And now the Dictatorship begins

This is all part of Trump’s Stalinist type purges. We know that Trump and Trumpers love Stalin and Stalinist language. Now their inner Stalin will come out. Purge the enemies of Trump!. Next will be the re-education camps. I am sure more than a few Trumpists on this board will be carrying the hammer and sickle at these camps.

Purge 'em like a mother fucker!!!
Of course you believe that. I would expect you to be goosestepping with Trump and herding all the non-believers into the camps. You are that predictable.

Dems were okay with camps since they're bad?
Why did the corrupt Ukrainian regime want Vindman as their SecDef?
I don't know that they did.

But if they did, it's because they wanted a good and honest man.

Lt. Col Vindmen put his life on the line for this country and was injured.

Have you ever done something so brave?

Have you?

If I remember you never served and the only reason you love Vindmen is because of your hate for Trump because I know very well you hated the man when he was serving in Iraq...

Are you saying that anyone that disagrees with Rump never served?
USMB is full of them.

They even have ISIS propagandists on here.

There are people from Iran, China, Russia, North Korea, and even places like Pakistan & Afghanistan.

All here trying to trash The United States and our President.

People who whine about a "dictatorship" in the greatest Country in the world are usually foreign based propaganda agents or freaking idiots.
You aren't helping.

I'm not here to help.

I haven't even posted on USMB for the past year.

I'm posting now because I saw a wild and reckless use of the Impeachment process.

Dems need to learn how to win at the Ballot Box to resolve political disputes.

The impeachment process is for Constitutional disputes upon which the Courts are forbidden from adjudicating, and takes a 2/3 Senate majority.
You called Trump "corrupt." You're spewing Dim propaganda.

I looked up the word Corruption in the Dictionary and it had a picture of the Rump.
Sure enough, the day after the republicans allowed this asshole unchecked power, he begins to pull a Vladimir Putin.

Trump lambastes his critics as he moves to target perceived enemies over impeachment
By Josh Dawsey, Robert Costa and Greg Miller
February 6 at 11:42 PM

President Trump is preparing to push out a national security official who testified against him during the impeachment inquiry after he expressed deep anger on Thursday over the attempt to remove him from office because of his actions toward Ukraine.

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman — a National Security Council aide who testified during House Democrats’ impeachment hearings — will be informed in the coming days, likely on Friday, by administration officials that he is being reassigned to a position at the Defense Department, taking a key figure from the investigation out of the White House, according to two people familiar with the move who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss personnel decisions.

Vindman had already informed senior officials at the NSC that he intended to take an early exit from his assignment and leave his post by the end of the month, according to people familiar with his decision, but Trump is eager to make a symbol of the Army officer soon after the Senate acquitted him of the impeachment charges approved by House Democrats.
Someone in your administration and another under your command try and out you. What do you expect to happen, a promotion ? Your are a moron.
When you join the United States Military, you swear an oath to the country and to uphold the American Constitution.

You don't swear to the chief Banana Republican.
Have you ever been in the military?

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Please stop this. I've been on the receiving end of a bunch of low IQ'd service members trying to use that to win arguments only to find out after they completely trashed the place that their leader was a complete and utter poser who never served but claimed all kinds of things for himself. So just don't go there. It's well beneath any of us.
Vindman is not the first American hero Republicans have slandered.

Guess which one of these two Republicans swear was sent by God to lead them?


Liberals want God removed from every part of our lives, yet you want me to side with a man solely because he's a churchgoer? Hypocrite much? LOL

And yet, when one Republican Senator votes within the teachings of his God then he's obviously a sinner.
I wonder how many Democrats wish they could have been like Romney and voted the way that truly wanted
Vindman is not the first American hero Republicans have slandered.

Guess which one of these two Republicans swear was sent by God to lead them?


Liberals want God removed from every part of our lives, yet you want me to side with a man solely because he's a churchgoer? Hypocrite much? LOL

And yet, when one Republican Senator votes within the teachings of his God then he's obviously a sinner.
I wonder how many Democrats wish they could have been like Romney and voted the way that truly wanted

The real question is, how many Republicans wish they could have been like Romney and voted the way they truly wanted. Fear can be a powerful tool.
Sure enough, the day after the republicans allowed this asshole unchecked power, he begins to pull a Vladimir Putin.

Trump lambastes his critics as he moves to target perceived enemies over impeachment
By Josh Dawsey, Robert Costa and Greg Miller
February 6 at 11:42 PM

President Trump is preparing to push out a national security official who testified against him during the impeachment inquiry after he expressed deep anger on Thursday over the attempt to remove him from office because of his actions toward Ukraine.

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman — a National Security Council aide who testified during House Democrats’ impeachment hearings — will be informed in the coming days, likely on Friday, by administration officials that he is being reassigned to a position at the Defense Department, taking a key figure from the investigation out of the White House, according to two people familiar with the move who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss personnel decisions.

Vindman had already informed senior officials at the NSC that he intended to take an early exit from his assignment and leave his post by the end of the month, according to people familiar with his decision, but Trump is eager to make a symbol of the Army officer soon after the Senate acquitted him of the impeachment charges approved by House Democrats.
Vindman is not the first American hero Republicans have slandered.

Guess which one of these two Republicans swear was sent by God to lead them?


Liberals want God removed from every part of our lives, yet you want me to side with a man solely because he's a churchgoer? Hypocrite much? LOL

And yet, when one Republican Senator votes within the teachings of his God then he's obviously a sinner.
I wonder how many Democrats wish they could have been like Romney and voted the way that truly wanted

The real question is, how many Republicans wish they could have been like Romney and voted the way they truly wanted. Fear can be a powerful tool.
They voted the way the Constitution meant them to. he was not guilty of impeachment
Vindman is not the first American hero Republicans have slandered.

Guess which one of these two Republicans swear was sent by God to lead them?


Liberals want God removed from every part of our lives, yet you want me to side with a man solely because he's a churchgoer? Hypocrite much? LOL

And yet, when one Republican Senator votes within the teachings of his God then he's obviously a sinner.
I wonder how many Democrats wish they could have been like Romney and voted the way that truly wanted

The real question is, how many Republicans wish they could have been like Romney and voted the way they truly wanted. Fear can be a powerful tool.
They voted the way the Constitution meant them to. he was not guilty of impeachment

He was already guilty of Impeachment. He's going to be guilty of impeachment forever. The ONLY question that the senate had to answer was , was it serious enough to remove him from office. He was not exonerated since he was already found guilty. The Senated voted not on his guilt or innocents but that there was insufficient evidence for removal from office. It's that simple. We all can make it difficult but it's pretty simple.
Liberals want God removed from every part of our lives, yet you want me to side with a man solely because he's a churchgoer? Hypocrite much? LOL

And yet, when one Republican Senator votes within the teachings of his God then he's obviously a sinner.
I wonder how many Democrats wish they could have been like Romney and voted the way that truly wanted

The real question is, how many Republicans wish they could have been like Romney and voted the way they truly wanted. Fear can be a powerful tool.
They voted the way the Constitution meant them to. he was not guilty of impeachment

He was already guilty of Impeachment. He's going to be guilty of impeachment forever. The ONLY question that the senate had to answer was , was it serious enough to remove him from office. He was not exonerated since he was already found guilty. The Senated voted not on his guilt or innocents but that there was insufficient evidence for removal from office. It's that simple. We all can make it difficult but it's pretty simple.
Found innocent.
Liberals want God removed from every part of our lives, yet you want me to side with a man solely because he's a churchgoer? Hypocrite much? LOL

And yet, when one Republican Senator votes within the teachings of his God then he's obviously a sinner.
I wonder how many Democrats wish they could have been like Romney and voted the way that truly wanted

The real question is, how many Republicans wish they could have been like Romney and voted the way they truly wanted. Fear can be a powerful tool.
They voted the way the Constitution meant them to. he was not guilty of impeachment

He was already guilty of Impeachment. He's going to be guilty of impeachment forever. The ONLY question that the senate had to answer was , was it serious enough to remove him from office. He was not exonerated since he was already found guilty. The Senated voted not on his guilt or innocents but that there was insufficient evidence for removal from office. It's that simple. We all can make it difficult but it's pretty simple.
Acquitted. free (someone) from a criminal charge by a verdict of not guilty
You aren't helping.

I'm not here to help.

I haven't even posted on USMB for the past year.

I'm posting now because I saw a wild and reckless use of the Impeachment process.

Dems need to learn how to win at the Ballot Box to resolve political disputes.

The impeachment process is for Constitutional disputes upon which the Courts are forbidden from adjudicating, and takes a 2/3 Senate majority.
You called Trump "corrupt." You're spewing Dim propaganda.

I looked up the word Corruption in the Dictionary and it had a picture of the Rump.
I looked up "anal sphincter," and it had your picture.
What really happened is that the Democrat Party and the Liberal Establishment put their best case forward, and the Senate acquitted. Trump is Forever Innocent.

Acquittals now have consequences, and we'll see Donald Unchained doing what he came to Washington to do in the first place for. To return America to greatness.

In reality, as expected the Trumpublicans in the Senate White-Washed The Don's corrupt act, but his actions and their undying support for those acts have been exposed to the public. Novembers coming.
It is.

And you won't enjoy it.

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