And now a message from Alan Grayson...

Cite a lie by Alan Grayson.

Republicans oppose Obamacare because they want you to die. Or did you completely forget that entire presentation he made in the House? Or how about his attempts to paint Christians as the Taliban? Or how about you try researching for yourself since many of these have already been hashed out on the board multiple times, which you should be well aware of since you were around at the time and probably participating in the threads.
Both of those things were his opinions and I agree. You have a different opinion. Opinions are just that, opinions.

You are the third person on this board in the last two days that has tried to pretend lying is somehow justified if you call it an opinion.

If I say it's my opinion that Gandhi was a fat, jerk who treated people like crap is it really any less of a lie simply because it's "My opinion". It's a freakin cop out and you know it.

Is the truth so meaningless to you that you don't have a problem with that?
grayson is a good man.

May our government have more like him in the future.

caring about your fellow man never really goes out of style.

Sociopaths are always arround trying to make people feel BAD about caring for others.

Only stupid people allow their party to be run by sociopaths.

Oh yeah Jindal did call the republican party the stupid party huh?

Im shocked. You think a Proven liar is a good man. But then you dont have a problem lying either so I shouldn't be that shocked.

If you or him cared about your fellow man, you wouldn't have to lie to them. And dont pretend we havent proven both of you liars countless times.

Cite a lie by Alan Grayson.

I know. I haven't heard anyone be specific about his lies.
well there's new one..

before when they lied it was, they misspoke or it was taken out of context
now when they lie, it was really just their opinion..
No, I'm sorry.

Even if we spent every penny we have on feeding the hungry, we wouldn't elimenate poverty and hunger.

There's approximately 32 trillion dollars hidden in offshore accounts. It would cost around 5 trillion to feel all the hungry people.

So you want to steal people money?
OK, we take the 32 trillion and feed the poor for 6 years and a few months.
Then what? Do you then tell them that they must starve now?

Paying taxes is not illegal. Hiding your money in offshore accounts to avoid taxes is.
Seriously, do you really expect me to believe Grayson speaks French.

Can't you tell by looking at him that Grayson has relatives that were French Canadian? Let us know when you graduate magna cum laude from Harvard Law!

Oh boy, baby boy, we got us another educated idiot on our hands. Just like your dear leader, all that education with absolutely no idea how to apply it to life. But hey, they might be able to make all those failed theories work, THIS TIME. LMAO!
No, Grayson takes the cake. He isn't Jesse Jackson Jr caliber. He's his own breed of lying scum.
Grayson ad compares Florida religious fundamentalists to Taliban | The Raw Story

I happen to agree with Grayson on that subject. :razz:

That's not a lie, that's an opinion. I know it's easy for you to get the two confused.

No. It's a lie. Why do you people think that stating an "opinion" that is blatantly untrue is any less a lie because you claim it's an opinion.

If it's my opinion that 2 is less than 1, it's not any less a lie. If it's my opinion that Mitt Romney really won the election, it's not any less a lie.

Has our society become so corrupt that people can't honestly define what the truth is and what a lie is?

Huh, whaaaa? You have the right to your own opinion, but not to your own facts!!! I'm so sorry that you can't tell the difference between opinion and fact. That must make it hard getting through life.
There's approximately 32 trillion dollars hidden in offshore accounts. It would cost around 5 trillion to feel all the hungry people.

So you want to steal people money?
OK, we take the 32 trillion and feed the poor for 6 years and a few months.
Then what? Do you then tell them that they must starve now?

Paying taxes is not illegal. Hiding your money in offshore accounts to avoid taxes is.

So jack Lew is betting against amerika?:eusa_whistle:
I'm not defending lying, but in the scope of politics, Grayson is pretty tame on the "lie" scale.

You must not support a single politician since they're all "liars".

No, Grayson takes the cake. He isn't Jesse Jackson Jr caliber. He's his own breed of lying scum.
Grayson ad compares Florida religious fundamentalists to Taliban | The Raw Story

I happen to agree with Grayson on that subject. :razz:

That's not a lie, that's an opinion. I know it's easy for you to get the two confused.

You agree with Grayson that he took a speech by his opponent out of context to suggest he said the opposite of what he really said?
You're a sad sack of shit if that's what you mean.
So you want to steal people money?
OK, we take the 32 trillion and feed the poor for 6 years and a few months.
Then what? Do you then tell them that they must starve now?

Paying taxes is not illegal. Hiding your money in offshore accounts to avoid taxes is.

So jack Lew is betting against amerika?:eusa_whistle:

Actually, yes. I think he was a very poor choice for OMB. He doesn't think deregulation was the main cause of the collapse, and he's full of chit.
No, Grayson takes the cake. He isn't Jesse Jackson Jr caliber. He's his own breed of lying scum.
Grayson ad compares Florida religious fundamentalists to Taliban | The Raw Story

I happen to agree with Grayson on that subject. :razz:

That's not a lie, that's an opinion. I know it's easy for you to get the two confused.

You agree with Grayson that he took a speech by his opponent out of context to suggest he said the opposite of what he really said?
You're a sad sack of shit if that's what you mean.

I take it you're a Christian. LOL!

What part of the speech was taken out of context? Why is it so hard for people to be specific around here?
I happen to agree with Grayson on that subject. :razz:

That's not a lie, that's an opinion. I know it's easy for you to get the two confused.

You agree with Grayson that he took a speech by his opponent out of context to suggest he said the opposite of what he really said?
You're a sad sack of shit if that's what you mean.

I take it you're a Christian. LOL!

What part of the speech was taken out of context? Why is it so hard for people to be specific around here?

Did you bother to read the link? No, of course not.
I'm not here to explain it to you, sparky. Grayson is one of the biggest liars in Congress, and an arrogant ass-clown as well.
[ame=]Alan Grayson Refuses To Answer Direct Questions - YouTube[/ame]
You're delusional if you think that borrowing trillions of dollars indicates that we have the resources to pay for pet projects.

Not to mention the Federal government has no authority to give our money to other people. It's the responsibility of individuals to give and provide for others. Not the government. But then none of you actually care about helping others. If you did, you would be giving your own money and not other peoples money.
Like the $trillions bush spent on Iraq without putting it in the budget?

link(s) to the iraq war tab ( I already know he ran it off budget)...I get approx. 1 trillion, give or take ....

and I don't see what difference it makes. obama has added what to the debt. and is running how much in annual deficits?

The 10 year long Bush II era tax cuts cost the U.S. Treasury around $2.5 Trillion, including interest payments to the Chinese loan sharks. Yet job growth under B-II was 1/7th that of Democrat Bill Clinton. More jobs were created under Nixon and Ford, than Bush II.

Wages and income also fell under B-II. About the only thing that went up under B-II were the number of Americans living below the poverty level. Well wait...there was all that other borrowed money (Chinese loan sharks again) that B-II and company spent on fighting the 2 wars in Iraq and Afghaniscam. Hmmmmm.

Yep, looks like those fiscal conservatives really outdid themselves under B-II...throwing so much borrowed money at millionaires and Billionaires and propping up incompetent and repressive regimes around the globe. It's understandable why they are so busy now trying to cover their shoddy 10 year record of failure with more fear mongering on issues like abortion and gun grabbing and birtherism and Muslimism and various other forms of GOPer bullshit.
The Sequestor is exactly the WRONG policy to apply if we're serious about getting the economy on the mend.
You agree with Grayson that he took a speech by his opponent out of context to suggest he said the opposite of what he really said?
You're a sad sack of shit if that's what you mean.

I take it you're a Christian. LOL!

What part of the speech was taken out of context? Why is it so hard for people to be specific around here?

Did you bother to read the link? No, of course not.
I'm not here to explain it to you, sparky. Grayson is one of the biggest liars in Congress, and an arrogant ass-clown as well.
[ame=]Alan Grayson Refuses To Answer Direct Questions - YouTube[/ame]

Actually, it's you who is not being honest here.

Dan Webster "would force victims of rape and incest to bear their attacker's child."

True or false? The answer is true.

"Webster sponsored a bill to create a form of marriage that would trap women in abusive relationships."

True or false? Again, the answer is true.

We have no room in our political system for religious nut cases. Grayson was right on the money!

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