles do.

I would agree.
As it's against nature, there has to be a fault with their wiring.
As for post pubescent, that's nature at work, but I consider it unacceptable as I believe the child isn't mentally developed enough to make choices about a sexual relationship.

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