And Just Like That Elections Can Be Easily Stolen

Which is why I say, "or something", because we hear it ad nauseum from the usual suspects totally flummoxed that people decide to vote for Republicans.

IOW, you grant yourself the excuse of using reason and logic to vote against your admitted self-interest but ASSUME that Republicans are not when you don't understand why they vote the way they do. Do you not grasp that people vote for many reasons, just like you say you do?
none of that is accurate
And here I was assured by my intellectual and moral superiors that election integrity was concrete.
Anyone care to share when election stealing with ease was ever said by a Democrat following the November 2020 election?

Biden Says 2022 Election “Could Easily Be Illegitimate”

“Oh, yeah, I think it could easily be illegitimate … The increase in the prospect of being illegitimate is in proportion to not being able to get these reforms passed.”

More like “we need the swamp to be in charge so we can steal elections easier”
The hypocrisy is amazing. Democrats questioned the 2000 election and the 2016 election for four years and are, indeed, already questioning the results of the upcoming 2022 midterms. But, if Trump questions an election it is labeled "The Big Lie".
I remember the GOP steal of Florida and the SCOTUS steal of the 2020 election well.

I remember the right wing talking points at the time "At least we don't have tanks rolling through the streets".

That made my head snap! It never occurred to me that we WOULD ever have that no matter what. It was a harbinger of 2 decades later.

I also remember Gore counting and certifying the vote against him as Pence did . There were no "protesters" breaking down the doors.

That kind of violence is a particularly Republican thing
There were no tanks rolling through DC on January 6th like there have been in so many countries admired by Democrats (e.g. Cuba). There were only vandals with zip ties and flagpoles and who were quickly subdued and the Election was certified on that day. You people keep playing it up because all you can run on is fear.
Because Republicans have been busy trying to use government to stop them from winning again.

The 2020 election was the exception, not the rule and not all of a sudden Democrats want the exception to become the rule. It couldn't possibly be because they were able to get a demented fool elected with the new rules could it?
And here I was assured by my intellectual and moral superiors that election integrity was concrete.
Anyone care to share when election stealing with ease was ever said by a Democrat following the November 2020 election?

Biden Says 2022 Election “Could Easily Be Illegitimate”

“Oh, yeah, I think it could easily be illegitimate … The increase in the prospect of being illegitimate is in proportion to not being able to get these reforms passed.”

More like “we need the swamp to be in charge so we can steal elections easier”

I thought the Nazis said that questioning an election is INSURRECTION?
The 2020 election was the exception, not the rule and not all of a sudden Democrats want the exception to become the rule. It couldn't possibly be because they were able to get a demented fool elected with the new rules could it?
What in the hell do you think you're saying?
And here I was assured by my intellectual and moral superiors that election integrity was concrete.
Anyone care to share when election stealing with ease was ever said by a Democrat following the November 2020 election?

Biden Says 2022 Election “Could Easily Be Illegitimate”

“Oh, yeah, I think it could easily be illegitimate … The increase in the prospect of being illegitimate is in proportion to not being able to get these reforms passed.”

More like “we need the swamp to be in charge so we can steal elections easier”

Finally ... President Biden's Administration is actually trying to get ahead of ... Something ... Anything.

Now if someone could point the poor bastard towards the border, inflation, unbridled spending and partisan bickering ...
Maybe he would actually be able to accomplish something worthwhile.

The hypocrisy is amazing. Democrats questioned the 2000 election and the 2016 election for four years and are, indeed, already questioning the results of the upcoming 2022 midterms. But, if Trump questions an election it is labeled "The Big Lie".

the democrats didn't question the "vote count" in any of the elections. they questioned outside (foreign) interference in the election, such as Russian troll farms influence over social media.
The 2020 election was the exception, not the rule and not all of a sudden Democrats want the exception to become the rule.
More people died in 2021 than in 2020. We're far from over COVID. And with the omicron variant, do you want people standing in crowded lines for hours?
I thought the Nazis said that questioning an election is INSURRECTION?
There is a major difference between questioning an election and trying to overturn it using violence and or extraconstituional means.

Many people "questioned" the 2000 and 2004 elections but there was no violence and no one tried to stop the peaceful turnover of power.

In 2000 the SC ruled (wrongly) and that was that. We lived with the results (and they weren't good)
More people died in 2021 than in 2020. We're far from over COVID. And with the omicron variant, do you want people standing in crowded lines for hours?
I do not...but that's what Republicans are trying to force.

Why you might as?

I stopped asking. I know. They want to limit the number of voters.

They only win when people don't vote in BIG numbers
It was in 2000.

It may have been in 2004 (Ohio)

Trump actually won in 2016 (with the help of Russians and Jim Comey)

When voters turn out...Republicans lose. They can only win/cheat if it's close

Obama won in a landslide

Biden won in a landslide

Thanks for so eloquently displaying your total and complete brain washing. lol
Now if someone could point the poor bastard towards ...and partisan bickering ...
Maybe he would actually be able to accomplish something worthwhile.

it's not partisan bickering. Joe knows republican senators, he previously struck deals with. But under McConnell, no republican senator has voted for any Biden plan.

That's not bickering, that obstruction. Remember McConnel famously saying it was his job to make Obama a one term president. Well deja vu.
Trump tried to overturn the results of the last election and there were shockingly few people that had the ability to prevent him from doing so.

The Republican Party has now made it a priority to replace those people.

Now Xi's man is pre-emptively undermining the coming election.


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