And liberals vehemently oppose this......why?!?


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
Over the past few years, Glenn Beck has been calling for a movement based on love, charity, peace and freedom. At the steps of the Lincoln Memorial (Restoring Honor) he encouraged people to turn back to God, and in Dallas, TX (Restoring Love) he organized a Day of Service where thousands went out and served their fellow man. He’s told people to stand for their rights and to not be silent in Isreal (Restoring Courage), and to be charitable and help their fellow man. At the same time, he’s also founded a news and information network and this summer will be starring in a groundbreaking and inspiring stage show. How do all of these things tie together?

This undeniably illustrates 1 of 2 truths:

1.) The liberal claim of what they stand for (love, charity, peace, etc.) is pure, unadulterated bullshit and their real agenda is free handouts through Socialism

2.) Liberals have never seen him on tv or at a live event, listened to him on the radio, or read one of his books (after all, why would you so viciously attack that which you claim to agree with?) - and speak from a place of total ignorance

Love, charity, and civil rights: Glenn lays out what the 9/12 movement is all about ? Glenn Beck
Because it's hater BS, sponsored by a divisive hater Pub charlatan for propaganda purposes, dupe? As for losing honor, love, and courage, speak for yourself, fear mongered hater dupes....LOL
Well, I am worried when folks turn back to God/Allah/Yahweh or whatever lest we let them dunk whores or witches.

However I have no problem with Beck rebuilding homes in Oklahoma or whatever.

Is Glenn Beck the one who picks on Obama when Obama mentioned closing Gitmo? Keeping Gitmo open does not seem very much like what my God would want me to do.

Yeah, keep his version of God turned down, let him donate his time pumping water out of New Orleans or whatever charity he supports.
Over the past few years, Glenn Beck has been calling for a movement based on love, charity, peace and freedom. At the steps of the Lincoln Memorial (Restoring Honor) he encouraged people to turn back to God, and in Dallas, TX (Restoring Love) he organized a Day of Service where thousands went out and served their fellow man. He’s told people to stand for their rights and to not be silent in Isreal (Restoring Courage), and to be charitable and help their fellow man. At the same time, he’s also founded a news and information network and this summer will be starring in a groundbreaking and inspiring stage show. How do all of these things tie together?

This undeniably illustrates 1 of 2 truths:

1.) The liberal claim of what they stand for (love, charity, peace, etc.) is pure, unadulterated bullshit and their real agenda is free handouts through Socialism

2.) Liberals have never seen him on tv or at a live event, listened to him on the radio, or read one of his books (after all, why would you so viciously attack that which you claim to agree with?) - and speak from a place of total ignorance

Love, charity, and civil rights: Glenn lays out what the 9/12 movement is all about ? Glenn Beck

You talk about peace, freedom, love and charity then use it to attack people you disagree with. This undeniably illustrates 1 truth:
1.) You are a whacked out jackoff.
Leftist have never about people or their lives. They only care about their agenda and not the effects it has on actual people.
s and to not be silent in Isreal

Well, Beck is not silent on Israel....

On February 22, 2011, during a discussion on his radio show about the controversy surrounding his earlier comments about Soros, Beck said "Reform Rabbis are generally political in nature. It's almost like radicalized Islam in a way where it's less about religion than it is about politics." He was quickly criticized by other conservatives, Jewish rabbis, and others. The Anti-Defamation League labeled Beck's remarks as "bigoted ignorance". On February 24, Beck apologized on air, agreeing that his comments were "ignorant".

In January 2011, in protest at what they saw as inappropriate references to the Holocaust and to Nazis by Beck (and by Roger Ailes of Fox News), four hundred rabbis signed an open letter in paid advertisement in The Wall Street Journal. The ad was paid for by Jewish Funds for Justice, which had previously called for Beck's firing. The JFFJ have claimed on their website that Beck seems "to draw his material straight from the anti-Semitic forgery, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion".[212] The letter states that Beck and Fox had "...diminish[ed] the memory and meaning of the Holocaust when you use it to discredit any individual or organization you disagree with. That is what Fox News has done in recent weeks." In response, a Fox News executive said to Reuters that the letter was from a "George Soros-backed leftwing political organization"

Glenn Beck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am always pleased to see successful people do philanthropical work, but I don't see Beck as being a particularly pleasant person, or a moral one.
Because it's hater BS, sponsored by a divisive hater....

Let me get this straight - he organizes a massive movement where thousands serve their fellow man (at their own time and expense) and that is your idea of "hater"?

Thank you for showing everyone who you really are.... Game. Set. Match.
Over the past few years, Glenn Beck has been calling for a movement based on love, charity, peace and freedom. At the steps of the Lincoln Memorial (Restoring Honor) he encouraged people to turn back to God, and in Dallas, TX (Restoring Love) he organized a Day of Service where thousands went out and served their fellow man. He’s told people to stand for their rights and to not be silent in Isreal (Restoring Courage), and to be charitable and help their fellow man. At the same time, he’s also founded a news and information network and this summer will be starring in a groundbreaking and inspiring stage show. How do all of these things tie together?

This undeniably illustrates 1 of 2 truths:

1.) The liberal claim of what they stand for (love, charity, peace, etc.) is pure, unadulterated bullshit and their real agenda is free handouts through Socialism

2.) Liberals have never seen him on tv or at a live event, listened to him on the radio, or read one of his books (after all, why would you so viciously attack that which you claim to agree with?) - and speak from a place of total ignorance

Love, charity, and civil rights: Glenn lays out what the 9/12 movement is all about ? Glenn Beck

You talk about peace, freedom, love and charity then use it to attack people you disagree with. This undeniably illustrates 1 truth:
1.) You are a whacked out jackoff.

Where is the "attack"? You consider telling the truth an "attack"? Yep - you are most definitely a libtard! :lol:
s and to not be silent in Isreal

Well, Beck is not silent on Israel....

On February 22, 2011, during a discussion on his radio show about the controversy surrounding his earlier comments about Soros, Beck said "Reform Rabbis are generally political in nature. It's almost like radicalized Islam in a way where it's less about religion than it is about politics." He was quickly criticized by other conservatives, Jewish rabbis, and others. The Anti-Defamation League labeled Beck's remarks as "bigoted ignorance". On February 24, Beck apologized on air, agreeing that his comments were "ignorant".

In January 2011, in protest at what they saw as inappropriate references to the Holocaust and to Nazis by Beck (and by Roger Ailes of Fox News), four hundred rabbis signed an open letter in paid advertisement in The Wall Street Journal. The ad was paid for by Jewish Funds for Justice, which had previously called for Beck's firing. The JFFJ have claimed on their website that Beck seems "to draw his material straight from the anti-Semitic forgery, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion".[212] The letter states that Beck and Fox had "...diminish[ed] the memory and meaning of the Holocaust when you use it to discredit any individual or organization you disagree with. That is what Fox News has done in recent weeks." In response, a Fox News executive said to Reuters that the letter was from a "George Soros-backed leftwing political organization"

Glenn Beck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am always pleased to see successful people do philanthropical work, but I don't see Beck as being a particularly pleasant person, or a moral one.

So he says a certain sect of "rabbi's are more political in nature" and that makes him a "biggot"? How does that make ANY sense?!? It's hateful to claim someone acts more political than religious?

Funny how you also avoid his work in Isreal or the countless Rabbis he has on his show that are very close to him....
Is Glenn Beck the one who picks on Obama when Obama mentioned closing Gitmo? Keeping Gitmo open does not seem very much like what my God would want me to do.


No? 'Your god' would want you to set loose people who then commit more acts of terrorism? Or is it that 'your god' wants you to return people to their countries of origin where we know for sure they will be killed by their own governments? You're quite the holy man.
Is Glenn Beck the one who picks on Obama when Obama mentioned closing Gitmo? Keeping Gitmo open does not seem very much like what my God would want me to do.


No? 'Your god' would want you to set loose people who then commit more acts of terrorism? Or is it that 'your god' wants you to return people to their countries of origin where we know for sure they will be killed by their own governments? You're quite the holy man.

Think you misspelled "holey"... :eusa_think:
Oh yeah. My God says some stuff about turning he other cheek and the like. And MY Religous elders say stuff about mortal sins even for missing days of obligation. Capital punishment and a State's right to allow abortion are totally off the table. Heck, if an officialis against abortion personally but because he likes small government he votes for no law limiting it, then that offical might be deemed ineligible for sacraments and I guess potentially entry into heaven.

So if you want me or some other nut to talk up their god then you better look into it carefully.
Leftist have never about people or their lives. They only care about their agenda and not the effects it has on actual people.

I dont think it prudent to stereotype anyone like that.

Just because someone is foolish enough to believe progressive idealogy, doesn't mean they don't care about others. Just that they have been decieved.
Oh yeah. My God says some stuff about turning he other cheek and the like. And MY Religous elders say stuff about mortal sins even for missing days of obligation. Capital punishment and a State's right to allow abortion are totally off the table. Heck, if an officialis against abortion personally but because he likes small government he votes for no law limiting it, then that offical might be deemed ineligible for sacraments and I guess potentially entry into heaven.

So if you want me or some other nut to talk up their god then you better look into it carefully.

You're a nut?

I'd rather you talked with your God first. Because He is waiting for all of us to talk with Him.
Oh yeah. My God says some stuff about turning he other cheek and the like. And MY Religous elders say stuff about mortal sins even for missing days of obligation. Capital punishment and a State's right to allow abortion are totally off the table. Heck, if an officialis against abortion personally but because he likes small government he votes for no law limiting it, then that offical might be deemed ineligible for sacraments and I guess potentially entry into heaven.

So if you want me or some other nut to talk up their god then you better look into it carefully.

So to clarify - your God supports murder? He wants terrorists to NOT be incarcerated so they can continue to kill? What the hell denomination are you?!? :lmao:

Funny, my God says some stuff about "an eye for an eye"....
Over the past few years, Glenn Beck has been calling for a movement based on love, charity, peace and freedom. At the steps of the Lincoln Memorial (Restoring Honor) he encouraged people to turn back to God, and in Dallas, TX (Restoring Love) he organized a Day of Service where thousands went out and served their fellow man. He’s told people to stand for their rights and to not be silent in Isreal (Restoring Courage), and to be charitable and help their fellow man. At the same time, he’s also founded a news and information network and this summer will be starring in a groundbreaking and inspiring stage show. How do all of these things tie together?

This undeniably illustrates 1 of 2 truths:

1.) The liberal claim of what they stand for (love, charity, peace, etc.) is pure, unadulterated bullshit and their real agenda is free handouts through Socialism

2.) Liberals have never seen him on tv or at a live event, listened to him on the radio, or read one of his books (after all, why would you so viciously attack that which you claim to agree with?) - and speak from a place of total ignorance

Love, charity, and civil rights: Glenn lays out what the 9/12 movement is all about ? Glenn Beck

1 I don't think Glenn has a monopoly on love, charity and peace. Maybe not even a good idea of the concepts.

2 I have listened to his radio show off and on since he has been nationally syndicated. Have seen his TV shows on 3 different networks and read one book with his name on it (he doesn't actually write his books). I did win a pair of tickets (talk radio contest) to see him live but I passed on them because it would have been a two hour drive.

My gut tells me he is a bad person but I don't claim to actually know what is in his heart.
Over the past few years, Glenn Beck has been calling for a movement based on love, charity, peace and freedom. At the steps of the Lincoln Memorial (Restoring Honor) he encouraged people to turn back to God, and in Dallas, TX (Restoring Love) he organized a Day of Service where thousands went out and served their fellow man. He’s told people to stand for their rights and to not be silent in Isreal (Restoring Courage), and to be charitable and help their fellow man. At the same time, he’s also founded a news and information network and this summer will be starring in a groundbreaking and inspiring stage show. How do all of these things tie together?

This undeniably illustrates 1 of 2 truths:

1.) The liberal claim of what they stand for (love, charity, peace, etc.) is pure, unadulterated bullshit and their real agenda is free handouts through Socialism

2.) Liberals have never seen him on tv or at a live event, listened to him on the radio, or read one of his books (after all, why would you so viciously attack that which you claim to agree with?) - and speak from a place of total ignorance

Do have to have a wackadoodle brain to get this logic?

"This undeniably illustrates 1 of 2 truths:"

Are you on DRUGS?

A does not equal B.

not even in wackadoodle land.

Becks latest Wacky "theory" is that the Saudi's were involved in Boston bombing and he was threatening to "Expose" the white house if they didn't come clean FIRST.

Beck then dragged it out for weeks and NEVER said squat.

Your hero.
the guy too wacky even for Fox news.
1 I don't think Glenn has a monopoly on love, charity and peace. Maybe not even a good idea of the concepts.

2 I have listened to his radio show off and on since he has been nationally syndicated. Have seen his TV shows on 3 different networks and read one book with his name on it (he doesn't actually write his books). I did win a pair of tickets (talk radio contest) to see him live but I passed on them because it would have been a two hour drive.

My gut tells me he is a bad person but I don't claim to actually know what is in his heart.

1) No one claimed he had a monopoly on the concepts. But he has alot better idea of the concepts than the "government will fix all our problems so we dont have to do anything" crowd.

2) good for you.

your gut is wrong.

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