And on that note (Old Lady) of banning words


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Not to ban, but what one word drives you batshit?

One word for me. Just one. And it bugs me to even type it. Yes, for real. It BUGS me. But..I gotta tell y'all so you can make sure to use it to irritate me (which means iggie for you if you do :D)


I LOATHE that word. It sounds gross. It is gross. Semen, juice, whatever you wanna call it..just don't say the one I typed up there ^. Yuck.

So....which word for you?
(If this thread belongs in the rubber room or badlands...feel free to move it, Mods)
I have no words that drive me nuts... I would have to really dig really hard for one, so let me think on it...
Not to ban, but what one word drives you batshit?

One word for me. Just one. And it bugs me to even type it. Yes, for real. It BUGS me. But..I gotta tell y'all so you can make sure to use it to irritate me (which means iggie for you if you do :D)


I LOATHE that word. It sounds gross. It is gross. Semen, juice, whatever you wanna call it..just don't say the one I typed up there ^. Yuck.

So....which word for you?

Ah feel your pain. That's just a stoopid stoopid spelling. Wasn't necessary.

For me it would be *****. There, didn't have to type it but it's what Donald Rump grabs women by. Just sounds so contemptuous, because it is. I'd rather use OL's word but if I typed that it would just come out ****.

Ain't it weird that all these disgraced words have to do with s*x, yet we can type "kill" and "shoot" and "maim" and "destroy" all we like.
Not to ban, but what one word drives you batshit?

One word for me. Just one. And it bugs me to even type it. Yes, for real. It BUGS me. But..I gotta tell y'all so you can make sure to use it to irritate me (which means iggie for you if you do :D)


I LOATHE that word. It sounds gross. It is gross. Semen, juice, whatever you wanna call it..just don't say the one I typed up there ^. Yuck.

So....which word for you?

Just the noun? or the verb too?
When you poll a group of people on the “most disgusting words,” moist always wins in a landslide, the most-universally hated word in the English language. If you don’t hate that word, say “moist panties” and you will. “Moist” inherently makes the skin crawl because of it’s association both with our genital areas and our favorite desserts. You should not be able to describe that delicious German chocolate cake in the same way you do Nicolas Cage’s private parts. It’s just not part of God’s plan.

For a word to be truly objectionable, it shouldn’t just sound disgusting. The linguistic formula for a disgusting word is to make sure it contains phonetically abrasive letters like “b,” “g,” “m,” “u” and “o,” which you’ll find to be common among the most hated, but “bogus” doesn’t elicit the same response as “bulbous,” the sound of which makes you instantly queasy. When I took Spanish, “burbuja” (meaning “bubble”) was commonly cited as a favorite word amongst my classmates – because who doesn’t like bubbles?

Instead, to truly offend and revolt, it has to play on our deep-seated semiotic associations with meaning. It’s not just the word, but what it represents to us. When we hear “vomit,” we think not just of its unflattering construction but the very image it signifies. There are exceptions to the rule (“blog,” “lugubrious,” “slacks”), but for the most part, our revulsions come socio-culturally loaded. For further proof: Readers frequently write in that words like “liberal” or “conservative” disgust them, based on which team they bat for.

To compile a master list of the most hated words, I went through reader surveys of words that reportedly gross respondents out, from Slate to the Huffington Post, in order to bring together the worst of the worst. So if you ever want to say the grossest sentence in the English language, say: “While still in my panties, I vomited from my jowls a chunky curd of phlegm that was dripping with roaches, maggots and mucus and gurgled a moist egg yolk while I blogged about it.” I don’t know when that would come up, but there you are.

“Moist” And 28 Other Gross-Sounding English Words That Everyone Hates

Moist??? Never crossed my mind but now when I hear it..I will think of Nick Cage. :eusa_hand:
No words drive me batshit. Words are fun. That some people hate moisture (?!) reminds me of a very fun word: smegma.
I have never understood why people can't just say the word "pregnant" when a baby is coming. Instead they use the word "preggers". In my opinion, that is not a real word.

God bless you always!!!

When you poll a group of people on the “most disgusting words,” moist always wins in a landslide, the most-universally hated word in the English language. If you don’t hate that word, say “moist panties” and you will. “Moist” inherently makes the skin crawl because of it’s association both with our genital areas and our favorite desserts. You should not be able to describe that delicious German chocolate cake in the same way you do Nicolas Cage’s private parts. It’s just not part of God’s plan.

For a word to be truly objectionable, it shouldn’t just sound disgusting. The linguistic formula for a disgusting word is to make sure it contains phonetically abrasive letters like “b,” “g,” “m,” “u” and “o,” which you’ll find to be common among the most hated, but “bogus” doesn’t elicit the same response as “bulbous,” the sound of which makes you instantly queasy. When I took Spanish, “burbuja” (meaning “bubble”) was commonly cited as a favorite word amongst my classmates – because who doesn’t like bubbles?

Instead, to truly offend and revolt, it has to play on our deep-seated semiotic associations with meaning. It’s not just the word, but what it represents to us. When we hear “vomit,” we think not just of its unflattering construction but the very image it signifies. There are exceptions to the rule (“blog,” “lugubrious,” “slacks”), but for the most part, our revulsions come socio-culturally loaded. For further proof: Readers frequently write in that words like “liberal” or “conservative” disgust them, based on which team they bat for.

To compile a master list of the most hated words, I went through reader surveys of words that reportedly gross respondents out, from Slate to the Huffington Post, in order to bring together the worst of the worst. So if you ever want to say the grossest sentence in the English language, say: “While still in my panties, I vomited from my jowls a chunky curd of phlegm that was dripping with roaches, maggots and mucus and gurgled a moist egg yolk while I blogged about it.” I don’t know when that would come up, but there you are.

“Moist” And 28 Other Gross-Sounding English Words That Everyone Hates

Moist??? Never crossed my mind but now when I hear it..I will think of Nick Cage. :eusa_hand:

"Moist"? Wtf, moist?? :wtf: Does Duncan Hines know about this?

That's a bizzaro pick. I can see "maggots" on that list, that's about it. This writer's got strange perceptions.

Then again I have certain numbers that give me the creeps. And hell no I ain't posting what they are.

Not to ban, but what one word drives you batshit?

One word for me. Just one. And it bugs me to even type it. Yes, for real. It BUGS me. But..I gotta tell y'all so you can make sure to use it to irritate me (which means iggie for you if you do :D)


I LOATHE that word. It sounds gross. It is gross. Semen, juice, whatever you wanna call it..just don't say the one I typed up there ^. Yuck.

So....which word for you?

Ah feel your pain. That's just a stoopid stoopid spelling. Wasn't necessary.

For me it would be *****. There, didn't have to type it but it's what Donald Rump grabs women by. Just sounds so contemptuous, because it is. I'd rather use OL's word but if I typed that it would just come out ****.

Ain't it weird that all these disgraced words have to do with s*x, yet we can type "kill" and "shoot" and "maim" and "destroy" all we like.
I object to C*NT and its new equivalent f-h because of what it means. I'm not so great at articulating this stuff, but I found someone who put it pretty well:

Misogynists call women c*nts when they are put us back in our place, trying to remind us that what our identity boils down to is: our c* when a man calls me a c*nt, I know what he is saying: Know your worth — you are nothing. You are here for no other reason than for me to use. So lie down and shut up...
Glennon Doyle

One of the things about USMB I don't get is the silent, echoing halls when I float the idea of general respect for women. My f-h thread wasn't spurred by someone once again calling me a name. It was someone using a label to denigrate ALL women who have "stepped out of line" throughout history. Jesus.

Viewing women as sexual objects is so deeply embedded in our culture, so much part of our fabric, that even women can't see it.

In answer to Gracie's question, I can't think of a pet peeve word at the moment, although you come darned close with phlegm.

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