And now the Dictatorship begins

What really happened is that the Democrat Party and the Liberal Establishment put their best case forward, and the Senate acquitted. Trump is Forever Innocent.

Acquittals now have consequences, and we'll see Donald Unchained doing what he came to Washington to do in the first place for. To return America to greatness.

In reality, as expected the Trumpublicans in the Senate White-Washed The Don's corrupt act, but his actions and their undying support for those acts have been exposed to the public. Novembers coming.

A majority of the Senators didn't think that the persecution proved their case. Its that simple or that complex. And in our system of justice, that make Donald J. Trump as Innocent as a New Born Babe.
What really happened is that the Democrat Party and the Liberal Establishment put their best case forward, and the Senate acquitted. Trump is Forever Innocent.

Acquittals now have consequences, and we'll see Donald Unchained doing what he came to Washington to do in the first place for. To return America to greatness.
After the election in November he will even be more determined. Many Presidents slow down a bit enjoying the reelection as an approval of the first term. Trump is not like that. And has to get even by finishing his promises the best he can.
Trump absolutely should pursue the enemies, twice as hard as they come after him.

He was elected to drain the swamp.

Donald J. Trump doesn't need to be told what he absolutely needs to do.

Payback is a bitch, and the man knows what he needs to do and will do it when the time is right

Good, can't wait for justice to be served.
Trump is guilty until proven innocent am I right. That's how it works for Republicans in this country according to left wing scum.

Tell me how innocent Sec. Clinton is.

Hillary confessed to her crimes, she claimed ignorance of the law as a defense.

What court found her guilty again?
What court found Trump guilty again?

Clinton testified before Congress, under oath, for 11 hours.

Trump wont let anyone testify under oath, much less himself.
Sure enough, the day after the republicans allowed this asshole unchecked power, he begins to pull a Vladimir Putin.

Trump lambastes his critics as he moves to target perceived enemies over impeachment
By Josh Dawsey, Robert Costa and Greg Miller
February 6 at 11:42 PM

President Trump is preparing to push out a national security official who testified against him during the impeachment inquiry after he expressed deep anger on Thursday over the attempt to remove him from office because of his actions toward Ukraine.

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman — a National Security Council aide who testified during House Democrats’ impeachment hearings — will be informed in the coming days, likely on Friday, by administration officials that he is being reassigned to a position at the Defense Department, taking a key figure from the investigation out of the White House, according to two people familiar with the move who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss personnel decisions.

Vindman had already informed senior officials at the NSC that he intended to take an early exit from his assignment and leave his post by the end of the month, according to people familiar with his decision, but Trump is eager to make a symbol of the Army officer soon after the Senate acquitted him of the impeachment charges approved by House Democrats.

There is always a price to pay when you bet on the wrong horse, and mature and intelligent adults know this.
That's not the case under a system of justice where the accused is presumed innocent until the accuser proves guilt beyond a reasonable doubt,

Congress is not our system of justice. It's 95% politics. We are the jurors now. Why are they withholding all the emails relating to the Ukraine? Why wont those who the initial witnesses implicated had knowledge of the Ukraine situation testify?

Why are they withholding all the emails relating to the Ukraine?

Good question.

Why haven't we seen all of Obama's emails relating to the Iran deal?

Good question. Release the emails!
they cant the bitch destroyed 33 thousand of them !:abgg2q.jpg:
What really happened is that the Democrat Party and the Liberal Establishment put their best case forward, and the Senate acquitted. Trump is Forever Innocent.

Acquittals now have consequences, and we'll see Donald Unchained doing what he came to Washington to do in the first place for. To return America to greatness.
After the election in November he will even be more determined. Many Presidents slow down a bit enjoying the reelection as an approval of the first term. Trump is not like that. And has to get even by finishing his promises the best he can.

Trump is a "Can-Do" kind of guy, once he sets him mind to doing something, he gets it done. The Wall was considered "dead", but Trump found the money. The conditions at the border were chaotic with caravans, Trump had no support from the Dems so he went to his amigos in Cuidad de Mexico to keep the caravans from crossing. He wanted this week to give Limbaugh the Medal of Freedom, but Rush had important medical procedures. Trump saw that it happened.

He's not going to miss his opportunity to serve the nation he loves.
Did Dems think there would be no consequences? Only Dems can attack and seek revenge not Trump am I right. :icon_rolleyes:

No one attacked tRump. He's just a vindictive asshole.

This is the man who said "don't worry dad, I'll be fine for telling the truth".

Turns out the truth is toxic in the tRump *administration*.
What really happened is that the Democrat Party and the Liberal Establishment put their best case forward, and the Senate acquitted. Trump is Forever Innocent.

Acquittals now have consequences, and we'll see Donald Unchained doing what he came to Washington to do in the first place for. To return America to greatness.

In reality, as expected the Trumpublicans in the Senate White-Washed The Don's corrupt act, but his actions and their undying support for those acts have been exposed to the public. Novembers coming.

If there is one thing I have learned over the years, Americans have short memories and by election time, Americans will focus on the economy and if they are doing better than four years ago and if they believe the economy is good and they feel better, they will vote for the incumbent. If not they will vote for the challenger.
Sure enough, the day after the republicans allowed this asshole unchecked power, he begins to pull a Vladimir Putin.

Trump lambastes his critics as he moves to target perceived enemies over impeachment
By Josh Dawsey, [URL=''][URL='']Robert Costa and Greg Miller [/URL][/URL]
February 6 at 11:42 PM

President Trump is preparing to push out a national security official who testified against him during the impeachment inquiry after he expressed deep anger on Thursday over the attempt to remove him from office because of his actions toward Ukraine.

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman — a National Security Council aide who testified during House Democrats’ impeachment hearings — will be informed in the coming days, likely on Friday, by administration officials that he is being reassigned to a position at the Defense Department, taking a key figure from the investigation out of the White House, according to two people familiar with the move who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss personnel decisions.

Vindman had already informed senior officials at the NSC that he intended to take an early exit from his assignment and leave his post by the end of the month, according to people familiar with his decision, but Trump is eager to make a symbol of the Army officer soon after the Senate acquitted him of the impeachment charges approved by House Democrats.

I predicted this very thing would happen. Oh well, they don't listen to me. If you're going to attack the king, you'd better be sure to kill him, and they had no chance to do that. Now they've poked the bear, and he has nothing to fear from them.
The initial witnesses who were interviewed in the Houses investigations. Not the guy who reported the corruption.

On a side note, that Capitol Subbasement you referred to is the same one the Republicans used to conduct their investigatory interviews. This was after they changed the House rules to give the Chairs of some committees standing subpoena power, meaning they didn't need to bother with a vote of the entire house to issue subpoenas to the Obama administration.
it wasn't an impeachment. hmmmm facts sure slide by you dude.

What wasn't?
anything to do with obammy and GOP subpoenas

Neither were the initial investigations into the Ukraine Scheme. But they were held in the same "really scary" Capitol Subbasement.
so, it wasn't impeachment. Impeachment is all different. funny, you all lose your facts all the time.

Exactly. The House had the same subpoena power then as they did when they investigated Obama. Any claims that their subpoenas were not valid have no merit. Thanks for helping me point that out.
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What really happened is that the Democrat Party and the Liberal Establishment put their best case forward, and the Senate acquitted. Trump is Forever Innocent.

Acquittals now have consequences, and we'll see Donald Unchained doing what he came to Washington to do in the first place for. To return America to greatness.

In reality, as expected the Trumpublicans in the Senate White-Washed The Don's corrupt act, but his actions and their undying support for those acts have been exposed to the public. Novembers coming.

If there is one thing I have learned over the years, Americans have short memories and by election time, Americans will focus on the economy and if they are doing better than four years ago and if they believe the economy is good and they feel better, they will vote for the incumbent. If not they will vote for the challenger.

That could very well be. They have the memory span of a goldfish.
What really happened is that the Democrat Party and the Liberal Establishment put their best case forward, and the Senate acquitted. Trump is Forever Innocent.

Acquittals now have consequences, and we'll see Donald Unchained doing what he came to Washington to do in the first place for. To return America to greatness.
After the election in November he will even be more determined. Many Presidents slow down a bit enjoying the reelection as an approval of the first term. Trump is not like that. And has to get even by finishing his promises the best he can.
I wonder if not having a Dem House or Senate majority always nipping at his ankles will diminish his fire? I can say from experience I am far more productive when there are obstacles to be overcome … something about mountains to climb.
Someone in your administration and another under your command try and out you. What do you expect to happen, a promotion ? Your are a moron.

trump committed crimes. OK? Nobody tried to out him. Other presidents have had people that opposed them, so just stop trying to make excuses for trump. The motherfucker is guilty of violations and the republican party helped cover up his crimes.

Trump is guilty until proven innocent am I right. That's how it works for Republicans in this country according to left wing scum.

trump is guilty because the evidence proves it. That's why he has blocked witnesses and documents.

That's true. The Trumpublicans know it and simply didn't want Americans to hear any more of the awful truth about their President from anymore witnesses, like Bolton, Perry, Mulvaney, or anyone else who was in the loop. The 52 Senators fully embrace the concept of withholding vital foreign aid money to coerce their leader to act against the political opponents of the party in power.

Most all Americans know it too.

See you in November.

I'l be home for Christmas......
  • Thanks
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Sure enough, the day after the republicans allowed this asshole unchecked power, he begins to pull a Vladimir Putin.

Trump lambastes his critics as he moves to target perceived enemies over impeachment

Hope you're on the list.

No business, no government would ever tolerate a high official or employee disloyal to and not in step with whatever policies, duties and roles assigned to him to carry out, thinking he was somehow above and better.

When Obama took office, he literally wiped the place empty of all the old people and put all his guys in place.

Only this twit IC2 would call that a "dictatorship."

The stupid fuck IB4 is pissed because now Trump is beginning to seriously wipe the filth and scum left over from Obumma out the fricking door!
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That's not the case under a system of justice where the accused is presumed innocent until the accuser proves guilt beyond a reasonable doubt,

Congress is not our system of justice. It's 95% politics. We are the jurors now. Why are they withholding all the emails relating to the Ukraine? Why wont those who the initial witnesses implicated had knowledge of the Ukraine situation testify?

Why are they withholding all the emails relating to the Ukraine?

Good question.

Why haven't we seen all of Obama's emails relating to the Iran deal?

Good question. Release the emails!
they cant the bitch destroyed 33 thousand of them !:abgg2q.jpg:

She must have put them in with the torture tapes from Gitmo. Never to be seen again.

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