And Now, The Fix: Obama Campaign Staffer Caught Helping Voter Vote Twice [VIDEO]...

Keep in mind, the Democrats will be doing this all across the Country. Romney is leading right now, but by no means is it a lock. There will be massive fraud in this Election. That is the sad reality.
Well Truthmatters is back from her stay at English Grammar & Spelling Camp, so I'm just gonna cool it until we get the official word from her.
This is just one of the many sore-loser-excuses-for-losing threads that we'll see from the Republicans in the upcoming days.
This is just one of the many sore-loser-excuses-for-losing threads that we'll see from the Republicans in the upcoming days.

Massive fraud will occur. If pointing that out makes one a "sore-loser", than so be it i guess.
"Obama and Biden knew NOTHING about this! NOTHING! It is random and completely unrelated to the campaign as a whole!" "We will get to the bottom of this and heads will roll! We've been duped too! We're idiots, not election riggers!"

Which makes you ask the question: why would you vote for these incompetent boobs?
The Source is not as important when you have Video dumb ass.

Sure it is. If this was a legitimate story, I would expect it to have been picked up in reputable news outlets. Since the story has obviously not been run by reputable sources, and since this source has a history of fabricating stories, I have no good reason to believe this story.

The "reputable" news services are being totally silent on what happened in Bengazi. Why do you think that is?
Pshaa. This is nothing. They don't rig elections like they used to. Back when cooping gangs were common practice, now THOSE were the days.
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Pshaa. This is nothing. They don't rig elections like they used to. Back when cooping gangs were common practice, now THOSE were the days.

The 'Chicago Way' is alive and well. Look for massive fraud in this one.
Looks like The Fix is well underway. Obama posters in Polling places, GOP Monitors kicked out, Black Panthers? Man, what a mess.
Looks like The Fix is well underway. Obama posters in Polling places, GOP Monitors kicked out, Black Panthers? Man, what a mess.

I know. And did you hear about that Tyrannosaurus Rex stationed outside that polling place in Chippewa Falls?

Link or article, please.
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She's tells her to vote in only Florida.

This is video is another O'queef fail.

Nothing to see here, move along...:cool:
As I have said many times, the bulk of voter fraud occurs before Election Day and is unstoppable by Voter ID.


It's easy to cheat using send in ballots, it's easy to cheat using electronic ballots, the fucking chads, ya great idea, lol. I voted on a giant scantron like when we took the SAT's (except for Obama) and they feed it into a reader which seems the best way to do it. Just my opinion.
As I have said many times, the bulk of voter fraud occurs before Election Day and is unstoppable by Voter ID.


It's easy to cheat using send in ballots, it's easy to cheat using electronic ballots, the fucking chads, ya great idea, lol. I voted on a giant scantron like when we took the SAT's (except for Obama) and they feed it into a reader which seems the best way to do it. Just my opinion.
That's what we do here. Instant reporting to the Sec of State, and also a paper trail. Best way to go.
Yeah, the Northeast is allowed to "email" votes but our military servicemembers overseas may or may not get to vote. What a dis-service to these great people that put their lives on the line, to ensure our security.
The NWO Global Elites get what they want. There is no one who will help destroy our Constitution and Sovereignty, more than Barack Obama will. Just a puppet. That's all.
Videographer James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas caught an official for President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign helping who she thought was an Obama supporter set herself up to vote more than once in November.

Stephanie Caballero is the regional field director for Obama’s Organizing For America in Houston, Texas. Federal Election Commission documents show, according to Project Veritas, that Caballero is a “salaried employee of the DNC [Democratic National Committee].”

Caballero is caught on camera helping the young woman try to vote in Florida and Texas in the upcoming election.

“So I spent some time in Florida, and I got my voter registration card for Florida. So and I know that we have you know it’s a battleground state there,” the Project Veritas reporter said to Caballero.

“Keep it, keep it… so you’re going to vote by ballot?” Caballero responded...

@ProjectVeritas_ PROJECT VERITAS EXCLUSIVE: DNC Staffer Assists Double Voting In Support Of Obama - YouTube

Read more: New O'Keefe video: Obama campaign staffer caught helping activist vote twice | The Daily Caller


My God, this could have EARTH SHATTERING REPURCUSSIONS!!!! It could change the entire result of the election!

What is it you cons love to say? . . . . Stop whining!

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