And Just Where Did Right Wing Whites Get This Belieef?

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
That they can complain about the government ad nauseam even if their complaint is imaginary, but people of color need to shut up and just be glad to be here when we mention real and documented government abuses? We didn't run away from European shitholes because we couldn't make it to come here. And don't start that racist crap about Africans selling us because we know that the slave trade did not happen the way you were told at stormfront. So where do you right wingers get off telling us to leave when we are using our first amendment rights?
That they can complain about the government ad nauseam even if their complaint is imaginary, but people of color need to shut up and just be glad to be here when we mention real and documented government abuses? We didn't run away from European shitholes because we couldn't make it to come here. And don't start that racist crap about Africans selling us because we know that the slave trade did not happen the way you were told at stormfront. So where do you right wingers get off telling us to leave when we are using our first amendment rights?
We should have been picking our own God damned cotton
That they can complain about the government ad nauseam even if their complaint is imaginary, but people of color need to shut up and just be glad to be here when we mention real and documented government abuses? We didn't run away from European shitholes because we couldn't make it to come here. And don't start that racist crap about Africans selling us because we know that the slave trade did not happen the way you were told at stormfront. So where do you right wingers get off telling us to leave when we are using our first amendment rights?
That is a broad brush statement.
Go ahead and create a story that you want to (debate?)
Dude, it's a free country & you are free to come & go as you please.
If you hate the country you can move or choose to stay here & spout your racist crap.
Just don't insult our intelligence by pretending your race baiting rants are anything other than you projecting your own racist thoughts onto others.
It's totally transparent you are obsessed with race.
That they can complain about the government ad nauseam even if their complaint is imaginary, but people of color need to shut up and just be glad to be here when we mention real and documented government abuses? We didn't run away from European shitholes because we couldn't make it to come here. And don't start that racist crap about Africans selling us because we know that the slave trade did not happen the way you were told at stormfront. So where do you right wingers get off telling us to leave when we are using our first amendment rights?
WTF are you whining about now? :auiqs.jpg:
WTF are you whining about now? :auiqs.jpg:
That they can complain about the government ad nauseam even if their complaint is imaginary, but people of color need to shut up and just be glad to be here when we mention real and documented government abuses? We didn't run away from European shitholes because we couldn't make it to come here. And don't start that racist crap about Africans selling us because we know that the slave trade did not happen the way you were told at stormfront. So where do you right wingers get off telling us to leave when we are using our first amendment rights?
All you're doing now is giving crackers an excuse to call you the N word..
Would it be "racist" of me if I said..."I don't give half a fuck, what "color" you are..."

You either bring value, that benefits me, and mine, or you are expendable...
That is a broad brush statement.
Go ahead and create a story that you want to (debate?)
I can confirm that it's not a broad brush. Even Trump told the squad to go back to their shithole countries for criticizing American, yet like 80% of republicans have avictim mentality over our country's election process, but they see it as legitimate. Hypocrisy is the Conservatives' most pervasive principle.
That is far left tells you that you should be glad that they can think for you and treat blacks like they are infants.

But as we have already established you are happy slave of the rich white elites.
Here we see an example of white imagination.
The opposite is true today. So you know. Welcome to 2022. Sorry you were in a coma.
That is a broad brush statement.
Go ahead and create a story that you want to (debate?)
It is no broad brush. Notice the thread title:

And Just Where Did Right Wing Whites Get This Belief?​

All whites are not right wing and in this forum I have been told to leave many time by right wing whites.
Thank you for proving my point that you are a happy slave of the far left rich white elites.

But since you like being treated like an infant, that is all on you!
And more right wing imagination.
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