And Here's How The Passenger Pigeon Met Its End....

Time to smash a custard pie in your kisser!
  1. The benefits from Reaganomics:
    1. The economy grew at a 3.4% average rate…compared with 2.9% for the previous eight years, and 2.7% for the next eight.(Table B-4)
    2. Inflation rate dropped from 12.5% to 4.4%. (Table B-63)
    3. Unemployment fell to 5.5% from 7.1% (Table B-35)
    4. Prime interest rate fell by one-third.(Table B-73)
    5. The S & P 500 jumped 124% (Table B-95)
    6. Charitable contributions rose 57% faster than inflation. Dinesh D’Souza, “Ronald Reagan: How an Ordinary May Became an Extraordinary Leader,” p. 116

b. and c.

"While the ranks of the wealthy quickly multiplied, middle-class investors also entered the stock market in rapidly growing numbers. The creation by Congress in 1978 of the 401(k) tax-deferred retirement plan provided new incentives for workers to invest their savings in the stock market (often through mutual funds) rather than relying on company-funded pensions for retirement. The 401(k) led to a kind of democratization of Wall Street, as the percentage of American households owning some stake in the stock market—either directly or through mutual funds—shot quickly from 15.9% in 1983 to 29.6% in 1989.23 Thus the great bull market of the 1980s created more wealth, for more American families, than any previous boom in history.
Investment Company Institute, "Equity Ownership in America, 2005,",

The Reagan Era Learning Guide: Citations

Ronald Reagan: more wealth, for more American families, than any previous boom in history.
And tripled the debt and caused the S+L crisis and started the ruin of the middle class...

"And tripled the debt..."

Gads, you're a moron!!!

Watch this:

  1. Under Reagan, the debt went up $1.7 trillion, from $900 billion to $2.6 trillion.
  2. But….the national wealth went up $ 17 trillion
  3. Reagan's near-trillion-dollar bulge in defense spending transformed the global balance of power in favor of capitalism. Spurring a stock-market, energy, venture-capital, real-estate and employment boom, the Reagan tax-rate cuts and other pro-enterprise policies added some $17 trillion to America's private-sector assets, dwarfing the trillion-dollar rise in public-sector deficits and creating 45 million net new jobs at rising wages and salaries.

Increased the national wealth by ten fold!!!!

Here's the waste you voted for:

"More Businesses Shutting Down than Starting Up
'Business deaths now exceed business births for the first time' in decades.
The American economy is less entrepreneurial now than at any point in the last three decades. That's the conclusion of a new study out from the Brookings Institution, which looks at the rates of new business creation and destruction since 1978.
Not only that, but during the most recent three years of the study -- 2009, 2010 and 2011 -- businesses were collapsing faster than they were being formed, a first. Overall, new businesses creation (measured as the share of all businesses less than one year old) declined by about half from 1978 to 2011."

I'm gonna post about the free market it, and have your antacids nearby .
For the billionth time, everyone agrees the economy is not as good as it could be, even though it's the best in the world and many countries are still in the corrupt Booosh world depression. The answer to WHY is mindless GOP obstruction of policies that could have allowed us to raise the world out of depression. Only we can. And not with another corrupt GOP bubble, but by the renaissance of our nonrich ruined after 35 years of pander to the rich.

No other President has had austerity based economic policies forced on him while he was trying to recover from the worst recession in 75 years
Who tries to balance the budget while they are trying to add jobs?

In reality, we blew our chance

We had millions out of work, wages were low, interest rates were near zero. A perfect time to invest in public infrastructure. Build roads, bridges, water and sewer systems. Upgrade the power and communications grid. Invest in mass transit

But Republicans blocked it at every turn


Too late.

Everyone knows the truth.

Of course, you Leftists will still vote for failure.
Hilarious. So double down on Booosh policies that wrecked the world, dummie.
And tripled the debt and caused the S+L crisis and started the ruin of the middle class...

"And tripled the debt..."

Gads, you're a moron!!!

Watch this:

  1. Under Reagan, the debt went up $1.7 trillion, from $900 billion to $2.6 trillion.
  2. But….the national wealth went up $ 17 trillion
  3. Reagan's near-trillion-dollar bulge in defense spending transformed the global balance of power in favor of capitalism. Spurring a stock-market, energy, venture-capital, real-estate and employment boom, the Reagan tax-rate cuts and other pro-enterprise policies added some $17 trillion to America's private-sector assets, dwarfing the trillion-dollar rise in public-sector deficits and creating 45 million net new jobs at rising wages and salaries.

Increased the national wealth by ten fold!!!!

Here's the waste you voted for:

"More Businesses Shutting Down than Starting Up
'Business deaths now exceed business births for the first time' in decades.
The American economy is less entrepreneurial now than at any point in the last three decades. That's the conclusion of a new study out from the Brookings Institution, which looks at the rates of new business creation and destruction since 1978.
Not only that, but during the most recent three years of the study -- 2009, 2010 and 2011 -- businesses were collapsing faster than they were being formed, a first. Overall, new businesses creation (measured as the share of all businesses less than one year old) declined by about half from 1978 to 2011."

I'm gonna post about the free market it, and have your antacids nearby .
For the billionth time, everyone agrees the economy is not as good as it could be, even though it's the best in the world and many countries are still in the corrupt Booosh world depression. The answer to WHY is mindless GOP obstruction of policies that could have allowed us to raise the world out of depression. Only we can. And not with another corrupt GOP bubble, but by the renaissance of our nonrich ruined after 35 years of pander to the rich.

No other President has had austerity based economic policies forced on him while he was trying to recover from the worst recession in 75 years
Who tries to balance the budget while they are trying to add jobs?

In reality, we blew our chance

We had millions out of work, wages were low, interest rates were near zero. A perfect time to invest in public infrastructure. Build roads, bridges, water and sewer systems. Upgrade the power and communications grid. Invest in mass transit

But Republicans blocked it at every turn


Too late.

Everyone knows the truth.

Of course, you Leftists will still vote for failure.
Hilarious. So double down on Booosh policies that wrecked the world, dummie.

Bush's policies didn't.

It was Democrat/Liberal invasion of the private housing market.

Which party created Fannie Mae?
If his policies ever got passed you could blame him, dupe.

So Obamacare didn't really become law? The $787 stimulus in 2009 didn't really occur?

You Liberals constantly post a list of all types of things for which you give Obama credit for having done during his time in office. Now, when they are failures, suddenly you say none of that ever occurred.
And nothing since duh. lol. The stimulus worked duh and ACA is still being obstructed, and STILL not a failure. EVERYTHING was worse before.

YOu said "if his (Obama) policies got passed you could blame him". According to Liberals, all sorts of things got passed for which he can be blamed yet you won't acknowledge it.

Obamacare is a failure. Any program where one group is forced to subsidize for another what those receiving the subsidies won't do for themselves is a failure in principle. No one owes another person food, clothing, shelter, or healthcare.
You already were paying for their care, just in the stupidest, cruelest, deadliest way possible, dupe. Back to poor houses, potters fields and the Gilded Age! RW idiocy.
Last edited:
I love it how Republicans screamed...Obama is trying to redistribute wealth for eight years

Now after eight years they look at $50 trillion in added wealth and condemn Obama for not distributing it to the workers

It's been redistributed by Democrats for 50 years now through various social welfare programs that have proven to be failures.

Doesn't seem to be working as 40% of Americans only have two tenths of a percent of our wealth.....Some "redistribution"

"And tripled the debt..."

Gads, you're a moron!!!

Watch this:

  1. Under Reagan, the debt went up $1.7 trillion, from $900 billion to $2.6 trillion.
  2. But….the national wealth went up $ 17 trillion
  3. Reagan's near-trillion-dollar bulge in defense spending transformed the global balance of power in favor of capitalism. Spurring a stock-market, energy, venture-capital, real-estate and employment boom, the Reagan tax-rate cuts and other pro-enterprise policies added some $17 trillion to America's private-sector assets, dwarfing the trillion-dollar rise in public-sector deficits and creating 45 million net new jobs at rising wages and salaries.

Increased the national wealth by ten fold!!!!

Here's the waste you voted for:

"More Businesses Shutting Down than Starting Up
'Business deaths now exceed business births for the first time' in decades.
The American economy is less entrepreneurial now than at any point in the last three decades. That's the conclusion of a new study out from the Brookings Institution, which looks at the rates of new business creation and destruction since 1978.
Not only that, but during the most recent three years of the study -- 2009, 2010 and 2011 -- businesses were collapsing faster than they were being formed, a first. Overall, new businesses creation (measured as the share of all businesses less than one year old) declined by about half from 1978 to 2011."

I'm gonna post about the free market it, and have your antacids nearby .
For the billionth time, everyone agrees the economy is not as good as it could be, even though it's the best in the world and many countries are still in the corrupt Booosh world depression. The answer to WHY is mindless GOP obstruction of policies that could have allowed us to raise the world out of depression. Only we can. And not with another corrupt GOP bubble, but by the renaissance of our nonrich ruined after 35 years of pander to the rich.

No other President has had austerity based economic policies forced on him while he was trying to recover from the worst recession in 75 years
Who tries to balance the budget while they are trying to add jobs?

In reality, we blew our chance

We had millions out of work, wages were low, interest rates were near zero. A perfect time to invest in public infrastructure. Build roads, bridges, water and sewer systems. Upgrade the power and communications grid. Invest in mass transit

But Republicans blocked it at every turn


Too late.

Everyone knows the truth.

Of course, you Leftists will still vote for failure.
Hilarious. So double down on Booosh policies that wrecked the world, dummie.

Bush's policies didn't.

It was Democrat/Liberal invasion of the private housing market.

Which party created Fannie Mae?
Funny how Fanny's share of the market at least halved and Boooshie crony private corps wrecked the country, dupe.
If his policies ever got passed you could blame him, dupe.

So Obamacare didn't really become law? The $787 stimulus in 2009 didn't really occur?

You Liberals constantly post a list of all types of things for which you give Obama credit for having done during his time in office. Now, when they are failures, suddenly you say none of that ever occurred.
And nothing since duh. lol. The stimulus worked duh and ACA is still being obstructed, and STILL not a failure. EVERYTHING was worse before.

YOu said "if his (Obama) policies got passed you could blame him". According to Liberals, all sorts of things got passed for which he can be blamed yet you won't acknowledge it.

Obamacare is a failure. Any program where one group is forced to subsidize for another what those receiving the subsidies won't do for themselves is a failure in principle. No one owes another person food, clothing, shelter, or healthcare.
You already paying for their care, just in the stupidest, cruelest, deadliest way possible, dupe. Back to poor houses, potters fields and the Gilded Age! RW idiocy.

If you think someone that doesn't have things you say they should have should get them, use your own money. LW idiocy is believing others should be forced to fund it means compassion.
I love it how Republicans screamed...Obama is trying to redistribute wealth for eight years

Now after eight years they look at $50 trillion in added wealth and condemn Obama for not distributing it to the workers

It's been redistributed by Democrats for 50 years now through various social welfare programs that have proven to be failures.

Doesn't seem to be working as 40% of Americans only have two tenths of a percent of our wealth.....Some "redistribution"

You Liberals have told us those programs are a hand up designed to be an incentive. Seems you were wrong.
"And tripled the debt..."

Gads, you're a moron!!!

Watch this:

  1. Under Reagan, the debt went up $1.7 trillion, from $900 billion to $2.6 trillion.
  2. But….the national wealth went up $ 17 trillion
  3. Reagan's near-trillion-dollar bulge in defense spending transformed the global balance of power in favor of capitalism. Spurring a stock-market, energy, venture-capital, real-estate and employment boom, the Reagan tax-rate cuts and other pro-enterprise policies added some $17 trillion to America's private-sector assets, dwarfing the trillion-dollar rise in public-sector deficits and creating 45 million net new jobs at rising wages and salaries.

Increased the national wealth by ten fold!!!!

Here's the waste you voted for:

"More Businesses Shutting Down than Starting Up
'Business deaths now exceed business births for the first time' in decades.
The American economy is less entrepreneurial now than at any point in the last three decades. That's the conclusion of a new study out from the Brookings Institution, which looks at the rates of new business creation and destruction since 1978.
Not only that, but during the most recent three years of the study -- 2009, 2010 and 2011 -- businesses were collapsing faster than they were being formed, a first. Overall, new businesses creation (measured as the share of all businesses less than one year old) declined by about half from 1978 to 2011."

I'm gonna post about the free market it, and have your antacids nearby .
For the billionth time, everyone agrees the economy is not as good as it could be, even though it's the best in the world and many countries are still in the corrupt Booosh world depression. The answer to WHY is mindless GOP obstruction of policies that could have allowed us to raise the world out of depression. Only we can. And not with another corrupt GOP bubble, but by the renaissance of our nonrich ruined after 35 years of pander to the rich.

No other President has had austerity based economic policies forced on him while he was trying to recover from the worst recession in 75 years
Who tries to balance the budget while they are trying to add jobs?

In reality, we blew our chance

We had millions out of work, wages were low, interest rates were near zero. A perfect time to invest in public infrastructure. Build roads, bridges, water and sewer systems. Upgrade the power and communications grid. Invest in mass transit

But Republicans blocked it at every turn


Too late.

Everyone knows the truth.

Of course, you Leftists will still vote for failure.

That's the best you could come up with ?

Maybe you should go back to your cut and paste

Whatever method I use seems to do a satisfactory job of destroying you and your loved one, Obama.

Sad really, bordering on pathetic

It is a good thing you have me to come in and salvage your otherwise unreadable threads

You can thank me later
I love it how Republicans screamed...Obama is trying to redistribute wealth for eight years

Now after eight years they look at $50 trillion in added wealth and condemn Obama for not distributing it to the workers

It's been redistributed by Democrats for 50 years now through various social welfare programs that have proven to be failures.

Doesn't seem to be working as 40% of Americans only have two tenths of a percent of our wealth.....Some "redistribution"

You Liberals have told us those programs are a hand up designed to be an incentive. Seems you were wrong.

They do both

Conservatives have spent 50 years making sure that hand up does nothing to offset their desire for a low wage workforce
I love it how Republicans screamed...Obama is trying to redistribute wealth for eight years

Now after eight years they look at $50 trillion in added wealth and condemn Obama for not distributing it to the workers

It's been redistributed by Democrats for 50 years now through various social welfare programs that have proven to be failures.

Doesn't seem to be working as 40% of Americans only have two tenths of a percent of our wealth.....Some "redistribution"

You Liberals have told us those programs are a hand up designed to be an incentive. Seems you were wrong.

They do both

Conservatives have spent 50 years making sure that hand up does nothing to offset their desire for a low wage workforce

When the low wage workforce provides low level skills, the incentive you say handouts give go away. When someone with low skills can get as much doing nothing as they could earn with their low skills, there is no incentive. Your answer is pay someone more than the skills are worth. Mine is better your skills or accept that you didn't when you had the change.
For the billionth time, everyone agrees the economy is not as good as it could be, even though it's the best in the world and many countries are still in the corrupt Booosh world depression. The answer to WHY is mindless GOP obstruction of policies that could have allowed us to raise the world out of depression. Only we can. And not with another corrupt GOP bubble, but by the renaissance of our nonrich ruined after 35 years of pander to the rich.

No other President has had austerity based economic policies forced on him while he was trying to recover from the worst recession in 75 years
Who tries to balance the budget while they are trying to add jobs?

In reality, we blew our chance

We had millions out of work, wages were low, interest rates were near zero. A perfect time to invest in public infrastructure. Build roads, bridges, water and sewer systems. Upgrade the power and communications grid. Invest in mass transit

But Republicans blocked it at every turn


Too late.

Everyone knows the truth.

Of course, you Leftists will still vote for failure.
Hilarious. So double down on Booosh policies that wrecked the world, dummie.

Bush's policies didn't.

It was Democrat/Liberal invasion of the private housing market.

Which party created Fannie Mae?
Funny how Fanny's share of the market at least halved and Boooshie crony private corps wrecked the country, dupe.


A Liberal shuckin' and jivin'....

Don't try to dodge:

1. Democrat FDR shredded the Constitution....ignoring article I, section 8, the enumerated powers.
He created GSE's Fannie, and his drones followed with Freddie, to do something the Constitution didn't authorize: meddle in housing.

2. Democrat Carter....the CRA, constraining banking policy

3. Democrat Clinton....strengthened the CRA
Under Clinton, HUD threatened banks, again, to give unrequited loans.
Henchmen: Democrats Cisneros and Cuomo.

4. Democrats Frank and Dodd barred any governmental discipline in this area.

That's the CliffNotes version.
I don't believe you can handle the details.

Sooooooo if Democrats had not invaded the private housing market, created Fannie and Freddie......would there have been a mortgage meltdown?

Of course not.
If his policies ever got passed you could blame him, dupe.

So Obamacare didn't really become law? The $787 stimulus in 2009 didn't really occur?

You Liberals constantly post a list of all types of things for which you give Obama credit for having done during his time in office. Now, when they are failures, suddenly you say none of that ever occurred.
And nothing since duh. lol. The stimulus worked duh and ACA is still being obstructed, and STILL not a failure. EVERYTHING was worse before.

YOu said "if his (Obama) policies got passed you could blame him". According to Liberals, all sorts of things got passed for which he can be blamed yet you won't acknowledge it.

Obamacare is a failure. Any program where one group is forced to subsidize for another what those receiving the subsidies won't do for themselves is a failure in principle. No one owes another person food, clothing, shelter, or healthcare.
You already paying for their care, just in the stupidest, cruelest, deadliest way possible, dupe. Back to poor houses, potters fields and the Gilded Age! RW idiocy.

If you think someone that doesn't have things you say they should have should get them, use your own money. LW idiocy is believing others should be forced to fund it means compassion.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVER, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

And that was in 2007. Passed lots of Obama policies? You dupes live on a fantasy planet...
For the billionth time, everyone agrees the economy is not as good as it could be, even though it's the best in the world and many countries are still in the corrupt Booosh world depression. The answer to WHY is mindless GOP obstruction of policies that could have allowed us to raise the world out of depression. Only we can. And not with another corrupt GOP bubble, but by the renaissance of our nonrich ruined after 35 years of pander to the rich.

No other President has had austerity based economic policies forced on him while he was trying to recover from the worst recession in 75 years
Who tries to balance the budget while they are trying to add jobs?

In reality, we blew our chance

We had millions out of work, wages were low, interest rates were near zero. A perfect time to invest in public infrastructure. Build roads, bridges, water and sewer systems. Upgrade the power and communications grid. Invest in mass transit

But Republicans blocked it at every turn


Too late.

Everyone knows the truth.

Of course, you Leftists will still vote for failure.

That's the best you could come up with ?

Maybe you should go back to your cut and paste

Whatever method I use seems to do a satisfactory job of destroying you and your loved one, Obama.

Sad really, bordering on pathetic

It is a good thing you have me to come in and salvage your otherwise unreadable threads

You can thank me later

Every post of yours is a documented fabrication.....

...starting with your avi.
No other President has had austerity based economic policies forced on him while he was trying to recover from the worst recession in 75 years
Who tries to balance the budget while they are trying to add jobs?

In reality, we blew our chance

We had millions out of work, wages were low, interest rates were near zero. A perfect time to invest in public infrastructure. Build roads, bridges, water and sewer systems. Upgrade the power and communications grid. Invest in mass transit

But Republicans blocked it at every turn


Too late.

Everyone knows the truth.

Of course, you Leftists will still vote for failure.
Hilarious. So double down on Booosh policies that wrecked the world, dummie.

Bush's policies didn't.

It was Democrat/Liberal invasion of the private housing market.

Which party created Fannie Mae?
Funny how Fanny's share of the market at least halved and Boooshie crony private corps wrecked the country, dupe.


A Liberal shuckin' and jivin'....

Don't try to dodge:

1. Democrat FDR shredded the Constitution....ignoring article I, section 8, the enumerated powers.
He created GSE's Fannie, and his drones followed with Freddie, to do something the Constitution didn't authorize: meddle in housing.

2. Democrat Carter....the CRA, constraining banking policy

3. Democrat Clinton....strengthened the CRA
Under Clinton, HUD threatened banks, again, to give unrequited loans.
Henchmen: Democrats Cisneros and Cuomo.

4. Democrats Frank and Dodd barred any governmental discipline in this area.

That's the CliffNotes version.
I don't believe you can handle the details.

Sooooooo if Democrats had not invaded the private housing market, created Fannie and Freddie......would there have been a mortgage meltdown?

Of course not.
Ditto. Can you read? lol
No other President has had austerity based economic policies forced on him while he was trying to recover from the worst recession in 75 years
Who tries to balance the budget while they are trying to add jobs?

In reality, we blew our chance

We had millions out of work, wages were low, interest rates were near zero. A perfect time to invest in public infrastructure. Build roads, bridges, water and sewer systems. Upgrade the power and communications grid. Invest in mass transit

But Republicans blocked it at every turn


Too late.

Everyone knows the truth.

Of course, you Leftists will still vote for failure.

That's the best you could come up with ?

Maybe you should go back to your cut and paste

Whatever method I use seems to do a satisfactory job of destroying you and your loved one, Obama.

Sad really, bordering on pathetic

It is a good thing you have me to come in and salvage your otherwise unreadable threads

You can thank me later

Every post of yours is a documented fabrication.....

...starting with your avi.
No other President has had austerity based economic policies forced on him while he was trying to recover from the worst recession in 75 years
Who tries to balance the budget while they are trying to add jobs?

In reality, we blew our chance

We had millions out of work, wages were low, interest rates were near zero. A perfect time to invest in public infrastructure. Build roads, bridges, water and sewer systems. Upgrade the power and communications grid. Invest in mass transit

But Republicans blocked it at every turn


Too late.

Everyone knows the truth.

Of course, you Leftists will still vote for failure.

That's the best you could come up with ?

Maybe you should go back to your cut and paste

Whatever method I use seems to do a satisfactory job of destroying you and your loved one, Obama.

Sad really, bordering on pathetic

It is a good thing you have me to come in and salvage your otherwise unreadable threads

You can thank me later

Every post of yours is a documented fabrication.....

...starting with your avi.
The wreck of the Warspite, shyttehead, was just off the coast where we vacationed when I was 5. Or are you talking about my signature? ALL FACT.
So Obamacare didn't really become law? The $787 stimulus in 2009 didn't really occur?

You Liberals constantly post a list of all types of things for which you give Obama credit for having done during his time in office. Now, when they are failures, suddenly you say none of that ever occurred.
And nothing since duh. lol. The stimulus worked duh and ACA is still being obstructed, and STILL not a failure. EVERYTHING was worse before.

YOu said "if his (Obama) policies got passed you could blame him". According to Liberals, all sorts of things got passed for which he can be blamed yet you won't acknowledge it.

Obamacare is a failure. Any program where one group is forced to subsidize for another what those receiving the subsidies won't do for themselves is a failure in principle. No one owes another person food, clothing, shelter, or healthcare.
You already paying for their care, just in the stupidest, cruelest, deadliest way possible, dupe. Back to poor houses, potters fields and the Gilded Age! RW idiocy.

If you think someone that doesn't have things you say they should have should get them, use your own money. LW idiocy is believing others should be forced to fund it means compassion.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVER, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

And that was in 2007. Passed lots of Obama policies? You dupes live on a fantasy planet...

I'm not the one thinking paying someone more than their skills are worth or handing them something will be an incentive to earn it works. That's you, moron.
And nothing since duh. lol. The stimulus worked duh and ACA is still being obstructed, and STILL not a failure. EVERYTHING was worse before.

YOu said "if his (Obama) policies got passed you could blame him". According to Liberals, all sorts of things got passed for which he can be blamed yet you won't acknowledge it.

Obamacare is a failure. Any program where one group is forced to subsidize for another what those receiving the subsidies won't do for themselves is a failure in principle. No one owes another person food, clothing, shelter, or healthcare.
You already paying for their care, just in the stupidest, cruelest, deadliest way possible, dupe. Back to poor houses, potters fields and the Gilded Age! RW idiocy.

If you think someone that doesn't have things you say they should have should get them, use your own money. LW idiocy is believing others should be forced to fund it means compassion.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVER, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

And that was in 2007. Passed lots of Obama policies? You dupes live on a fantasy planet...

I'm not the one thinking paying someone more than their skills are worth or handing them something will be an incentive to earn it works. That's you, moron.
Have you heard of inflation? The min wage should be $11. Great job of destroying 10's of millions of lives and the country, all to save the bloated greedy GOP rich, your brainwashers.
I love it how Republicans screamed...Obama is trying to redistribute wealth for eight years

Now after eight years they look at $50 trillion in added wealth and condemn Obama for not distributing it to the workers

It's been redistributed by Democrats for 50 years now through various social welfare programs that have proven to be failures.

Doesn't seem to be working as 40% of Americans only have two tenths of a percent of our wealth.....Some "redistribution"

You Liberals have told us those programs are a hand up designed to be an incentive. Seems you were wrong.

They do both

Conservatives have spent 50 years making sure that hand up does nothing to offset their desire for a low wage workforce

When the low wage workforce provides low level skills, the incentive you say handouts give go away. When someone with low skills can get as much doing nothing as they could earn with their low skills, there is no incentive. Your answer is pay someone more than the skills are worth. Mine is better your skills or accept that you didn't when you had the change.

We are talking about trades and college graduates also who have seen their wages stagnant
No other President has had austerity based economic policies forced on him while he was trying to recover from the worst recession in 75 years
Who tries to balance the budget while they are trying to add jobs?

In reality, we blew our chance

We had millions out of work, wages were low, interest rates were near zero. A perfect time to invest in public infrastructure. Build roads, bridges, water and sewer systems. Upgrade the power and communications grid. Invest in mass transit

But Republicans blocked it at every turn


Too late.

Everyone knows the truth.

Of course, you Leftists will still vote for failure.

That's the best you could come up with ?

Maybe you should go back to your cut and paste

Whatever method I use seems to do a satisfactory job of destroying you and your loved one, Obama.

Sad really, bordering on pathetic

It is a good thing you have me to come in and salvage your otherwise unreadable threads

You can thank me later

Every post of yours is a documented fabrication.....

...starting with your avi.

Got something against Guido Sarducci?
I liked Reagan, but fact is, too much value is placed on the idea of the unemployment rate. What good is a job to people that aren't making enough to support themselves? The point is having jobs out there that people can make enough money to live on, to pay their bills, to set back money for retirement so they can live independent of the government.

So like what someone already pointed out, Obama thought that by giving tax breaks to large corporations that it would offset some of the higher costs of dealing with environmental issues and the Affordable Care Act. Instead what happened is the large corporations pocket the profits in the way of large corporate bonus checks, while cutting salaries, jobs, and benefits to their employees by complaining it was the governments fault for the new regulations.

The only way to fix stuff from like this from happening is to publicize the profits and large bonuses of the corporate big wigs, and place mandatory requirements on tax breaks that force companies to comply to certain regulations in order to keep them. One such thing would be a higher national minimum wage. Then as Trump has put forth, make sure the companies stay in the US by raising huge import taxes.

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