And now what?

Citizens United and the secret, high dollar politics it breeds is wrong for the country.

Wrong for the country, or wrong for the influence peddling of the public employee unions?

Corporations, unions, trade organizations, small businesses, medium businesses, churches, etc SHOULD be on the same political footing: Transparency.

Before Citizens United they were not, now they are. Yet you complain because they are.

Every contribution dollar accounted for to a voting member of the public, every political ad signed by the sponsor. It ain't rocket science and it's fair.


So your boss should know that you sent $1,000 to the "Re-elect Barack" campaign and take appropriate action regarding the longevity of your career..

You sure you've thought this through?

As far as your last line of clap-trap, quoting out of context is too easy - I figured you for smarter than that kind of bullshit.

I didn't omit even one letter. What is out of context?

Let me just ask you how you feeeeeeeel about foreign corporations and governments buying political advertising in our elections, while remaining well hidden behind an American Corporate PAC Charter?

What is it about Citizens United that turns you on? Why do you support secret, unlimited, and unaccounted for spending in our politics?
Let me just ask you how you feeeeeeeel about foreign corporations and governments buying political advertising in our elections, while remaining well hidden behind an American Corporate PAC Charter?

I prefer to think, rather than to emote.

The facts show that foreign corporations do not play a role in political advertising. What the facts reveal is that a unethical left plays fast and loose to create false impressions with the "big lie" technique.

Citizens United does NOT allow foreign contributions, that is simply false. IF you or anyone over at ThinkProgress can demonstrate that ONE dollar of foreign funds is used in a campaign, then criminal charges will be filed.

Obama made the claim, but Obama is a notorious liar and is in the hip pocket of SEIU. In 2008 the most foreign influence came from George Soros, which I suspect you have zero issue with.

What is it about Citizens United that turns you on?

I support liberty - it's a concept that few grasp.

Why do you support secret, unlimited, and unaccounted for spending in our politics?

As with most on the left, you ask the wrong question.

Why should some be denied a voice in the process? Why should unions be able to influence members and support candidates, but the company footing the bill should not?
Why do you support secret, unlimited, and unaccounted for spending in our politics?

I don't know where people get the idea that an organization that runs a campaign ad does not have to disclose their contributors.
As for why I personally support unlimited free speech, well, I happen to believe in the First Amendment with a vengeance.

It is condescending to want to protect the minds of voters from ads which they might believe. Who gets to be the decider of that?
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As for why I personally support unlimited free speech, well, I happen to believe in the First Amendment with a vengeance.

It is condescending to want to protect the minds of voters from ads which they might believe. Who gets to be the decider of that?

Unlimited speech I have no problem with. It's the secretive Political Action Committees that small interests with well funded and therefore big voices promoting small agendas.

It's corruption, American Style and I NEVER said unions or ANY organization should be exempt from transparency.

Transparency, transparency transparency.

I'm sick and fucking tired of small, well heeled groups, both commercial AND political, pushing their small agendas nationwide because they can make or break a senate race.
Silencing everyone is better than allowing everyone a voice?

Nobody said 'silence'. Just transparency in politics.

Let's push this conversation out to next November, after the first Presidential election post Citizens United.
:eek: Hope you like nasty, negative political advertising.
So, if an individual wanted to give Santorum a c-note for his campaign it would not be unreasonable to make him fill out ten pages of forms and submit them, notarized and in triplicate, to the grand government overseer of who gets to exercise free speech, but asking someone to show an ID when they show up to vote is an outrage?
That's the fucking point. Unions shouldn't either.

That's the fucking point, the SCOTUS leveled the playing field by granting EVERYONE the same rights that the unions ALREADY had.

Do you even know what the case was with Citizens United? Do you have ANY clue what the actual issue that brought a case to the SCOTUS was?
Unlimited speech I have no problem with. It's the secretive Political Action Committees that small interests with well funded and therefore big voices promoting small agendas.

It's corruption, American Style and I NEVER said unions or ANY organization should be exempt from transparency.

Transparency, transparency transparency.

I'm sick and fucking tired of small, well heeled groups, both commercial AND political, pushing their small agendas nationwide because they can make or break a senate race.

So, if I donate to the "Elect Ron Paul" political action committee, I'm corrupt? But SEIU taking dues from paychecks and spending them on the "Reelect Barry" efforts are not?

Are you sure you've thought this through?
So, if an individual wanted to give Santorum a c-note for his campaign it would not be unreasonable to make him fill out ten pages of forms and submit them, notarized and in triplicate, to the grand government overseer of who gets to exercise free speech, but asking someone to show an ID when they show up to vote is an outrage?

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Unkotare again.
So, if an individual wanted to give Santorum a c-note for his campaign it would not be unreasonable to make him fill out ten pages of forms and submit them, notarized and in triplicate, to the grand government overseer of who gets to exercise free speech, but asking someone to show an ID when they show up to vote is an outrage?

That's just silly, and you know it.

AND, I happen to support a national ID for voting.
Unlimited speech I have no problem with. It's the secretive Political Action Committees that small interests with well funded and therefore big voices promoting small agendas.

It's corruption, American Style and I NEVER said unions or ANY organization should be exempt from transparency.

Transparency, transparency transparency.

I'm sick and fucking tired of small, well heeled groups, both commercial AND political, pushing their small agendas nationwide because they can make or break a senate race.

So, if I donate to the "Elect Ron Paul" political action committee, I'm corrupt? But SEIU taking dues from paychecks and spending them on the "Reelect Barry" efforts are not?

Are you sure you've thought this through?

You are either a bold faced liar, or an ignorant dupe that believes everything Rush Slimebeckibaugh Savage tells you. I belong to AFSCME... we have a VOLUNTARY PAC called "AFSCME VIP". SEIU has one called COPE... also completely voluntary.

That's right... our DUES go to our union leadership, who negotiates contracts, pays the paltry wages that our stewards get, and provides a strike fund that, in the rare occasion that a strike is called, we will be able to get a little something to make ends meet if negotiations go bad... not enough to live on, but enough to put some food on the table.

You assholes need to get your facts straight. But I suppose it's easier to spread lies than tell the truth.
You are either a bold faced liar, or an ignorant dupe that believes everything Rush Slimebeckibaugh Savage tells you. I belong to AFSCME... we have a VOLUNTARY PAC called "AFSCME VIP". SEIU has one called COPE... also completely voluntary.

That is over and above the monies the Unions are already paying in bribes to leftist politicians.

Top Overall Donors | OpenSecrets

That's right... our DUES go to our union leadership, who negotiates contracts, pays the paltry wages that our stewards get, and provides a strike fund that, in the rare occasion that a strike is called, we will be able to get a little something to make ends meet if negotiations go bad... not enough to live on, but enough to put some food on the table.

You're lying.

Unions donate hundreds of millions to democratic politicians each year.

{Enormous contributions, yes -- to the Democratic Party and the Obama campaign. Unions, most of whose members are public employees, gave Democrats some $400 million in the 2008 election cycle. The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, the biggest public employee union, gave Democrats $90 million in the 2010 cycle.}

Read more at the Washington Examiner: Public unions force taxpayers to fund Democrats | Washington Examiner

You assholes need to get your facts straight. But I suppose it's easier to spread lies than tell the truth.

I have my facts straight, and you are lying.

Nothing new here.
Not out of the regular dues they don't.... That's what I am saying. No one is forced to donate to a political action committee. It's fucking VOLUNTARY. Yes.... they donate a lot.... but it's not forced... you are a liar.
Not out of the regular dues they don't....

Yes, they certainly do.

A few states have passed "opt out" laws that make it legal for union member to opt out of having their dues used to promote leftism (and opt IN for having their tires slashed or being beaten in an alley.) But the majority of states have no such protection and the Unions use the dues as they please.

That's what I am saying. No one is forced to donate to a political action committee. It's fucking VOLUNTARY. Yes.... they donate a lot.... but it's not forced... you are a liar.

Again, that is patently false.
Not out of the regular dues they don't....

Yes, they certainly do.

A few states have passed "opt out" laws that make it legal for union member to opt out of having their dues used to promote leftism (and opt IN for having their tires slashed or being beaten in an alley.) But the majority of states have no such protection and the Unions use the dues as they please.

That's what I am saying. No one is forced to donate to a political action committee. It's fucking VOLUNTARY. Yes.... they donate a lot.... but it's not forced... you are a liar.

Again, that is patently false.

Put your money where your mouth is douchebag. Prove it to me... I can sit here and say that Santorum takes it up the ass from Ron Paul, but without proof.. I'm pissing in the wind... just like you.

You have no clue other than what Rush Slimebaugh and his Cronies tell you.

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