And just like that American world leadership ends with a whimper

I've a poor understanding of how global fiats are created , or fail for that matter
Isn't there a central point, world bank that dictates a benchmark?
How are rare earths able to factor in, when in finite quantities?
Where does this whole digital dollar fit in?

Asking the real questions

Indonesia and China inked a deal to promote the use of the Yuan and Rupiah. The political and economic implications are huge

October 13, 2020
The agreement marks a key milestone in strengthening bilateral financial cooperation between the world’s largest exporter, China, and Southeast Asia’s largest economy, Indonesia.

Economic implications

The recent agreement would reduce China and Indonesia’s dependence on the US Dollar as the world’s main currency in their international transactions.

For China, throwing away the US dollar means avoiding the prospect of being subject to US jurisdiction.

This could also help China secure one of its major goals: to dominate international trade as the world’s largest producer.

Meanwhile, Indonesia’s central bank hopes the agreement would help the country’s reduce its risk against fluctuation in the US dollar.

The US dollar accounts for about 90% of Indonesia’s foreign transactions.

So I guess that "whimper" wasn't noticed by the current BDS hacks at the time.
China, France companies complete first cross-border Yuan settlement of LNG trade - Daily Times

Our long standing Ally, France, first realized they could no longer trust America under Biden and the democrat Party after they changed USA into Unconditional Surrender of Afghanistan.

Now to turn the knife, they have agreed to settled their LNG trade not in US dollars, but in Chinese Yuan.

China has been dumping US Treasuries and using the proceeds to buy gold

Russia will set up a gold exchange to compete against the absolutely, completely corrupt LBMA, the Ukraine of commodity exchanges. They have actively suppressed the value of precious metals for decades.

This will end with blood in the streets in the USA, not today, and not tomorrow. But when people realize how completely our corrupt government fucked us - the kindling pile will ignite

Since China pegs the Yuan to the dollar, this is meaningless.

The Yuan is an extension of the dollar. The French probably did this just to appeal to the Chinese ego.
Stick with stuff you know like: American SUVs made snow a thing of the past and Biden is the greatest military genius since Sun Tzu.
Is that all you got, tard? You have no clue as to what kind of chaos individual state currencies caused.

Each state had issued large amounts of paper money and, in the aftermath of the Revolution, widespread internal devaluation of that currency occurred as many lost confidence in the value of state paper money and the Continental dollar. A period of extreme inflation set in. Added to this dilemma was American citizens’ lack of specie (gold and silver currency) to conduct routine business. Many attributed these weaknesses to the weakness of the Articles of Confederation in dealing with financial matters.

8. States had their own money systems. There wasn’t a common currency in the Confederation era. The central government and the states each had separate money, which made trade between the states, and other countries, extremely difficult.

Learn more here:
Is that all you got, tard? You have no clue as to what kind of chaos individual state currencies caused.

Each state had issued large amounts of paper money and, in the aftermath of the Revolution, widespread internal devaluation of that currency occurred as many lost confidence in the value of state paper money and the Continental dollar. A period of extreme inflation set in. Added to this dilemma was American citizens’ lack of specie (gold and silver currency) to conduct routine business. Many attributed these weaknesses to the weakness of the Articles of Confederation in dealing with financial matters.

8. States had their own money systems. There wasn’t a common currency in the Confederation era. The central government and the states each had separate money, which made trade between the states, and other countries, extremely difficult.

Learn more here:
1764, McFly

1764 was BEFORE the Revolution.
Hey, let the Democrats, whose agenda is to turn this country into a Socialist shithole, steal an election and put in a dufus whose family was made rich by the Chinese. What could possibly go wrong?
even Jimmy Carter was better on foreign policy than Biden. Carter promoted human rights, which exposed & escalated the collapse of the Soviet Union
Because we are free we can never be indifferent to the fate of freedom elsewhere. Our moral sense dictates a clearcut preference for these societies which share with us an abiding respect for individual human rights. We do not seek to intimidate, but it is clear that a world which others can dominate with impunity would be inhospitable to decency and a threat to the well-being of all people.
For too many years, we’ve been willing to adopt the flawed and erroneous principles and tactics of our adversaries, sometimes abandoning our own values for theirs. We’ve fought fire with fire, never thinking that fire is best quenched with water. This approach failed. But words are powerful, and their power freighten dictators like Xi and Putin, from Thomas Paine's Common Sense to MLK's I Have A Dream. WORDS ARE ACTION!
Reagan carried on Carter's policy of speaking out about human rights in the Soviet Union, but he applied it selectively with other more friendly (right-wing) countries like El Salvador & Indonesia "for national security reasons"
The world knows Democrats are blatant LIARS and cannot be trusted. Pretty bad when the world chooses China over Democrats.

you two are making my head hurt......~S~

The Revolution wasn't about a tax on tea! The Currency Act of 1764 prohibited the Colonies from continuing to print their own currencies.

The Crown had turned the Colonies into some African nation that could only deal in British Pounds but had very limited way of earning British Pounds. So, much like African economies and every other economy that accepted funding from the IMF, they were consigned to destitution
The Revolution wasn't about a tax on tea! The Currency Act of 1764 prohibited the Colonies from continuing to print their own currencies.

The Crown had turned the Colonies into some African nation that could only deal in British Pounds but had very limited way of earning British Pounds. So, much like African economies and every other economy that accepted funding from the IMF, they were consigned to destitution
somebody here posted this>>>

i haven't been right since Frank

bottom line being, when the real truth blows up everything you've believed (or led to believe) , one's choices become rather slim.....

But i can dumb it on down , there would seem to be two factions , those who trust government, those that do not.....

China, Russia, Iran, Sinaloa Cartel, human traffickers and the democrat Party are glad Trump is no longer President
Russia? Nah. Putin and trump are allies. Trump is angry with Zelensky for not accepting the extortion
demands. Putin waited for our election to be over and knew that trump would not stand in his way with Ukraine. I believe that trump knew all about Putin's plans. After all, trump loves autocrats, because they don't answer to anybody, and opposition can simply disappear.
Russia? Nah. Putin and trump are allies. Trump is angry with Zelensky for not accepting the extortion
demands. Putin waited for our election to be over and knew that trump would not stand in his way with Ukraine. I believe that trump knew all about Putin's plans. After all, trump loves autocrats, because they don't answer to anybody, and opposition can simply disappear.

LOL! Are you really THAT ignorant??!!!!

Zelen$ky has paid the Bidens millions!!

Putin waited to invade Ukraine until Biden became President -- because Trump!???

Take your meds, Biden Loon

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